S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Preparing a New Generation of Educators for California Initiative – Goals and Objectives S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation New Generation of Educators for California Project Goals and Objectives The descriptions provided below are intended to provide brief summaries for each project participating in the New Generation of Educators for California Initiative. The narratives included below are excerpts taken directly from California Statue University (CSU) campus proposals and provide the goals and objectives of each funded project. Logic models for the eight proposals funded in Cycle I are also provided as references in the Appendices. Summaries from the five additional campuses that received awards in Cycle II are also included below, however there are not accompanying logic models for those projects. 1. Cycle I CSU Campus Goals and Objectives ............................................................................ 2 1.1. CSU Channel Islands ........................................................................................................ 2 1.2. CSU Fresno ....................................................................................................................... 2 1.3. CSU Fullerton ................................................................................................................... 2 1.4. CSU Long Beach .............................................................................................................. 3 1.5. CSU Northridge ................................................................................................................ 3 1.6. CSU San Luis Obispo ....................................................................................................... 4 1.7. CSU Stanislaus ................................................................................................................. 4 1.8. CalStateTEACH................................................................................................................ 5 2. Cycle II CSU Campus Goals and Objectives .......................................................................... 7 2.1. CSU Bakersfield ............................................................................................................... 7 2.2. CSU Chico ........................................................................................................................ 7 2.3. CSU East Bay ................................................................................................................... 8 2.4. CSU Sacramento ............................................................................................................... 8 2.5. CSU San Jose .................................................................................................................... 9 Page 1 of 9 S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Preparing a New Generation of Educators for California Initiative – Goals and Objectives 1. Cycle I CSU Campus Goals and Objectives 1.1. CSU Channel Islands We believe that our project will meet the challenges presented in addressing the Common Core Standards/Next Generation Science standards, Linked Learning and in STEM education by assisting in the following areas, as well as others. Goal 1: Learning the CCS/NGS standards and how to effectively integrate them into lesson design and curriculum (for our candidates, school district personnel and University faculty); Goal 2: Preparing students to know, use and fully understand CCSS/NGSS and their practicality; Goal 3: Building the capacity of the teacher work force (future and present); Goal 4: Integration of strong teaching content/pedagogy across curriculum standards; Goal 5: Recruiting and engaging students who typically have not considered STEM careers; Goal 6: Providing ongoing professional development around the new standards via Professional Learning Communities/Critical Friends Groups, Lesson Study, Linked Learning and other emerging mechanisms and good practices; Goal 7: Identifying needs and providing resources for instructional support and curriculum development across a spectrum of P-12, Community College and University partners; and Goal 8: Supporting current teacher practitioners to obtain National Board Certification. See Appendix 1 for the CSU Channel Islands Logic Model 1.2. CSU Fresno The overall goal of the revised program is development of highly prepared Liberal Studies (LS) students who are ready to enter the credential program with deep knowledge of content and CCSS/NGSS/CELD that they can apply as teacher candidates. They will be able to use technology to enhance their own learning and as a pedagogical tool in field placements, and will exhibit a developed sense of cultural and civic competence. Within 18 months, over 50 percent of LS students will be impacted by the revised program. By the end of 18 months: Objective 1: LS content and concentration courses will be revised to include learning outcomes that reflect pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), technology, and CCSS/NGSS/CELD. Objective 2: University content area faculty and pedagogy specialists will have completed a cycle of collaboration through a structured Faculty Learning Community (FLC). Objective 3: Field experiences in a minimum of five courses, in diverse contexts, with content and pedagogy integrated. Objective 4: Ten K-6 educators will participate in the collaborative FLC. Objective 5: Proactive advising, California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET) preparation, and PNGE Proposal – CSU, Fresno 5" student professional development will be systematically integrated into the LS program. See Appendix 2 for the CSU Fresno Logic Model 1.3. CSU Fullerton Goal 1: To strengthen university and school district partnerships with high-need district partners to improve teacher preparation programs. Objective 1a: Develop a pipeline for hiring and advanced education for teachers (adding additional credentials/authorizations/master’s degrees). Objective 1b: Provide professional development experiences (mentoring STEAM/high impact Page 2 of 9 S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Preparing a New Generation of Educators for California Initiative – Goals and Objectives practices/CCSS) and leadership opportunities for Cooperating Teachers (CT) and principals. Objective 1c: Increase and foster collaboration between general and special education teachers in p-12 classrooms and teacher preparation programs. Goal 2: To develop and implement Titan PRIDE (Preparation through co-teaching in a Residency-based Integrated model at professional Development sites to provide exemplary clinical Experiences). Objective 2a: Review and strengthen existing courses, create new courses, develop course schedules that will align with the new residency-based model and ensure articulation and alignment of the undergraduate GE pathway with CCSS/NGSS. Objective 2b: Use the co-teaching model to facilitate innovative cross-department collaboration and with partner LEAs to strengthen connections between content and pedagogy, improve communication, and increase collaboration. Objective 2c: Redefine the role of the university supervisor to an on-site clinical coach; include job responsibilities such as instructional rounds, video capture, pre-conference/observation/post-conference (POP) learning cycle, and mentoring support for CTs. Objective 2d: Implement the clinical POP learning cycle to foster selfreflection, goal-setting, and ongoing professional growth. See Appendix 3 for CSU Fullerton Logic Model 1.4. CSU Long Beach Goal 1: All initial credential program candidates will demonstrate deep content and pedagogical content knowledge and skill in implementing CCSS/NGSS/ELDS in urban sites. Objective 1a: Establish a faculty workgroup to redesign and implement curricula in four Liberal Studies (LS) capstone content courses and subject matter preparation courses in Single Subject (SS) to deepen understanding of the core disciplines (English, Math, Science, and Social Science). Objective 1b: Revise the SS literacy course to promote discipline-specific understanding and application. Goal 2: All credential candidates will receive structured and sequenced early field and student teaching experiences with teachers skilled in CCSS/NGSS. Objective 2a: Develop criteria in collaboration with district educators for the selection of highly successful and motivated master teachers. Objective 2b: Develop a clinical network of master teachers who receive training and support in mentoring and co-teaching, as well as in CCSS/NGSS implementation. Objective 2c: Establish two elementary and two secondary “anchor” clinical schools where clusters of our master teachers are located. Goal 3: Graduate high quality teachers who promote college/career readiness of K-12 students. Objective 3a: Develop a system of evidence-based metrics measuring candidate impact on K-12 student learning to be used for continuous program improvement. See Appendix 4 for CSU Long Beach Logic Model 1.5. CSU Northridge Our project is divided into short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals that coincide with Phases I, II, and III of the project. Short-term Goals: Transform secondary math and science pre-service preparation through: (1) Professional development (PD) for CSUN Faculty on computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL), (2) Summer Teacher Institute to prepare expert leaders Page 3 of 9 S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Preparing a New Generation of Educators for California Initiative – Goals and Objectives in teacher education (ELITE) Mentor Teachers, and (3) Pre-service student teaching responsive teaching cycle (RTC) collaboration with ELITE mentors. Short-term Objectives: (1) Support all the secondary science and math faculty to use CSCL in their courses, (2) prepare 20 inservice teachers to be ELITE teacher mentors, (3) prepare all pre-service math and science teachers to use CSCL (N~40), and (4) place at least half of all pre-service teachers in RTC sites (N~20). Mid-term Goals: (1) Gradually scale up the use of CSCL into other subject areas (e.g. English, Social Studies), (2) apply the CSCL/RTC model into the single subject credential program and develop it during student teaching field placements. Long-term Goals: Scale up CSCL to elementary and special education by applying CSCL/RTC model including the teacher institute and student teaching field placements. See Appendix 5 for the CSU Northridge Logic Model 1.6. CSU San Luis Obispo The transformative goal of this project is for Cal Poly to prepare teachers who can effectively implement CCSS and NGSS project based learning (PBL) to meet the needs of all learners across all abilities and grade bands. The primary goal of the first stage of this project is to give Cal Poly undergraduates, teacher candidates, faculty and K-12 teachers experience with PBL, experience developing projects collaboratively with a focus on inclusivity for all learners, and skills to evaluate the teaching, projects, and student learning in PBL settings. Objective 1: Deliver professional development in PBL to 25 Lucia Mar co-teaching pairs (cooperating teacher and teacher candidate) and 30 Cal Poly Faculty in Liberal Studies, Multiple Subject, Single Subject, Special Education and identified engineering faculty by the end of summer 2015; Objective 2: Develop a cross-disciplinary PBL undergraduate course that focuses on engineering (develop spring/summer 2015 and teach during the 2015-16 academic year); Objective 3: Develop 3-week Summer PBL Lab School within Lucia Mar for 6-8 grade, one project each grade level (pilot 6th, 7th, and 8th grade for 30 students each grade summer 2016); Objective 4: Collaboratively (New Tech teachers, cross-disciplinary Cal Poly faculty) develop engineering-infused projects: 2 for New Tech High’s physics course, 2 for Cal Poly PBL undergraduate course, 3 for Lucia Mar Summer PBL Lab School; and Objective 5: Develop framework for evaluating PBL teaching, PBL projects, and student learning in PBL environments, ideally adapting the Danielson Framework for Teaching. See Appendix 6 for the CSU San Luis Obispo Logic Model 1.7. CSU Stanislaus Goal 1: Partnership: Increased university K-12 partnerships/ongoing collaboration on teacher preparation. Objective 1a: Development and implementation of a clear structure for collaboration and shared oversight between Teacher Education and K12 partners on teacher preparation. Goal 2: Recruitment: Increased matriculation of high quality, diverse teacher candidates, especially for high needs credentials and authorizations. Objective 2a: Development and implementation of strategies for early identification and recruitment of teacher candidates. Objective 2b: Development and implementation of new high school teacher academies and Page 4 of 9 S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Preparing a New Generation of Educators for California Initiative – Goals and Objectives other programs for recruiting high school and undergraduate students to teacher preparation programs. Objective 2c: Development and implementation of programs and activities for undergraduate students aligned with teacher education clinical experiences. Objective 2d: Improved advising models for all teaching pathways, including subject matter authorizations in math and sciences. Objective 2e: Improved marketing of MSTI program to STEM students. Goal 3: Teacher Education: Increased number of exceptionally well-prepared new teachers for students of all backgrounds and abilities. Objective 3a: Strong set of CCSS, NGSS, and ELD standards-aligned and culturally sensitive content courses for undergraduates in teaching preparation pathways. Objective 3b: Coherent sequence of pre-credential experiences aligned with teacher education coursework and clinical experiences. Objective 3c: Development and implementation of after-school and summer programs with K-12 partners and teacher education. Objective 3d: Development and implementation of aligned protocols for all subject matter preparation and teacher education courses. Objective 3e: Implementation of training for cooperating teachers and university supervisors to provide optimal skilled mentoring. Objective 3f: Teacher preparation coursework and clinical experiences emphasizing 21st Century Skills and aligned with CCSS, NGSS, ELD standards. Objective 3g: Development and implementation of residential programs and yearlong student teaching placements for all credentials. Objective 3h: Methods courses taught at a school site. Objective 3i: Increased coordination between K12, undergraduate, teacher education, and induction programs on curriculum and instruction. Goal 4: Professional Development: Instructors in teacher education and undergraduate subject matter preparation programs familiar with CCSS, NGSS, and ELD standards and effectively use technology in their instructional practices. Objective 4a: Development and implementation of training for university faculty to incorporate CCSS, NGSS, and technology into teacher education and undergraduate courses. Objective 4b: Development and implementation of mentor program for university faculty engaged in subject matter preparation and teacher education. See Appendix 7 for the CSU Stanislaus Logic Model 1.8. CalStateTEACH Goal 1: Establish new and enrich current K-12 partnerships. Objective 1a: By August 2015, 7 lead mentors and 25 cadre mentors from K-8 partnership districts will be recruited, selected and oriented. Objective 2a: By June 2016, each partner will host a summer lab school project (elementary literacy, engineering, coding, boot camp) that would include candidates, site mentors, children, parents and community. At least 35 candidates will participate. At least 40% of participating K-8 students will demonstrate learning progress. Objective 3a: By July 2016, 90% of mentors will have participated in professional development. Objective 4a: By September 2016 a new cohort of 4 additional school partners will be added. Goal 2: Support faculty and mentor professional development. Tier One Objective 2a: By August 2015, 15 CalStateTEACH faculty and all 7 lead mentors will receive training to effectively implement the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in Mathematics, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Coding and Technology as evidenced by their participation in online professional trainings, regional workshops, and professional literature circles. Tier Two Objective 2b-1: By December 2015, online webinars in Mathematics, Next Page 5 of 9 S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Preparing a New Generation of Educators for California Initiative – Goals and Objectives Generation Science Standards, Coding, Technology and Engineering will be available for all faculty and mentors. Tier Two Objective 2b-2: By July 2016, 90% of CalStateTEACH faculty and mentors will receive training and preparation to develop cross-cutting elements of practice in the new Mathematics, Science and Engineering Standards including Design Thinking, 21st Century Learning and Life and Career Skills, and Habits of Mind. Tier Three Objective 2c (Not in funding cycle): By July 2017, a cohort of at least 15 CalStateTEACH alumni and mentors will conduct Teacher Action Research Projects with a System wide Results Symposium Goal 3: Transform STEM teaching and learning. Objective 3a: By September 2015, faculty, mentors and project management team will codify a revolutionary reconception of literacies and connectivity among disciplines, STREAM. Objective 3b: By December 2015, faculty and mentors will develop new clinical practice rubrics for STREAM instruction. Objective 3c: By July 2016, the Curriculum Committee will transform the curriculum to illustrate STREAM teaching and learning. Objective 3d: By July 2016, 90% of candidates will demonstrate competence in STREAM content and practices as measured through clinical observation. Goal 4: Create a customized Digital Support System for teachers, candidates, mentors, site administrators, parents and community. Objective 4a: By February 2015, the shell of the new project website will be completed and technology training materials will be uploaded. Objective 4b: By March 2015, the communication module and deliverables module will be completed and the professional literature circle portal will be open. Objective 4c: By April 2015, the mentor training modules will be uploaded. Objective 4d: From June 2015-July 2016 video teaching exemplars will be uploaded and catalogued in the repository. Objective 4e: By July 2016, a public portal will disseminate project results. See Appendix 8 for the CalStateTEACH Logic Model Page 6 of 9 S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Preparing a New Generation of Educators for California Initiative – Goals and Objectives 2. Cycle II CSU Campus Goals and Objectives 2.1. CSU Bakersfield The development of the STEM (FabLab) undergraduate course will support the integration of CCSS-Mathematics/NGSS focusing on skills and cross-curricular applications including the following: communicating effectively, thinking critically, and using diverse tools and resources. Objective: Teacher Education faculty and the Fab Lab Coordinator will develop a one-unit, ten week Mini-Fab Lab Academy course to be piloted in the first 18 months of the project and will serve 60 students from MSTI/NOYCE, Mini-Corp & the Teacher Quality Program (TQP). The Fab Lab will allow future teachers to gain experience in the engineering design process. The School of Natural Science, Mathematics, and Engineering recently received a Fab Lab, made possible by a grant from Chevron (the only lab in the entire CSU and UC system), offering hands-on, project-based learning opportunities with a particular emphasis on STEM education for students in grades K-12. CSUB will partner with three rural districts to revise and expand Camp BLAST!.BLAST! will serve as a hands-on STEM field experience for future teachers and expose students in grades 3-8 to the engineering design process and computing though project based lessons, exploring a variety of scientific topics. Objective: 60 undergraduate students and 60 pre-service teachers will be paired to co-teach in the STEM field experience Camp BLAST!. Pairs will have the opportunity to develop and co-teach over 50 hours of hands-on STEM lessons. Prior to Camp BLAST! all pairs will complete 40 hours of professional development. Camp BLAST! is a STEM based three-week summer program supported by an interdisciplinary group of faculty, which will serve 500-600 3rd-8th grade students from three rural districts. Funding from TQP will provide additional support for development of computing and engineering modules by TQP Residents and CSUB faculty. TQP residents will be paired with undergraduate students from the MSTI, Mini-Corps and NOYCE Scholars program. Another unique feature of this project will include access to the new Fab Lab on CSUB’s campus. Co-teaching pairs will be trained to create lessons that incorporate modeling, EDP, and digital fabrication. Students from Camp BLAST! will have an opportunity to visit CSUB’s campus to design and create a product in the FabLab. 2.2. CSU Chico The Triad Project will focus upon the use of university and school district partnerships to simultaneously engage the professional development (PD) of science education professors, teacher candidates and cooperating teachers around NGSS. The Triad PD teams will consist of one university specialist, one teacher candidate, and one cooperating teacher. The Triad will work collaboratively over a semester to design, implement, reflect upon, revise and submit a field-tested integrated instructional NGSS unit. The units will be designed using a template created at CSU Chico. Each NGSS unit will include the following: 1) All three dimensions of one or more NGSS standard, 2) Connections to CCSS ELA/Literacy, CCSS Math, and/or ELD standards 3) An innovative overall approach appropriate for the chosen standard (e.g., model-based instruction, Page 7 of 9 S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Preparing a New Generation of Educators for California Initiative – Goals and Objectives argumentation, 5-E model, place-based education), 4) A variety of instructional strategies to meet the needs of all learners, including students with special needs and emergent bilinguals, and 5) Both formative and summative assessments as integral aspects of instruction. Summative assessments will be “blended” in order to assess student performance in all three dimensions of the NGSS. 2.3. CSU East Bay Goal 1: Link the pedagogy and content of the courses across the pipeline. This will be evaluated by the Principal Investigators and Project Evaluator during the planning and implementation. Goal 2: Revise syllabi for four credential program methods courses and at least one undergraduate math course as well as one high school and one middle school math class. Consistency and adherence to CCSS Math standards will be evaluated by the Project Evaluator. Evaluation of the revised courses will also serve as evaluation for Goal 1. Goal 3: Co-teach four courses at both the university and high school levels. This will enrich the learning process for all students, model for them a variety of methods to master the varieties of expertise of the mathematical practice standards, and demonstrate to the credential candidates, undergraduates in the credential track, and math teachers in professional development a variety of pedagogical methods. The co-teachers will also embed within each of the courses the skills of Academic Discourse, and model through their co-teaching of these courses Academic Discourse, which is key to mastering Mathematical Practice Standard 3 of the CCSS. Goal 4: Create and deliver two professional development workshops for math educators in the Castro Valley Unified School District. The district has identified this program as an important component in their improvement of delivering high quality CCSS math education. One workshop will be delivered in the fall of 2015 and the second in spring 2016. The second workshop will include math credential candidates. Goal 5: Deliver a replicable template for co-teaching/use of Academic Discourse for use in other STEM fields. Identify faculty from appropriate departments who will participate in phase 2 of the project. 2.4. CSU Sacramento This proposed project addresses a critical need: to accelerate curriculum alignment and content and pedagogical preparation for NGSS and the ELD standards, while also connecting to the CCSS. Goal 1: Align the target undergraduate courses to NGSS, CCSS and ELD standards. Goal 2: Create well-articulated and well-integrated learning experiences for our future teachers in science and science pedagogy. Goal 3: Produce exemplary, standards aligned K-8 curriculum for use as model lessons in the target courses. The faculty learning community (FLC), consisting of science and math methods education faculty and science faculty who teach undergraduate science courses to Liberal Studies majors, a Sacramento State engineering faculty consultant and K-8 teacher leader consultants, will engage in academic year meetings and a 2015 Summer Workshop to: 1) Align target courses (required Liberal Studies science courses) to NGSS, CCSS and ELD standards, thus ensuring that the lecture, discussion, activities, and (revised) lab sections are congruent with all the new K-8 standards; 2) Map science and science education learning outcomes from target courses through the completion of the multiple subject teacher preparation program to ensure a coherent vision Page 8 of 9 S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Preparing a New Generation of Educators for California Initiative – Goals and Objectives and implementation plan for preparation to teach K-8, standards-aligned science to diverse populations; 3) Develop exemplar NGSS- CCSS- and ELD-aligned K-8 lessons that will be field tested and then revised for inclusion as models in transformed target courses; and 4) Adopt and implement transformed courses, following campus course approval processes. 2.5. CSU San Jose Goal 1 (Transform Elementary Teacher Preparation in Mathematics): Redesign SJSU CCTCaligned Multiple Subject Teacher Credential Program (MSCP) to include and address HLPC; coteaching; CCSS-M, and ELDS; & the needs of EL. Objective 1a: Develop HLPC/EL framework & teaching observation tool. Objective 1b: Redesign MSCP mathematics-related courses to integrate HLPC/EL framework & observation tool. Objective 1c: Develop Web based representations (incl. classroom video) of HLPC/EL-framework teaching of CCSS-M/ELDS in HLPCA co-teaching clinical settings for use in MSCP mathematics-related curriculum & HLPCA PD. Goal 2 (Establish the SJSU HLPCA for Clinical Preparation, Professional Development, Retention, & Sustainability): Provide a supportive, collaborative school-based professional learning community in clinical co-teaching contexts to develop mentor teachers (MT), teacher candidates (TC), & university supervisors who can skillfully implement & help sustain & institutionalize HLPCA teaching of CCSS-M/ELDS content for all students, especially EL. Objectives 2a: Institutionalize the HLPCA to support & sustain regular interactions & planning among stakeholders on matters pertaining to teaching the content & practice standards of the CCSS-M/ ELDS to all students, especially EL. Objective 2b: Increase all concerned stakeholders’ knowledge of effective HLPCA teaching in math & ways it can be skillfully implemented in a clinical co-teaching context by providing HLPCA PD to enhance teaching & mentoring skills in math. Page 9 of 9 S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Preparing a New Generation of Educators for California Initiative – Logic Models Appendices: Logic Models – Table of Contents Appendix Page 1: CSU Channel Island Logic Model 1 2: CSU Fresno Logic Model 2 3: CSU Fullerton Logic Model 3 4: CSU Long Beach Logic Model 4 5: CSU Northridge Logic Model 5 6: CSU San Luis Obispo Logic Model 6 7: CSU Stanislaus Logic Model 7 8: CalStateTEACH Logic Model 8 Appendix 1: CSU Channel Island Logic Model Appendices - Page 1 PNGE Proposal – CSU, Fresno Table 1 Logic Model Resources Human: LS Faculty, Coordinator; Kremen Faculty Fieldwork: CA MiniCorps, Teaching Fellows, Literacy Lab, S-L courses Strong District Partners Campus: Richter Center, TILT, CSALT, Tablet initiative, MSTI Advising Staff Outside Grants Diverse college freshmen and transfer students seeking education careers Appendix 2: CSU Fresno Logic Model " Need Activities Outputs Short Term Outcomes 18 months Long Term Outcomes 5 years Program Content and concentration courses need to include PCK, CCSS/NGSS/CELD Faculty need to integrate PCK, tech., CCSS/NGSS/CELD Revise content area course syllabi for content, pedagogy, tech., alignment with CCSS/ NGSS/CELD Create FLCs of LS content/concentration, Kremen, K-6 faculty Syllabi learning outcomes reflect PCK, tech., CCSS/NGSS/CELD Faculty learning evidenced by revised syllabi, collaboration, course revisions LS program provides access to multiple field experiences for application of PCK, knowledge of CCSS/NGSS/CELD K-6 teachers/admin. participate in FLC Min. one section of each STEM concentration course and 8 LS content courses revised One FLC cycle complete, 2nd FLC cycle begun Min. 5 concentration course sequences and one section of all LS content courses revised Min. one faculty rep. from each LS content/ concentration course Min. 5 field experiences revised to include current, research-based PCK, incorporation of CCSS/NGSS/CELD in varied contexts LS integration w/ K-6 partners evidenced by participation in FLC, strengthened LS field experiences Proactive advising model, CSET prep., student PD completed for first cohort Field experiences early, often, connected to coursework, PCK, CCSS/NGSS/CELD Field experiences need to be early, often, integrated w/ content area knowledge, connected with content courses Existing welldeveloped partnerships need to include undergrad LS program Student support needs to be systematically integrated into LS program Students Students need field experiences early, often; deep content & PCK; cultural and civic competence; understanding of CCSS/ NGSS/CELD Revise and increase frequency of field experiences in LS program, align w/ research-based pedagogical practices, CCSS/NGSS/CELD In collab. w/ districts identify: knowledge, skills, dispositions; field sites; mentor teachers; LS students Train advisors for proactive advising; develop CSET prep.; provide student PD opportunities Take revised content/ STEM concentration courses which include CCSS/NGSS/CELD, S-L, tech.; revised fieldwork experiences; PD, CSET prep. Proactive advising, CSET prep., PD opportunities offered for first cohort Demonstrate depth of knowledge of content, PCK, tech.; fieldwork early and often One LS cohort completes 18 mos. of revised LS program Well-developed pipeline integrating K-12 w/ LS and Cred. program; highly-prepared new teachers Proactive advising fully integrated, multiple opportunities for CSET prep., & student PD Highly-prepared LS students entering cred. program w/ knowledge of content, PCK, CCSS/NGSS/CELD, tech., cultural/civic competence Appendices - Page 2 Appendix 3: CSU Fullerton Logic Model Resources University/COE • Teacher Education Faculty • Co-Teaching Coordinator • University Supervisors • NSM Faculty • Training in and use of co-teaching model Partner Districts • Longstanding partnerships • Cadre of Cooperating Teachers (CTs) trained in co-teaching • Leadership support Teacher Candidates • Cohorts of Teacher Candidates (TCs) from EDEL, SPED, and EDSC Activities Outputs University/COE • Restructure mechanisms for monitoring TC progress • Use site based clinical coaches instead of university supervisors • Engage in cross department collaboration and co-teaching • Review and align methods and GE courses with new residency model • Implement instructional rounds for teaching candidates to provide structured observations • Develop a new Pre-Observation, Observation, and Post-Observation (POP) Learning Cycle for clinical coaches to use during formal observations. • Use video capture to foster self-reflection Partner Districts • Establish district/campus advisory boards • Provide ongoing professional development for CTs after initial co-teaching training Teacher Candidates • Enroll cohort of strong TC in new program • Place candidates with strong CTs who are trained in co-teaching and prepared to mentor an adult learner • Cohort of candidates take new methods courses • Participate in structured observations and reflections University/COE • Methods and content courses aligned with new residency model. • Clinical coaches who are highly qualified and better equipped to provide onsite mentoring and coaching for teacher candidates and cooperating teachers Partner Districts • Cadre of cooperating teachers who are trained to mentor teacher candidates • Strengthened partnerships with partner districts. • University-district hiring pipeline established Teacher Candidates • Three cohorts of highly skilled teachers graduate from newly designed program who are highly competent in subject matter and pedagogy and prepared to: 1) teach like it is their 2nd year; 2) collaborate; 3) engage in structured reflection; 4) Integrate technology to enhance instruction; 5) effectively implement the CCSS & NGSS; 6) meet the unique needs of all students Short-Term Outcomes Long-Term Outcomes University/COE University/COE • Well established residency program • Methods and content courses fully aligned with transformed program • Institutionalized monitoring system of all program components • Firmly institutionalized district/university partnership • Faculty who regularly collaborate and engage in co-teaching to improve instruction Partner Districts • Increased student achievement • Employer (district) and employee (teachers) job satisfaction • District partners will have stronger internal capacity Teacher Candidates • Expand program for more TCs • Multiple cohorts of beginning teachers demonstrating effective instructional practices across district partners (18 months) • Improved curriculum and enhanced data to improve candidate training and progress-monitoring • Increased collaboration between departments in the COE, as well as with faculty from the College of NSM Partner Districts • Pipeline of well-prepared new teachers for partner district Teacher Candidates • Highly skilled teachers with positions in partner district target schools • New teachers using strong content knowledge and pedagogical skills and addressing new standards (2-5 years) Appendices - Page 3 Appendix 4: CSU Long Beach Logic Model LBUSD: • District clinical liaison • District curriculum leaders • Master teachers • Supporting administrators Stage 2: August 2016 – December 2019 Resources CSULB: • CED Office for Clinical Practice and Partnerships (OCPP) • Faculty: teacher educators, content faculty (math, science, history, English), Univ. supervisors • CED Leadership • CED Center for Ed. Evaluation and Effectiveness (CEEE) Stage 1: January 2015 – July 2016 Activities Outputs Short-term Outcomes (18 months) • Establish joint workgroup to redesign LST • Revised standards-aligned curriculum • CCSS/NGSS/ELD -aligned, and SSCP curriculum aligned with CCSS, developed courses enhance student NGSS, and ELDS knowledge, skills, and dispositions • Jointly developed clinical practice PD • Jointly develop criteria for selection of modules available in database • OCPP supports enriched clinical network teachers placements of teacher candidates • Jointly developed criteria for selection • Jointly develop PD modules for network of master teachers, sites • Faculty and master teachers skilled teachers and University supervisors in standards integration in clinical • 30 network teachers and 4 anchor practice schools identified • Implement PD for network teachers and • Teachers collaborate and University supervisors • 60 teacher candidates placed at these participate in PD via the teacher sites • Create a database of PD modules network • Metrics to evaluate student learning • Place 60 credential candidates for early and culminating experiences with the 30 master teachers in the clinical network • Identify 4 anchor schools • Develop virtual teacher network for ongoing PD • Develop evidence-based metrics to assess candidate impact on K-12 learning. Activities Outputs Long-term impact (2-5 Years) • Design and implement PD that • PD modules developed and • All initial credential program candidates aligns pre-service coursework with network teachers and demonstrate deep content and pedagogical clinical practice University supervisors trained content knowledge, and skill in implementing to enhance pedagogical content CCSS/NGSS/ELDS in urban sites. • Expand clinical teacher network knowledge and provide ongoing PD • All credential candidates receive structured and • Clinical “anchor” school sites sequenced early field experiences and student • All credential candidates placed established with clusters of teaching with teachers skilled in CCSS/NGSS with network teachers network teachers • Well-established clinical “anchor” sites • Examine the impact of clinical network on candidate and program • Evaluation system measuring • Well-established clinical network of teachers. impact of candidates on K-12 outcomes • System of evaluation that indicates impact of student outcomes • Use system of innovative metrics candidates on K-12 student outcomes • Continual program to evaluate teacher effectiveness • Improved K-12 student outcomes who are improvement loop and impact on K-12 student college and career ready outcomes Appendices - Page 4 Appendix 5: CSU Northridge Logic Model Appendices - Page 5 Appendix 6: CSU San Luis Obispo Logic Model Logic Model Resources Multi-disciplinary team of Cal Poly faculty. School of Education, Engineering, Liberal Studies, Architecture, and College of Science and Mathematics Lucia Mar Unified Personnel. Teachers and administration at New Tech High who are wellversed in PBL Financial and other resources from the Cotchett Endowment and Teacher Quality Partnership Grant. Lucia Mar spaces and infrastructure. New Tech High classroom and other Maker classrooms for curriculum and PD delivery Danielson Framework for Teaching Teacher candidates K-12 Students Activities Outputs Short-term Outcomes Long-term Outcomes Develop engineering focused projects for New Tech science courses PD in PBL Develop and teach cross-disciplinary PBL course for Liberal Studies Majors Develop and teach 3week PBL Summer Lab School Develop Framework for evaluating PBL projects and teaching. Mapping Danielson framework to Project Based Learning PBL engineering Projects with UDL and inclusive elements for K-12 classrooms and summer lab school PBL Professional development design that can be used elsewhere PBL Crossdisciplinary course for Cal Poly students. Elements usable in other settings Framework for PBL Well-prepared teacher candidates Students who have experienced Project Based Learning Cal Poly and Lucia Mar faculty who have experience with design and implementation of PBL Changes in mindset regarding PBL Proof of concept teaching Project Based Learning with rich CCSS and NGSS projects Increase in cooperating teachers willing to co-teach one project per year. New teachers willing to embrace PBL to address CCSS, NGSS Content learning that helps students to meet CCSS and NGSS In-service and pre-service teachers who can effectively implement project-based learning to meet the needs of all learners across all abilities and grade bands (UDL) and CCSS and NGSS in all settings Each cooperating teacher and teacher candidate coteach using one PBL project per year SOE education courses incorporate PBL instruction to teach content PBL Summer Lab School that serves as professional development for district teachers and early field experiences for prospective teachers and candidates PBL Summer Lab School ported to CSUMB and TQP partner districts Students better equipped to problem solve and collaborate Increased interest in STEM fields Appendices - Page 6 Appendix 7: CSU Stanislaus Logic Model STEP (STANISLAUS TEACHER EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP) - LOGIC MODEL Needs Partnership: Align teacher preparation programs with K-12 needs through sustainable formal partnerships. Recruitment: Increase number of people seeking a career in teaching through targeted recruitment of high quality candidates of diverse backgrounds, especially those interested in teaching math, science, and special education. Teacher Preparation: Develop transformative teacher preparation programs that provide coherent ongoing educational experiences that expand the current “one-year” model and effectively prepare new teachers to teach highly diverse student populations in the era of CCSS and NGSS. Professional Development: Prepare and support teacher education and undergraduate university faculties in the alignment of instruction to CCSS, NGSS, and the use of technology in teaching and learning. Resources Partnership: Longstanding collaboration with local school districts and community colleges. Ceres Unified School District Modesto City Schools. Turlock Unified School District History of cross college cooperation on campus Recruitment: MSTI TRRP Math Grants Great Valley Writing Project (GVWP) Migrant Education Program University Outreach Pool of highly diverse undergraduate students HS Students in teacher academies Dept. of Communication Activities Partnership: Partnership agreement between TE and K-12 Advisory board for STEP Recruitment: Materials and system for targeted recruitment of HS and undergrad. stud. Inf. about Found. Level Math or Gen. Level Science certs. Scholarships - MSTI Connect with HS Teacher Academies “Future Teachers” Stud. Org. Meaningful early teaching experiences Teacher Preparation: Longstanding collaboration with local school districts and community colleges. Teacher Ed./Libs. Faculty Team of faculty across campus Established cadre of Coopr. Teachers and Univ. supervisors Existing partnerships w/under grad. progr. and schools Teacher Preparation: Strengthen STEM content, cultural awareness, pedagogy, and early clinical experiences Strengthen clinical components in TE and develop protocols Protocol and training for Univ. Supervisor and Coopr. Teachers Establish “Cluster Schools” and teach TE courses on K-12 sites Summer/after school program leadership training and curriculum Professional Development: Resources from Christie Sue Whalen-Saxton Fund for Excellence in Teacher Education and New Gen 90% of TE faculty trained in CCSS TE/K-12 partnership on CCSS/NGSS training Professional Development: CCSS, NGSS, and techn. prof. dev. to TE and undergrad. faculty Teacher Education – Coopr. Teacher lesson studies and classroom observations Support structure for CCSS and NGSS adaptation Outputs Partnership: Clear structure for collaboration between TE and K-12 on teacher preparation. University K-12 shared oversight over STEP project Recruitment: Early identification and recruitment of teacher cand. New programs for recruiting HS and undergrad. students Teacher candidates add Found. Level Math or Gen. Level Science certs. STEM students connected with MSTI Prospective teacher candidates connected with TE in HS and throughout undergrad. prep. Prospective teacher candidates receive training aligned with TE and opportunities for guided clinical experiences Teacher Preparation: Candidates with strong subject matter (math and science) background and cultural awareness New protocols for clinical coursework Improved support for teacher candidates from Coopr. Teachers and University Supervisors Resident TE communities Alignment betw. K-12 needs, undergrad. and TE coursework Pre- and post-cert. training and coursework aligned with TE Professional Development: Univ. faculty incorporate CCSS, NGSS, and technology into undergr. courses TE fac. and Coopr. Teachers work together on instruction Mentor system in place for univ. faculty Programmatic Outcomes Short-Term (18mo.) Long-Term (2-5yr.) Partnership: Increased university K-12 partnership Shared responsibility for STEP Recruitment: Improved pipelines for recruiting candidates into teacher education with a focus on high needs areas Foundation in place for early pedagogical and clinical experiences linked to TE for prospective candidates Increased awareness of Found. Level Math or Gen. Level Science certs. Increase number of minority students with STEM credential Teacher Preparation: Increased coordination between K-12, undergraduate, TE, and induction programs on curriculum and instruction. All subject matter preparation and TE courses use a similar protocol Coopr. Teachers and University supervisors better prepared to support student teachers Methods courses taught at a school site – year long placement Graduates ready effectively teach in an CCSS, NGSS, ELD environment Leader training for summer/after school programs aligned with TE TE linked to induction programs Professional Development: Univ. faculty trained in CCSS, NGSS, and technology Structure developed for an ongoing mentor system Ongoing meetings between TE and Coopr. Teachers Partnership: Well established structure for ongoing collaboration on all aspects of teacher preparation. : Recruitment: Established recruitment of outstanding high quality, diverse teacher candidates Increased number of teacher academies in HS High number of eligible candidates add Found. Level Math or Gen. Level Science certs. Double number of candidates in high needs credentials Teacher Preparation: Strong set of standards-aligned content undergraduate courses Effective partnership between TE and undergraduate educ. Coherent sequence of precredential experiences aligned with TE Teacher candidates prepared to teach 21st Century skills to students of all backgrounds and abilities Coopr. Teachers and univ. supervisors who provide optimal skilled mentoring. Residential programs established for all credentials Induction programs linked to TE Teacher candidates enter TE with substantial pedagogical knowledge and clinical experience. Exceptionally well-prepared and committed to life-long learning Professional Development: Univ. faculty incorporate CCSS, NGSS, and tech. into instruction Established structure for TE and Coopr. Teacher collaboration Appendices - Page 7 Appendix 8: CalStateTEACH Logic Model Partnerships, Support and Transformation Logic Model Inputs -Leadership -Mobile Initiative -Partnerships -Advisory Board -Faculty, Apple Distinguished Educators -Master Teachers -Tech Coordinator -Coding and Animation Pilots -Summer Literacy Projects -Urban and Technology Boot Camps -Bechtel Grant Activities -Deepen partnerships -Recruit lead and cadre mentors -Form management team -Provide professional development -Create Digital Support System -Implement Summer School Project -Remap curriculum -Redesign observation rubrics Outputs -Partnership schools organized in a network -Management Team -Faculty &mentors prepared in STREAM -Digital Support System -7 Summer School Projects -STREAM Curriculum -New Observation Rubrics -Candidates participate in richer clinical experiences Outcome -Faculty & Mentor knowledge and technical growth -Integration of STREAM instruction - Digital Support System to support good teaching -Increase of student participation in STREAM -First Year Teacher ready for classroom -More knowledgeable faculty and mentors -Improved clinical sites -Improved student and candidate learning -Coding and engineering new curricular offerings Impact Appendices - Page 8
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