Page 2| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings WELCOME The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. – Albert Einstein SA M PL E O N LY My name is Biddy and I am a certified professional Tarot reader with fifteen years’ experience, providing thousands of clients worldwide with insight and guidance on relationships, career, personal development and other important life matters. Drawing on my experience as a professional Tarot reader, I am here to help you understand everything you need to know to about the Tarot cards so that you can read the Tarot cards like an expert! I have already helped over 1,000 people learn the Tarot card m nings with my original Tarot eBook and I have helped many more via my w site at and Tarot blog blo Now, with The Ultimate mate Guide to Tarot Card Meaning I am th led to provide you with literally everything you need to know abo the T ot card meanings so that you can read the Tarot cards like an expert. This eBook wouldn’t be what it is without the inva uable input of a handful of amazing, generous spirits who kindly reviewed the eBook prior to its ease I extend a hea heartfelt thank-you to Inge Brust, Robert Neal, Tamara Ashton, Patricia Darrow, a a Michelucci, Cheryl Janzen, Diana Burbidge, Doucette and Bryan Frew. Andrea Dunn, John LaCorte, Aasheesh Ku ar, Lynne McGee, Nancy Do To all of my readers, visitors and fri nds o t here, thank you for your continued support. I hope you enjoy the Ultimatee Guide to arot Card Meanings and use the Guide to continue to build your own Tarot knowledge and wi dom. Warm wishes, [email protected] © Page 3| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome ................................................................................................................................. 2 How to Use The Ultimate Guide ............................................................................................... 6 Bonus Chapters 1-3: Numerology, Reversals and Card Combinations ....................................... 8 1. Tarot and Numerology ............................................................................................................................ 8 2. Reading with Reversed Tarot Cards ...................................................................................................... 10 3. Tarot Card Combinations ...................................................................................................................... 13 The Major Arcana ...................................................................................................................15 Overview ............................................................................................................................ . ................. 16 LY Quick Reference Chart: Major Arcana Keywords ...................................................... ................... 15 Fool........................................................................................................................................... Magician ........................................................................................................... ................................... 21 ...... Empress ............................................................................................ . N High Priestess .............................................................................................. Emperor .................................................................................. ...... O Hierophant ......................................................................... ............. Lovers .................................................................................. Chariot ................................................................. ...... Hermit ................................................................. Justice ....................................... Hanged Man ......................... .. ...... Temperance ......... .. M Devil ........................ ........ .............................................. 33 ................................................... 37 .................................................... 41 ............................................................................. 49 ..... ....................................................................... 53 ...... . ..................................................................................... 61 ........................................................................................................ 70 ............................................................................................................. 74 ................................................................................................................. 78 ....................................................................................................................... 82 SA Tower ....... .. ... ................................. 29 .... ........................................................................................................ 65 Death ............................ ...... ....................... 25 .................................................................................................. 57 PL Wheel of Fortune ............................... . .................................................................................. 45 E Strength......................................................... ......... ............ 17 Star .............. M on .... Su .... . ..................................................................................................................................... 86 ....................................................................................................................................... 90 .......... ............................................................................................................................................. 94 Judgem nt ................................................................................................................................................. 98 World ...................................................................................................................................................... 102 The Minor Arcana .................................................................................................................106 The Suit of Cups ....................................................................................................................107 Quick Reference Chart: Suit of Cups Keywords....................................................................................... 108 Ace of Cups.............................................................................................................................................. 109 Two of Cups ............................................................................................................................................. 113 Three of Cups .......................................................................................................................................... 117 Four of Cups ............................................................................................................................................ 121 © Page 4| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings Five of Cups ............................................................................................................................................. 125 Six of Cups ............................................................................................................................................... 128 Seven of Cups .......................................................................................................................................... 132 Eight of Cups ........................................................................................................................................... 136 Nine of Cups ............................................................................................................................................ 139 Ten of Cups.............................................................................................................................................. 143 Page of Cups ............................................................................................................................................ 147 Knight of Cups ......................................................................................................................................... 151 Queen of Cups ......................................................................................................................................... 154 King of Cups......................................................................................................................... ............163 LY The Suit of Pentacles...................................................................................... ................ 159 Quick Reference Chart: Suit of Pentacles Keywords .................................................................. .......... 164 Ace of Pentacles ........................................................................................ ...... Two of Pentacles ........................................................................................... .... ...... N Three of Pentacles.............................................................................. Four of Pentacles.................................................................. ..... O Five of Pentacles ................................................................ ............. Six of Pentacles ..................................................................... .. .......... ................. 165 ....................... 169 .............................. 173 ......................................... 177 ................................................. 181 ................................................... 184 .................................................................................. 187 Eight of Pentacles ............................................ . ......... ................................................................... 191 Nine of Pentacles .................................................. ....................................................................... 195 E Seven of Pentacles ............................................ Page of Pentacles ................... ...... ........ Knight of Pentacles................. Queen of Pentacles ....... . .. M King of Pentacles . The Suit of Swords ..... SA Quick Refer nce C Ace f Swords T o of ........... PL Ten of Pentacles ................................... ............................................................................... 199 ..................................................................................... 203 ....................................................................................................... 207 ...... .... ................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... 211 .......................................................................................................... 215 ..... ................................................................................................219 t: Suit of Swords Keywords ................................................................................... 220 ...................................................................................................................................... 221 ds . ..................................................................................................................................... 224 Three of Sw rds ...................................................................................................................................... 228 Four of Swords ........................................................................................................................................ 232 Five of Swords ......................................................................................................................................... 236 Six of Swords ........................................................................................................................................... 240 Seven of Swords ...................................................................................................................................... 244 Eight of Swords ....................................................................................................................................... 248 Nine of Swords ........................................................................................................................................ 251 Ten of Swords.......................................................................................................................................... 255 Page of Swords ........................................................................................................................................ 259 Knight of Swords ..................................................................................................................................... 263 © Page 5| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings Queen of Swords ..................................................................................................................................... 267 King of Swords ......................................................................................................................................... 270 The Suit of Wands .................................................................................................................274 Quick Reference Chart: Suit of Wands Keywords ................................................................................... 275 Ace of Wands .......................................................................................................................................... 276 Two of Wands ......................................................................................................................................... 279 Three of Wands ....................................................................................................................................... 282 Four of Wands ......................................................................................................................................... 286 Five of Wands .......................................................................................................................................... 289 Six of Wands ........................................................................................................................ .............. 297 LY Seven of Wands............................................................................................................ ................ 293 Eight of Wands ........................................................................................................................... .......... 301 Nine of Wands ........................................................................................... ...... Ten of Wands ................................................................................................ .... ...... N Page of Wands ................................................................................... Knight of Wands ................................................................... ..... O Queen of Wands ................................................................ ............. King of Wands ....................................................................... .. .......... ................. 304 ....................... 307 .............................. 310 ......................................... 314 ................................................. 318 ................................................... 322 Bonus Chapters 4-7: Top 10 Love/Career/Travel Cards and 25 Easy 3-Card Spreads .............. 326 ......... .................................................................. 326 E 4. Top 10 Love Tarot Cards .............................. 5. Top 10 Career Tarot Cards ................................. .......... PL 6. Top 10 Travel and Holiday Tarot Card 7. 25 Easy Three-Card Tarot Sp eads ........ ....................................................................... 327 ............................................................................... 328 ...................................................................................... 329 Appendix 1: Quick Reference C a ts .....................................................................................330 Quick Reference Chart: Maj Keywords .................................................................................... 330 t Suit of C ps Keywords....................................................................................... 331 M Quick Reference C Arca Quick Reference Chart uit of Pentacles Keywords ............................................................................... 332 SA Quick Reference C Quick eferen t: Suit of Swords Keywords ................................................................................... 333 Chart: Suit of Wands Keywords ................................................................................... 334 A F al W rd From Biddy ......................................................................................................335 The Learning Cycle Never Ends ............................................................................................................... 335 Develop Your Own Tarot Card Meanings ................................................................................................ 335 Don’t Give Up .......................................................................................................................................... 335 Practice, Practice, Practice ...................................................................................................................... 335 Believe in Yourself ................................................................................................................................... 336 Stay Connected ....................................................................................................................................... 336 © Page 6| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings HOW TO USE THE ULTIMATE GUIDE M PL E O N LY Life is meant to be simple. So, to help you make your life simple, please take the next couple of minutes to read my tips on how to make the most of The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings. First and foremost, this eBook is called a Guide because its purpose is just that – to guide you. It provides detailed and comprehensive Tarot card meanings, along with ideas on how to apply these to various types of readings. However, Tarot cards will often take on different meanings depending on the connection between you, the client and the cards that is unique to that moment in time. As one reader, Tara Michelucci, noted, “Each reading is like a snowflake - a snapshot in time and space.” Therefore, this Guide is not intended as the ‘be all and end all’ of Tarot card meanings. It is, erpret the cards, and is intended to inspire however, a very comprehensive guide to help you to interpret you to further develop your own Tarot card meanings as you continue nue your Tarot prac ce and 1 studies . The Guide draws upon the Rider Waite Tarot deck. I selected this particular deck as it is well-known and commonly used. If you prefer to use a different Tarot deck, you can still benefit from The Guide’s Tarot card meanings but you will need to take into account the different imagery and biddy@b symbolism associated with your selected deck and incorporate this into your www personalised meanings. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings can be used by Tarot beginners through to Tarot experts. It can be used as ce your a reference guide as you practice Tarot reading skills, or it can be used a study guide as you work through ach individual Tarot card. You can easily navigate t s Book sing either the Table of Contents within the document or the Bookmarks on thee side p nel o Ad be Reader. Simply click on your selected page or card in the Table of Contents or Boo mar ection ection to be automatically taken to where you want to go. For each of t 78 Tarot rds, The Guide presents: SA Releva t q ot s to enhance your general understanding of the card. descriptions to delve deeper into the symbolism behind the card. Images nd detailed descrip C rehensive upright and reversed meanings. readings, such as love and relationships, career Spec fi ficc meanings for common types of readings finances, spirituality, personality, health and well-being. Use these meanings for a d fina specific ttypes of readings (e.g. a relationship reading), or for specific positions within a reading (e.g. use the Personality meaning for the position, “Who is my ideal partner?”). Tarot card combinations and their possible meanings. Read more about creating your own Tarot card combinations in Bonus Chapter 3. Additionally, The Guide provides summary overviews and keyword reference charts for the Major and Minor Arcana (including each Minor Arcana suit). The quick reference charts can also be found in Appendix 1 for easy access to the keywords for all 78 cards. You may be interested in The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings Companion Workbook that provides you with the space and structure to create your very own Ultimate Guide. Visit for more details. 1 © Page 7| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings SA M PL E O N LY Finally, The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings includes 7 Bonus Chapters. Chapters 1 to 3 at the beginning of the eBook provide information on how to interpret the cards, including numerology, reversals and Tarot card combinations. Chapters 4 to 7 at the end of the eBook provide ideas for applying your Tarot knowledge by outlining the Top 10 cards for love, career and travel, and 25 easy three-card Tarot spreads. For even more eBooks and resources for learning Tarot, stay tuned at as these become available. © Page 8| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings BONUS CHAPTERS 1-3: NUMEROLOGY, REVERSALS AND CARD COMBINATIONS 1. Tarot and Numerology N LY Every card in a Tarot deck has a numerological association. These numbers are based on the principles of numerology and represent a material and spiritual evolutionary process that begins with the number 1 and ends with the number 9. For the Pip Cards in the Minor Arcana (i.e. those cards from Ace to 10 in each of the four Suits), this is relatively straight-forward. Aces are associated with 1, and then each card is numbered 2 to 10. For the tens, you can either treat it as a 10 or as a 1 (1+0). Court Cards do not typically have a numerological association. In the Major Arcana, you may need to add the single digits together to eate the appropriate numerological association. For example, the Wheel of Fortune is labelle 10. T find i associations you would add 1+0=1. Its association is therefore 1. Using Numerology in Tarot E O Numerology can be used to interpret a single card or a entire ading. Most traditional Tarot card interpretations already take into account the numero gical ass ciation. For example, the Ace of Wands is about new beginnings and determination, while e T n of Swords is about an ending. For a complete Tarot reading, numerology can be sed to detect certain themes by interpreting how many of each number appear in the reading. Fo example, the presence of three 4’s in a reading indicates fruition or the manifestation of an idea a ng wi h a foundation where things can grow. One PL The Meanings of Numbers in Tarot SA Two M New beginnings, opportu y, po ential, drive, ideas, inspiration and aspiration. One deals with that which is about to take fo m. Many 1s in a reading indicates that a situation is about to begin or is in the early stages of v lopmen Balance, lance, duali a crossroad or choice, partnership, assimilation, sharing, receptivity, diplomacy, gentle pe suasion, a plication, agreement and insight. Many twos in a reading indicate a waiting period her the e will be partial success but more will be revealed later. It can also indicate a reconciliation or eunion. Three Initial achievement of goals, growth, creativity, abundance, expression, communication and friendships. The number 3 is the cementing factor of 1 and 2 and goes through to 4 to bring about that which is desired and envisioned. Multiple 3s in a reading indicate group activities or situations involving more than one person. They can also indicate delay but with the promise of future success. Four Structure, foundation, stability, stagnation, manifestation, practical application, formation, concentration, organisation and planning. It is the result of a well-built foundation and proper application. It is what comes as a result of desire and imagination (i.e. the energy of 1, 2 and 3). © Page 9| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings Many 4s in a reading indicate fruition or the manifestation of an idea along with a foundation where things can grow. Five Instability, conflict, loss, opportunity for change, new cycle, change, expansion and recreation. In a reading, many 5s indicate change, challenge and fluctuation. They also indicate material prosperity but spiritual poverty if not properly balanced. Six LY Communication, problem-solving, cooperation, balance, relaxation, adjustment, harmony, compassion, social consciousness, domesticity, love, care, comfort and concern. Many 6s in a reading indicate adjustments in thoughts, attitudes or conditions. They also represent he ability to transcend difficulties. Seven N Reflection, assessment, motives, spirituality, wisdom, perfect order, bser ation nvestigation, meditation, discovery and knowledge. Seven represents faith – faith in the hings at cannot be im e truth develops and seen but nevertheless exist. Through life experience, understanding h faith in the unknown is attained. In a reading, many 7s indicate a perio of introspection or solitude. O Eight PL Nine E Movement, action, change, rebirth, regeneration, re-eva ti , capability, spiritual fortitude, success, recognition, accomplishment and attainment. Eight is associated with power that springs from within and enables one to accomplish tha which one sets out to do. Many 8s indicate a positive change of mind or status. Ten M Fruition, attainment, bringing hing to a c clusion, completion, fulfilment, selflessness, magnetism, idealism and giver of isdom or inspiration. Many 9s in a reading mean that situations or events are nearing compl n or ave just been completed and another plateau awaits. SA Completion, end of a cy e and renewal. 10 can also become 1 (1+0 = 1) and therefore the tens represent the same th s as the Aces but on a higher level. Many 10s in a reading can indicate endings which will oon transform into new beginnings. © Page 10| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings 2. Reading with Reversed Tarot Cards E Interpreting Reversed Tarot Cards O N LY Since I began reading the Tarot professionally, I have always used reversed Tarot cards. Tarot card reversals provide you with the opportunity to expand and deepen the insight drawn from your readings. Take 78 Tarot cards, reverse a random selection through your shuffling and suddenly you have doubled your Tarot deck to 156 different messages that you can possibly draw from. It is easy to see how reversed cards can add a whole new layer to your Tarot reading. Reversed cards can be interpreted in many different ways and this is what makes their usage in a reading even more interesting. It moves the reading into a multidimensional space where there is light and shade, simplicities and complexities, highs and lows. It allows you, as the reader, to offer our client a balanced perspective that is targeted towards their specific situation, which will in turn help them to make the right decisions about their path forward. However, finding meaningful interpretations can be a challenge. Visit any of those free Tarot reading websites and you will often find the descriptions of the reversed car s are peppered with dramatic words and phrases such as ‘deceit’, ‘betrayal’, ‘divorce’ and ‘tri ery a d fr ud’. With these interpretations, it is little wonder why people fear reversed cards and often hoose not to use them at all. Thankfully, there is a lot more to reversed cards than these sit let o To avoid anxiety-filled Tarot readings riddled with negati a d dra atic interpretations of reversed cards, it is important to understand more about t e many ays in which the reversed cards can be interpreted. In this way, you can effectively use reve ed Tar t cards to provide your clients with deep insight, constructive feedback and advice and rene hope. PL There are many methods of interpreting a reve ed Tarot card – I have listed eight of what I believe are the most useful and common These methods can be applied generally to each card of the Tarot deck. Traditional Meanings SA M When you first buy your a t dec it will usually come with a LWB (Little White Book). In this book, you will find the t ditio al m anings of the Tarot cards, and if you are lucky, it will also include the meanings of e r sed cards. Traditional meanings are based on those originating in France in the 170 and wer modified by later writers who used either the Etteilla- or Marseillesstyle decks. These mea gs read very similarly to those that you see on the free reading websites mentioned above. o example, the Three of Wands reversed – “Ulterior motives. Distrust, eacher , deceit In rrupter by misfortune. Reward for labours.”2 My advice is to use the treacher tradition l eani gs as a starting point. However, to create meaningful insight for your clients, you will most likely need to draw on the other methods outlined in this post. The Opposite of the Upright Card This is perhaps one of the most common (and simple) ways of interpreting reversed Tarot cards and involves simply taking the opposite of the upright meaning for that card. For example, the Ten of Pentacles upright represents financial security, an established family home and a successful career. The opposite of this is financial insecurity, a broken home or a job under threat due to restructuring. What you do need to be careful of is that this method may favour more negative interpretations and may needlessly emphasise fear and suspicion, rather than generating hope and faith. Look to the other cards in the reading to help the client find their way out of a potentially challenging situation. 2 Greer, M. (2002). "The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals". Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications © Page 11| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings The Energy of the Card is Increased or Decreased In this method, the energy of the upright card is either strengthened or weakened. For example, the Ten of Swords upright signifies a painful ending, betrayal and being stabbed in the back. If the energy is weakened, the reversed Ten of Swords may indicate that a difficult period is over and the client is beginning to heal from past wounds. If the energy is strengthened, the client may be struggling to move on from a difficult period and continues to feel hurt and betrayed. Knowing whether the energy is increased or decreased will depend on the surrounding cards, feedback from your client and your gut instinct. LY A Need to Return to the Lesson of the Previous Card E O N This method originates from Paul Fenton-Smith in his book "Mastering Mastering e Tarot" and is personally one of my favourites. It creates hope and a way forward for ents, nd is n easy way for new Tarot readers to interpret reversed cards. The basic tenet is that the c nt h not learned the upright meaning of the previous card and must therefore return to s o efore they can move forward. For example, the Two of Pentacles reversed indicates that in rder for the client to effectively manage their financial commitments, they need o retu to t e Ace of Pentacles and identify their financial goals and put into place appropriate plans to chieve those goals. When an Ace appears reversed, you need to return to the Ten, and w n the ool appears reversed, you need to return to the World. For the court cards, the Kin returns to the Knight and the Queen to the Page, however more often than not, reversed court ca ds reflect the negative characteristics of an individual. PL Blocked Energy Delays M The energy of the upright card s bl cked r epressed in some way. For example, the reversed Six of Wands can suggest that a l k of elf-esteem and self-promotion is impacting your ability to be successful. And the reversed ve of ups suggests that you are not allowing yourself to move on from a disappointing situatio SA Reversed car s indica e delays related to the card itself. For example, the reversed Eight of Wands suggests th t plans which were once fast-moving are now coming to a standstill and you are beginning to feel fr trated. The Wheel of Fortune reversed indicates that a project or major change may fee imm t b t you are having trouble getting it started. Unconscio Awareness In readings where I ask the Tarot what lessons have been learned, I often interpret a reversed card in this position as the client not yet being consciously aware of a particular lesson. In this sense, the energy of the card remains in the subconscious and has not yet been revealed to the client. “No” In a yes/no reading, a reversed card may simply mean ‘no’. Deciding Which Method to Use and When © Page 12| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings PL Exercise E O N LY You are now armed with a number of different methods to use for interpreting reversed cards but how do you select which method to use and when? Below are my tips to help you choose which method to use: Mentally agree to use one method only. Tell the Universe prior to a reading how you are choosing to read reversals, e.g. “I am going to interpret all reversals in this reading as blockages.” This way, the Universe will present your message to you through the most relevant cards, given that you are interpreting them in a certain way. Go with your gut instinct. Sometimes you just ‘know’ what the card refers to. Your intuition may be guiding you towards a specific interpretation, or you may be drawn to a combination of interpretations as listed above. Look at the other cards in the reading. Look for themes across the different cards in the spread you are using. For example, the Four of Cups reversed combined with the Hermit may ggest that your client is spending too much time alone and shut off from the world around t n the other hand, the Four of Cups reversed combined with the Nine of Cups reversed may indicate t t your client has lost their connection with their inner selves and exterior opportu ities are also unfulfilling. Experience. Sometimes, it really does just come down to experienc For e ampl , I know now that whenever I see the Three of Cups reversed in a relationship reading, n e tim out of ten it indicates that there is a third person involved and it is usually the c nt hat third person. To help you build your own experience, seek feedback from your clients t understand how the cards are playing out in their lives. Do this not only during or dire ly afte he r ading but also a few weeks or months later. Find out how a particular card cam to life fo your client and understand what it looked and felt like. If you are still learning and not y read ng for others, use a Tarot Journal to learn from your personal experiences of the rev rsed cards. By doing either of these two things, you will be able to build a selection of ‘stories’ a ound each reversed card which you can then use in future readings. SA M Step 1: Randomly select a card rom your a ot deck. Apply each method to generate a variety of reversed meanings for that card ou may like to use your Tarot Journal for this activity). Synthesise your notes to form a concise erpr ation of the reversed card. Step 2: Come up with thre d ferent scenarios which may relate to the reversed card. For example, you select the o of Swo ds reversed. One scenario might be that you worked yourself into the ground and did no allo yourself any time for rest or relaxation, and as a result, you ended up sick and off w k r a we . Add these scenarios to your interpretation. Step 3: For the next week, meditate on the energy of your selected reversed card and identify real-life scenarios w ich occur during this week that exemplify the card. Again, take note of these events yo Ta ot Journal. © Page 13| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings 3. Tarot Card Combinations When I was writing The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings, creating the various Tarot card combinations was one of my favourite activities. Combining Tarot cards enables you to see the interactions between different cards in a way that may strengthen a specific meaning, add some ‘light and shade’ to a meaning, or give it a different meaning altogether. It is an activity that can be enjoyed by Tarot beginners right through to Tarot experts, adding a completely new dimension to the practice of Tarot reading. It helps the reader to create a true ‘story’ from the cards and encourages a more integrated view of Tarot card reading. LY How to Create Your Own Tarot Card Combinations Working with Tarot card combinations requires you to first select a pair or group of Ta ot cards and then to develop the meaning and interpretation for those Tarot cards w en combined. Let’s take a deeper look at how to do this. N Select Your Tarot Card Combinations E O There are two main ways to select your Tarot card combi ns – random draw or a more ‘conscious’ selection of the cards. A random draw means that you randomly select two or more ca ds from your deck and then start working with the meaning associated with that grouping ards. A ‘conscious’ selection means that you draw one T rot card from your deck, and then consciously choose other Tarot cards that align w th your s lected card. Consider the general meaning of the card you are studying, and ask your lf: PL What other Tarot cards reinfo ce the card’s meaning? What other cards oppo po e e ca d’s eaning? What other cards giv this ard a completely different meaning? Use these ‘thought starte ’ to p you choose other cards that tie in to the selected card. M Develop Meanings for the T ro Card Combinations SA Once you have selecte you air of Tarot cards, then you can begin to explore the various interpretations f se card Start with the following questions to help you to develop your Tarot card combination mean ng What d these two cards mean together? ow o the energies of these cards interact with one another? How do the cards reinforce or oppose each other? Next, consider the following interactions: Suits – for example, how does a Cups card interact with a Pentacles card? Minor / Major Arcana – how does a Minor Arcana card interact with a Major Arcana card? Numbers – for example, how does a Two interact with a Nine? (See the Bonus Chapter on Tarot and Numerology for more insight into the significance of numbers in Tarot.) Symbols – what symbols are common across the selected cards and what does this signify? People – how do the people featured on the cards interact with one another? For example, is it a male and a female? Or is it a Page and a King? How would these people ‘talk’ with each other? Would they get along or would they compete with one another? © Page 14| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings You can add a further layer by looking at various Tarot card combinations in different contexts. Randomly draw a pair of Tarot cards and then identify the various meanings or interactions for, say, a relationship reading, a career reading, a spiritual reading, and so on. You can also use these methods for both upright and reversed Tarot card combinations. Take Note Remember to keep note of the various Tarot card combinations for future reference, in a journal, Tarot Workbook or notebook. When you do Tarot readings, you may like to look back at your notes and use this to quickly identify the underlying ‘story’ in the reading. The reading itself may also highlight further Tarot card combinations that you have not yet discovered. SA M PL E O N LY Overall, Tarot card combinations will facilitate more effective Tarot reading skills, abling you to draw upon the various layers and interactions that exist within a Tarot reading Not nly will you be able to interpret what each card means in a reading, you will be able to draw relation hips between each card and create a much more comprehensive and insightful reading for your client. © Page 15| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings THE MAJOR ARCANA Overview SA M PL E O N LY The Major Arcana (also known as the trump cards) form the foundation of the Tarot deck. They comprise of twenty-one numbered cards and one unnumbered card (the Fool). They represent a path to spiritual self-awareness and depict the various stages we encounter as we search for greater meaning and understanding. Accordingly, they hold deeply meaningful lessons. The Major Arcana represent the structure of human consciousness and hold the keys to life lessons passed down through the ages. The imagery of the Major Arcana is filled with wisdom relating to multiple cultures and esoteric traditions, including the Egyptian, Buddhist, Hindu, Sufi, Hebrew and Christian religions. It is important to study these images and contemplate heir messages. Look beyond the simple keywords and traditional meaning and seek out you own personal meanings as the more you understand their symbolism, the deeper you will un erstand what they represent. In his book Pocket Guide to Tarot (1996), Alan Oken suggests that the tw nty-two Major Arcana cards are like the mandalas of the Tarot. Mandalas are detailed images pa ted t canvas and used as spiritual study and meditation aids by the Tibetans. The Major Arcana cards can also represent Carl Jung’ss archetypes consistent, directing nature patterns of influence that are an inherent part of the collect ve un nsci us of our human nature. se themes mark, portray and symbolise stages in our p che whe eby we aim to become These balanced and integrated individuals. Along this journey we count challenges, face adversity, make difficult decisions and fight opposing forces. Each step of the way brings us closer to enlightenment. This is often referred to as the journey of the Fool3. When a Tarot reading is predominantly made p of M jor Arcana cards, you are experiencing life-changing events that will have long-term effects Th re are important lessons that you must pay attention to in order to progress further i your spiritual and personal quest. If many of the Major Arcana ca ds a e re rs d, however, it indicates that you are not paying attention to important life lesson and must return to the lesson of the previous card before moving forward. It is possible to conduct a ar reading using only the twenty-two Major Arcana. This method is typically used for Tarot a ngs relating to spiritual self-awareness or where you require deep insight from the collective ncon cious. If you are interested in reading more about the journey of the Fool, I highly recommend Karen HamakerZondag’s book The Way of the Tarot: Jungian Approach for Deeper Insight into the Tarot (1998). 3 © Page 16| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings Quick Reference Chart: Major Arcana Keywords Tarot Card Keywords Tarot Card Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit Fool Justice (Rx) Naivety, foolishness, recklessness, risk-taking Magician Power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness Hanged Man Suspension, restriction, letting go, sacrifice (Rx) Martyrdom, indecision, delay Intuition, Higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind Temperance Ba nce, mod ration, atien (Rx) Domination, excessive control, rigidity, inflexibility N Religion, group identificatio icatio , conformity, tradition,, beliefs Tower E Hierophant Devil O Authority, father-figure, structure, solid foundation PL on, challenging (Rx) Restriction, the status quo Lovers Love, union, r la nship values alig ment hoices M ol, ill p wer, victory, termination ass tio Star SA Strength, courage, patience, control, compassion control Moon Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance Sun Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point (Rx) Bad luck, negative external forces, out of control Hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity Illusion, fear, anxiety, insecurity, subconscious Fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality (Rx) Temporary depression, lack of success Judgement (Rx) Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal Wheel of Fortune Disaster, upheaval, sudden change, revelation (Rx) Release of fear, unhappiness, confusion (Rx) Weakness, self-doubt, lack of self-discipline Hermit (Rx) Detachment, breaking free, power reclaimed (Rx) Lack of faith, despair, discouragement (Rx) La k of control and d ion, aggression S rength Bondage, addiction, sexuality, materialism (Rx) Avoidance of disaster, fear of change (Rx) Dis armo imbalance, misalig m nt of lues Chariot urpose, meaning (R Imbalance Imbalance, excess, lack of long long-term vision (Rx) Creative block, dependence on others Emperor (Rx) Resistance o change, unable to move on LY Fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance Endings, beg nings, change, transformatio transition Death (Rx) Hidden agendas, need to listen to inner voice Empress Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law (Rx) Unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty (Rx) Manipulation, poor planning, latent talents High Priestess Keywords Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution (Rx) Self-doubt, refusal of self-examination World Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel (Rx) Lack of completion, lack of closure © Page 17| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings Fool Keywords Upright: Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit Reversed: Naivety, foolishness, recklessness, risk-taking Quotes LY “There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting.” – Buddha “A step.” – Lao A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Tzu “The The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss ” – D uglas Adams (Author of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) Description PL E O N The Fool is numbered 0, the number of unlimited potential, and does t act y have a specific place in the sequence of the Tarot cards. The Fool can come either h beg ning of the Major Arcana or at the end. The Major Arcana is often considered as the Foo ’’ss journey through life and as such, he is ever present and therefore needs no number. The Fool is shown at the beginning of his journey with nlimited otential. The sun rising up behind him represents the beginning of his journey. He is fac g no th-west, the direction of the unknown. He is looking upwards, toward the sky, o Spirit. He is about to step off a cliff into the material world but is he prepared? He has all th tools and resources he needs in the bag on his staff but he hass not opened the bag yet. The white ros n his le t hand represents purity and innocence. He has a guardian in the little white dog who will pro e him throughout his journey but who will also push him to learn the lessons the Foo came here to learn. The mountains behind the Fool represent the realms of Spirit that he h s jus left and will spend his life trying to regain. General M Upright Tarot Card Meanings SA The Fool is a card of p en new beginnings and innocence. This card shows the highest potential for you reachi g a state of renewal and new beginnings, where each day is an adventure and ea h mo t is lived to the fullest. It represents the beginning of all creativity and a desire to a mplis new goals (or to, at least, start the process of working towards those goals). This car indic s t t anything can happen and the opportunities are just waiting to be taken advantag of. The Foo presents the need to set forth on a new journey, one that is completely unknown and will take you to uncharted territories. This is all about new experiences, personal growth, development and adventure. The Fool asks you to take a ‘leap of faith’ and to trust in the Universe in that if you begin a new journey, you will find success. This Fool lives a carefree life, free from worry and anxiety. He does not seem to mind if he does not really know what lies ahead. The Fool may represent a choice to be made—one of vital importance. However, there are always many different options available and the choice must be made wisely. If you are facing a decision or moment of doubt, the Fool encourages you to believe in yourself and follow your heart no matter how crazy or foolish your impulses may seem. This is a time when you need to truly ‘believe’ and have faith in where the Universe is taking you. This is an excellent card to meditate on if you are experiencing a lot of fear in your life. The Fool enhances courage, risk-taking and the creative expression needed to open up new areas in your life. © Page 18| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings The Fool is always whole, healthy and without fear. He is the spirit of who we are, the spirit expressed and experienced as wonder, awe, curiosity and anticipation. We never know what is in the future but like the Fool we must blindly go forward. You need to trust that you are a spirit born into flesh to enjoy life and grow in experience. Take a chance and see what happens. Career, Work and Finances LY In the spirit of new beginnings, the Fool can often indicate the beginning of a new career path or a new job. This is likely to be an area where you have little experience and you are very eager to learn more as you go along. Imagine a graduate role or a change in your career direction where you are starting with completely fresh eyes. The Fool can also represent an entrepreneurial spirit. Filled with new ideas and possibilities, you will be inspired to begin a new enterprise or business. If you have been thinking about eaving your current job or taking a leave of absence, in time, you will. A word of caution, how ver ou may be particularly susceptible to ‘get rich quick’ schemes that leave you high and dry, so make s re you do your research before investing heavily. Personality Types SA M PL E O N Someone represented by the Fool promises to be unforgettabl v ional and challenging. Their social or cultural background is likely to be very diff ent from your own, requiring adjustments on both sides. Often the Fool symbolises a par ner wh is m ch older or younger than you. Whatever the differences, this person can open your yes, show ng you a wider world than you ever dreamed possible. His lust for life is undeniable, accomp nied y a hunger for knowledge and a passion for ideas. Together you will discover the pl yful side of love, for this person loves to have fun and longs to make you laugh. He may not hold down a steady job but will usually find the money to buy amusing gifts for you or spring imaginative s p ises. This card also represents someone who is a risk- ker, who is spontaneous and fun. He may be a little immature at times and still very muc a boy at heart but he is exciting to know and has a carefree energy about him. When you e wi h m, you feel a great sense of freedom and a sense that you can do anything! He off s you a new lease on life and a totally new perspective on love and what is possible. He is indeed free pirit and may not always make the best, most mature decisions. He likes to take life as com s rather than think out the consequences of his actions and take more calculated m s The Fool can represen om ne who is naive, gullible, and even child-like in their way of thinking. This is a d amer,’ amer,’ o e who lives in their own little happy world when it comes to the way they perceive thin s. Simi ly, the Fool is often portrayed as a wild youth, dancing in ecstatic abandonme at th edge of a precipice, ready to step off the edge. Relation ips a d Love The Fool often represents a new relationship when you are most definitely in the early stages of getting to know each other and exploring the different facets of the relationship. You may be somewhat afraid to really let go and explore the possibilities together but this nervousness and initial fear urge you forward and entice you to find out more about where the relationship is heading. Alternatively, you may not be ready for a commitment yet, even though others may be pressing you for one. You may be more attracted to the ‘bachelor’ lifestyle of being able to come and go as you please and to explore many new and different relationships all at the same time. You are seeking fun and spontaneity, rather than something more serious. This is fine but do not let your desire for fun make you overlook ‘the real thing,’ or true, deep love, should it come your way now. © Page 19| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings If you are currently in a relationship, you may be starting to feel a strong desire to step out on your own and explore new relationships. You may be on the verge of wanting to start your own new journey but just do not know how to make it happen. Spirituality N LY In living life as the Fool, you have a more direct inner connection with Universal energies and you feel the power of spirituality transformed into your everyday life. There is a sense of renewed youthfulness and awareness of the gifts of life. In his quest for new experiences, the Fool can also reflect a time when it feels as though you are experiencing life for the first time. You may be looking at your environment from a completely new perspective, being intensely ‘present’ and opening yourself up to the wonders of the world around you. The Fool reflects that your desire to explore many different approaches to spiritua y in order to see how they ‘fit’ with you. There is nothing wrong with this exploration, howeve be c eful not to get too carried away with any one thing while you are still exploring different options. The Fool can also indicate a powerful need to obtain deeper knowledg about spirituality, although your friends and family may not understand where this is comi g fro Reg dless, you have to do what is best for you. Wellbeing and Health PL E O The Fool can indicate that you are more accident prone than m t, so be mindful not to engage in high risk activities and to be more aware of the risks aro nd you. ou may be so caught up in the beauty of nature, for example, that you forget to look where u a e going and trip over! The Fool can also suggest that your health is v ry likely to be on the upswing. If you are having health problems, you are likely to find the peop an resources you need to make headway toward a full recovery. It may require you to take a differe app ach and perhaps even try a treatment that is a little ‘out there’ or that has not een fully tes d. Positive thought is important and should come fairly easily to you now. Suggested Card Combinations SA M Fool + Star—Blind Blind faith ( n posi ve sense) and a belief of new possibilities, transformation and change Fool + Judgement— Judgement —R R bir h he dawning of a new possibility or personal transformation Judgement—R Fool + World One jour y is coming to an end, while a new journey is about to begin Fool + Two of words Reluctance to take the first step or to take a calculated risk Wands—Expanding horizons and entering new territories. Potential for travel Fool Three of Wands Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Reversed, the Fool suggests that you may be acting in total disregard of the consequences of your actions and indeed acting ‘the fool’. You are trying to live ‘in the moment’ rather than planning ahead. You are acting recklessly, wanting to break free of the usual routine in order to ‘find yourself’ but doing it in a way that completely disregards others. The Fool reversed cautions you about potentially being taken advantage of or entering into a deal where you do not fully understand the consequences of your decisions. If you are offered an opportunity that seems too good to be true then it probably is. It is really important that you do almost a ‘due diligence’ on the opportunities presented to you to ensure that you are making the right choice and not simply going with the most enticing offer at the time. Be prepared for the challenges that lie ahead so that you are not taken by surprise. Do your research and make sure you are well prepared for critical events, such as job interviews, applications, presentations and meetings. © Page 20| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings In a career reading, the Fool reversed suggests that you do not want to be placed in a work situation where you are completely out of your depth and have no clue what you are doing. You want to feel at least competent that you know what you need to do and you most certainly do not want to look like the fool or the ‘newbie’ on the block. Even if you have not been in the workforce for a little while, you want to be respected for your experience to date and do not want to have to start at square one again. In a relationship reading, the Fool reversed can indicate that the nature of the relationship is highly changeable and uncertain, with spontaneity taken to a whole new level. You may be unsure about where the relationship is heading and whether you can safely depend on your partner. You may both be risk-takers with little consideration for the long-term consequences of your actions. This may bring with it excitement and suspense but also an underlying feeling of uncertainty and insecurity. LY Suggested Card Combinations SA M PL E O N Fool reversed + Devil—Short-term thinking for personal gain but longe term detriment Fool reversed + Six of Cups reversed—Naive Naive and immature; reverti g to c ild-lik behaviour Fool reversed + Page of Cups reversed—Naive Naive yet hopeful that a nega e sit ation may turn positive once again. You might be disappointed © Page 21| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings Magician Keywords Upright: Power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness Reversed: Manipulation, poor planning, latent talents Quotes LY “Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.” – Albert Einstein Spiritual love is a position of standing with one hand xtended into “Spiritual the universe and one hand extended into the world, letting ourselves be a conduit for p sing energy.” – Christina Baldwin (Author and seminar presenter) Description PL E O N The Magician is associated with the planet, Mercury and carries with skill, ogi ogi and intellect. The number of the Magician is one, the number of beginnings. The Magician s the bridge between the world of the spirit and the world of humanity. His right hand hol a staf ised toward the sky and his left hand points to the earth. He takes the power of th ivers and channels it through his gician’ss ead is the symbol of eternity gician’ own body and directs it to the physical plane. Above the M gician’s and around his waist is a snake biting its own tail, another s mbol of eternity. His magical table holds all four suits of the Tarot, each of which represents one of the primordial elements of the alchemists – earth, air, fire and water. These symbolise the appropriate use of mind, heart, body and soul in the process of manifestation. The Magic n’s robe is white, symbolising the purity and innocence found in the Fool but his cloak is red, re resen ng worldly experience and knowledge. In the bed of flowers at his feet this duality is repeated he mix of pure white lilies and thorny red roses. Upright Tarot Card Meanings M General SA The Magician typica a pe rs at a time in your life when you have the creative power and energy to create a new life ycle or yourself. You have the ability to take the power of the Universe and manifest you d ires. A s uation has been (or soon will be) presented to you that has all the inherent compone ts to allow the manifestation of your desires. Those desires may be spiritual (fire), phy ical (eart , emotional (water), or mental (air) (air), and are each aligned with the four elemen of t aro . You have the ability to make it happen! With the Ma ician, you are inspired to apply skill and initiative to accomplish all your goals. You have a strong desire to begin something new, to ‘do, act, or go forth’. A ‘can-do’ attitude and strong sense of optimism will dominate a new beginning and thus the decisions that you make will have positive results. The Magician sees you creating success in everything that you do. This is a card about manifesting your goals by utilising the skills, tools and resources that are available to you. You will come up with creative ways to solve problems and you will be able to use your existing knowledge and networks to arrive at solutions. The Magician is a good omen when you have a specific wish, when you begin a project involving creativity, or when you need to make a transformation of any kind. This is a great card for meditation when you need to call all the elements for help and wisdom. © Page 22| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings LY The Magician indicates that you can benefit from your creative forces if you can claim your power and act with awareness and concentration. This card is a signal to act consciously and act now provided you understand exactly what you want and are committed to getting it. You need to know what you are doing and why you are doing it. Be clear about your underlying motives and intentions. This is also a card of deep concentration on a specific task or activity. You need to be focused on a single goal or purpose at this time and you need to channel all of your energy, tools and resources towards this one goal. Commitment to the task is essential and as such, you will need to eliminate any distractions that will take your focus away from what you want to achieve. The Magician shows that you are doing a great job at pulling together all of the skills, resources and tools that are available to you in order to bring about an outcome that suits you. You are keeping a very pragmatic head about you and you are trying to remain as objective and ‘can-do’ as possible, even if you are worried on the inside. Keep this up as it will help you to creat as much success as possible. Keep thinking about what other skills and resources you can u e an keep focused on the task at hand. Career, Work and Finances M PL E O N In a career or work reading, the Magician shows that you are ‘in in your e men and you are successfully accomplishing the key objectives for your role. You ar ma er at what you do and you can successfully draw upon all of your tools, resources netwo ks and personal knowledge to get the job done. Expect to be receiving a lot of positive f edba esp cially around the way you accomplish your goals at work. dayThis card also shows that you are successfully utilising an appl ing your skills in your day-to-day work. Employees often feel under-utilised in what hey do but this is one card that shows you are feeling engaged and energised by the activities ou ar involved in at work. In terms of possible career paths, the Magicia as th illusionist) can display great manual dexterity. When the Magician is combin d with the C riot, it may indicate a skilled auto mechanic; with the Ace of Swords, someone who enj ys fenci g or a neurosurgeon; with the Three of Swords, a heart surgeon. More broadly, th Mag cian a reflect a project manager or general manager who must draw upon all of the resour s available to get the job done. Financially, the Magician ggest hat something will appear that will allow you to make more money, whether this is an ide a hance to do some work on the side or even a new position. Personality Types SA When you ne d to ake things happen, turn to the Magician. He knows how to use all the tools at his disposal in o de to come up with clever plans no one else would think of. This strong-willed individu rises to fa e any challenge head-on. A healthy mind is far more important to this person than a h alt y bo y. The Magicia represents someone who has the skills and resources to manifest their dreams. He is a successful figure as he draws on whatever is available to him to bring about ‘real’ outcomes. Perhaps if there is one area of development, it would be ensuring that his dreams can be made a reality, through careful goal-setting and action planning. This individual needs to be clear on what it is that will excite them, inspire them and bring about a sense of fun in their life. Relationships and Love In a relationship reading, the Magician reflects that you are both focused on making the most of the relationship and improving it where necessary. You are both keen to apply your knowledge and skills from previous relationships to your current relationship in order to make it work. You are also coming from a pragmatic way of thinking and will do whatever it takes to make the relationship a success. © Page 23| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings If looking for love, the Magician advises you to consider all of the tools and resources available to you right now that will help you on your journey. For example, you may consider internet dating, drawing upon your network of friends, or starting a new hobby to meet someone. This is about keeping an optimistic and ‘can-do’ attitude in order to manifest your goals. Spirituality Spiritually, the Magician sees you taking Universal knowledge and power, applying them to your material world. You are keen to create a link between the spirit, the mind and the body, without creating an over-emphasis on any of these three elements. You are in a grounded, centred frame of mind and are keen to actually practice your spiritual knowledge and beliefs, rather than to just contemplate or meditate upon spirituality as a concept. LY Wellbeing and Health O Suggested Card Combinations N If you are experiencing health issues, the Magician sees you considering all of your op ions and choosing the best path for treatment. You are action-oriented and focused on reaching a solution to any health issue that you may be experiencing. You are willing to try many dif rent tr atments or visit many different specialists, so long as you finally resolve your issue. In terms of your wellbeing, you remain optimistic and you feel c deal with any obstacle or challenge that stands in your way. PL E Magician + Temperance – A strong desire to use your ski to elp others and achieve a higher purpose Magician + Six of Pentacles – Skilled volunt ering or setting up a new charity organisation Magician + Eight of Pentacles – Incredible focu and concentration, especially at work or in your studies Magician + Eight of Wands – Sw ctio lea ng to successful results Reversed Tarot Card Meaning SA M Reversed, the Magician c n dica greed, deceit, manipulation and using one one’s skill and ability for negative ends. It can flect ric ry and cunning, untrustworthiness and mental confusion. The reversed Magician may present your typical used-car salesman. He uses his charm and his power in a manip ive man er to convince you of his point of view. Always be careful of this type type. Make sure you kn w w a ou are buying into rather than being swept away by the excitement he generates The Magi reversed often suggests that you may be out of touch with reality and struggling to bring yourself ba k down to earth. There may be confusion, impatience and lack of a clear plan. You need to retu to the lesson of the Fool and free yourself from the current situation in order to give yourself some perspective and reassess the situation. Ask yourself, where am I focusing my energy? Are my objectives clear? What skills and abilities are needed in this situation? How am I communicating with others? What do I want others to believe or see about me? The Magician reversed shows that you have a lot of skills, talents and abilities that are not being utilised at the moment and you feel as if your true potential is not being maximised. You may be feeling that you have so much more to give, that there are skills or talents that you have gained over the years that you are not using right now. There is something that you know you are very good at but you have not allowed yourself the opportunity to really nurture and explore this skill. You will already know what these talents are, so ask yourself, “Why am I not putting these talents to good use? What is getting in the way of drawing upon my skills and abilities and reaching my full © Page 24| The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings potential? What needs to change in order to be the best person I can be?” You will need to find opportunities where you can tap into this unused skill and bring it into the conscious mind. Similarly, the Magician reversed in a spiritual reading suggests that you have a particular skill or talent that could help your spiritual journey but you are not yet using this skill. For example, you may be studying the Tarot and reading for friends and family but what you do not realise is that you have a real talent for reading Tarot and could be reading professionally for a much wider audience. If you were to expand your Tarot reading, you may find that it also has benefits for your own spiritual journey. You may also be keen to pursue new spiritual interests, particularly if your current path is not fully meeting your needs. Be open to change and know that it is ok to build up a ‘portfolio’ of different spiritual beliefs and skills. Suggested Card Combinations SA M PL E O N LY Magician reversed + High Priestess reversed – Misuse of higher knowledge a d po er Magician reversed + Devil – Using your personal power to manipulate others Magician reversed + Seven of Swords – Untrustworthy person who is o ly out for personal gain Magician reversed + Eight of Swords – Trapped in a negative way of inkin an unable to progress forward ©
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