HETEROGENEOUS GRAVITY DATA COMBINATION FOR GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION RESEARCH Linking satellite gravity gradients to basin maturity; Case study for basin and petroleum system analysis in the Arabian Peninsula J.A.C. Meekes, Rader Abdul Fattah, S. Colella (TNO), J. Bouman, M. Schmidt (DGFI) J. Ebbing (NGU), R. Haagmans (ESA) THE GOCE SATELLITE MISSION PROVIDES GRAVITY MEASUREMENTS WITH UNPRECEDENTED ACCURACY AND SPATIAL RESOLUTION. THE GOCE DATA ARE USED TO STUDY THE CRUSTAL AND LITHOSPHERIC STRUCTURES IN THE NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC MARGIN AND IN THE RUB’ AL-KHALI DESERT (SAUDI ARABIA). THE OUTCOME IS USED TO MODEL THE TECTONIC HEAT FLOW WHICH CONTRIBUTES TO THE EVALUATION OF THE MATURITY OF THE MAIN PETROLEUM SYSTEMS. Introduction GOCE was launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2009 to measure the gravity gradient with high accuracy and spatial resolution. Two application fields for GOCE data are considered in our ongoing project: - The well explored and understood North-East Atlantic Margin. The sensitivity of satellite gravity and gradients will be compared to a lithospheric model established by integrating sources like seismic, magnetic and terrestrial gravity data. This analysis will provide a sensitivity matrix for different types of gravity data, which can be used for forward or inverse modeling. - In the Rub' al-Khali desert the GOCE data will be used to understand the structure of the crust and the lithosphere on a regional scale which will improve the estimation of maturity in the basin. This multi-party project has started in 2011 and will last for two years. Application to the Arabian Peninsula Methodology GOCE gravity gradient data, in combination with other data, will be used to better identify the structure and composition of the crust and the lithosphere in the area. Gravimetrical modelling of the basin will be performed in order to identify basement inhomo-geneities and Moho topography. The improved model of the crust and the lithosphere will allow us to calculate the history of the basal heat flow in the area. Based on that, the maturity of the main source rock units will be estimated (Fig. 2). 1. Gravity data combination and analysis The GOCE gravity gradients in the gradiometer reference frame will be used in forward and/or inverse modeling. The original gravity gradients be used as much as possible in the project, but it will also be combined with other gravity data, e.g. from GRACE, Satellite Altimetry or terrestrial gravity. Grids of gravity gradients will be computed at various levels. Within our project, the GOCE gravity gradient will first be evaluated in the well explored and understood North Atlantic Margin. The experience gathered here will be used as input to the Rub’ Al-Khali study. This includes a systematic analysis of the sensitivity to different lithosphere depths for the gravity potential, the gravity and the gravity gradient. The different accuracies of the different GOCE gradiometers is included as well. 2. Input geological model 3. Heat flow modelling The Arabian Peninsula is one of the key hydrocarbon producing regions in the world. The main petroleum systems in the region (the Paleozoic and Jurassic systems) are well explored in the eastern part of the Peninsula, but less understood further to the south and in the Rub’ Al-Khali basin (Fig. 1). The model includes the radiogenic heat of the basement due to the effect of radiogenic elements in the crystalline basement. Different structures in the basement with different radiogenic element concentrations can result in variations in heat flow. Fig 2: The workflow for using the GOCE gravity data for basin maturity evaluation. A geological model of the study area will be built. It is used in the gravity inversion, heat flow and maturity modeling. The geological model is based on public and literature data. It includes the sedimentary succession as well as the crust (Fig. 3). Fig 1: Simplified map of the Arabian Plate and main geologic and tectonic features. The study area (the Rub’ Al-Khali basin) is shown in the red frame (modified after Pallastro, 2003). Fig 3: Left panel: Depth top basement (modified after Konert et. Al, 2001) repoduced by permission from GeoArabia. Right panel: Geological cross section through Saudi Arabia (Pallastro, 2003). We use a grid-based stochastic tool (PetroProb) developed by TNO to model basal heat flow. Calculated tectonic heat flow is derived from the stretching of the crust and lithosphere. The tool relies on the inversion of basin subsidence data to calculate the tectonic subsidence in the area and the tectonic heat flow (Fig. 4). Fig 4: Schematic of the tectonic model of the lithosphere on which the basal heat flow modeling tool (PetroProb) is based (modified after Van Wees et al., 2008). 4. Maturity of petroleum systems The maturity of the source rocks in the basin are estimated based on the modeled heat flow. Regional maturity maps of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic systems in the Rub Al-Khali basin are produced. The crust and lithosphere models, derived from GOCE gravity data, as well as the produced maturity maps will be calibrated to known measurements in the area. Summary This study will demonstrate the added-value of the GOCE gravity gradient data for hydrocarbon exploration in underexplored basins such as the Rub’ Al-Khali area. The resolution of GOCE gradient may help in mapping crustal structures as well as the topography of the Moho. This will have direct applications for heat flow modeling and thus source rock maturity. References • Konert, G., A.M. Al-Afifi, Al-Hajri, Droste, H.D., 2001, GeoArabia, v. 6, no. 3, p. 407-442. • Pollastro. R.M., 2003, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2202-H. • Van Wees, J.D., Abdul Fattah, R., Bonte, D., Abbink, O., Cloetingh, S., 2008, TNO report. PP. 65.
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