Permanently Good Cooling TOPAZ brochure TP_01.en Y E A RJA H R E üh oli e a e n t l y Guoeordg u t g Co rm fD Au Pe an lt. 0 ng 0 8 8 adiabatic cooler k TOPAZ adiabatc cooler Outlet air Axial fan motor Water Distribution Channel Waterinlet finned Heat exchanger Dry Humidifying Pad inletair inletair Water Outlet Water recirculation Pump Water basin Benefits No water treatment required Nowatersprayinairflow elimination of legionella risk Keine Verschmutzung und Ablagerungen im Wärmetauscher euroveNTcertifiedtubecoils Very low water consumption Permanentmagnetmotors(efficiencybetterie3) Low operating costs easy maintenance due to vertical H shape of the tube coils : full access through the central door P rod uc t D es c ription_TOPAZ The TOPAZ adiabatic cooler is a heat exchanger; calories / heat are rejected to atmosphere. The TOPAZ adiabatic cooler is a combination of dry cooler with an adiabatic precooling section: this precooling section lowers ambient air temperature by evaporating water which is passed over the cooling / humidifying pads, specially designed for this purpose. The fluid is cooled in the dry tube coil by ambient air flow. The ambient air is drawn through the coils by fans mounted centrally on the top of the Cooler; the humidifying pads located in front of the coils are dry. The fan speed is controlled by an inverter depending on heat load to maintain the fluid outlet temperature. The warm air is then evacuated upwards. When cooling in dry mode is not effective and the ambient temperature reaches a predetermined set point, the pads are saturated with water from the sump. The ambient air is cooled by evaporation when passing through the pads.This precooled air then passes through the tube coils and cools the fluid. The water which has not been evaporated on the pads is collected in a collector and then flows to sump. The collected water is recirculated with the make-up water from the sump to be re-distributed over the pads. The water saving is significant and does not require water treatment, it is without risk of Legionella. The TOPAZ range is robust due to its design, choice of materials and vortex sintering. The device is specially developed for both urban and industrial environments. Number Of fANs 2 3 4 5 motor fans (1500 min -1) electric motor power consumption Technical Specifications WeTCooLiNg* WaTerreCirCuLaTioN PumP airvoLuMe (approximate) kW kW m3/ h T2B 410 1x0,75 100.000 9,7 2x6,5 T3a 520 2x0,75 150.000 14,5 3x6,5 T3B 600 2x0,75 150.000 14,5 3x6,5 T4A 700 2x0,75 200.000 19,4 4x6,5 mODeL axiaLfaNø 140 kW kW T4b 810 2x0,75 200.000 19,4 4x6,5 T5b 1030 2x0,75 250.000 24,2 5x6,5 *Nominalcoolingcapacity(watercoolingfrom37°Cto32°Catanambientwetbulbtemperatureof21°C) CoverpictureshowsModelT2B 04 00 mm dB(a) WaTerCoNNeCTioNs DN m3/ h Zoll(mm) diMeNsioNs Zoll(mm) Zoll(mm) mm mm mm operating weight dry weight height width frame support dimensionsL2 overall dimensions L1 overflow connection drain connection make up water connection (threaded male) make up water flow inlet/outlet water connection sound level in 15 m Tec h n i c al i n form at i on_ToPaZ WeighTs mm kg kg 57 65 0,5 1"(26x34) 1½"(40x49) 1½“(40x49) 3665 3265 2485 2804 2240 3250 58 100 0,7 1“(26x34) 1½“(40x49) 1½“(40x49) 5275 4875 2485 2804 3160 4200 58 100 0,7 1“(26x34) 1½“(40x49) 1½“(40x49) 5275 4875 2485 2804 3250 4395 59 100 1 1“(26x34) 1½“(40x49) 1½“(40x49) 6890 6490 2485 2804 4080 5100 59 100 1 1“(26x34) 1½“(40x49) 1½“(40x49) 6890 6490 2485 2804 4200 5360 61 100 1,2 1“(26x34) 1½“(40x49) 1½“(40x49) 8500 8100 2485 2804 5000 6050 DRAWING AND DIMENSIONS overflow valve drain connection water connection 05 Tube Coils The coil performance is certified by EUROVENT. in standard configuration, the coils are made of copperandthealuminiumfinsareepoxycoated.Tubesareexpandedthroughthefinstoensurebothoptimized mechanicalresistanceandthermalconductivity.Thetubethicknessis0.35mm,andthefinpitchis2.1mm.The largefinpitchoffersgoodresistanceagainstscalingoftheexchangesurfaces. Thecoilsarehydraulicallytestedto22Barasstandard. Pre-cooling by Evaporation The evaporation section is used to precool the ambient inlet air. The cooling / humidifying media covers the whole air inlet section, on both sides of the unit. The design and the choice of materials haveproventogivebestefficiencyandlongoperatinglife,bothin urban and industrial environments. The cooling / humidifying pads are made of special cellulose, chemically treated to avoid moisture and to improve water absorbing characteristics. selected to simplify maintenance, the media pads are not directional. it is easy to disassemble the cooling / humidifying pads, without tools or special access requirements. Theprecoolingcircuitisactivatedwhenthefluidoutlettemperature is higher than the set point. This wet / dry set point is around 23 °C in a continental climate, for a fluid outlet temperature of 27°C. Winter Operation Theprimarycycleisfilledwitha35%ethyleneglycolmixturethefreezingpointofwhichis -21,8°C(-7,24°f).attemperatures<+12°C(53,6°f)thehumidificationsystemisemptiedandthereplenishment valve automatically closed. Water Distribution The water distribution channels with long-term protection against corrosion with vortex sintering are entirely enclosed on the top and do not require any pressure to operate. They are located outside the airflow and distribute water evenly onto the pads, in full safety. Their “u” shape makes internal cleaning very easy, without any tools, handles are provided to aid removal. The water basin with vortex sintering collect the water which has not been evaporated. The water is sent to the sump for recirculation by means of a pump. Collected water is re-circulated without any bacteriological risk (temperature is below the level for bacterial growth): The water consumptionisdividedbyafactorof3. 06 The system includes a drain valve that automatically opens to dump the water from the sump if the cooling section has been usedduringtheprevious24hours. A drying cycle is incorporated which will drain the sump completely and will dry the pads and other items which come into contact with water by running the fans at high speed. This function minimises bacteria growth potential and prolongs pad life. The water recirculating system reduces water consumption by approx. 70%. Tec h n i c al I n form at i on_TOPAZ Motor fan sets The motor fan sets draw the air through the pads, then through the tube coils.. A permanent-magnet motor, specially developed to minimizepowerconsumption(overie3efficiency)isdirectly coupled to a low speed axial fan. This combination offers bothpowerefficiencyandoptimizedsoundlevel.Themotor fan coupling is direct and requires no maintenance. The blades are made of aluminum, and the hub is made of steel, the blade angle adjustment is made stand still. As an option, sound attenuators can be provided to significantlyreducethesoundlevels. Permanent magnet motors The TOPAZ adiabatic cooler is a cutting edge technology and shows exceptional performance (efficiencyoverie3).TheyareiP55insulation class,380/400v. This efficiency places the ToPaZ range at the peakofenergyefficiency,especiallyasthemotors are always controlled by the inverter. The magnets create their own magnetic field without induced power. The motor runs cooler, is smaller and lighter and has maintenance and handling benefits. also, a lower temperature means long-lasting bearings (grease nipples directlyonthemotor),andinsulationmaterials. These motors have a low carbon footprint => power savings. Efficiency Comparison efficiency % 98 96 Permanent magnet motor 94 ie3Motor 92 ie2Motor 90 88 86 84 Load% 0 20 40 60 80 Values for indication only 07 Control panel with automaton The TOPAZ range is totally « Plug and Play »: the siemens automaton equipped with hMi (human Machine interaction) as a standard, allows frequency drive and precooling operation controls without opening the electrical panel: it has an external screen for full safe maintenance. so it can be operated safely, without the use of specifically trained operators. Frequenz Steuerung Modelation installed as a standard across the whole range, there is one frequency drive per motor. Permanent magnet motor directly coupled to axial fan and regulated by the frequency drive offers thebestefficiency. Functions of The Automaton integralcontrolofthetimechip memory saving in case of power failure Liquid crystal display showing multiple lines of main parameters and alarms interfacefortheuserinordertoreadjustsettings Analogue outlet for fan speed control with frequency drive, installed as standard Digital monitoring including: pumps, drain valve, water / sump make up valve, drai and dry mode controls security password to protect all set data ethernet communication language is included as a standard, further communication modes are optional: modbus, LON, bacnet. Intelligent access. The TOPAZ adiabatic cooler has been designed with three main goals: thermal performance, hygiene and ease of maintenance. Therefore, the following technical features are incorporated: “H” orientation of the tube coils offers an ideal geometry for complete accesstothemotors,fansandtheinternalfinnedtubecoils,over the whole height of the cooler. TOPAZ is equipped with an automated roller shutter door without doorstep. The motor/fan set is removable and can be extracted from inside for maintenance. Accordingly, lifting equipment*, safety guards or walkways are not necessary to carry out maintenance. *As an option; a hydraulic lifting table allows removal of the motor/ fan set in complete safety, without means of other lifting equipment. Also, easy handling of the humidifying pads is possible, without any lifting/ handling tools. 08 Tec h n i c al I n form at i on_TOPAZ Frame and Panelling The TOPAZ range of products is robust and durable, due to its design and the choice of materials with corrosion-resistant coating in vortex sintering.ithasbeendevelopedfortheairconditioningas well as for industrial application. Surface Protection by vortex sintering All galvanized sheet metal parts are protected against corrosion by a unique coating process developped by e.W. Gohl GmbH. for this purpose the lightly sandblasted parts are heated up to processing temperature in a continuous furnace and then dippedintoadispersedplasticpowderbath(fluidizedcoating). Theplasticcoatisapprox.0,3mmoneachside.Thisbrilliantnon-poroussurfaceiselasticand impact-resistant, resistant against dilute acids and bases, light and air resistant and weatherproof. electrochemical corrosion – caused by globules, chips as well as grinding particles – can be avoided by vortex sintering. Technical Requirements model ................................................................................................ Anzahl der Axialventilatoren ............................ stück Cooling capacity ......................................................................... kW Air volume ...................................................... m³/ h Water inlet temperature ............................................................ °C fan speed .................................................... min(-1) Water outlet temperature ........................................................... °C fan power absorbed ............................................kW Wet-bulb temperature ................................................................. °C shipping weight .................................................... kg Dry-bulb temperature ................................................................. °C Operated weight .................................................. kg Change-over point from wet to dry cooling ................................ °C Dimensions l/b/h .............................................. mm (atconstantcoolingcapacity) Noiseat3mhorizontallyinextensionofthe Watercircuitflowrate .............................................................m³/ h fan shaft with free acoustic propagation, with .............................................................weight%ethyleneglycol approx. .............................................................. dB(a) Water pressure drop in the heat exchanger ............................. bar Water capacity in the heat exchanger ........................................ kg Accessories surface area of the heat exchanger ........................................... m² shipping weight with accessories ........................ kg fresh water consumption by evaporation ............................ m³/ h Als frischwasser kann jedes Wasser verwendet werden Operated weight with accessories ........................ kg Dimensions with accessories l/b/h .................... mm 09 Installation inordertoachieveoptimumthermalperformance,theToPaZ adiabatic cooler must be installed according to the following criteria: sufficientspaceleftonbothsidesofthemachine:minimum1,5m(2to 3fans)andminimum2m(4to5fans)asperthesketchesbelow;thiswill ensurethatairwillenterthecoilsefficientlytocoolthefluid. inthecaseofamultiplecoolerinstallation,itisimportanttoconsiderthe main wind direction; in order to avoid recirculation. The air outlet should be free from any obstacle. 1000 1500 When TOPAZ units are located adjacent to buildings, walls or enclosures, the top of the fan discharge casing must be aligned with or higher than any adjacent structure. special care must be taken to avoid recycling of warm saturated discharge air by drifting into any ventilation inlets located nearby. Consider and allow for future expansion. Parapet wall is not restrective provided y is equal to or less than2x. 1000 2000 recommended separation distances for smaller units (1to2fanunits) recommendedseparationdistancesfor3to5fanunits 010 Design pipework with some flexibilitytoallowforvibration, expansion and contraction. The dimensions given are minimum recommendations only. for unusual requirements or detailed recommendations on location, please consult us. Tec h n i c al i n form at i on_ToPaZ Recommended wet-bulb temperatures for the selection of wet cooling EUROPE °C Belgium Brussels 22,0 Denemark Copenhagen Germany Berlin Cologne °C Austria Peru Lima 24,5 Pakistan Karachi 27,0 Montevideo 24,0 Philippines Manila 26,5 Graz 21,0 Uruguay 20,0 Innsbruck 20,0 USA Boston 24,0 Saudi Dschidda 30,5 20,0 Salzburg 21,0 Chicago 24,0 Arabien Medina 26,5 20,0 Villach 20,0 Denver 18,0 Riad 25,5 Frankfurt a.M. 21,0 Vienna 22,0 Los Angeles 21,0 Sri Lanka Colombo 28,0 24,0 Hamburg 20,0 Poland Warsaw 21,0 New York South Korea Seoul 26,0 Leipzig 20,0 Portugal Lisbon 22,5 San Francisco 18,5 Syria Damascus 22,5 Mannheim 22,5 Romania Bucharest 22,0 Washington 25,5 Thailand Bankok 28,5 Munich 20,0 Russia Moscow 21,0 Caracas 22,0 People‘s Rep. Hongkong 28,0 Nuremberg 19,5 Sweden Stockholm 17,5 Stuttgart 21,0 Switzerland Basel 22,5 Australia 19,5 Bern 21,0 Australia London 19,0 Geneva 22,5 Alexandria 26,5 Manchester 20,0 Lucerne 21,0 Cairo 27,0 Zurich 21,0 Belgrade 23,0 United Kingdom Birmingham Venezuela of China Finnland Helsinki 19,0 France Bordeaux 23,5 Serbia Lyon 22,5 Slovakia Bratislava 21,0 Asia Marseille 23,0 Spain Barcelona 24,0 Afghanistan Paris 22,5 Czech Rep. Prague 21,0 Indien Straßburg 22,0 Turkey Ankara 19,0 Greece Athen 22,0 Istanbul 24,0 Rep. Irland Dublin 18,5 Ukraine Kiew 25,0 Island Reykjavic 14,0 Hungary Budapest 21,0 Italy Iraq Florence 21,5 Belarus Minsk 24,5 Genova 24,5 Cyprus Nikosia 24,5 Milan 23,0 Naples 24,0 North- and Southamaerica °C Palermo 25,0 Argentinien Buenos Aires Rome 23,0 Brasilien Rio de Janeiro 25,5 Turin 24,0 Sao Paulo 25,5 Venice 24,5 Chile Santiago 22,0 Croatia Karlovac 22,0 Canada Toronto 23,5 Netherlands Amsterdam 19,5 Montreal 24,0 Jordanien Den Haag 19,5 Vancouver 19,5 Iran Israel 24,0 Japan Adelaide 20,5 Africa Brisbane 24,5 Egypt Melbourne 23,5 Sidney 22,0 26,5 Algier 26,0 Angola Luanda 27,0 21,0 Ethiopia Addis Abeba 22,0 Bombay 28,0 Ghana Accra 28,0 Kalkutta 28,5 Kenia Nairobi 18,5 Madras 28,0 The Congo Brazzaville 28,0 Neu-Delhi 25,5 Liberia Monrovia 28,0 Bagdad 24,0 Lybia Tripolis 24,5 Basra 27,5 Madagascar Antananarivo 22,5 Abadan 26,5 Marocco Casablanca Teheran 22,0 Haifa 26,5 Jerusalem 22,5 Namibia Windhuk 19,5 Tel Aviv 26,5 Nigeria Lagos 28,5 Kabul 25,0 Hiroshima 28,0 Tunisia Tunis 25,5 Osaka 28,0 South Africa Cape Town 22,5 Tokio 26,5 Durban 24,5 Amman 20,0 Johannesburg 20,5 Kuwait Kuwait 27,0 Pretoria 21,5 Khartum 27,0 Port Sudan 31,0 Rotterdam 22,5 Cuba Havanna 26,5 Lebanon Beirut 25,5 North Ireland Belfast 17,5 Mexiko Mexiko City 17,0 Malaysia Singapur 28,0 Norway Oslo 19,5 °C Luxor Algeria Sudan °C These wet-bulb temperatures are taken from known publised weather data. They are no peak values, but are suitable for the selection of wet cooling. They will be reached or passed slightly four times in one statistical year. Changes due to other weather data are possible. 011 Januar2013 E.W. GOHL GmbH Pfaffenhä
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