Volume 5, Issue 1 Spring 2015 The LWS Airport Report L E W I S T O N R E G I O N A L - N E A I Z R P P E R O R T C E A U C O U N T Y T H O R I T Y FAA bars drones near airports The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has published a Federal Register notice on the safety of model airplanes and small drones that includes a new rule making it illegal to fly the vehicles within five miles of an airport. The notice comes after recent incidents involving “the reckless use of unmanned model aircraft near airports and involving large crowds of people.” The notice states that model aircraft and small drones must not interfere with manned aircraft, must be flown within sight of the operator, and can only be operated for hobby or recreational purposes. To operate an unmanned aerial vehicle within five miles of an airport, people will need to obtain permission from the airport operator and air traffic control ower. The notice mentions the FAA will take enforcement action against model aircraft operators who operate their aircraft in a dangerous manner. The enforcement authority is designed to protect users of the airspace as well as people and property on the ground. The FAA is also developing a plan to work with the law enforcement community to help them understand the new rules. The public can contact the FAA regarding unmanned aircraft concerns on the FAA’s safety hotline website, or they can call 1-866-835-5322, option four. The new interpretation is effective immediately but the FAA will accept comments on the notice until July 18. Government Security News November/December 2014 Print Edition Engineering Consultant Selection The Lewiston-Nez Perce Regional Airport Authority is currently underway with the selection process to select a new engineering consultant firm to assist with airport planning, professional engineering, surveying, testing, grant preparation and administration and construction inspection for airport related projects and for select capital acquisitions throughout the next 3-5 years. Qualified applicants can obtain additioanl information by contacting the Airport Manager’s Office @ (208) 746-4471. P a g e 2 South T h e Side Taxilane L W S A i r p o rt R e p o r t Construction The Lewiston-Nez Perce Regional Airport Authority is currently underway with a construction project that will allow for further development on the South Side of the airport. This project will consist of the construction of a vehicle access road, two taxilanes, site grading and installation of utilities at the southeast corner of the ramp. This project will allow for hangars to be constructed. The project was awarded to Crea Construction of Lewiston and is expected to be completed later this spring. Runway 8-26 Rehabilitation, Blast Pad Construction and Safety Area In November 2014 we completed a rehabilitation of RWY 8-26. This was one of those successful projects that also presented us with several challenges. The work included the removal of approximately 3” of porous friction course (PFC) asphalt and replacing it with grooved asphalt. In addition to the paving, we added blast pads extending 200 ft off the ends of the runway, paved the runway shoulders and smoothed out portions of the runway safety area that did not meet the current FAA Standards. This project was initially estimated to require a runway closure of at least 30 days. However, because Delta cannot use RWY 12-30 and Horizon would have to fly with restricted passenger loads, the constractors were allowed only two weeks of runway closure to get the work done. The project was completed by a Poe Asphalt Paving at a contract price of approximately $4.3 million dollars and actually came in under budget! The Lewiston-Nez Perce Regional Airport Authority would like to extend our thanks to all of the employees of Poe Asphalt Paving and their various subcontractors for a job well done. T h e L W S A i r p o rt R e p o r t P a g e North Apron Reconstruction This summer the Lewiston-Nez Perce Regional Airport Authority will begin a project to reconstruct a significant portion of the North Ramp. The area to be addressed will be the area just south of Stout Flying Service and will be completed in a phased manner so that we will minimize the negative impacts to flight and business operations throughout the period of construction. This project has not yet gone out to bid but we anticipate bidding to occur this spring with a phased construction schedule occurring late summer of this year. ARFF Station The Lewiston-Nez Perce Regional Airport Authority is in the early stages of updating our Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF)Station. This is a dual use facility that will serve both the airport and the City of Lewiston. The current station (Station 4) was constructed through an FAA grant in 1973 and is due for an update. The Airport Authority will be replacing our ARFF Truck next year and the fire trucks being manufactured today are too big to use the current facility. A new site for the station will also allow for added visibility of the airfield by the ARFF personnel and will provide for a much faster and safer response in the event of an emergency situation. A task force has been convened that includes members from the airport, airport board, city council, fire department, county commission and members of the local community in an effort to identify the best location for the new Fire/ARFF Station. As a joint station the design input and costs of construction will be shared by the airport, city and FAA. 3 WE’RE ON THE WEB: GOLWS.COM T N C R A A H E L E W I S T O N E Z P E R C E O U N T Y E G I O N A L I R P O R T U T H O R I T Y 406 Burrell Avenue Suite 301 Lewiston, ID 83501 Feedback... Feedback ... It isn’t just something we put up with. The Airpor t Authority Board and Staf f welcome input and suggestions — not just about this newsletter — but about ways we can improve our airpor t and the ser vice we provide you. Phone: (208) 746-7962 Fax: (208) 798-0591 E-mail: [email protected] For 70 years... Large enough to take care of your needs, small enough to care! Chris Hayes Chairman Mike Martin Vice Chairman Pat Nuxoll Treasurer Verl Long Secretary William V. McCann, Jr. Commissioner Bruce MacLachlan, A.A.E. Airport Manager Tye Harper Operations & Maintenance Denise Gustin Adminsitration
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