I NTERN APPLI CATION G OMI N I S T R I E SI N T E R N A T I O N A L T R A I NI NGU PS E E K E R SA ND P U R S U E R SO FG O D ’ SHE A R T T HR O U G HT HER E V E L A T I O NO F HI SWO R DA NDT HEP O WE RO F HI SS P I R I T ,S OT HA TT HE ME S S A G EO FT HEG O S P E L C A NB EE F F E C T I V E L Y P R E A C HE DA R O U NDT HE WO R L DA NDT HES P I R I TO F R E V I V A LC A NI G NI T EI N E V E R YB E L I E V E R ’ SHE A R T . Dear Future Intern: We are extremely excited to hear of your interest in the GO Ministries International Internship. Get ready to dive into an experience of a lifetime! Please complete the application and return it to our office as soon as possible. We won’t waste any time getting you the information you’ll need to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Because of the extensive traveling schedule of GMI, we ask that all interns be between the ages of 18 and 28 years of age and have graduated from high school or have received their GED. Please do not send applications to our office until you are at least a junior in high school. Don’t forget to fill out the entire application and enclose all the requested materials. Remember, the Personal and Minister’s Recommendations are part of your application. Encourage your references to fill out and return the forms as soon as possible. We can not process the application until all materials have been received. Intern applications will be accepted on a first come first serve basis presuming the applicant is qualified for approval. Once again, we are excited that you are interested in being on the forefront of what God is doing in these end times. GO Ministries International was created for youto grow in all that God has for you. Get ready to see Him move and change you forever! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our offices. We are looking forward to hearing from you! ::OUR 5-FOLD MANDATE:: We have a Kingdom to build. We have a world to save. We have a planet to invade. We have a God to serve. We have a devil to harass. Living Supernaturally, Pastor Steve Munds Executive Director Meredith Dorland Revival Tour Team Director School of Missions Director Josh & Laci Bredahl Ministry Directors Ryan Trottman School of Theatrics Director Children’s Ministry Director Jason & Kristin Montgomery Home Team Ministry Directors Elisa Valenzuela Office Administrator Jared Kutz 5-Fold Academy Director GO Ministries International | P.O. Box 18740 Shreveport, LA 71138 | p: 855.380.2238 | f: 318.754.4140 | e: [email protected] 1 IN TERN AP P L IC ATIO N Office Use Only Please return your completed application to: PLEASE ATTACH YOUR PHOTO HERE Application Received ____/____/____ GO Ministries International Attn. Admissions Department P.O. Box 18740 Shreveport, LA 71138 Application Fee Received by ____________ Ck# ____________ Application Letter Sent by ______________ Date ____/____/____ If you have any questions regarding the GO Ministries International application or Internship, please contact us at: 1.855.380.2238 ____ Accepted ____ Not Accepted (check one) Letter Sent by ____________ Date ____/____/____ Not for qualification. To be used for identification purposes only. PERSONAL INFORMATION We begin the process of reviewing applications in January of the year you are applying for. YEAR APPLYING FOR: SEPTEMBER 20_____ THROUGH AUGUST 20_____ Name: Social Security # & Driver’s License #: & Current Address: Permanent Address: City/ST/Zip: City/ST/Zip: Phone Number: ( ) Cell Phone: ( ) - - Date of Application: E-mail Address: Web Blog Address (Facebook, Twitter, Etc...): Shirt Size (Men’s T-Shirt) Check One: S M L XL XXL Age: _______ Date of Birth: ______/______/______ Marital Status: _______________ Spouse’s Name: __________________ Children’s Names and Ages: __________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION Name of High School Attended: _____________________________________________ Year Graduated: ____________ Name of College/University Attended: ________________________________________ Year Graduated: ____________ Major: _________________________________________________________ EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND From MO/YR To MO/YR Employer Supervisor’s Name Position 2 Address City/ST/Zip PERSONAL REFERENCES (List three people you have known for at least one year who are not related to you and have a definite knowledge of your character and qualifications) Name Address City State Zip Phone # Y O U R F A M I LY Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) Name(s): ______________ Cell Phone: (_____) _____-_______ Relation to You _________ ______________ Cell Phone: (_____) _____-_______ Relation to You _________ What do your parents think about GO Ministries International based on what they know about it? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe your relationship with your paternal Father. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ What characteristics in your Mother and Father would you like to see in your own life? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many siblings do you have? _______________ Where are you in the birth order? ____________________________ SPIRITUAL BACKGROUND Present Church Membership: ________________________________________ Church Phone: (_____) _____-________ Senior Pastor’s Name: ________________________ Phone (_____) _____-________ E-mail: _____________________ Youth Pastor / Leader’s Name: __________________ Phone (_____) _____-________ E-mail: _____________________ When were you born again (saved)? __________ Where? __________________________________________________ Have you been Water Baptized? (check one) Yes No When? __________ Where? _______________________ Do you know how to share the Gospel with someone? (check one) Do you have a regular Bible study or devotional program? (check one) Yes Yes No No If yes, please describe: ______________________________________________________________________________ Are you filled with the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4? (check one) 3 Yes No Year: ___________ DO YOU BELIEVE? (Check all that apply) That Jesus is God’s Son and the only sacrifice for sin. That man must be born again to receive eternal life. In the ability of the Scriptures. That divine healing is a part of Redemption’s purpose and is God’s will for all who believe? That Jesus arose bodily from the dead. In the in-filling of the Holy Spirit. That speaking in tongues is the initial birth and baptism in the Holy Spirit. M I N I S T R Y I N V O LV E M E N T What Christian work have you been involved in? __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you been discipled by someone? (check one) Yes No If yes, who, when, and where? ________________________________________________________________________ What did you learn from it? ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever worked with teenagers with problems? (check one) Yes No If yes, when and where? _____________________________________________________________________________ Did you grow up attending church? (check one) Yes No If yes, describe that experience. _______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ When you were a teenager, what was your youth ministry experience like? _____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPIRITUAL WALK How did you receive Christ (or a new birth experience)? ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ How is your walk with God and your relationship with Him? ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 ABOUT YOU Please attach answers on a separate piece of paper 1. How did you learn about GO Ministries International? 2. Why are you pursuing the Five-Fold Ministry/Ministry of Helps? 3. What do you think are the biggest issues facing young people today? 4. What would others say is your strongest quality? 5. What would others say is your weakest quality? 6. What would be the biggest compliment you could receive? 7. What comment would wound you the most? 8. When is it difficult to submit to others? 9. What is your goal in life? 10. What are your ministry goals for the future? 11. What do you wish to gain from being an intern with GO Ministries International? 12. “If I don’t intern with GO Ministries International, I will....” GOALS AND VISION What are your goals for this year’s internship? ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is your vision for this year’s internship? _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is your 5-year vision? ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Are you dealing with or have you dealt with a eating disorder? (check one) Yes No If yes, please explain. _______________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any physical, mental or emotional disabilities, instabilities or illnesses? (check one) Yes No If yes, please explain. _______________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been convicted of anything other than a traffic violation? (check one) Yes No If yes, please explain. _______________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently dating? (check one) Not at this point Occasionally Regularly Steadily Married What binding commitments do you have to someone of the opposite sex? ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been involved in a homosexual relationship? (check one) Yes No If yes, please explain. _______________________________________________________________________________ How long did the relationship last? From _____________ to ______________ Have you ever been tempted to get involved in a homosexual relationship? (check one) Yes No If yes, please explain. _______________________________________________________________________________ Will you be bringing your own transportation to the GO Ministries International facility? (check one) If yes, is your vehicle insured? (check one) Yes Yes No No Note: Personal vehicles must be insured to be kept at a GO Ministries International facility. How do you plan on paying for tuition for this year’s internship? _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are your present financial obligations (i.e. debt, car payment, school loans, etc.)? _____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ A R E A S O F I N V O LV E M E N T What areas would you like to be involved in during your internship with GO Ministries International? (check all that apply) Interest: Music Drama/Theatrics Lighting Sound Cinematography Video Editing Multi-Media Graphic Design Experience: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Interest: Web Design Product/Marketing Office Administration Leadership (small groups, etc.) World Missions Children’s Ministry Other: ___________________ No No No No No No No No Experience: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No Please list any experiences you have with any of the above areas ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 INTERN COMMITMENT All interns who are part of GO Ministries International must exemplify and maintain a high standard of integrity, ethical behavior, reverence for God, and a respect for authority. In order for an intern to graduate they must meet all requirements established by GO Ministries International. Requirements include they complete all classes with a passing grade and represent the standard of the Word in their character, academics, discipline and spiritual development. If an intern has not met the mentioned requirements they will not graduate. Upon signing, the intern accepts the full responsibility of upholding all contents of this commitment. • I will fulfill the entire year of my GO Ministries International Internship including all classes, rehearsals and ministry trips and will not miss beyond the alloted days stated in the GO Ministries International Code of Conduct. • I will apply myself faithfully and wholeheartedly to the GO Ministries International Internship. • I will grow in my relationship with the Lord, committed to the integrity of the Word of God. • I will seek out and cultivate good relationships with others, loving them as Christ loves me. • I will not lie, steal, or curse. • I will not cheat or plagiarize. • I will not take illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, or any form of tobacco. • I will not be involved in any illicit sexual act, including homosexual behavior and pornography. • I will not have a romantic dating or distracting relationship between myself and any other intern during my first two years in GO Ministries International. • I will not date or court within or outside of the internship during my first year of the internship. • I will abide by the GO Ministries International Code of Conduct. • I will abide by all rules and regulations set up by GO Ministries International Leadership, whether written or verbal, honoring those in authority over me. • I will return to my home church after fulfilling my one to two year internship, unless God directs me elsewhere and is agreed upon by my home church pastor, (if I feel directed to stay past two years, I will get permission from my home church pastor). The information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand this information will be used to help me be the most effective intern I can be for the overall betterment of GO Ministries International. I authorize the personal references and employers identified on this form to be contacted and disclose any information requested by GO Ministries International. I understand that this information is confidential, and I will not be entitled to review the completed recommendations. I release GO Ministries International from all claims, liabilities, and damages arising out of or related to disclosure of the information consistent with the authorization. I accept that it is a privilege and not a right to be an intern in GO Ministries International. I also understand that the ministry could require the withdrawal of any intern should the administration believe such action is necessary to safeguard other interns as well as the ministry’s spiritual and moral atmosphere and to protect the integrity of the ministry. Should my application be accepted, I am willing to submit and be obedient to the leadership of GO Ministries International. Knowing that I am an example as stated in 1 Timothy 4:12 — “in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity” — I pledge to hold myself to the standards required by the Word of God and GO Ministries International. I understand that my signature on this document is my acceptance of the entire Intern Commitment along with the Code of Conduct. It also completes a contract between GO Ministries International and me. I further understand that my acceptance of this commitment is a solemn vow and promise I make to God. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name (please print) LastMiddleFirst _________________________________________________________ Signature _______/_______/_______ Today’s Date _________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature (if under 18) _______/_______/_______ Today’s Date 7 S TA T E M E N T O F F A I T H • • • • • • • • • • The Old and New Testaments are the inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God. In the Word we find the revelation of God’s eternal and unchanging will for men of all ages. It is the divine and final authority for the Christian life. There is one God, the Creator of all things, Who is infinitely perfect and eternally existent in the three person Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the union of God and man. He is true God and true man, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life and died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of men. He arose bodily from the dead, ascended into Heaven and is presently seated at the right hand of the Father as our High Priest and Advocate. Man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin, which resulted in his spiritual death and separation from God. Only through regeneration by the Holy Spirit can salvation and spiritual life be obtained. The process of regeneration, called “born again” in the Word, takes place through a combination of faith and confession. As a person confesses the Lordship of Jesus in his life, a miracle of regeneration by the Holy Spirit takes place. A new Christian is born into the Kingdom of God — for him old things pass away and all things become new! Water Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances to be observed by the Church during this present age. They are not, however, to be confused with or regarded as a means of salvation. The shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection proved the only grounds for justification and salvation. The present day ministry of the Holy Spirit is to comfort and guide the believer, with the final purpose of glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ in the earth. During this age, He indwells, guides, instructs, and empowers the believer for godly living and service. Every believer should be filled with the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues as the initial physical evidence. Every born again, spirit-filled believer should maintain a consistent prayer life in both praying with the understanding and praying in the Spirit. Without faith it is impossible to please God. The Word tells us that the just (those who have been justified by the blood of Jesus) shall live by faith. The redemptive work of Jesus not only provided salvation for the believer, but healing and prosperity for our spiritual, soulish, and physical man as well. We are redeemed from the curse of the Law - poverty, sickness, oppression, and any other thing that prevents us from fulfilling His plan. Our lives can be prosperous and healthy in every realm as we walk in the light of the redemption by faith in God’s Word. The Universal Church is composed of all those who are born again. Through the new birth, we are united together in the Body of Christ. Jesus Christ is the Lord and head of the Church, and has provided leadership for the local church through the ministry gifts, which only He can give. Every local church has the right, under Christ, to decide and govern its own affairs. The pre-millennial Second Coming of Jesus Christ is two-part in nature; He will come in the air, resurrect the righteous dead and catch away the living saints; He will then come to the earth to establish His physical Kingdom, and begin His thousand-year reign. Do you agree with the GO Ministries International Statement of Faith? (check one) Yes No If you don’t agree, state what you don’t agree with and why: _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Signature _______/_______/_______ Today’s Date _________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature (if under 18) _______/_______/_______ Today’s Date 8 APPLICATION CHECK LIST Before mailing your GO Ministries International Intern Application, please make sure you have all of the information required for approval. Use this check list to help you complete your application. Did You Remember: Your completed GO Ministries International Intern Application Your completed application(s) of interest (5-Fold Academy, InMotion Drama, Abandoned, The Crew, School of Art and Design, School of Theatrics, School of Missions, or The Office Internship) To sign the Intern Commitment (Pg. 7) and the Statement of Faith (Pg. 8) To send your Minister’s Recommendation out to be completed To send your Personal Recommendation out to be completed Your NON-REFUNDABLE application fee of $35.00 with Application Fee Slip A Few Other Reminders: • Applicants must be between 18 and 28 years of age and graduated from high school or have received a GED. An underaged applicant may be accepted if they turn 18 before January 1st of the current intern year. • Every intern must have a current passport that will not expire during your internship year. • Nationwide health coverage is required. • We begin the process of reviewing applications in January of the year you are applying for. • Please note that the $35.00 application fee is non-refundable. Make all checks payable to GO Ministries International. • You may fill out more than one Application of Interest with no additional fee. • After your application has been reviewed, you will be notified by mail of your placement in GO Ministries International. Should your application be accepted, you will receive a packet that will include further information about tuition, living quarters, and tentative schedules. If you have any questions or concerns about any of the information contained in the GO Ministries International Intern Application, please call our headquarters at 1.855.380.2238. *Tuition fees subject to change without prior notification GO Ministries International P.O. Box 18740 Shreveport, LA 71138 9 $35 APPLICATION FEE SLIP Name of Applicant: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________ City: __________________ State: ________ Zip: ____________ Year Applying For: SEPTEMBER 20 ______ – AUGUST 20 ______ Personal recommendation Must have known applicant for at least one year and cannot be related to applicant. THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT Name: ___________________________________________________ Social Security #: ________-______-________ Intern Year Applying For: 20_____ – 20_____ Address: ___________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: _______ Zip: _____________ Phone #: (_______) _______ -___________ I authorize the person identified on this form to complete the recommendation and disclose this form to GO Ministries International. I understand that this form is confidential and that I will not be entitled to review the completed recommendation. I release the person and GO Ministries International from all claims, liabilities, and damages arising out of or related to disclosure of the information consistent with the authorization. Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: _______/_______/___________ THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY PERSONAL REFERENCE Reference’s Name: ____________________________________________ Phone #: (_______) _______ -___________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: _______ Zip: _____________ Cell #: (_______) _______ -___________ Your relationship to applicant: ______________________________________________________________________ How long have you known the applicant? __________ Years __________ Months How well do you know him/her? (circle one) By Face/Name Casually Fairly Well Very Close Do you believe the applicant has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? (circle one) Yes No Do you believe the applicant possesses the necessary qualities to succeed as an intern? (circle one) Yes No If no, what qualities are lacking? _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please comment on the activity and/or role of the applicant in his/her church. __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ To your knowledge, has the applicant’s interest in the internship been influenced by a desire to escape a difficult situation such as a family problem, financial struggle, or troubled relationship? (circle one) Yes No If yes, please explain. _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you aware of any physical disability or mental or emotional illness/instability in the applicant? (circle one) To your knowledge, has the applicant dealt with or been involved in a homosexual relationship? (circle one) To your knowledge, has the applicant ever used tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs? (circle one) Have you ever had reason to question the applicant’s morals? (circle one) Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No If yes, please explain. ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any reason to lack confidence in this applicant? (circle one) Yes No If yes, please explain. ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 P ER SON A L R E C OMME NDATION C ONTIN U E D How does the applicant respond to authority? ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ What type of spiritual influence does the applicant exert on his/her peers? ______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ To what extent does the applicant demonstrate leadership ability? ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ RATE THE APPLICANT IN THE FOLLOWING E = Excellent AA = Above Average _____ Adaptability _____ Servant hood O = Often _____ Procrastinator A = Average _____ Dependability S = Sometimes _____ Irritable _____ Argumentative P = Poor R = Rarely _____ Critical _____ Depressed U = Unknown _____ Spiritual Maturity N = Never _____ Inclined to have crushes _____ Domineering Rebellious Please comment on any of the above: ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Based on the above information, the applicant is recommended: (circle one) Strongly With Confidence With Some Reservation Not Recommend Explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments : _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: _______/_______/__________ Serious consideration will be given to your evaluation. We value you as a reference concerning the applicant’s character. Your responses will be held in strict confidentiality. If you have any questions, please contact our office at: 1.318.670.7239 We appreciate your prompt completion. Please return this form to: GO Ministries International At tn: Admissions Department P.O. Box 18740 Shreveport, L A 71138 p: 855.380.2238 | f: 318.754.4140 | e: [email protected] 2 Minister recommendation Must have known applicant for at least one year and cannot be related to applicant. THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT Name: ___________________________________________________ Social Security #: ________-______-________ Intern Year Applying For: 20_____ – 20_____ Address: ___________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: _______ Zip: _____________ Phone #: (_______) _______ -___________ I authorize the person identified on this form to complete the recommendation and disclose this form to GO Ministries International. I understand that this form is confidential and that I will not be entitled to review the completed recommendation. I release the person and GO Ministries International from all claims, liabilities, and damages arising out of or related to disclosure of the information consistent with the authorization. Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: _______/_______/___________ THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY MINISTER Reference’s Name: ____________________________________________ Phone #: (_______) _______ -___________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: _______ Zip: _____________ Cell #: (_______) _______ -___________ Your relationship to applicant: ______________________________________________________________________ How long have you known the applicant? __________ Years __________ Months How well do you know him/her? (circle one) By Face/Name Casually Fairly Well Very Close Do you believe the applicant has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? (circle one) Yes No Do you believe the applicant possesses the necessary qualities to succeed as an intern? (circle one) Yes No If no, what qualities are lacking? _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please comment on the activity and/or role of the applicant in his/her church. __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ To your knowledge, has the applicant’s interest in the internship been influenced by a desire to escape a difficult situation such as a family problem, financial struggle, or troubled relationship? (circle one) Yes No If yes, please explain. _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you aware of any physical disability or mental or emotional illness/instability in the applicant? (circle one) To your knowledge, has the applicant dealt with or been involved in a homosexual relationship? (circle one) To your knowledge, has the applicant ever used tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs? (circle one) Have you ever had reason to question the applicant’s morals? (circle one) Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No If yes, please explain. ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any reason to lack confidence in this applicant? (circle one) Yes No If yes, please explain. ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 MI N I ST E R R E C O MME N DATION C ONTIN U E D How does the applicant respond to authority? ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ What type of spiritual influence does the applicant exert on his/her peers? ______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ To what extent does the applicant demonstrate leadership ability? ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ RATE THE APPLICANT IN THE FOLLOWING E = Excellent AA = Above Average _____ Adaptability _____ Servant hood O = Often _____ Procrastinator A = Average _____ Dependability S = Sometimes _____ Irritable _____ Argumentative P = Poor R = Rarely _____ Critical _____ Depressed U = Unknown _____ Spiritual Maturity N = Never _____ Inclined to have crushes _____ Domineering Rebellious Please comment on any of the above: ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Based on the above information, the applicant is recommended: (circle one) Strongly With Confidence With Some Reservation Not Recommend Explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments : _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: _______/_______/__________ Serious consideration will be given to your evaluation. We value you as a reference concerning the applicant’s character. Your responses will be held in strict confidentiality. If you have any questions, please contact our office at: 1.318.670.7239 We appreciate your prompt completion. Please return this form to: GO Ministries International At tn: Admissions Department P.O. Box 18740 Shreveport, L A 71138 p: 855.380.2238 | f: 318.754.4140 | e: [email protected] 2 5 F o l d A c a d e m y 1 S T YE A R A P P L I C ATION (N ON-TRAVE L ING) TO BE FILLED OUT ONLY IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING INVOLVED IN THE 5-FOLD ACADEMY Please fill out the entire 5-Fold Academy Application. When joining GO Ministries International, every intern must take their first year of training through the 5-Fold Academy. The 5-Fold Academy is a one-year program focusing on training up effective and equipped men and women of God. In the 5-Fold Academy you have an opportunity to put to practice everything you learn on a daily basis. Most importantly, you’ll establish a firm foundation of faith in Jesus Christ, which you will be able to stand on for the rest of your life! Why are you applying for the 5-Fold Academy? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you feel called to the five-fold ministry? (check one) Yes No Unsure If so, what area of ministry do you feel called to? (check one) Pastor/Youth Pastor Evangelist Prophet Teacher Apostle Ministry of Helps If not, what do you feel called to do? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe your passion: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ In your own words, what does it mean to be a “Disciple”? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please fill out applications for all areas of interest in addition to the 5-Fold Academy Application. Please note that some questions may be department specific and may not apply to your first year of GO Ministries International. a b a nR dT T o* OnR e5 d- F O LwD * *o ArP PsL hI C Ai TpI O Nt e a m TO BE FILLED OUT ONLY IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING INVOLVED IN MUSIC MINISTRY *Must be a returning intern to apply for the RTT (Revival Tour Team) Abandoned Worship Team (traveling). **1st year interns may apply for 5-Fold Abandoned Worship Team (non-traveling). Yes Have you been involved in any other music ministries? (check one) No If yes, please give a brief description of your involvement: __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many years of music ministry experience do you have? _______ Yes Have you been involved in any kind of musical groups (i.e. bands, choirs, orchestras)? (check one) No If yes, please give a brief description of your involvement: __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many years of music ministry experience do you have? _______ Why do you feel called to the GO Ministries International Worship Team (Abandoned)? ___________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ What part of Abandoned would you like to be involved in (i.e. singing, playing guitar, etc.)? ________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you sing, what part? (check one) Bass Tenor Alto Soprano Unsure How long have you been singing in a group setting or band (if applicable)? _______ How long have you been playing an instrument in a group setting or band (if applicable)? _______ Can you read sheet music? (check one) Yes No Unsure Can you read chord charts? (check one) Yes No Unsure Can you sight read sheet music? (check one) Yes No Unsure Can you sight read chord charts? (check one) Yes No Unsure Yes Can you play your instrument by ear (find chords and notes without music)? Can you sing your parts by ear (find harmonies without being directed)? Yes No No Unsure Unsure i n R mT T * oO R t5 -iF OoL D *n* A P dP L I rC A TaI O Nm a TO BE FILLED OUT ONLY IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING INVOLVED IN DRAMA MINISTRY *Must be a returning intern to apply for RTT (Revival Tour Team) InMotion Drama Team (traveling). **1st year interns may apply for 5-Fold InMotion Drama Team (non-traveling). What type of experience do you have in drama and theatrics? ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many years of experience do you have? _______ What type of experience do you have in the drama and theatrics ministry? _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many years of experience do you have? _______ In what areas of drama and theatrics do you excel (i.e. pantomime, improv, monologue)? ___________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes Do you have any experience with designing/building sets, backdrops, or costumes? (check one) No If yes, please give a brief description of your experience: __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any experience with writing or directing skits and plays? (check one) Yes No If yes, please give a brief description of your experience. _____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ In your opinion, what is the purpose of drama and theatrics in ministry? _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you feel God has given you the gift of drama and theater? ___________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you want to be a part of the InMotion Drama team? __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ How do you see InMotion Drama preparing you for God’s call on your life? _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ T h e C r e w R T T* O R 5 - F O L D** A P P L I C A T I O N TO BE FILLED OUT ONLY IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING INVOLVED IN A/V OR DRIVING *Must be a returning intern to apply for RTT (Revival Tour Team) Crew (traveling). **1st year interns may apply for 5-Fold Crew (non-traveling). AUDIO Do you have any experience in: Setting up sound equipment? (check one) Running live sound? (check one) Yes Yes No No Please list all experience you have had in these areas. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ VISUAL Do you have any experience in: Yes Running lighting equipment? (check one) Running intelligent lighting systems? (check one) Setting up a projector system? (check one) Running video/media during a service? (check one) Shooting video? (check one) Editing video? (check one) Web design? (check one) Stage design? (check one) Graphic design (check one) Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Please list all experience you have had in these areas. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you feel capable of completing the following tasks: Yes No Setting up, running, and tearing down a sound board? (check one) Setting up a monitor system/full lighting system? (check one) Running mic lines, instrument cables, and other basic set-up equipment? (check one) Setting up and tearing down aluminum trussing? (check one) Yes Yes No No Yes No T h— CeO N T ICN U rE D e— w What style of music do you listen to? ____________________________________________________________________ What gifts do you feel you have that will be an asset to the Crew? ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ What do you feel is the Crew’s importance to the service? ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ What computer programs are you familiar with? Explain how familiar you are with each program. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ SR E TcU RhN IoN G oI NlT E R oN AfP P LaI C rA T ItO N * &( N O DN - TeR AsV Ei L gI N nG ) TO BE FILLED OUT ONLY IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING INVOLVED IN THE CREATIVE DEPARTMENT *Must be a returning intern to apply for the School of Art and Design. 1st years may complete application for purpose of an area of interest. Check any categories that are of interest to you: Graphic Design Video Production Photography Product Web Design Do you have any experience in the categories above? (check one) Yes No If yes, please explain: _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you own any graphics, video, web or photo editing software? (check one) Yes No If yes, which software (we recommend Adobe products)? ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you own a personal computer or DSLR camera or any other equipment as such? (check one) Yes No If yes, please describe (i.e. model, specs, etc.): ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why is multimedia in ministry important? ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ What do you feel called to do within the creative industry? __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ What do you expect to learn from being in the School of Art and Design? _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ We recommend that every intern have his or her own personal computer (we prefer Mac). SR E TcU RhN I NoG IoN T lE R N oA P PfL I C ATT I OhN * e( NaO N t- T RrA V iE L cI N Gs) TO BE FILLED OUT ONLY IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING INVOLVED IN THE SCHOOL OF THEATRICS *Must be a returning intern to apply for the School of Theatrics. 1st years may complete InMotion Drama application for purpose of an area of interest. What type of experience do you have in drama and theatrics? ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many years of experience do you have? _______ What type of experience do you have in the drama and theatrics ministry? _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many years of experience do you have? _______ In what areas of drama and theatrics do you excel (i.e. pantomime, improv, monologue)? ___________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes Do you have any experience with designing/building sets, backdrops, or costumes? (check one) No If yes, please give a brief description of your experience: __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any experience with writing or directing skits and plays? (check one) Yes No If yes, please give a brief description of your experience. _____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ In your opinion, what is the purpose of drama and theatrics in ministry? _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you feel God has given you the gift of drama and theater? ___________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you want to be a part of the School of Theatrics? ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ How do you see the School of Theatrics preparing you for God’s call on your life? _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ S c h o o l o f M i s s i o n s R E T U R N I N G I N T E R N A P P L I C A T I O N* ( N O N - T R A V E L I N G ) TO BE FILLED OUT ONLY IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING INVOLVED IN THE SCHOOL OF MISSIONS *Must be a returning intern to apply for the School of Missions. 1st years may complete application for purpose of an area of interest. What made you realize that missions was something the Lord put on your heart? _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ When someone says “Missionary”, what comes to mind? ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ When you think about missions overseas, what kinds of things do you see yourself involved in? ______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes Have you ever been on a mission trip? (check one) No If yes, what country/countries? ________________________________________________________________________ Do you have a heart for a specific country or for the nations in general? Please expound: ___________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes Do you know any languages other than English? (check one) No If yes, please list and state how fluent? __________________________________________________________________ Yes Are you interested in learning new languages? (check one) No If yes, are there any specific ones you would like to learn? ___________________________________________________ How would you like to try cultural food on the mission field? __________________________________________________ Yes Are you interested in long-term missions? (check one) No Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you keep up to date with current events or what’s going on in other countries? (check one) If not, would you like to? (check one) Yes Yes No No Do you like learning about other cultures and their people? (check one) Yes No Why or why not do you feel this is important? ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe your heart for missions: ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ O 1fS T fY EiA Rc A eP P L I Ci A TnI O tN ( eN O rN - T nR A VsE L hI N Gi) p TO BE FILLED OUT ONLY IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING INVOLVED IN THE OFFICE INTERNSHIP *Must be a returning intern to apply for the School of Missions. 1st years may complete application for purpose of an area of interest. Yes Have you had any professional experience doing office work (i.e. schooling, jobs)? (check one) No If yes, please explain. _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mac What opperating software are you familiar with? Windows Linux What business software are you familiar with? Word Excel Pages Numbers Quickbooks Other: _________________ Yes Have you had experience answering phones and directing calls? (check one) No If yes, please explain. _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many words can you type per minute? _______ Do you deal well under pressure, time constraints, and small working spaces? (check one) Yes No Give a brief example of a task that was given to you that required a lot of effort in a little amount of time. Describe how you went about completing that task without succumbing to pressure: _____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes Do you consider yourself organized? (check one) Would others consider you organized? (check one) No Yes No Yes Do you comprehend instructions with little questioning? (check one) Do you work well with others? (check one) Yes No No Do you consider yourself easily teachable? (check one) Do you consider yourself outgoing and sociable? (check one) Yes No Yes No Do you find it easy to interact with others when talking with them for the first time? (check one) Yes No k i t c h e n i n t e r n RETURNING INTERN APPLICATION (NON-TRAVELING) TO BE FILLED OUT ONLY IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WORKING IN THE KITCHEN *Must be a returning intern to apply as the Kitchen Intern. The Kitchen intern will be helping our cook with grocery shopping, meal preparation, organization of the kitchen and dining room, helping with e-mails, voice-mails and general paper work, and any other tasks that may be assigned by leadership. COOKING List any experience you have in: Cooking? __________________________________________________________________________________ Cooking for large groups? _____________________________________________________________________ Working around food? ________________________________________________________________________ Planning meals and then shopping for them? _______________________________________________________ Making a menu? _____________________________________________________________________________ PREP Do you consider yourself organized? (check one) Do others consider you organized? (check one) Yes Yes No No Please list all experience you have had working in food services or in the kitchen: ________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ What gifts do you feel you have that would be an asset to the kitchen? ________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 S T R a n c h H a n d YE A R A P P L I C ATION (N ON-TRAVE L ING) TO BE FILLED OUT ONLY IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WORKING ON THE RANCH *Must be a returning intern to apply as the Ranch Hand. The Ranch Hand will be helping with the upkeep and care of vehicles, general handy work around the Ranch, possible feeding and general care of livestock, grounds maintenance, and any other tasks that may be as signed by leadership. MAINTENANCE List any experience you have in: General Plumbing? __________________________________________________________________ Construction? ______________________________________________________________________ Lawn Maintenance? _________________________________________________________________ Power Tools? _______________________________________________________________________ VEHICLES List any experience you have in: Changing oil on cars/trucks? ___________________________________________________________ Doing maintenance on vehicles? ________________________________________________________ Have you ever driven a semi or bus? ____________________________________________________ LIVESTOCK Have you ever worked with live stock? __________________________________________________________ Have you ever dealt with a horses tack? ________________________________________________________ Please list any experience that might be applicable. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ What gifts do you feel you have that would be an asset to the Ranch? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________
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