OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE CONTENTS COPYRIGHT NOTICE 4 RELEASE NOTES 5 INTRODUCTION TO OOYALA IQ 9 How Ooyala IQ Works Key Concepts Three Steps of Ooyala IQ Recording Metric Data Aggregating and Summarizing Data Reporting, Analyses, and Data Visualization Data Retention Conclusion Common Metric Definitions and Examples Browsers Supported By Ooyala IQ Accessing Ooyala IQ BUSINESS USE CASE EXAMPLES OF ANALYSES Generalized Approaches to Analyses What Type of Content is Performing the Best on Mobile Devices? Online Media: How Are My Different Brands Performing? What Geographies Are Driving My Content Traffic? How Do I Optimize My Targeting of Ad Campaigns? How Do I Uncover Videos With High Potential? OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE Ooyala IQ Dashboard Business Intelligence Reports Common Controls for Tables and Graphs Analytics and Labels Setting the Date Range on the Business Intelligence Page Examining Videos Across Different Dimensions Using Filters Viewing Performance Metrics Viewing Engagement Metrics Viewing Reach Metrics Viewing Playthrough Metrics Viewing Expanded Table Business Intelligence Error Handling Video Details MIGRATING FROM V2 ANALYTICS v2/v3 Fundamental Difference: Multidimensional Analysis Data Migration 9 9 11 11 12 13 13 13 14 18 18 20 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 30 34 35 35 36 37 37 38 40 40 40 OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | TOC | 2 WWW.OOYALA.COM • [email protected] • 1-877-3-OOYALA How to Export Your Data With the v2 Analytics API Potential Differences in the Data Analytics Graphical User Interface (GUI) Differences v3 Analytics Application Programming Interface (API) Certain "Unique" Metrics Confusing in v2 Analytics ANALYTICS GLOSSARY 40 43 44 46 47 48 OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | TOC | 3 WWW.OOYALA.COM • [email protected] • 1-877-3-OOYALA COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright Ooyala 2008-2015 Ooyala, Backlot, Ooyala Actionable Analytics, the Ooyala logo, and other Ooyala logos and product and service names are trademarks of Ooyala, Inc. (“Ooyala Marks”). Company agrees not to remove any Ooyala Marks that are contained within and/or affixed to the Services as provided to Company. Except with respect to the foregoing, Company agrees not to display or use in any manner the Ooyala Marks without Ooyala’s prior written permission. All contents of the Ooyala website and Services are: Copyright 2008-2015. Ooyala, Inc. All rights reserved. Ooyala and Backlot are registered trademarks of Ooyala, Inc. in the United States, Japan, and European Community. All rights reserved. For complete information on terms of service, see: http://www.ooyala.com/tos All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. This content was last updated on 2015-04-02. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | COPYRIGHT NOTICE | 4 RELEASE NOTES FEATURES Ooyala IQ is Ooyala's new analytics product. Features in Ooyala IQ allow for in-depth analysis of your content. New features in Ooyala IQ include: • Multidimensional analysis: You can now analyze more than one set of data at a time. For example, you can analyze your data for the month of July and see what videos had the most plays in Canada on the iPhone device. • Consolidated reporting: Instead of having to switch between dimension sub-report views, you now have a consolidated view of all of the dimensions in one place. • Redesigned user experience: The new Ooyala IQ UI is more insightful and focuses on minimizing the clicks involved to view the data you care the most about. New dimension: Ooyala IQ has a player dimension. In this case, player refers to a Backlot player with its own embed code. For example, if you deploy different players for each of your brands, this dimension would let you separate the traffic coming from your different players. • OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | RELEASE NOTES | 5 • • New metric: There is a new metric called video_starts. video_starts represents the number of times the actual video (non-ad) content begins playback. Video Details page: A new page for each video you have. This page gives you a 360 degree view of a video, including key performance indicators, statistics on performance across dimensions, and depth around a single video. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | RELEASE NOTES | 6 FULL RELEASE NOTES UI Reports • • • • • Different reports are no longer contained on separate pages. All dimension data is located on one page (the Business Intelligence page). Performance metrics, called the performance report in v2 Analytics, can be found on the Business Intelligence page and the Analytics Dashboard. Engagement metrics, called the engagement report in v2 Analytics, can be found on the Business Intelligence page and the Video Details page. There is no sharing report in the UI. Data are available via the Ooyala IQ API. Most users have sharing mechanisms on their own sites outside of the Ooyala Player, so be aware that the sharing data you see in the API is only the sharing that has happened through the Ooyala Player. There is no direct equivalent to the External Publishing report found in v2 Analytics. Note: The algorithms used to compute various metrics in Ooyala IQ might differ slightly from those used in v2 for the Analytics Dashboard. A comparison of numbers might reveal slight differences. Metrics • • plays_requested: We have improved our calculation of this metric. You may see the number of plays requested from your HTML5 and SDK players increase after 11/11/2014 due to this implementation. This may also affect your data for play conversion rate, which is calculated as plays_requested/displays. video_starts: We have improved our calculation of this metric. You may see the number of video starts from your HTML5 and SDK players decrease after 11/11/2014 due to this implementation. This may also affect your data for video conversion rate, which is calculated as video_starts/plays_requested. Dimensions • • The v2 Analytics platforms dimension has been replaced in Ooyala IQ with device_type, os, and browser. The v2 Analytics dimension called Domain has been renamed in the Ooyala IQ GUI as Traffic Source. This represents the sites where a video has been viewed. v3 Analytics API The v3 Analytics (Ooyala IQ) API is a new analytics API. For general differences between v2 Analytics and v3 (Ooyala IQ), see Reporting Application Programming Interface (API). For details on potential differences in the data from v2 Analytics to v3 (Ooyala IQ), see Potential Differences in the Data on page 43. Metrics • • • • We renamed the following metrics to align the metric name with the metric definition: • plays is now plays_requested. • avg_time_watched_per_play is now avg_time_watched_per_video. • start_conversion_rate is now video_conversion_rate. • All unique_[string] metrics are now uniq_[string]. • unique_plays is now uniq_plays_requested. • avg_plays_per_viewer is now avg_plays_per_user. player_conversion_rate has been redefined as the ratio of plays requested to displays. video_conversion_rate has been redefined as the ratio of video starts to plays requested. The initial_plays_requested metric is no longer shown in the UI and is not accessible through the API. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | RELEASE NOTES | 7 • • • • The player_loads metric is no longer shown in the UI. You can only access this metric through the API. The daily, weekly, and monthly uniques have been consolidated into a single unique metric. You will now use uniq_plays_requested as a measure of Unique Users. Due to low customer usage, the following metrics are not supported in Ooyala IQ (they are no longer accessible through the UI or API): unique_replays, unique_autoplays, and unique_player_loads. Dimensions • • To manage the size of the datacubes, we have removed the city, tag, and url dimensions. The domain dimension is used to capture internet domains. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | RELEASE NOTES | 8 INTRODUCTION TO OOYALA IQ WHERE TO START? Here are some pointers to get you started. If you would like to... Look here See examples of investigating Business Use Case Examples of Analyses on page 20 business problems with the Ooyala IQ graphical user interface (GUI) Explore all the features, mechanics, and details of the Analytics dashboard and other parts of the Ooyala IQ GUI Ooyala IQ Workspace Reference on page 25 Start programming with Ooyala IQ Ooyala IQ Developer Guide and Reference Understand the technology underneath Ooyala IQ How Ooyala IQ Works on page 9 Learn about migrating from Migrating from v2 Analytics on page 40 Ooyala v2 Analytics to Ooyala IQ Learn the answers to frequently asked questions about Ooyala IQ Analytics FAQ HOW OOYALA IQ WORKS During playback, video players send event-based metrics that are recorded along various dimensions, summarized, and aggregated for reporting and analysis. After presenting some key concepts, this overview describes the major components of Ooyala IQ. Key Concepts The simplified conceptual diagram below explains three ideas that are essential to understanding Ooyala IQ: 1) facts, 2) events, and 3) dimensions. These points are described in the table below. 1. All information measured by Ooyala IQ is tied to an asset (usually a video or live stream). In traditional analytics terminology, the video is called a fact. Every video has a unique identifying number, called an identifier. 2. As a video is played, video players record events (such as “display”, “playStarted”, or “complete”) over time in the life of the video. Your videos (facts) OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | INTRODUCTION TO OOYALA IQ | 9 and their associated events are the basis for all metrics. (Not all possible events are shown in this drawing.) 3. Every event/video combination also has predefined aspects called dimensions (or attributes) that relate to the fact, such as traffic source, player, geography, and device. (Not all possible dimensions are shown in this drawing.) Ooyala IQ records data from events over time along the following predefined dimensions during playback. Dimension Description Device What kinds of devices the video was played on, such as mobile, tablet, iPhone, iPod, and more. Geography Where the video was played, such as country, state, and designated marketing area. Player Which video players it was played on. You can define these players' names yourself. Traffic Source Where the video was served from. Time Time is a “hidden” dimension that represents when events occur. All events have an explicit time stamp recorded by the system. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | INTRODUCTION TO OOYALA IQ | 10 Three Steps of Ooyala IQ Ooyala IQ has three primary parts. You do parts 1 and 3 and Ooyala IQ does part 2. 1. Recording Metric Data on page 11 2. Aggregating and Summarizing Data on page 12 3. Reporting, Analyses, and Data Visualization on page 13 Each step is discussed in the remainder of this section. Recording Metric Data In the first step, to collect metrics, certain events that happen during playback are recorded by the video player as they occur, such as "playStarted", "pause", and others. These events are "data ticks" sent via a Representational State Transfer (REST) application programming interface (API) over the Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP). A single event or group of events sent in a single request is sometimes called a ping. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | INTRODUCTION TO OOYALA IQ | 11 Events are recorded in a database called the event store. Aggregating and Summarizing Data In the second step, throughout the day, Ooyala IQ summarizes and aggregates these event-driven metrics into various time “chunks” (or segments), such as daily, monthly, or yearly. "Aggregation" means that the intersections among the various dimensions are precomputed so reports are faster. For instance, aggregation anticipates that you will want to ask questions like “Which devices were used in which geographies?” or “Which players were used on which devices?” These “overlaps” are the overlapping parts of the diagram above. Other data transformations can also occur, such as calculating other metrics based on the raw data. The end result of aggregation, summarization, and other transformations is datacubes that store these precomputed intersections. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | INTRODUCTION TO OOYALA IQ | 12 Reporting, Analyses, and Data Visualization In the third step, after the metrics have been gathered, summarized, and aggregated, and the datacubes created, the data is ready for you to use. So you can zero in on the particular relationship of the data that you are most interested in, you can access analytics data in several different ways: 1. The GUI, which includes the following: • • The Dashboard for near real-time analysis. The Business Intelligence page, where data can be filtered by the various dimensions or manipulated in other ways. • The Video Details page, where you can look at detailed metric breakdowns for a specific video. 2. A REST-over-HTTP API, which can be used for data downloading or for feeding into your own reporting systems. You can create multidimensional analyses to visualize intersections of the data. Multidimensional means more than one dimension. As mentioned in the previous section, you might want to answer the question “Which devices were used in which geographies?” or “Which players were used on which devices?” Both questions are answered with multi-dimensional analyses. Analyses with dimensions rely on the precomputed datacubes described above. You can also constrain the data by filters (such filtering is sometimes known as slicing and dicing). You can apply filters such as date, geography, and so on, so that the amount of data you view becomes more and more sharply focused. You can thus view only the subsets of the data that interest you. Data Retention Ooyala will only retain up to 37 months of your data. This is calculated as the current month along with the past 36 months. For example, if today is Jan 29, 2015, you have data from current month up to now (Jan 1, 2015 - Jan 29, 2015) and the past 36 full months (Jan 1, 2012 - Dec 31, 2014). Ooyala will only present and allow queries on the most recent 37 months of valid data for you in UI and API. The rest of your data will be archived. For information on how much historical data will be migrated from v2 Analytics to Ooyala IQ, please see Data Migration on page 40. Conclusion This conceptual introduction has explained the key ideas and components that underpin Ooyala IQ: OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | INTRODUCTION TO OOYALA IQ | 13 1. Event-driven metrics. 2. Data aggregation and summarization. 3. Reporting, analyses and data visualization. You should now have enough understanding of Ooyala IQ to be able to begin useful work with it, whether you are a programmer or business analyst. COMMON METRIC DEFINITIONS AND EXAMPLES COMMON METRIC BREAKDOWN Here are descriptions of some of the common metrics utilized in Ooyala IQ. This is not an inclusive list. Displays: Measures the number of times that a piece of video content is loaded and displayed within the player before it gets played. Displays are related to each individual video. Each time an embed code is changed, this event gets triggered. Plays Requested: Measures the number of times that the "Play" button is triggered either manually or automatically. The requested content could be ad content or the actual video content. A plays requested is counted regardless of which type of content is requested to play. Plays Requested currently doesn’t include the Replay event. Video Starts: Measures the number of times that actual non-ad video content starts playing. If the user initiates the playback experience and only watches a pre-roll ad without continuing on to the actual video content, a Play Requested count is reported, but not a Video Start. Video Starts is only recorded if the user waits until the actual video starts playing back. Average Time Watched per Video: The average time watched across all the users viewing this content across the different platforms. Today, we compute Average Time Watched (per video) = hours watched/ video starts, converted to HH:MM:SS format. Note: This number will be smaller than the duration of the video in most cases. However, seeks within the player can influence this number. If the user seeks back and forth during a playback, this will push up the time watched and can potentially cause the average time watched to be greater than the duration of the video. Playthrough • • • • Playthrough 25%: The number of video plays for the selected video assets that reached the state of 25% of completion. Playthrough 50%: The number of video plays for the selected video assets that reached the state of 50% of completion. Playthrough 75%: The number of video plays for the selected video assets that reached the state of 75% of completion. Playthrough 100%: The number of video plays for the selected video assets that reached the state of 100% of completion. Note: No matter how many times the user rewinds within the same view session, once the "state" is reached it won't be counted again. Segments Watched: The number of times each segment of a piece of video content is watched. 1 segment is defined as 2.5% of video length. Note: If a user rewinds and watches the same segment N times, Segments Watched for that segment will count as N times. Unique Users: OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | INTRODUCTION TO OOYALA IQ | 14 • • • Ooyala mobile SDK for iOS: The Ooyala mobile SDK for iOS generates and stores a random unique ID which is application-specific. The unique ID is generated in the "OOClientID" class and is stored in the "standardUserDefaults" object. The unique ID is valid until the application is deleted. This unique ID cannot be erased or reset by the end user without deleting the app. The application developer can store a different ID than the generated ID by erasing the existing ID [OOClientID resetID] and setting a new ID [OOClientID setID:New_ID]. Ooyala mobile SDK for Android: The Ooyala mobile SDK for Android generates and store a random unique ID which is application-specific. The unique ID is generated in the "OOClientID" class and is stored in the "SharedPreferences" file. The unique ID is valid until the application is deleted. This unique ID cannot be erased or reset by the end user without deleting the app. The application developer can store a different ID by erasing the existing ID [ClientID.resetID(context)] and setting a new ID [ClientID.resetID(NEW_ID)]. All other environments (HTML5, Flash, Chromecast): In other environments, a unique user is identified by local storage or cookie. To generate the GUID, Flash players use the timestamp of when the GUID is generated and append random data to it. The string is then converted to base64. To generate the GUID, HTML5 players use the current time, browser information, and random data and hash it and convert it to base64. Within the same browser on desktop, once a GUID is set by one platform it is used for both platforms for the user. If a user clears their browser cache, that user/device's ID will get regenerated next time they watch video. Incognito modes will track a user for a single session, but once the browser is closed the GUID is erased. The generated IDs are completely random and don't include any user-identifiable information. When such information is not available for a user (there is no local storage or cookie), a new unique identifier will be created for that user. We de-duplicate when calculating the number of unique users over time. For example, day 1 has users A, B, C; day 2 has users B, E., then when you pick date range = day 1 and day 2, then total unique users = 4 (A, B, C, E), Daily Avg. Unique Users = (3+2) / 2 = 3 (2.5 is converted to the closed integer). EXAMPLES The following examples show how many displays, plays requested and video starts Ooyala IQ would record in different situations. Example 1: Pre-roll Ads The publisher has pre-roll ads delivered during playback. User A begins watching video X with 2 pre-roll ads but leaves after the first ad. User B begins watching video X (again with 2 pre-roll ads), and leaves after both ads and one minute of play time. Table 1: Metric Tallies for Example 1 Displays Plays Requested Video Starts Avg. Time Watched/Video User A 1 1 0 00:00:00 User B 1 1 1 00:01:00 Video X in total (User A + User B) 2 2 1 00:01:00 Example 2: Replays The user clicks replay to play the content again during the same viewing experience. User A begins watching Video X with 1 pre-roll ad, watches the ad and the content all the way through and then hits re-play and watches it all the way again. Alternatively, User B, in the second replay, watches the ad and then exits. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | INTRODUCTION TO OOYALA IQ | 15 Table 2: Metric Tallies for Example 2 Displays Plays Requested Video Starts User A 1 1 1 User B 1 1 1 Example 3: Mid-roll Ads The publisher also delivers mid-roll ads during the content playback experience. User A begins watching Video X with 2 pre-roll ads, watches the ads, starts watching the content, sees a mid-roll ad and exits the video. User B begins watching Video X with 2 pre-roll ads, watches the ads, starts watching the content, watches the mid-roll ads and completes the video. Table 3: Metric Tallies for Example 3 Displays Plays Requested Video Starts User A 1 1 1 User B 1 1 1 Video X in total (User A + User B) 2 2 2 Example 4: Seeks The user can also seek through content back and forth during a single viewing experience within the player. User A begins watching Video X with 2 pre-roll ads, watches both ads, starts watching the content, watches a mid-roll ad, continues watching and then seeks back to the beginning and plays the content. The user is now shown the mid-roll ad again. This results in 1 display, 1 play requested, 1 video start. Table 4: Metric Tallies for Example 4 User A Displays Plays Requested Video Starts 1 1 1 Example 5: Autoplays The publisher has autoplay turned on - this means that the video player starts playing the content automatically when the user visits the page containing the player. User A visits the page (where autoplay is turned on) with 1 pre-roll ad, watches the ad and exits before the video begins playing. User B visits the page (where autoplay is turned on) with 1 pre-roll ad, and exits the page halfway through the video content. Table 5: Metric Tallies for Example 5 Displays Plays Requested Video Starts User A 1 1 0 User B 1 1 1 Video X in total (User A + User B) 2 2 1 Example 6: Playthrough OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | INTRODUCTION TO OOYALA IQ | 16 This example shows how playthrough is counted. The video in this example is 4 minutes in length. User A watches the video content from its beginning to 2 minutes and 30 seconds and then stops watching. User B watches the video content from its beginning to 3 minutes and 30 seconds, then rewinds to the beginning and watches all the way to 1 minute and 30 seconds, then stops watching. User C seeks to 2 minutes directly and watches from there to 2 minutes and 30 seconds then stops watching. Table 6: Metric Tallies for Example 6 Playthrough 25% Playthrough 50% Playthrough 75% Playthrough 100% User A 1 1 0 0 User B 1 1 1 0 User C 1 1 0 0 Example 7: Segments Watched, Percentage Watched In this example a video is 20-minutes in length. This video has 40 buckets assigned to it, where each bucket is 30 seconds in length. Percentage watched is calculated as (buckets watched/total number of buckets) * 100. User A plays the video and watches it through 1 minute. User B plays the video and watches it through 1 minute, then rewinds to 40 seconds and watches through 1 minute again during the same video view session (the user didn't reload the player). User C plays the video and watches it through 1 minute, then fast-forwards to 3 minutes and 31 seconds of the video content and watches through the end from there. Table 7: Metric Tallies for Example 7 User A Segments Watched Percentage Watched 1st bucket has 1 play 5% 2nd bucket has 1 play User B 1st bucket has 1 play 5% 2nd bucket has 2 plays User C 1st bucket has 1 play 7.5% 2nd bucket has 1 play 40th bucket has 1 play In User B's scenario, the second bucket has 2 plays because the user rewinded within the second bucket. This is because segments watched captures the total number of plays each specific segment incurs in order to measure its popularity (no matter if it's from the same user rewinding or from different users watching it). So within the same video view session the segments watched number could increase if a user rewinds. Percentage watched is still 5% for user B because the user still only watched 2 buckets (1st and 2nd). Percentage watched is used to measure the percentage of the whole video content that ever got watched (the count won't increase if the same user rewinds within the bucket that already got watched during the same video view session). OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | INTRODUCTION TO OOYALA IQ | 17 Percentage watched measures how many percentages of the whole video content ever got watched (40% watched could mean the first 40% of the content got watched or it could mean first 20% of the content got watched and last 20% of the content got watched). Example 8: Unique Users This illustrates how unique users are counted. You have a video on your website “myExampleSite.com”. Situation A: User W watches your video on their iPhone with application 1. Later in the day they decide to watch the video again on their iPhone with application 1. Situation B: User X watches your video on their laptop. They leave the browser window up and go about their day. Twelve hours later they come back to their laptop and re-watch the video. Situation C: User Y watches your video on their tablet. They then watch the video on their laptop, while still using the same wifi network as before. Situation D: User Z watches your video on their laptop in Browser 1. After the video finishes they clear their cookies. They then watch the video again in Browser 1 on their laptop. Table 8: Metric Tallies for Example 8 Unique Users Situation A 1 Situation B 1 Situation C 2 Situation D 2 BROWSERS SUPPORTED BY OOYALA IQ Any of the following web browsers can be used with Ooyala IQ. • • • • Google Chrome version 32 or later Mozilla Firefox version 29 or later Apple Safari version 6.2 or later Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 or later (without Chrome Frame) For the most pleasant and productive experience with Ooyala IQ, we recommend that you maximize your browser window. ACCESSING OOYALA IQ Existing customers will be migrated in 4 batches, with the first set of migrations beginning on May 5th; the second set beginning in June; the third in July and the final batch in August. Customers will be contacted by their CSM to schedule and manage migration. Before you are fully migrated over to Ooyala IQ, to access Ooyala IQ through Backlot, log into Backlot and click ANALYZE (new). Once you are fully migrated to Ooyala IQ, and your grace period is over, log into Backlot and click ANALYZE. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | INTRODUCTION TO OOYALA IQ | 18 OR Once enabled, you can access Ooyala IQ at http://analytics.ooyala.com and login with your Backlot credentials. Forgotten Username or Password Contact your Ooyala Customer Success Manager if you forget your Backlot username. See Changing Your Password if you forget your password. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | INTRODUCTION TO OOYALA IQ | 19 BUSINESS USE CASE EXAMPLES OF ANALYSES Here are examples of creating various kinds of analyses. This section presents a generalized approach to analyses and several examples based on hypothetical business use cases. This is not a complete description of everything that can be done with Ooyala IQ, but it should help you see your business problems in terms of investigating analytical data. These examples will also help you understand how to approach your own particular questions and answers. If you want a detailed description of all parts of Ooyala IQ, see Ooyala IQ Workspace Reference on page 25. GENERALIZED APPROACHES TO ANALYSES These generalized best practices can help you start making inferences about your data. All approaches start with the first basic step: Look at your data. DATA ANOMALIES 1. Look for dips or spikes (which we call "anomalies") in a broad view of your data, on the Business Intelligence page, for example. 2. Focus on one of the anomalies. 3. Reduce the time range of your view into the anomaly. 4. Filter the view by each of the various dimensions. 5. Look for correspondences among the dimensions, such as other dips or spikes that occurred near the same time as your target anomaly. 6. Plot the anomaly against other dimensions in the same time period. 7. Ask yourself many questions about the data, not limited to the following: • • • • What conclusions can you draw? What correspondences with other dimensions caught your eye? What major public events happened during the same time period, such as sports or political events? What events happened in your business that could have caused the anomalies? AREAS OF INTEREST This is the method we use in our examples. 1. 2. 3. 4. Study the list of Ooyala IQ's dimensions in the Overview to Ooyala IQ. Which areas of your business are you interested in? Engagement? Sales? Device coverage? Of the predefined dimensions, which most closely match your areas of interest? Follow one of the examples, but investigate the dimensions you are interested in, rather than those given in the example. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | BUSINESS USE CASE EXAMPLES OF ANALYSES | 20 WHAT TYPE OF CONTENT IS PERFORMING THE BEST ON MOBILE DEVICES? Context: You want to know what type of content is performing best on mobile devices. To monitor different content types, such as clips, sports videos, and fashion videos, you can differentiate the content from each provider with labels. What type of content has the best performance? HOW TO IN OOYALA IQ Filter the Business Intelligence page to show only metrics for content you purchase from outside providers, then look at how each provider's content performed in the past month. 1. Go to the Business Intelligence page. 2. To filter all metrics on the content page by date, click Month in the "Breakdown by" selector at the top right of the page. 3. Investigate your content by filtering by label. a. Go to the Asset dimension panel. b. Click the Filter icon at the top right of the Asset panel ( c. Select Filter by Label. ). A tree of your labels appears. d. Click the arrow to expand the tree and view your labels. e. Click on a label. f. The label name appears with a selected checkbox next to it. Click Apply. The video list populates with all videos that have the selected label as part of their metadata. 4. Apply filters on the Device dimension. a. Go to the Device dimension panel. b. Click the Filter icon at the top right of the Device panel ( c. Check the checkbox next to "Phone". d. Click Apply. 5. See which asset provided the most plays in the Asset panel. ). OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | BUSINESS USE CASE EXAMPLES OF ANALYSES | 21 ONLINE MEDIA: HOW ARE MY DIFFERENT BRANDS PERFORMING? Context: Your company has many different brands, so you use a different player for each brand. You want to see how each brand is performing. HOW TO IN OOYALA IQ Filter the Business Intelligence page by player and then analyze the metrics for each player. 1. Go to the Business Intelligence page. 2. Scroll down to the Player dimension panel. 3. Select List mode . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Click the Filter icon at the top right of the Player panel ( ). Select the checkbox next to the first player (brand) you want to analyze. Click Apply. Look at the top video content for this player in the Asset panel. See what country had the top number of plays for the player in the Geography panel. Observe any other relevant metrics. Deselect the player (brand) and repeat steps 2-10 for each player you want to analyze. WHAT GEOGRAPHIES ARE DRIVING MY CONTENT TRAFFIC? Context: Your content reaches viewers in multiple countries. You want to see what portion of your traffic is driven by each geography your content reaches. HOW TO IN OOYALA IQ 1. Go to the Business Intelligence page. 2. Scroll down to the Traffic Source dimension panel. 3. Identify the domains you are interested in studying. 4. Click the Filter icon at the top right of the Traffic Source panel ( ). 5. Select the checkboxes next to the domains you want to analyze. 6. Click Apply. 7. Look at the geography dimension panel and note what countries are providing the most plays for the traffic to your domains. 8. To filter the geography information by device type: a. Go to the Device dimension panel. b. Click the Filter icon at the top right of the Device panel ( ). c. Select the checkboxes next to the devices you want to analyze. d. Click Apply. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | BUSINESS USE CASE EXAMPLES OF ANALYSES | 22 9. Note what geographies are responsible for the most plays to your traffic sources on the specified devices. HOW DO I OPTIMIZE MY TARGETING OF AD CAMPAIGNS? As an Ad Sales manager you are tasked to provide targeting information (e.g., geography, device, label) to an advertiser, agency, or ad provider to maximize CPMs. You know where your average user is coming from (geography) and the device he uses (device). You are looking for the untapped user base viewing your videos. Specifically, you want to identify the device and the geography that are generating a significant amount of traffic, and understand which videos they are watching to sell that inventory to advertisers. You want to answer these questions: What dimensions are available for targeting purposes? What are the number of plays requested for a particular combination of device and geography? What is the most popular content for this same combination? HOW TO IN OOYALA IQ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Go to the Business Intelligence page. Set the date range to one month. Expand the breakdown view to 1 month at the upper right of the Performance tab. Hover your mouse over a specific day with a significant amount of traffic. Re-adjust the breakdown view to encompass the week that contains the day you've chosen. Find the best un-monetized content by device. a. Scroll down to the Devices dimension panel. b. Select List mode . You notice that mobile has the most number of plays, followed by tablet. Tablet is the undermonetized platform. c. Expand tablet. You notice the significant plays in iOS tablets. 7. Click the Filter icon at the top right of the Devices panel ( 8. Select the checkbox next to iOS. 9. Click Apply. 10. Drill down on the geography dimension. ). a. Go to the geography dimension panel. You notice a significant number of plays in the US and Canada. b. Select List mode . c. Click the Filter icon at the top right of the geography panel ( d. Select the checkbox next to "Canada". e. Click Apply. ). You can use this information to determine the videos on iOS tablets playing content in Canada which have meaningful number of plays. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | BUSINESS USE CASE EXAMPLES OF ANALYSES | 23 HOW DO I UNCOVER VIDEOS WITH HIGH POTENTIAL? The number of plays you get throughout a day varies a great deal with time of day and across time periods. You need a quick snapshot of the best performing videos and videos which are not in your radar but should be noticed. Are there trends in performance? Do they consistently appear at the same time of day? How can I get an overview of the performance of all the videos in my portfolio, to get a sense of the standout anomalies? What additional information can you uncover about that video? HOW TO IN OOYALA IQ 1. Go to the Dashboard. 2. Point out a trending video that is not the most popular (a video that is top content). 3. Click on the video from the Trending Past Hour panel. This will take you to the Video Details view for the video. 4. Review the Device tab at the bottom of the Video Details page. This shows that the video was viewed on mobile devices much more than on desktop. You may wish to elevate the visibility of the video on the mobile site while leaving it alone on the desktop site. 5. Review the Geography tab at the bottom of the Video Details page. This shows that the video was not played often in the US but received a significant number of plays in the UK. You may wish to make modifications to your UK website to elevate the prominence of the video asset, but leave the asset where it was on the US website. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | BUSINESS USE CASE EXAMPLES OF ANALYSES | 24 OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE Your workspace in Ooyala IQ has several parts. This section is a reference for all the features in the Ooyala IQ user interface. The visible workspace in Ooyala IQ is divided into several sections, each dealing with a different kind of data, view of data, or function. • • • Ooyala IQ dashboard: Gives a complete view of current video activity and daily and historical benchmark comparisons. The dashboard also shows real-time trending content. Business Intelligence page: Displays data about your content. This is one of your primary pages for analyses. You can see a historical drill-down by audience engagement, syndication partner performance, geography, device, and other dimensions. Video Details page: Useful for investigating specific videos individually, this page is ideal for long-form content understanding. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 25 OOYALA IQ DASHBOARD Use the analytics dashboard, an enhancement of Ooyala IQ, to see what is happening with your content in real time so you can make decisions and take immediate action. The dashboard has the following sections: • Key performance indicator metrics across the top, including: • • • • • • • • • • • Current Users Users Today Displays Today Plays Requested Today Video Starts Today Play Conversion Rate Video Conversion Rate Note: Current Users is calculated in realtime. In contrast, Users Today is generated with batch processing, which may cause Users Today to appear lower than Current Users. The KPI metrics on the dashboard are updated every minute with latency of 2-4 hours. Popular Now: The Popular Now subsection lists the content that has the largest number of users watching it right now. Use the paging buttons to move from page to page. Top 10 Countries by Current Viewers: A real-time global heat map. The global heat map shows where your content is being viewed in the world. The darker the shade of blue is, the more viewers you have. The orange dots show cities with the highest viewership. Use the slider on the left to zoom in or out. Underneath the map, the top ten country list scrolls through the top ten countries, displaying the number of current viewers in each and the percentage the country represents out of the current total viewers. Trending Past Hour: A list of the top videos, with the number of users who viewed them, that have had the largest percentage increase in engagement (momentum) in the most recent 60 minutes. This display has multiple pages. Use the numbers in the upper right corner to switch between pages. Momentum is calculated using a combination of time watched and the hourly increase of a video's performance against its baseline. Ooyala supports different time window sizes, and the baseline will always be the next larger time window (in the case of a time window of the past day, the baseline would be the past week). A video that was watched for 1000 minutes during the last hour and an average of 500 minutes for the day has a higher momentum than a video that was watched for 500 minutes during the current hour and an average of 500 minutes for the day. This section is updated every 20 to 40 minutes. Top Content: Contains two subsections: a graph and a list of top content. The graph shows plays requested, displays, or hours of play for the period of time you specify. The top content list shows content with the most plays requested, displays, or hours of play during the same period. WHAT'S CHANGED FROM OOYALA NOW TO THE DASHBOARD The dashboard has been updated. Formerly known as the Ooyala Now page, the dashboard received cosmetic and functional improvements. A functional improvement is that Ooyala Now could only show up to three top popular videos based on the total concurrent users. The new dashboard can show up to ten of the top popular videos based on the total concurrent users. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 26 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE REPORTS Use the Business Intelligence page to view details in your data filtered in various ways to isolate specific points of interest. The Business Intelligence page gives you insight into your videos, what devices are watching them, where people are watching them and much more. You can also easily drill down on your video performance and other metrics. The Business Intelligence page is divided into two main regions: 1. The upper panels of Performance, Engagement, Reach, and Playthrough 2. Individual dimensions To export reports on the Business Intelligence page as CSV files, click the download icon. Common Controls for Tables and Graphs All of the dimension tables on the Business Intelligence and Video Details pages have similar controls for affecting the display. In this section, the geography dimension is used to illustrate these common controls. Icon/Widget Meaning/Use For the Geography and Devices dimensions, use the pulldown menu in the upper left-hand corner of the dimension box to select the level of the data to display. Dimension Levels Geography • • Show by Countries Show by DMA Devices • • Show by Devices Show by OS (Operating System) OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 27 Icon/Widget Meaning/Use (The dimensions other than Geography and Device do not have hierarchical levels, and so do not have this selection menu.) In list mode, sort the data in the column by clicking the column heading. Switch between a text view and graphical view of the current dataset. Filter, or limit the amount of data displayed for the dimension. See discussion in Using Filters on page 30. This control displays the dimension data in an expanded table view. See discussion in Viewing Expanded Table on page 37. This exports reports as CSV files. Analytics and Labels Analytics data will only be returned for non-deleted videos that are associated with the label at report query time. This means that if you remove a label from a video or delete a video, analytics reports will not return data for the video when a label filter is applied. Example: • • • • • June 1: Video ‘Movie Trailer’ is uploaded to Backlot, label ‘A’ is added, and the video is published. June 2: Video has 10 plays. June 3: Label ‘B’ is added to the video. June 4: Video has 5 plays. June 5: Label ‘C’ is added to the video. At this point, if a report is run for the month of June, you will get the following results when applying filters. Table 9: Plays Returned Filter Plays for the video 'Movie Trailer' Label 'A' 15 Label 'B' 15 Label 'C' 15 At this point, if Label ‘A’ is removed from the video and a report is run for the month of June, you will get the following results when applying filters. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 28 Table 10: Plays Returned After Label A Removed Filter Plays for the video 'Movie Trailer' Label 'A' No results returned as Label ‘A’ is no longer associated with the video ‘Movie Trailer' Label 'B' 15 Label 'C' 15 Setting the Date Range on the Business Intelligence Page When you first access the Business Intelligence page the date range of the data is set for the current day. With the date selection tool in the upper left you can set the date ranges for all data displayed on the Business Intelligence page. You can select specific dates up to 37 months in range or use presets for relative date ranges. Note: The maximum date you can select is the current date in the provider's time zone. This may appear as the future or past if you are looking at the IQ interface in a different time zone than the provider's time zone. 1. Click in the Start Date and End Date fields and use the calendars to set the date range. 2. If desired, instead of specific dates, from the pulldown for Select from Presets, choose one of the following. A week is defined as Monday - Sunday. Note: The following are based on the provider's time zone, which may differ from your current time zone. Today means today for the provider's time zone, Yesterday means yesterday for the provider's time zone, and so on. • • • • • • • • • • Today Yesterday This Week Last Week Last Business Week This Month Last Month This Year Last Year Last 12 Months To clear a preset date range, from the select list, choose Custom, and then select the desired dates. 3. Click Apply to accept the settings or Cancel to discard them. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 29 The Business Intelligence page is redisplayed with data constrained by the date/settings you applied. Examining Videos Across Different Dimensions Use the dimension panels on the Business Intelligence page to examine your videos across the different dimensions. In the lower portion of the Business Intelligence page, data points for all dimensions are displayed, including Asset, Device, Geography, Player, and Traffic Source. You can apply filters to any dimension that will apply across the entire Business Intelligence page. Note: To filter the content on the Business Intelligence page by label, use the Asset dimension. The Asset dimension can be filtered by label or name (these filters apply across the entire Business Intelligence Page). For a detailed explanation of how to filter the asset dimension, see Filtering the Asset Dimension by Label or Name on page 31. Note: By default, the dimension values are shown for all videos, unless you filters by one or a couple of videos. You have the ability to filter within the asset module (or other modules like geography, device, etc.) in the Business Intelligence page. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS The Ooyala mobile SDKs (Android and iOS) currently do not send a player_id, so the Player name for the mobile SDKs is attributed as "unknown". For the "Show by Country" option, to view first-level administration divisions for each country, select list view and click the small arrow next to each country name. If states or provinces are not available for a country, "none" or "unknown" are shown. Using Filters Use filters to drill down on certain dimensions on the Business Intelligence page. FILTERS ON THE BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE PAGE You can apply filters to dimension panels on the Business Intelligence page that will apply to the entire Business Intelligence page. For example, you can filter the entire Business Intelligence page to show only data for your mobile devices by applying a filter in the Device panel. You can apply up to 3 dimension filters at a time to the Business Intelligence page along with a date range filter. For example, you can filter the Business Intelligence page to only show information relating to tablets and Canada within the last week. For this example you would apply filters to the Device and Geography dimensions and select Week at the upper right portion of the UI. DATE RANGES FOR FILTER QUERIES To ensure that you experience a reasonable load time in the UI: • • You can apply 3 dimension filters for date ranges up to 1 month (31 days) in the Ooyala IQ UI or with the v3 Analytics API. You can apply 2 or fewer dimension filters for date ranges up to 1 year (366 days) in the Ooyala IQ UI or with the v3 Analytics API. QUERYABLE DATA For information on Ooyala's data retention policy, please see the Data Retention section of How Ooyala IQ Works on page 9. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 30 For information on how much historical data will be migrated from v2 Analytics to Ooyala IQ, please see Data Migration on page 40. Applying Filters to the Business Intelligence Page Use filters to drill down on certain dimensions on the Business Intelligence page. You can apply up to 3 dimension filters at a time. To apply filters to the Business Intelligence page: 1. Start with the unfiltered view of the dimension. 2. Click the filter icon on the far right top of the dimension box. The icon changes color and the filtering options appear. 3. Along the left side, click the checkboxes for items you want to filter by. As you select items, they are moved to the top of the list and sorted. 4. In the text box at the top, if desired, enter additional filter terms, and hit enter. These search terms are case-insensitive. The results of the search terms will be listed beneath the items you selected by checkbox. 5. Click Apply. The results of the filtering are displayed in table format. The filter is applied across the entire Business Intelligence Page. Additional possible actions you can take: 6. To cancel the filter, click the X in the area that says "x items selected". 7. You can see the data in an expanded table view by clicking the diagonally point arrows in the upper right of the table. See Viewing Expanded Table on page 37. 8. Set the date range on the Business Intelligence page. Note: • • You can apply 3 dimension filters for date ranges up to 1 month (31 days) in the Ooyala IQ UI or with the v3 Analytics API. You can apply 2 or fewer dimension filters for date ranges up to 1 year (366 days) in the Ooyala IQ UI or with the v3 Analytics API. Filtering the Asset Dimension by Label or Name You can filter the asset dimension by label or asset name. This allows you to see dimension data for content with specific names or labels you've applied. For example, you might want to look at the metrics for only videos you've tagged as "sports" videos or for only videos with "replay" in the title. As explained in Applying Filters to the Business Intelligence Page on page 31, whatever filters you apply to the asset dimension will apply to the entire Business Intelligence page. Note: The search results will show all videos that match the search query, but you can only select videos that have analytics data for the selected date range. If the video does not have any analytics data for the selected date range, you will not be able to select it. To filter by name, follow the procedure outlined in Applying Filters to the Business Intelligence Page on page 31, using the checkboxes or the search bar to identify the asset names you want to filter by. Note: The string you search for must start with at least 3 alphanumeric characters. Make sure that Filter by Name is selected at the top of the asset dimension box. To filter by label: OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 31 Note: Data will only be returned for non-deleted assets that are associated with the label at report query time. This means that if you remove a label from an asset or delete an asset, analytics reports will not return data for the asset when a label filter is applied. 1. Start with the unfiltered view of the dimension table. 2. Click the filter icon on top right of the dimension box. The icon changes color and the filtering options appear. 3. Select Filter by Label. A tree hierarchy of your labels appears. 4. Click the arrow arrow at the top of the tree to view your labels. 5. Click on the label(s) you want to filter by. The label name appears with a checkbox checked next to it. 6. Click Apply. The video list populates with all videos that have the selected label as part of their metadata. Additional possible actions you can take: 7. To cancel the filter, click the X in the area that says "x Labels Filtered". Alternatively, you could click the filter icon, deselect the selected filter, then click Apply to apply your changes. 8. To select a different label, click the filter icon > Select a Different Label listbox > the new label and click Apply. 9. Set the date range on the Business Intelligence page. Note: • • You can apply 3 dimension filters for date ranges up to 1 month (31 days) in the Ooyala IQ UI or with the v3 Analytics API. You can apply 2 or fewer dimension filters for date ranges up to 1 year (366 days) in the Ooyala IQ UI or with the v3 Analytics API. EXAMPLE: FILTERING THE BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE PAGE BY ASSET LABEL AND GEOGRAPHY You may wish to filter the Business Intelligence page so that the only data shown is the data for the past week for your content that contains the "Clint Eastwood" label in Canada. This example explains how you would go about applying these filters. 1. Set the date range on the top left of the Business Intelligence page. 2. Filter the Business Intelligence page by the Canada Geography: a. Click the filter icon on the far right top of the Geography dimension box. The icon changes color and the filtering options appear. b. Along the left side, click the checkbox next to "Canada". c. Click Apply. The filter is applied across the entire Content panel. 3. Filter the Business Intelligence page by assets with the "Clint Eastwood" label: OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 32 a. In the asset dimension box, click the filter icon on top right of the dimension box. The icon changes color and the filtering options appear. b. Select Filter by Label. Your label heirarchy appears. c. Click the arrow next to a label to view your sub-labels. d. Click on the "Clint Eastwood" label. The label name appears with a checkbox checked next to it. e. Click Apply at the bottom right of the window. The video list populates with all videos that have the selected label as part of their metadata. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 33 The Business Intelligence page is now filtered by label and Geography. Viewing Performance Metrics The Performance tab highlights common performance metrics: displays, plays requested, video starts, and conversion rates. The items in the legend on the left of the tab are color-coded to the lines on the chart. To hide a metric from the chart, deselect the check box to the left of the metric's name in the legend. The metrics shown on the Performance tab include: • • Displays: This is a count of the occurrences of the display event, which means the embed code has changed (new content loaded). Plays Requested: The number of times the "play" button is triggered either manually or automatically. This is a count of the occurrences of the playRequested event, which means that any video content (including ad video content) was requested. • Note: We have improved our calculation of this metric. You may see the number of plays requested from your HTML5 and SDK players increase after 11/11/2014 due to this implementation. Video Starts: The number of times users started watching actual video content (non-ad content).This is a count of the occurrences of the playStarted event, which means that the requested video content (not ad content) has begun actual playback. • • Note: We have improved our calculation of this metric. You may see the number of video starts from your HTML5 and SDK players decrease after 11/11/2014 due to this implementation. Play Conversion Rate: Ratio of plays requested events to displays events. The Play Conversion Rate view is useful for any publisher trying to understand the CTR (click-through-rate) between videos being presented to a consumer on their site or app, and the consumer's willingness to clickthrough and play. Autoplay players interfere with this ratio. Note: We have improved our calculation of plays requested. You may see the play conversion rate metric from your HTML5 and SDK players increase after 11/11/2014 due to this implementation. Video Conversion Rate: Ratio of video starts events to plays requested events. The Video Conversion Rate view is useful for any publishers that provide some form of "bumpers" before the video starts or runs pre-roll ads to track the abandonment rate of consumers that exit the player before the requested video begins. Note: We have improved our calculation of video starts and plays requested. You may see the number of video starts from your HTML5 and SDK players change after 11/11/2014 due to this implementation. Refer to the conceptual overview for a graphic depiction of the displays, plays, and video starts (and other events) for a typical video. The first three events in the graphic equate to display, play requested, and video start. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 34 ABOUT TIME SEGMENTS On the upper right of the chart is a series of buttons you can use to change the granularity (the level of detail) of the displayed data: The following time segments are available: • • • day segmented data is available for one year. week segmented data is available for one year. A week is defined as Monday - Sunday. month segmented data is available for three years. Viewing Engagement Metrics The Engagement tab highlights averages of two user-related metrics (hours watched and average time watched per video starts). Click the Engagement tab to see metrics related to user engagement. To hide a metric from the chart, in the legend, deselect the check box to the left of the metric's name. The metrics shown in the Engagement tab include: • • Hours Watched: The amount of time (in hours) all users spent playing back the selected video asset(s). Average Time Watched per Video: The average time all users watched the selected video asset(s) per the number video starts for that asset (Hours Watched/Video Starts) converted to HH:MM:SS format. Note: We have improved our calculation of video starts. You may see the number of video starts from your HTML5 and SDK players decrease after 11/11/2014 due to this implementation. ABOUT TIME SEGMENTS On the upper right of the chart is a series of buttons you can use to change the granularity (the level of detail) of the displayed data: The following time segments are available: • • • day segmented data is available for one year. week segmented data is available for one year. A week is defined as Monday - Sunday. month segmented data is available for three years. Viewing Reach Metrics The Reach tab highlights how widely your videos are getting watched, regardless of plays. Click the Reach tab to see metrics related to the reach of your content. To hide a metric from the chart, in the legend, deselect the check box to the left of the metric's name. The metrics shown in the Reach tab include: • • Unique Users: The number of unique users who request to play the selected video asset(s). Average Plays Requested per User: The total number of plays requested per total number of unique users for the selected asset(s) for the selected date range (Total Plays Requested/Total Unique Users). OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 35 Note: We have improved our calculation of plays requested. You may see the number of plays requested from your HTML5 and SDK players increase after 11/11/2014 due to this implementation. ABOUT TIME SEGMENTS On the upper right of the chart is a series of buttons you can use to change the granularity (the level of detail) of the displayed data: The following time segments are available: • • • day segmented data is available for one year. week segmented data is available for one year. A week is defined as Monday - Sunday. month segmented data is available for three years. Viewing Playthrough Metrics The Playthrough tab highlights the percentage of completion of video plays. Click the Playthrough tab to see metrics about percentage of completion of videos. To hide a metric from the chart, in the legend, deselect the check box to the left of the metric's name. The metrics shown in the Playthrough tab include: • • • • Playthrough 25%: The number of video plays for the selected video assets that reached the state of 25% of completion. Playthrough 50%: The number of video plays for the selected video assets that reached the state of 50% of completion. Playthrough 75%: The number of video plays for the selected video assets that reached the state of 75% of completion. Playthrough 100%: The number of video plays for the selected video assets that reached the state of 100% of completion. Note: Regardless of how many times the user rewinds within the same view/play session, once the "state" is reached it won't be marked/counted again. You can see total values and daily averages for each of these metrics in the legend. Total values are shown on the chart. ABOUT TIME SEGMENTS On the upper right of the chart is a series of buttons you can use to change the granularity (the level of detail) of the displayed data: The following time segments are available: • • • day segmented data is available for one year. week segmented data is available for one year. A week is defined as Monday - Sunday. month segmented data is available for three years. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 36 Viewing Expanded Table Use the double-arrow icon see your data in table layout. If you want to see dimension data in table view, click the expand icon ( any dimension panel on the Business Intelligence page. ) in the upper right corner of Note: Applying Filters to the Business Intelligence Page on page 31 prior to viewing the expanded table. With the displayed table, you can: • • • • Use the page options on the bottom of the table to look through different pages of the data. Add or remove table columns. By default, all metrics are visible in the table. 1. Click Edit Table Columns. 2. To remove metric columns from the table, deselect the checkbox next to the metrics you want to hide. Only selected metrics will be shown as columns in the table. 3. To add metric columns to the table, select the checkbox next to the metrics you want to show. 4. To export to CSV format, click Export to CSV. The exported table can contain up to 1,000 items. Adjust column width by dragging column borders. Adjust data order by clicking on column titles (for example, you can have data arranged in ascending or descending order). Business Intelligence Error Handling Use error messages on the Business Intelligence page to troubleshoot issues. The following errors can appear in the Business Intelligence page: Error Message Troubleshooting Tips NO DATA AVAILABLE FOR DISPLAY This error message occurs when there is no data available for display. To resolve this error, try the following: • • UNABLE TO COMPLETE THE REQUEST. PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER Make sure the date range set at the upper left of the Business Intelligence page is set to a range that contains data (and data that can be analyzed by Ooyala IQ routes). Relax the filters you have set on the data. This error message occurs when your request fails or takes longer than expected. To resolve this error, contact Technical Support. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 37 VIDEO DETAILS Use the Video Details page to investigate video performance. The Video Details page is part of the larger collections on the Business Intelligence page. Any time you click the name or title of a video (or any asset), you are shown the Video Details page. The Video Details page has performance and engagement data for the video. To export reports on the Video Details page as CSV files, click the download icon. s The Video Details page is divided into four main regions: 1. The video section, which contains the key performance indicator (KPI) bar, the video itself, and video information. 2. The Segments Watched section, which shows the plays requested count plotted against the video duration. 1 segment is defined as 2.5% of video length. Note: If a user rewinds and watches the same segment N times, Segments Watched for that segment will count as N times. 3. The middle panels of Unique Users, Plays, Time Watched, and Playthrough. a. Unique Users: Graphically shows the number of unique users over time (the date range you set at the top of the page). b. Plays Requested: Graphically shows the number of plays requested over time (the date range you set at the top of the page). c. Hours Watched: Graphically shows the time watched over time (the date range you set at the top of the page). d. Playthrough: Shows percentages of completion of playing assets, 25%, 50%, 75%, plotted against the count of plays requested. 4. The metric section, which shows information in either graph or list form for the following information about the video: • • • • Device: Shows the plays requested, time watched, and playthrough of the devices the video was played on. Geography: Shows the plays requested, time watched, and playthrough of the different geographies the video was played in. Player: Shows the plays requested, time watched, and playthrough of the different video players the video was played on. Traffic Source: Shows the plays requested, time watched, and playthrough of the different traffic sources the video was played through. SETTING A DATE RANGE With the Select Date Range pull down you can change the date range for the plotted graph and displayed metrics. You can choose from the following options. Please note that a week is defined as Monday Sunday. • • • Today Yesterday This Week OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 38 • • • • • • • Last Week Last Business Week This Month Last Month This Year Last Year Last 12 Months OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | OOYALA IQ WORKSPACE REFERENCE | 39 MIGRATING FROM V2 ANALYTICS Here are some considerations for when you migrate from v2 Analytics to v3 Analytics (Ooyala IQ). V2/V3 FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE: MULTIDIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS In v3 Analytics (Ooyala IQ), data are stored and presented multi-dimensionally. In v2 Analytics, the data are shown uni-dimensionally (that is, a single dimension). This means that in v2 you could investigate only one type of data at a time; for example, by domain, or by geography, or by device, and so on. In v3 Analytics, however, the data are presented multi-dimensionally (that is, more than a single dimension). What this means is that you can do analyses of more than one set of data at a time. For example, instead of looking at data only by geography OR by domain type, in v3 Analytics you can look at data by geography AND by domain (the intersection between these two dimensions). You can apply up to 3 dimension filters at a time. In v3 Analytics (Ooyala IQ), multidimensional analysis is supported in both the GUI and the REST-based APIs. DATA MIGRATION All customers will have reprocessed data starting from January 1, 2014. For at least 6 months after the start of your migration to Ooyala IQ, you will still be able to use the v2 Analytics API for single dimensional queries on all of your historical data. However, for Ooyala IQ, all customers will have data starting from January 1, 2014 to query. To save your historical data from Backlot as CSV using the Backlot UI: 1. 2. 3. 4. Log in to Backlot. Click the ANALYZE tab. Set filters and dimensions so that your report contains the desired content. Click Save as CSV next to the date selector in the upper right portion of the UI. To save your historical data from Backlot as CSV using the Backlot API, please see How to Export Your Data With the v2 Analytics API on page 40. HOW TO EXPORT YOUR DATA WITH THE V2 ANALYTICS API INTRODUCTION The following information will guide you on retrieving and saving your analytics v2 data. As we migrate customers from v2 Analytics to Ooyala IQ (v3 Analytics), you need to know the following: • All customers will have access to data starting from January 1, 2014. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | MIGRATING FROM V2 ANALYTICS | 40 • You will continue to have access to the old v2 Analytics API until about 6 months after the start of your migration to Ooyala IQ. This means that if you need access to more than 1 year of historical analytics data, you need to export the data using the v2 APIs while they are still active. OVERVIEW: THE OOYALA V2 ANALYTICS API With the Ooyala v2 Analytics API you can easily create a report that will provide you with your analytics data. The results will be in JSON format. (JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format that is easy to read and write.) To retrieve analytics results from a specific date range you simply need to define the type of result you need with the api call /v2/analytics/reports/, either in a terminal emulator such as Terminal on a Mac or in the Ooyala Scratchpad. What is an API? In computer programming. API (Application Programming Interface) is the name of a set of routines and protocols for software applications. An API expresses a software component in terms of its operations and results. Where can I locate my API Credentials? You can locate your API Key and Secret in the Backlot UI. Please use your API v2 credentials located in Backlot under the ACCOUNT>Developers tab. Figure 1: Finding Your API Keys How Does the API Work? An Ooyala API call requires 4 basic elements: API Key, API Secret, a Signature and an Expiration time. API calls are made via HTTP methods. The GET API call is used to retrieve data without directly modifying it and allows you to get a typed JSON document response based on the id of the object. What are the Available Results I can Retrieve with the Ooyala v2 Analytics API? On the v2 Analytics API there are 4 key qualifiers that you need to identify in order to retrieve your results: asset_id: This value is referred to by different names depending on where you look for it. In the Backlot API, asset_id is the identifier for a specific asset. asset_id has the same value as the content ID found in the Backlot UI that represents a piece of content. The value is the same for all scenarios. asset_id can be used if you want to retrieve results for a specific asset. Alternatively, you can retrieve results for your account, which would include all of your assets. date_range: Defines the date range for this report. Analytics is based on dates. You can define the date following the format (YYYY-MM-DD) or you can define a date range with (YYYY-MM-DD...YYYY-MM-DD). Report Request: Defines the type of report you want to retrieve. Valid values include performance, sharing, engagement, and delivery. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | MIGRATING FROM V2 ANALYTICS | 41 Dimension: Dimensions are common criteria that are used to aggregate data, such as the date when the user activity occurred or the country where the users were located. Every Dimension also has “Drilldowns”, which allow you to filter your results by specific values for each dimension. Common query string parameters and attributes can be found at Common Attributes and Query String Parameters. HOW TO RETRIEVE YOUR V2 ANALYTICS DATA What is the API Call Format? The v2 Analytics API follows a specific order on the body of the API. For example, the API call: /v2/analytics/reports/account/performance/ [:dimension/:drilldown]/:date_range Should appear like the following if you want to get a performance report from 2011-01-01 to 2014-01-01: Figure 2: API Call For Performance Report How Can I Use the Scratchpad to Save Reports? The Scratchpad is a tool created by Ooyala that allows you to make API queries in your browser. To retrieve an analytics report with the Scratchpad: 1. Go to https://api.ooyala.com/docs/api_scratchpad?url=. 2. Select “Your Account” in the Credentials section in the upper right corner of the page. 3. Enter your v2 API credentials (API Key and Secret) in the Credentials section in the upper right corner of the page. 4. In the Query field located on the left side of the page, enter your Analytics query. For example, if you would like to get the performance report from 2011 to 2014, copy and paste this query: /v2/ analytics/reports/account/performance/total/2011-01-01...2014-01-01 5. Select GET. 6. Click Submit. Note: Your response appears in the response field. 7. If you prefer to see your results in a larger browser window, copy the API URL shown in green above the Submit button into your browser. In this case, the URL would be https:// api.ooyala.com/v2/analytics/reports/account/performance/total/2011-01-01...2014-01-01? api_key=yourApiKey&signature=yourSignature&expires=1418771221. 8. Save the JSON by selecting File > Save As… in your browser. For information on how to convert JSON to CSV, see Converting Analytics JSON to CSV Additional Query Examples For more details on how to form queries in Scratchpad and for specific analytics report types, see: • • • • Performance query examples Sharing query examples Engagement query examples Delivery query examples Note: To retrieve all data for a report type for your account, use the “total” query string parameter. You can find examples using “total” in each of the query example links mentioned above. “total” is used to retrieve all data for that particular report type for your account. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | MIGRATING FROM V2 ANALYTICS | 42 For example, the following query retrieves all performance data for the account over the date range 2011-08-01...2011-08-02. [GET]/v2/analytics/reports/account/performance/total/2011-08-01...2011-08-02 How can I Create my own API Report? You should only create your own API script if you are comfortable with the Ooyala API and have created scripts before or if you have the technical resources available who can modify the pre-made query to retrieve the data for you. If you check the following snippet from our sample code that shows a terminal, you will be able to identify that we send the request of the API call using cURL. cURL makes http request where you can modify the parameters and the headers. Figure 3: Sample API Report Note: For more script examples, please check our support site documentation at Sample Code for Signing Requests. POTENTIAL DIFFERENCES IN THE DATA There may be differences in the data in v3 Analytics (Ooyala IQ) when compared to data in v2 Analytics due to the following: • • • • Due to the re-processing of data to accommodate the multi-dimensional capabilities, the aggregation of the data may result in slightly different values than in v2 Analytics. We are also using a new robust architecture in Ooyala IQ which results in better error handling. Ooyala IQ uses Quova, a more accurate geo provider than in v2 Analytics. Ooyala IQ uses a more accurate device profiling provider than v2 Analytics, so the aggregation across devices and operating systems may differ. We are now using UADetector along with WURFL to optimize mobile and desktop coverage. The metrics are defined more accurately. Metrics with new definitions or bug fixes in calculation include: • Playthrough: v2 Analytics calculated playthrough on the server side based on the segments watched. There are 40 segments for each video. If the 10th segment got watched, Playthrough 25% was triggered; if the 30th segment got watched, Playthrough 75% was triggered. This behavior is problematic when people rewind and/or fast-forward. This calculation method did not always take OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | MIGRATING FROM V2 ANALYTICS | 43 • • • deduplicating into account and did not report segments that users skipped, which at times led to playthrough 75% appearing higher than playthrough 25%, for example. The new analytics has a more accurate definition of playthrough, which is calculated on the client-side to indicate the furthest quartile point a user has reached within one viewing session. The new calculation deduplicates, reports for the segments that the user skipped, and has a more accurate measure of when the 100% mark is reached. This change in calculation provides more accurate metric data for playthrough. Data after August 1, 2014 is calculated using the new playthrough logic. Uniques: The calculation of unique metrics in v2 Analytics involved looking for cookies on the client side based on event timestamps. The new calculation of uniques is server-side and involves an algorithm called hyperloglog (HLL) and a guid that identifies browsers within a device. If the player does not see a guid a new guid is generated. This new calculation method reduces bugs, deduplicates, and is more accurate. You may see differences in your “unique” data, but the values should be similar, and any change is due to increased accuracy in “unique” calculation. Plays Requested: We have improved our calculation of this metric. You may see the number of plays requested from your HTML5 and SDK players increase after 11/11/2014 due to this implementation. Video Starts: We have improved our calculation of this metric. You may see the number of video starts from your HTML5 and SDK players decrease after 11/11/2014 due to this implementation. ANALYTICS GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI) DIFFERENCES Here are general differences in the GUI. 1. The major difference between the GUIs for v2 Analytics and Ooyala IQ is that Ooyala IQ allows much richer investigation because of multidimensional analysis. In v2 Analytics you have multiple pages in the GUI where analysis has to be done, such as the geography page, the domain page, and others. In Ooyala IQ, you also have different pages to work with, but you should concentrate primarily on the Business Intelligence page, which gives you an at-a-glance view of all your dimensions. 2. UI reports v2 Analytics Ooyala IQ The reports for dimensions (by device, by geography, and so on) across the top each have a separate page. You are essentially looking at a single dimension on each page. The Business Intelligence page centralizes the investigation of all dimensions on a single page. When you filter by a dimension, the data for the other dimensions are constrained by that filter. Thus the reports are by nature multi-dimensional. For concrete examples, see Business Use Case Examples of Analyses on page 20, which illustrate how filtering works. Performance The Analytics Dashboard shows performance metrics, which you can also see on the Business Intelligence page. Engagement The Business Intelligence page Performance tab shows average time watched and other engagement-related metrics. The Video Details page gives a full view of the engagement metrics. Sharing No direct equivalent in GUI. Most users have sharing mechanisms on their own sites outside of the Ooyala Player, so be aware that the sharing data you see in the API is only the sharing that has happened through the Ooyala Player. Data are available via Ooyala IQ Reporting API. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | MIGRATING FROM V2 ANALYTICS | 44 v2 Analytics Ooyala IQ External Publishing No direct equivalent. The reports in V2 were all contained on their own page: In Ooyala IQ you can look at data for all of the dimensions at once: 3. The v2 Analytics platforms dimension has been replaced in Ooyala IQ with the following: device_type, os, and browser. 4. In Ooyala IQ you filter the report results by label using the Asset dimension box. To filter the Business Intelligence page by label, click the filter icon at the top right of the Asset dimension box and select "Filter by label". You can then select which label filter you want to apply to the entire Business Intelligence page. 5. The v2 Analytics dimension called Domain has been renamed in the Ooyala IQ GUI as Traffic Source. This represents the sites where an asset has been viewed. Use the Traffic Source dimension in lieu of the old Domain dimension. 6. Within the geography dimension panel in the Business Intelligence page you can filter your data by country. When you select a country you can filter even further by states or provinces. If states or provinces are not available for a country, "none" or "unknown" are shown. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | MIGRATING FROM V2 ANALYTICS | 45 7. To manage the size of the datacubes, we have removed the city, tag, and url dimensions. V3 ANALYTICS APPLICATION PROGRAMMING INTERFACE (API) Here are the major differences in the programming interfaces between v2 Analytics and v3 Analytics (Ooyala IQ). 1. The major difference in the APIs between v2 Analytics and v3 Analytics is that v3 allows much richer investigation because of multidimensional analysis. This has certain ramifications on syntax, as described below. 2. The v2 Analytics API positionally expresses many options or filters directly on the route itself, often making the route difficult to parse. In addition, in v2 no more than a single dimension could be requested on the route. In the v3 Analytics API, however, query string parameters (name/value pairs) are used for greater clarity and up to 3 dimensions can be included in a request. For example, for the performance report: • • 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. In v2 Analytics: /v2/analytics/reports/level/performance/total/date_range In v3 Analytics: /v3/analytics/reports/? report_type=performance&start_date=beginning date In v3 Analytics, for queries with query parameters that would exceed the HTTP GET specification limit of 230 characters, please use a POST request. Some browsers and http clients may support more than 230 characters, but we will not provide official support for queries that violate the HTTP GET specification. In general, in v2 Analytics, a date range to filter the data can be specified at the end of the route, which is confusing. Instead, in v3 Analytics, use the start_date query string parameter and (if desired) the end_date parameter. In v2 Analytics, the breakdown_by parameter forces the response to show values by day, week, or month. In v3 Analytics there is no direct equivalent; all values are returned. You can limit the time segment returned with the time_segment parameter. v3 Analytics features with no equivalents in v2: filters=, metrics=, dimensions=, and other query string parameters. To manage the size of the datacubes, we have removed the city, tag, and url dimensions. API reports. The following table correlates the general syntax of the v2 Analytics report types with their v3 Analytics general equivalents or near equivalents. This is not intended to be a thorough treatment of all syntactical possibilities, but a general view of the differences. Note: The engagement, sharing, and unique reports have been combined and included in the performance report. Report Type v2 Analytics Report Route v3 Analytics Equivalent or Near Equivalent Performance /v2/analytics/reports/level/ performance/ /v3/analytics/reports/? report_type=performance Sharing /v2/analytics/reports/ account/sharing/videos/ /v3/analytics/reports/? report_type=performance Engagement /v2/analytics/reports/asset/ asset_id/engagement /v3/analytics/reports/? report_type=performance Unique No equivalent /v3/analytics/reports/? report_type=performance Delivery /v2/analytics/reports/level/ delivery/ No equivalent at this time. 9. Equivalences in query string parameters OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | MIGRATING FROM V2 ANALYTICS | 46 v2 Analytics Query String Parameter v3 Analytics Equivalent Description page_token page Specify desired page of next response breakdown_by time_segment Categorize the data according to times limit limit Limit the number of records in the response order_by sort Sort the returned data 10. For even more examples of equivalences, see API Requests: v2 Analytics and v3 Analytics Comparison in the Analytics Developer Guide. CERTAIN "UNIQUE" METRICS CONFUSING IN V2 ANALYTICS In v2 Analytics, certain "unique" metrics were unexpectedly returned in responses. In the v2 Analytics API, you can request that the system return the "daily uniques" (unique viewership details) for a given date. Unfortunately, the API response included not just the "daily uniques" but sometimes unexpectedly the "weekly" and "monthly" uniques. This presented difficulty to the user, who had to determine exactly which metric was the one he wanted among those he had requested and those not expected in the response. These metrics are shown in the snippet of a v2 Analytics response shown below: . . . "metrics": { "video": { "uniq_replays": { "monthly_uniqs": "40", "daily_uniqs": "45", "weekly_uniqs": "40" }, . . . In Ooyala IQ, this behavior has been corrected such that only a single "unique" metric is returned in the response. The single unique metric corresponds to the time frame specified on the request (daily, weekly, and so forth). OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | MIGRATING FROM V2 ANALYTICS | 47 ANALYTICS GLOSSARY For definitions of other terms, see also the following reference material in the Ooyala IQ Developer Guide: • • Dimensions Metrics Term Definition asset Ooyala term for content of various kinds, typically videos. cardinality The maximum number of possible values of a dimension. For example, a dimension named "color" might have three possible values: red, green, and gold. This dimension has a cardinality of three. completion Amount (usually a percentage) of assets actually watched. See also playthrough (%). Applies only to video-on-demand, not live assets. conversion rate In Ooyala v2 Analytics terminology, the change from a "display" event to a "play" event; that is, how many times the video was actually played, not simply displayed. (Note that in common industry understanding, "conversion rate" can mean many different things, such as conversion of a user from viewing an advertisement to actually making a purchase.) In Ooyala IQ there are two conversion rates; see conversion rate, play and conversion rate, video. conversion rate, play Ratio of plays requested to display events. Videos that are displayed on high traffic pages, but are not played, will have low conversion rates. conversion rate, video Ratio of start events to plays requested events. The Video Conversion Rate is useful for any publisher that provides some form of "bumpers" before the video starts or runs pre-roll ads to track the abandonment rate of consumers that quit before the requested video begins. derived metric A metric that is calculated from other, primary metrics. device Dimension to record the type of device the user operates to plays your asset. This is derived from the USER_AGENT web server environment variable. dimension An aspect or attribute of a video. All videos have the predefined dimensions described in Dimensions in the Analytics Developer Guide. displays A count of the number of display events for a given asset. A display event is triggered each time a new video asset is loaded by the player. DMA Dimension to record Designated Marketing Area. domain Dimension to record the fully qualified domain name (FQDN). engagement A word used to classify metrics related to how much time people spent watching a video. See the "playthrough" metrics described in Metrics in the Analytics Developer Guide. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | ANALYTICS GLOSSARY | 48 Term Definition event A defined occurrence of a phenomenon in the "life of an asset", such as display, playRequested, or playStarted. filter "Constrain", decrease the amount of data by excluding some metrics to focus on specific aspects of the data. Noun: an instance of such filtering. geography Dimension to record the geographic location. Calculated by the system based on the IP address of the user's device. Geography actually consists of three separate dimensions: country, region, and DMA. identifier The unique value that identifies any given object, such as a video. Sometimes called a "key." kpi Key performance indicator. metric A measurement. location An old term from Analytics v2, now called "Geography". os The operating system (OS) dimension of devices. player loads The number of times a video player has been loaded on a page or device. players Video playing software with a defined name. All Ooyala players have defined names. Also, the dimension to record this. plays requested The number of times the "play" button is triggered either manually or automatically. A count of the number of playRequested events for a given asset (this could be playing an ad or the actual video content). Plays requested does not include replays. playthrough (%) Percentages of completion of playing assets, 25%, 50%, 75%. Applies only to video-on-demand, not live assets. This is a measure of the furthest point a user has reached during one video view session. There will only ever be one count of each playthrough % per video view session per user (for example, even if the user rewinds and re-watches the first quarter of the video three times during the same video view session, there will only be one count of 25% playthrough). See the "playthrough" metrics described in Metrics in the Analytics Developer Guide. slice-and-dice (verb) To filter, to constrain, to limit the analyzed data by constraining it in various ways. summarize (verb) To calculate totals of lower order items in "buckets" or defined groups. Sometimes called "roll up". For example, the count of all devices of type "iOS" is the "iOS rollup." total hours watched Sum of the time all videos were watched. traffic source Recorded in the domain dimension, the site that referred or redirected the user's player to your asset. Derived from the HTTP_REFERER web server environment variable. Note that this is not the site the user "came from" to reach the location where the player is. This is the site where the player is embedded. trending Most popular videos are measured as videos with the most momentum during the time window. Momentum is calculated using OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | ANALYTICS GLOSSARY | 49 Term Definition a combination of time watched and the hourly increase of a video's performance against its baseline. user, unique user In many cases, a synonym for plays_requested. Unique users are calculated in the following ways: • • • video starts Ooyala mobile SDK for iOS: The Ooyala mobile SDK for iOS generates and store a random unique ID which is applicationspecific. The unique ID is generated in the "OOClientID" class and is stored in the "standardUserDefaults" object and is valid until the application is deleted. This unique ID cannot be erased or reset by the end user without deleting the app. The application developer can store a different ID than the generated ID by erasing the existing ID [OOClientID resetID] and setting a new ID [OOClientID setID:New_ID]. Ooyala mobile SDK for Android: The Ooyala mobile SDK for Android generates and store a random unique ID which is application-specific. The unique ID is generated in the "OOClientID" class and is stored in the "SharedPreferences" file and is valid until the application is deleted. This unique ID cannot be erased or reset by the end user without deleting the app. The application developer can store a different ID by erasing the existing ID [ClientID.resetID(context)] and setting a new ID [ClientID.resetID(NEW_ID)]. All other environments (HTML5, Flash, Chromecast): In other environments, a unique user is identified by local storage or cookie. To generate the GUID, Flash players use the timestamp of when the GUID is generated and append random data to it. The string is then converted to base64. To generate the GUID, HTML5 players use the current time, browser information, and random data and hash it and convert it to base64. Within the same browser on desktop, once a GUID is set by one platform it is used for both platforms for the user. If a user clears their browser cache, that user/device's ID will get regenerated next time they watch video. Incognito modes will track a user for a single session, but once the browser is closed the GUID is erased. The number of times users started watching actual video content (non-ad content). Recorded via the playStarted event. OOYALA IQ USER GUIDE | ANALYTICS GLOSSARY | 50
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