OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED 3 EIA/EMP AND RA/DMP FOR DRILLING OPERATION OF 22 EXPLORATORY WELLS IN NELP IX BLOCK CB-ONN-2010/1, 6 &9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT DESCRIPTION This chapter provides a condensed description of those aspects of the project likely to cause environmental effects. Details are described in the chapter with regards to type, need, location, size or magnitude of project operations, technology and other related activities. 3.1 3.1.1 Drilling of Exploratory Wells Overview To exploit hydrocarbon in sub-surface, an oil well is drilled by deploying a drill rig. Drilling operations shall be conducted round-the-clock for 24 hrs. The time taken to drill a well depends on the depth of the hydrocarbon bearing formation and the geological conditions. ONGC intends to drill wells to a depth up to 3000 m. This would typically take ~30 - 35 days for each well – however drilling period may increase depending on well depth. In general, a 17 ½” hole is drilled from the surface up to a predetermined depth and 13 3/8” surface casing is done to cover fresh water sands, prevent caving, to cover weak zones & to provide means for attaching well head & the blowout preventer (BOP). This is followed by drilling of 12 ¼” hole and lowering of 9 5/8” intermediate casing depending upon the depth of the well and anticipated problems in drilling the well. The 8 ½” holes is drilled up to the target depth of the well cased with 5 ½” production casing to isolate the producing zone from the other formations In the process of drilling, drilling fluid is used to lift the cutting from the hole to the surface. Drilling fluid is formulated by earth clay and barites. Various types of bio-degradable polymers are also added to maintain the specific parameters of the mud. Both two casing policy and three casing policy will be employed for drilling. 100M 13 3/8” casing 550M 1600M KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS | MARCH 2015 9 5/8” casing 5 ½” casing 52 OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED EIA/EMP AND RA/DMP FOR DRILLING OPERATION OF 22 EXPLORATORY WELLS IN NELP IX BLOCK CB-ONN-2010/1, 6 &9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Figure 3-1: Well Profile with Three Casing Policy 450M 1100 M 9 5/8” casing 5 ½” casing Figure 3-2: Well Profile with Two Casing Policy Where a hydrocarbon formation is found, initial well tests - possibly lasting one more month (if tested by work over rig, which is smaller than a drilling rig) are conducted to establish flow rates of oil & gas and formation pressure along with other reservoir parameters. These tests may then generate oil, gas and formation water. On completion of testing, the well would be declared oil / gas producer or dry. 3.1.2 In the event that economic quantities of hydrocarbons are found, the well will be completed with a wellhead in place, but all the other equipment and materials will be removed from the site. In the event that no economic quantities of hydrocarbons are found, the site would be restored to the original form (as far as possible) and the well abandoned, following standard practices. Drilling Site Selection The proposed well locations will be selected based on the following considerations: Identified at a place so that drill site is located at a safe distance away from the nearest village habitat & existing rain water catchment tanks; Natural drainage channels are avoided or drainage channels rerouted to ensure unhindered flow of rain / flood water. Where necessary adequate erosion control measures will be provided; KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS | MARCH 2015 53 OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED EIA/EMP AND RA/DMP FOR DRILLING OPERATION OF 22 EXPLORATORY WELLS IN NELP IX BLOCK CB-ONN-2010/1, 6 &9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION All practicable means will be followed to avoid or minimize detrimental effects on the surrounding environment by virtue of the construction at the location or the operation of the drilling rig. Maximum care will be taken to avoid the cutting of the trees. 3.1.3 Site Clearance The site selected for proposed drilling activity shall be first surveyed topographically and site boundaries shall be marked. Land clearance for site construction at each drilling site shall practicably be minimum in order to safely accommodate the facilities required for installation. The area of land required would be approximately of the order of 110 m x 110 m. During the construction phase of about 30 days, approximately 6-7 truckloads per day of material movement would take place. The drill site construction would be done largely employing local labour. 3.1.4 Access and Transport Roads will be required to provide access to each operating well and to the facilities provided for the drilling. In some cases permanent access roads will have to be built so that equipment can be moved in and out of the locations initially and during later maintenance. While preparing access roads, following guidelines will be followed: Use existing roads, when suitable, to prevent further soil disturbance Site roads along ridgelines to minimize road grades and to lessen the potential of disturbing a watercourse Avoid designing roads with sharp curves, blind spots, steep grades in or near streams and valleys The transportation of the rig, drilling and well testing equipment to (and from) the drill site will be by truck and trailer using the existing and proposed road system outlined above. 50 - 60 truck / trailer loads are expected for delivery of this equipment over a ten day period. 3.1.5 Drilling Site Layout Each development well drill site has the following facilities: Potable office cabins / rest rooms; Drilling rig foundation and cellar pit; Foundation / pits for ancillary equipments; Space for drill rig equipment, working area and materials lay down area; Cutting disposal (impervious lined) pits; Solar evaporation pits (waste drilling fluid disposal); Water storage pit; Sewage treatment system (septic tank with soak away pits); Paved and contained chemical storage area; Above ground diesel storage tanks with paved and bunded area; Storm water drainage system; Internal roads and fencing Figure 3-3 provides a typical layout for such a drilling site. It should be noted however, that the final configuration and layout would in part be determined by ONGC. Sheds shall be constructed for KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS | MARCH 2015 54 OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED EIA/EMP AND RA/DMP FOR DRILLING OPERATION OF 22 EXPLORATORY WELLS IN NELP IX BLOCK CB-ONN-2010/1, 6 &9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION accommodating the staff during working hours. A bunded oil, lubricants and chemicals storage area will be installed and a shed shall be prepared for the same. A reinforced concrete pad will be built over an area of around 20 m2 as a foundation for the drilling rig. A temporary waste containment area will be constructed. A water pit with cement plastering will also be constructed for storage of water required for the drilling operations. Once the site is prepared, drilling equipment, supplies and drilling personnel will be mobilized and the drilling rig will be erected. The drill site is restricted access area and is fenced all round with round the clock watch & ward facility. Entry of vehicles into the drilling site area is prohibited except for material movement. Instillation of Facilities Within the cleared site, construction will be taken up. This would include the impermeable layer lined for drilling fluid, drill cuttings, waste and water storage pits as required, foundations for the drilling rig and accessories, inter-connecting drains, secure storage provision for chemical, oil and waste oil, portable-cabins and a sewage treatment system (septic tank and soak away pits and piping). The mobilization of the drill site involves transportation of drilling rig in modules and erected by means of mobile cranes. The drill site equipments are designed as modular / skid mounted type, which facilitates quick demobilization and re- mobilization. The installation of the drill site equipments / facilities involves about 50 trailer loads spread over 5-6 days. Once the site is prepared, drilling equipment, supplies and drilling personnel will be mobilized and the drilling rig will be erected. Other Utilities The development drill site area will be fenced by high barbed wire. The drilling rig will be positioned almost in the middle of this area, when mobilized. Excavation work shall be carried out under the permit-to-work system and in such a manner that the collapse of sidewalls is precluded. Measures shall be taken to prevent persons and livestock from accidentally falling into an excavation pit. Surface Drainage Drilling sites will have an adequate drainage and wastewater conveyance system, so that all wastewater are contained and can be disposed as per the GPCB discharge norms. The drilling rig location will be connected with paved drains to the lined drilling fluid collection pits. Storm water flows will be conveyed through surface drainage system. Surface drains will be adequately graded and maintained and kept debris free to ensure quick disposal of their contents. Waste Oil Collection, Storage & Disposal System Waste oil from pumps or other machinery will be trapped and manually collected and stored in a paved waste oil storage area. The storage area will be provided with paved flooring, containment bunding and covered roofing. The storage facility shall be designed based on the CPCB guidelines for hazardous waste storage. The waste oil will be recycled as per GPCB & MoEF authorized waste oil recyclers at the end of the exploratory drilling operations. Spill Containment System Containment systems and oil traps will be provided to trap any escape of oil before it can leave the drilling site. All potential sources of spillage will be equipped with drainage facilities or drip pans in order to contain spills. KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS | MARCH 2015 55 OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED EIA/EMP AND RA/DMP FOR DRILLING OPERATION OF 22 EXPLORATORY WELLS IN NELP IX BLOCK CB-ONN-2010/1, 6 &9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Waste Water Storage Pit The waste water storage pit (Size 70 m X 30 m X 2 m - for up to 3000 m well depth) will collect waste water, which come from the drilling operations. The waste water present in the waste pits will be recycled and reused during drilling phase. Water based drilling fluids, which are nonhazardous, will be used. The residual wastewater and the drilling fluid from the drilling operation will be collected in waste pits for solar drying. The pit will be lined with HDPE sheet and the overlaps welded together with the edges brought over the rim and tucked into the soil. At the end of the drilling phase, the liquid fraction of the waste drilling fluid will be allowed to evaporate and the pit is filled with thick layer of native top-soil. Drill Cuttings Disposal Pit The drilling rig system to be employed for drilling will be equipped for the separation of drill cuttings and solid materials from the drilling fluid. The drill cuttings, cut by the drill bit, will be removed from the fluid by the shale shakers (vibrating screens) and centrifuges and transferred to the cuttings containment area. Once the drilling fluid / mud have been cleaned it will be returned to the fluid tank and pumped down the drill string again. Drill Cutting and drilling mud will be disposed off in accordance with Notification dated 30th August 2005 - G.S.R 546 (E) point no C “Guidelines for Disposal of Solid Waste, Drill Cutting and Drilling Fluids for Offshore and Onshore Drilling Operation”. Domestic Sewage Treatment and Disposal System The domestic sewage generated from the drill site operations will be treated in a septic tank– soak pit system. The septic tank is adequately sized to cater to a volumetric capacity of 4–5 m3 per day. Fuel & Chemical Storage Area The fuel (Diesel) will be received in bulk quantity through road tankers and stored in above ground steel diesel tanks (~ 40 KL capacity). The tanks will be operated and maintained as per the applicable rules. The tank area will be provided with secondary containment of adequate capacity to impound any accidental leaks. Chemicals will be stored on a paved platform and protected against weather through an impervious covering. Separate storages are earmarked for liquid and solid chemicals. All the storages are identified with tags and sign boards. All required safety precautions such as display of the MSDS, provision of fire extinguishers will be followed. KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS | MARCH 2015 56 OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED EIA/EMP AND RA/DMP FOR DRILLING OPERATION OF 22 EXPLORATORY WELLS IN NELP IX BLOCK CB-ONN-2010/1, 6 &9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Figure 3-3: Typical Layout of Drilling Site KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS | MARCH 2015 57 OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED 3.1.6 EIA/EMP AND RA/DMP FOR DRILLING OPERATION OF 22 EXPLORATORY WELLS IN NELP IX BLOCK CB-ONN-2010/1, 6 &9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Drilling and Testing Operation at Well Site Once the cellar has been excavated, the drill pad constructed and equipments in place, drilling would commence. Based upon the drilling methodology adopted by ONGC, the sizes of drill bits, casings (surface / conductor / production) and other equipment would vary. Typically for the first 100m or so a large diameter bit is used. A length of pipe, the casing, is cemented into the shallow borehole produced to support the walls, which can be weak and porous and can potentially collapse. The first drilling fluid used is quite often water alone. Drilling will then continue for several hundreds of meters. At this depth smaller diameter casing is usually cemented into the hole. This intermediate casing protects the well by sealing potentially weak zones. At this stage low density drilling fluids will be used and although it is unlikely that gases or fluids under pressure might be encountered, a blow-out preventer is typically installed as part of secondary well control to prevent fluid from the formation gushing to the surface. Drilling continues using progressively smaller bits and incrementally decreasing casing diameters. Air will also be used as drilling media wherever required. Changes in fluid composition, and drill bit, are also likely to occur according to the different strata encountered. Drilling Mud During drilling, a fluid known as “drilling fluid” or mud is pumped through the drill string, through the drill bit and then returns up the annulus between the drill string and bore hole, serves a number of important functions. Drilling Mud Composition ONGC uses water-based mud. The main components of drilling mud are slurry of inert solids suspended in a liquid phase. The chemicals used for mud preparation are given in Table 3-1 Table 3-1: Chemical Used for Water Based Mud Preparation Chemical Percentage Bentonite, 15cps 6 Potassium chloride 15 Polyanionic cellulose 0.5 (w/v) Lignite 4.0 Caustic potash 1.0 (w/v) Sulphonated Asphalt 2.0 (w/v) Resinated Lignite 2.0 (w/v) Biopolymer 1.5 (w/v) Drilling Fluid Function Drilling fluid serves the following essential functions: The removal of drilled solids (i.e. cuttings) from the bottom of the hole and their transport to the surface for separation from the mud; Lubrication and cooling of the drill bit and string; Deposition of an impermeable cake on the well bore wall to seal the formation being drilled; KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS | MARCH 2015 58 OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED EIA/EMP AND RA/DMP FOR DRILLING OPERATION OF 22 EXPLORATORY WELLS IN NELP IX BLOCK CB-ONN-2010/1, 6 &9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Suspension of drilling cuttings in the fluid during the interruption of drilling; and Countering the natural formation pressures and preventing uncontrolled flow of fluid from the formations The role of the drilling fluids in pressure control is especially important. If the drill bit penetrates a formation containing oil, gas or water under pressure these fluids are prevented from flowing into the borehole by ensuring that the drilling mud is of sufficient density to the natural formation pressures. Water based drilling fluids, which are of an environmentally acceptable nature will be used. The drilling fluids are non- hazardous in nature and are normally re-used as much as is possible while drilling the well. Drilling Fluid Circulation System During drilling operations mud is pumped through the drill string down to the drilling bit and returns between the drill pipe casing annulus up to surface back into the circulation system after separation of drill cuttings / solids through solids control equipment. The mud used during the operation will flush out formation cuttings from the well hole. These cuttings will be separated from the drilling mud using a solids-control and waste management package. This will comprise a stepped system of processes consisting of linear motion vibrating screens called shale shakers and centrifuges to mechanically separate cuttings from the mud fluid. The mud from the hole is first screened in the shakers through a mud flow line which separates 100 micron size of cuttings. The solids up to 2 micron are separated in a centrifuge. The mud is then collected in mud tanks. Both the cuttings from the shale shakers and centrifuge are collected in a Solid Discharge pit and then removed to a specially designed pit lined with 1-1.5 mm thickness of HDPE. This cuttings pit has a certain slope to drain off water in the adjacent waste pit. This pit after being filled up shall be covered with an impervious liner over which a thick layer of native top-soil with proper top slope will be provided. The whole process by which the drilling fluid will be reused during the drilling operation is commonly known as a “closed loop system”. This system is ideal for drilling operations in sensitive environments as it cuts down immensely on the total water consumption for the formulation of drilling mud and also saves on the Consumption of chemicals. The circulating system is essentially a self contained, closed system as shown in Figure 3-4 KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS | MARCH 2015 59 OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED EIA/EMP AND RA/DMP FOR DRILLING OPERATION OF 22 EXPLORATORY WELLS IN NELP IX BLOCK CB-ONN-2010/1, 6 &9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Figure 3-4: Drilling Fluid Circulation System 3.1.7 Workforce Arrangements No workers camp will be required during drilling of wells. During the drilling operations, about 30 to 40 persons may be working in 8 hour shifts at site. Workers will be able to return to their homes at night and hence no camping will be required at or near the well site. Once drilling is over no person is required at site, except security cover through a contractor. 3.1.8 Power Requirements During drilling operations, diesel engines shall be utilized as prime movers for meeting the power required to run the drilling rig, circulation system etc. A power generator shall also be installed for lighting. The capacity of the diesel engines that shall be used for operating the rig and the circulation system is expected to be of 1250HP (3 Nos, two running and one standby), which will be run by High KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS | MARCH 2015 60 EIA/EMP AND RA/DMP FOR DRILLING OPERATION OF 22 EXPLORATORY WELLS IN NELP IX BLOCK CB-ONN-2010/1, 6 &9 OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED PROJECT DESCRIPTION Speed Diesel. This generator shall consume approximately 250-300 Lit of fuel per hour, when in operation. Besides, the power generator used for lighting is expected to have a rating of approximately 40 – 60 KVA, which would consume HSD at the rate of 0.02 KL/hr, when in operation. 3.1.9 Water Requirement The most significant requirement of water for drilling activities is for mud preparation.The other requirement would be for engine cooling, floor / equipment / string washing, sanitation, fire-fighting storage / make-up and drinking. During the drilling activity, about 35 m3 per day water will be required which will include requirements for operation and that for sanitation and drinking of the workers during drilling single well. The water shall be made available from the nearest ONGC installation, and will be transported by water tanker. A water pit of 150 m3 capacity will be constructed at the site for the purpose of fire fighting.. Table 3-2: Water Requirement Peak water required during Drilling period (KLD) per well S. No. Purpose 1 Mud preparation 10 2 Drill cutting washing, Floor and Equipment Washing 15 3 Engine Cooling 5 4 Domestic requirement 5 Drilling Operation Total Water requirement for Drilling (KLD) KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS | MARCH 2015 35 61 OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED EIA/EMP AND RA/DMP FOR DRILLING OPERATION OF 22 EXPLORATORY WELLS IN NELP IX BLOCK CB-ONN-2010/1, 6 &9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Figure 3-5: Water Balance Diagram Total Water Required 35 m3/day 8 m3/day Drill Cuttings Washing General Rig Washing 10 m3/day 10 m3/day 5 m3/day 2 m3/day 5 m3/day Mud Preparation Processing 2 m3/day Cooling Misc., Drinking, Toilet Etc. 5 m3/day 5 m3/day 2 m3/day Waste Pit 1 m3/day Soak Pit (Water recd.11 m3/day) Net Waste Water Quantity: 3 m3/day KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS | MARCH 2015 62 OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED EIA/EMP AND RA/DMP FOR DRILLING OPERATION OF 22 EXPLORATORY WELLS IN NELP IX BLOCK CB-ONN-2010/1, 6 &9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1.10 Waste Water Generation The drilling operation would generate wastewater in the form of wash water due to washing of equipment, string and cuttings etc. The only other source of wastewater generated from seismic survey as well as drilling operation is sewage from sanitation facilities, which shall be disposed through septic tanks/soak pits. It is expected that wastewater in the form of washings shall be generated at an average rate of around 3 m3/day during the drilling operations from a single well. Waste water will be discharged in HDPE lined evaporation pit, size of the pit is generally 70mx30mx2m. The wash water would contain variable quantities of mineral salts, solids, suspended and dissolved hydrocarbons, and other organic and inorganic components in very minor quantities. 3.1.11 Air Emissions The emissions to the atmosphere from the drilling operations shall be from the diesel engines, and power generator. 3.1.12 Noise Generation The source of noise generation during this phase of operations would be the operation of rig and diesel-generating sets. The expected noise generation at source, due to operation of rig is 101 dBA (Source: "Control of Noise Pollution from Diesel Generator sets", Programme Objective Series; PROBES/71/1998-99, Central Pollution Control Board). Besides, certain pumps are expected to be in operation during this phase, for mud circulation. The noise generation work however is transient and limited to the drilling period only. Consultants from Kadam visited a typical ONGC drill site within the Cambay Basin; Noise levels were measured near various noise generating equipments and at site boundary. The noise levels were observed as follows Near Near Near Near Near Well head ~ 80 to 85 dB (A) mud pump ~ 80 to 85 dB (A) DG Set ~ 70 to 75 dB (A) Shale Shaker ~70 to 75 dB (A) Site Boundary ~ 55 to 60 dB (A) 3.1.13 Waste Management The top layer of soil shall be stacked at site for reuse after completion of drilling operations. The solid waste generated from drilling operation will be disposed in following manner. Drill Cuttings – 150-200 MT / well will be generated, which are mainly inert solids. Drill cuttings shall be water washed and then solar dried at site in HDPE lined cutting pit. Dry cuttings shall be covered with top layer of soil. Spent Oil – During the drilling approx. 200 lts. of spent oil shall be generated. This oil shall be sent to authorized recyclers, as per ONGC policy. Oil Sludge/ Hazardous waste – The proposed drilling is temporary activity and exploratory in nature, no hazardous waste shall be generated. In case of any Oil Sludge/ Hazardous waste is generated during the drilling activities, same shall be sent for incineration to a TSDF site. KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS | MARCH 2015 63 OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED EIA/EMP AND RA/DMP FOR DRILLING OPERATION OF 22 EXPLORATORY WELLS IN NELP IX BLOCK CB-ONN-2010/1, 6 &9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Drilling Mud – Water base drilling mud shall be used, approx. 200 m3 drilling mud per well is required. Waste mud shall be sent to central mud plant of ONGC for processing, recycling and reuse. 3.1.14 Safety and Environment Adequate safety measures such as fire-fighting equipment shall be provided at the site in accordance with the norms of OISD 189. A high-pressure influx of formation fluids (water and/or gas) into the well bore is commonly known as a 'kick'. Well control is aimed at preventing the kick and a possible blowout. The function of well control can be conveniently sub-divided into two main categories, namely primary well control and secondary well control. These categories are briefly described below. Primary Well Control This is the maintenance of sufficient hydrostatic head of fluid in the well bore to balance the pressure exerted by the fluids in the formation being drilled. This means that the pressure exerted by the density of the drilling fluid should be greater than the pressure of the formation fluids. It should be noted that balancing formation pressure is a theoretical minimum requirement; good drilling practice dictates that a sufficient excess of hydrostatic head over the formation pressure be maintained at all times to allow for contingencies. Secondary Well Control If, for any reason, the effective hydrostatic head in the well bore should fall below formation pressure, an influx of formation fluids (kick) into the well bore would occur. If this situation occurs, the Blowout preventer (BOP's) must be closed to prevent the loss of fluid from the well. The purpose of secondary well control is to rectify the situation by closing the well in and circulating the invading fluid out of the well, while at the same time increasing the fluid weight to prevent any further influx. The drilling personnel of the selected contractor are expected to be experienced in the above procedures and the key personnel will be required to hold certificates to prove competence in well control procedures. They will be trained and regular drills held to ensure that they will know how to act in such events. Furthermore, they will be aware of the safety aspects associated with the drilling operation, through training and experience. It must be also noted that blowouts are rare events during development drilling operations conducted by experienced operators. 3.1.15 Abandonment of Operations At the conclusion of the drilling program at each drilling site, an orderly withdrawal of all personnel and the removal of all drilling and testing equipment and non-fixed items from the drilling site will be undertaken. Broadly, there are two such scenarios: In case that the well is completed when economic quantities of hydrocarbons are found, the well will be left with a wellhead in place, but all other equipment and materials will be removed from the site. The well site will be fenced and will be reduced to 30m X 30 m for the production phase and all non essential area will be fully reclaimed In any other case the site will be cleared and refurbished to permit recovery to as near as possible the pre-existing local environment KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS | MARCH 2015 64 OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED EIA/EMP AND RA/DMP FOR DRILLING OPERATION OF 22 EXPLORATORY WELLS IN NELP IX BLOCK CB-ONN-2010/1, 6 &9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Temporary Suspension of Activities In the event that economic quantities of hydrocarbons are found, all empty drums, wastes, used and unused drilling fluids, fuel and lubricants will be removed from the drilling site. Water supply and effluent discharge hoses and associated equipment will be removed. All solids & liner will be removed and sent to an authorized TSDF site. Decommissioning upon Abandonment In the event that no economic quantities of hydrocarbons are found, a full abandonment plan will be implemented for the drilling sites in accordance with the applicable Oil Mines Regulation, 1984. The activities mentioned in the above section would apply to decommissioning upon abandonment as well, but abandonment would be more permanent. The overriding principle being that the environment should, with time, be reinstated to broadly its original condition. Until such time as this is achieved, ONGC would actively manage the reinstatement process. All concrete or steel installations would be removed to at least 1 m below ground level, so as to ensure that there are no protruding surface structures. In the unlikely event that soil is found to be contaminated, measures would be taken to remove or treat appropriately all contaminated topsoil to promote its remediation. 3.2 Cost of the Project Approximate cost of the project is given in Table 3-3. Table 3-3: Cost of Project Description of the Activity Approximate Cost Drilling of 22 exploratory wells in NELP Block CB-ONN-2010/1,6 & 9 ~ Rs 350 Crore 3.3 Details of Oil Collection System As the proposed project is for exploratory drilling operation no oil/gas collection system is envisaged. KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS | MARCH 2015 65 D C E F H G I J K L M N P O R Q S i Da p ya Rajkot Study Area Rampur p To Daiya 3 Jampur Gadsisar Karbun Savpura Taluka Boundary Road - NH/SH Bhadodar 5 Chandangadh Chothar Nesada B Fangadi Tadav 7 Mahadevpura THARAD TALUKADudhva Idhata Jamda RANN OF KACHCHH Bhachar Achhuva Lendau Bhakhari Dolatpura Mahajanpura Gambhirpura 11 Chuva Golgam Chudmer Uchpa THARAD Well-7 Charda Bukna C 14 Ravla Khimanavas Vejagadh Malsan ASARAGAM PADAN Nagala H Moti Pavad Z AA AB AD AC AE AF Lalpur Jetda SH -54 Peparal Jasara Achhavadiya Chandarva Del Lembau Sanavia Kuwana Lakhmi Moral Morikha Chalva Sanadhar Nesda Bhachali Bhatvargam Jelana To Suigam Koreti Bahisara Well-2 Vasarda 24 DEVPURA (SUIGAM) Devkapadia Rampura Bhatasana 26 Kalyanpura Khari Paldi To am ig Su Chatra NH-15 Tetarva Ravel Jada Chamanpura BHABHAR TALUKA Bhambordi Chaladara Vadana Forna Liladhar F 24°23'12.61" 71°29'41.80" Well-08 24°28'8.46" 71°28'0.76" Well-09 24°26'46.38" 71°30'25.13" Well-10 24°14'29.08" 71°30'25.33" Samla Vadana Raiya SH-70 Sadapura (Jasali) Jasali Diodar Mesra Vakha Nanota Sanadar Ludara Mitha KANKREJ TALUKA Khodla To Deesa Boda Bhadkasar SCALE 0 Dhanakwada Kotda Deodar Salpura Dhrandav Bhodaliya Khara Well-07 Soni Odha Zalmor Vakha Karela BHABHAR 71°30'41.30" Duchakvada Chagwada Dhrandvada Nesda Abala 24°20'8.26" Nava Chimangadh Surana Mulakpur 2 4 6 8Km KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 871/B/3, Near Himalaya Machinery GIDC, Makarpura, Vadodara - 390 010. Tel: +91 (0) 265 2644909 / 2647 213 Fax: +91 (0) 265 2638411 E-mail: [email protected] Delwada Bhesana Chembuva Mespura 71°43'54.14" Well-06 Navapura Kunvarva Kuvala Barvala 24°12'59.77" Kotada Asana Lunsela 71°40'33.07" Well-05 Gangot Vadiya Abasana Jorawargadh DEODAR TALUKA Sardarpura Radakiya Suthar Nesdi Uchosan Vatam Nava Mojru Nava Manvarpura Radka 71°33'34.57" 24°14'38.32" Manpura Jalodha Narana Khanodar Rampura Nokha Harkudia Balodhan Sedhav DUDHVA Paldi Well-3 Lalpura Vatam Juna Mojru Juna Bhagwanpura Kumbharkna 27 Manpura Dhunsol Mera Eta G Well-5 Dhunsol Vajapur Juna 24°10'40.52" Well-04 Jalodha Sesan Juna Golvi Vajapur Nava Well-1 Khadol Well-03 Dera Sesan Nava Golvo Sanesda Motipura Benap Ishvariya Bhankhod Chala Dhanana 71°32'38.20" Vasna Vajegadh Rantila Kunvata Kotarwada Janavada 71°30'12.10" 24°13'21.96" Chibhda Well-4 BHADVAL Savpura Mamana 23 D Baiyak Well-10 Limbala Bharadava Makhanu Dethali Tithgam NH -15 21 E Makdala Daua Kanothi 24°11'27.02" Well-02 Luvana Sanav Devpura Talasar Well-01 To Dee sa DEESA TALUKA Golap Dendava 31 Y Lunawa Khorda Khardol 19 30 X Asasan Dharadhara 29 W Gela Nani Pavad Madka 28 V Jandla Dodgam 17 25 U Karnasar Malupur Khanpur Well-6 Khimana Padar T SH -54 Vavdi 15 16 Proposed Wells Latitude (N) Longitude (E) Malupur Abhepura Vav Asaravas era Vadgamda 5 NH-1 Reluchi CHATARPURA an Dh To 28 SH-1 VAV TALUKA 13 22 Ghesda Budhanpur Sardarpura 12 River Beds Janadi Lodrani Nalodar Reservoir / Lakes / Ponds / Tanks Gangana Well-9 10 18 Water Bodies Symbol / Colour 2nd Classification Residential / Commercial Lunal Dhima Sapreda Built-up / Habitation Vami Pratappura Well-8 1st Classification Lorwada Takhatpura (Dhima) Dheriana Rachhena Hathawada Ghatiyali Umedpura 8 Mangrol Ganeshpura A 6 9 Bhapi Kolava LAND USE LAND COVER CLASSES Bhapdi Bhorol anch ore Chotil To S Haripura Rabadi Padar Road Medhala NH-1 5 Kareli E S Project Site Pirgadh Baluntri 4 W Symbol / Colour Name Patiyasara 2 Saba N LEGEND Ajawada TITLE OWNER PROJECT B To A 1 EIA/EMP and RA/DMP for Proposed Exploratory Drilling of Wells Block CB-ONN-2010/1 M/s ONGC Limited. Map showing WELL LOCATION in the study area REVISION : 0 DRAWN BY : KK SCALE : As Shown CHD BY : SK DATE : 21-03-2015 APPROVED BY : SK DRAWING NO M-3.1(A) SOURCE : Satellite image taken from Enhance Version of Google earth pro 2013 nc ho r e N Sa Rajkot Patiyasara LEGENDS Rampura Saba Gadsisar Lunda Savpura STUDY AREA Baluntri Haripur Bhapi Ganeshpura A Fangadi Umedpura Lorwada Takhatpura (Dhima) Dheriana Vami Mahadevpura NH-1 5 Idhata Dhima RANN OF KACHCHH Sapreda Achhuva Dudhva Lunal Pratappura Rachhena RAILWAY LINE Hathawada B Tadav Chothar Nesada ROAD Bhapdi Bhorol Kolava Chandangadh TALUKA BOUNDARY Bhadodar Medhala Rabadi Padar E S PROJECT SITE Jampur Kareli W To Vajiasra Jamda Idhata THARAD TALUKA Janadi Bhakhari Lodrani Dolatpura Gambhirpura Nalodar Chudmer Chuva Golgam Budhanpur Uchpa Sardarpura VAV TALUKA THARAD Abhepura Charda Reluchi Vav Khimanavas Khanpur C Ravla Malupur Nagala Malsan Gela Vavdi Asaravas H Dodgam Chandarva Khardol Madka Nesda Bhatvar Vas Jelana NH-1 5 Kanothi Makhanu Janavada Chala Bahisara Vasarda Narana Ishvariya Bhadrana Golvo Golvi Sanesda Sesan Nava Bhankhod Vatam Vajapur Khadol Rampura Navapura G Lalpura Tetarva BHABHAR TALUKA Chaladar Uchosan NH-15 Chebua Paladi Baruvala Sanadar Dhrandvada Lodra Mitha Vadana Bhabbar To Gandhidham 0 Diodar F Jasali Sadapura Rahia KANKREJ TALUKA Vakha Surana 2 4 6 8KM Odha Jhalmol Abala SCALE eesa To D KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 871/B/3, Near Himalaya Machinery GIDC, Makarpura, Vadodara - 390 010. Tel: +91 (0) 265 2644909 / 2647 213 Fax: +91 (0) 265 2638411 E-mail: [email protected] Chamanpura Kotada Kuvala Nesda Soni Chagwada Vadiya Bhesana Bhimbordi Niladar Jada Phorna Dhanakvada Manvarpura Chatra Ravel Nokha Radka Radka Nesdi Sutar Duchakvada DEODAR TALUKA Asana Balodhan Sedhav Khanodar Rampura Sardarpura Paladi Khari Harkudia Kumbharkna Dudhva Manpura Kotada Mera Kalyanpura Eta Bhatasana Benap Dev Manpura Mojaru Juna Paldi Dhunsol Motipura Dera Jalodha Kunvata Kotarwada Dhanana Manki Vasna Vajegadh Kalji Malupur Mamana DEESA TALUKA E Rantila Chibhda D Baiyak Savpura Koreti Luvana Makdala Dethali Tithgam Agthala Sanav Daua Dendava Lakhmi Chalva Devpura Limbala Bharadava Sanavia Talasar Dharadhara Moral Achhavadiya Kuwana Lembau Sanadhar Bhachali Peparal Asasan Del Golap Jetda Jandla Morikha Jasada Lunawa Pavad Khimana Padar Malukpur TITLE OWNER PROJECT Bukna EIA/EMP and RA/DMP for Proposed Exploratory Drilling of Wells Block CB-ONN-2010/1 M/s ONGC Limited. Map showing SATELLITE IMAGE in the study area REVISION : 0 DRAWN BY : KK SCALE : As Shown CHD BY : SK DATE : 21-03-2015 APPROVED BY : SK DRAWING NO M-3.2(A SOURCE : Satellite image taken from Enhance Version of Google earth pro 20 D E F To Visnagar H To G Vijapur 1 I J K Tintodan Himmatpura Dhandhusan 2 To M ahes ana Samou Charada Padusma 18 SH-2 To he Ma Canal Taluka Boundary LAND USE LAND COVER CLASSES Indrapura Well-7 7 Vagosana Well-6 Well-5 Jamla Latitude (N) Longitude (E) Pratap Nagar Makakhad Rampura Ambod Manekpur Parbatpura Well-3 Dhedhu Rajpura Dholakuva Bhimpura Delvad KhorajDabhi Sobhasan Paliyad Bhavpura Soja Itla Nadri KALOL TALUKA Rampura Pratappura Vadu Nava Kotha Narola Balva Well-2 11 72°34'0.92" Well-03 23°23'39.86" 72°36'13.37" Well-04 23°22'34.40" 72°36'13.37" Well-05 23°24'20.60" 72°36'17.54" Well-06 23°24'30.98" 72°35'9.11" Well-07 23°24'48.51" 72°35'53.47" Sadra at iR Pindharada GANDHINAGAR TALUKA Vasan Piplaj Rupal Pansar SH Sardhav SCALE ive r Unava Jhulasan Mokhasan 0 Chekhalarani SH 15 To Jalund Kolavada Adraj Moti 16 To Gandhinagar l lo Ka Arsodiya Jamnagarpura K To l alo Bhoyan Rathod Titoda Ga nd hin a ga r TITLE OWNER PROJECT -1 38 Dhamasna 6 8Km 871/B/3, Near Himalaya Machinery GIDC, Makarpura, Vadodara - 390 010. Tel: +91 (0) 265 2644909 / 2647 213 Fax: +91 (0) 265 2638411 E-mail: [email protected] Randheja Isand 4 KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS -21 7 Sonipur 2 Anandpura Dolarana Vasana Vadavsvami 14 17 72°34'2.38" 23°21'17.12" Aluva Well-1 Nardipur Bhadol 23°20'43.92" Well-02 Mubarakpura Dingucha 13 Well-01 Amaja Golthara 12 Amarapur Well-4 KADI TALUKA 10 Limbodara Sa ba rm a san ahe To M Karjisan Ponds / Lakes / Tanks River Proposed Wells Badpura SH -71 Himmatpura Symbol / Colour Residential / Commercial Water Bodies Anandpura Fatehpura Gulabpura Mansa Boru SH-217 ijapu r MANSA TALUKA Itadara Khata Amba Veda Bapupura 2nd Level Classification Built-up / Habitation To V -71 SH Parsa To Prantij Ridrol SH Solaiya Kharna SH-138 -13 0 a san Amarpura Hadvi E S 1st Level Classification Vadasma W Symbol / Colour Study Area Railway Saldi Dangarva N Name Dhameda 6 9 LEGEND Road SH-73 Langhanaj 8 O Harnahoda Charadu 5 N Proposed Site Boundary Gozaria 4 M MEHSANA TALUKA Anandpura Umiya Nagar 3 L Vij ap ur C To B To Visnag ar A EIA/EMP and RA/DMP for Proposed Exploratory Drilling of Wells Block CB-ONN-2010/6 M/s ONGC Limited. Map showing WELL LOCATION in the study area REVISION : 0 DRAWN BY : KK SCALE : As Shown CHD BY : SK DATE : 21-03-2015 APPROVED BY : SK DRAWING NO: M-3.1(B) SOURCE : Satellite image taken from Enhance Version of Google earth pro 2013 To Vijapur N To Visna gar To Visnagar Tintodan Himmatpura Dhandhusan E S Harnahoda MEHSANA TALUKA Charada Padusma 218 SH- Gozaria LEGEND To Study Area hes Ma Dhameda SH -13 0 Solaiya Kharna Parsa B Khata Amba Itadara Fatehpura Gulabpura Mansa Boru Himmatpura Indrapura A Veda Badpura Pratap Nagar Makakhad Rampura C SH-217 Parbatpura PART-B Jamla Ambod Manekpur Vagosana Hadvi Taluka Boundary Anandpura Saldi Vadasma Bapupura MANSA TALUKA Railway -71 -71 SH Langhanaj Ridrol SH ana Amarpura Charadu Proposed Site Boundary To Prantij SH-138 ToKalol Symbol / Colour Name To V ijapu r To V ijapu r Samou pu r SH-73 Vij a Anandpura Umiya Nagar To To M ahes ana W Rajpura Dholakuva Bhimpura Dhedhu Delvad KhorajDabhi A H B Sobhasan Soja Itla E Nava Kotha Balva F PART-A D G KALOL TALUKA Rampura Pratappura Vadu Narola D Amarapur Mubarakpura Sadra Nardipur Unava Dingucha Jhulasan E F Anandpura Vasan Piplaj Rupal Bhadol Sardhav SH -21 7 Randheja Sonipur Dhamasna To Jalund Kolavada Adraj Moti To Gandhinagar l lo Ka Arsodiya Jamnagarpura lol l Ka a l o ToTo K Bhoyan Rathod Titoda Ga nd hin ag ar 2 4 6 8KM KADAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 871/B/3, Near Himalaya Machinery GIDC, Makarpura, Vadodara - 390 010. Tel: +91 (0) 265 2644909 / 2647 213 Fax: +91 (0) 265 2638411 E-mail: [email protected] Chekhalarani Dolarana Vasana Vadavsvami Isand 0 Pindharada GANDHINAGAR TALUKA Mokhasan Pansar SCALE Aluva Amaja Golthara SA BA RA S abM ana Nadri C KADI TALUKA Limbodara G TITLE OWNER PROJECT Paliyad Bhavpura arA mT atI R i RI ivVeE rR Karjisan SH -1 38 s ahe To M Dangarva EIA/EMP and RA/DMP for Proposed Exploratory Drilling of Wells Block CB-ONN-2010/6 M/s ONGC Limited. Map showing SATELLITE IMAGE in the study area REVISION : 0 DRAWN BY : KK SCALE : As Shown CHD BY : SK DATE : 21-03-2015 APPROVED BY : SK DRAWING NO M-3.2(B) SOURCE : Satellite image taken from Enhance Version of Google earth pro 2013
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