2 A PPENDIX A C OMPLETE E LEMENT D ECOMPOSITION V ECTORIZATION R ESULTS AND We have tested our LBP on totally 34 patches and the results are listed in Fig.1 and 2 We have tested our element decomposition algorithm on the same 15 Manga characters to understand its performance. Fig. 3 and 4 show all 15 of the decomposition results. Fig. 5 and 6 show the results of applying our intuitive Manga patch vectorization and manipulation methods for several Manga objects drawn by different artists to show the effectiveness of our algorithm. At the same time, we also show the comparison with the vectorization results generated by Adobe illustrator. Figure 7 shows the results of context completion after a user drew scribbles and the semantic components can then be manipulated individually and locally for interesting effects. Figure 8 shows more interesting composition of Manga objects. 3 Dots patterns 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU Fig. 1. This shows LBP detection results on uniform-sized Dots patterns along with hatching patterns. Our LBP identifier can successfully identify the type of screentone patterns collected from different Manga. c Sobe Amako, Conan from Case From left to right and from top to bottom are Kirimaru from Ninja Rantaro c Aoyama Gyoushou, Goku from Dragon Ball c Akira Toriyama, Akare from Dr. Slump c Akira Toriyama, Closed c Akira Toriyama, Nobita from Doraemon c Fu jiko F.Fu jio, Kame and Ranchi from Goku from Dragon Ball c Akira Toriyama, Ai from Case Closed c Aoyama Gyoushou, Ranma and Akane from Ranma 1/2 Dragon Ball c Rumiko Takahashi, Aoko from Fantastic Thief c Koushi Aoki, Title from from Dragon Ball c Akira Toriyama, c Rumiko Takahashi, Gian and Gian from Doraemon c Fu jiko F.Fu jio, Hama Chyah Akane from Ranma 1/2 c JyuhSah F.Yamasaki, a man from from Tsuli Baga c JyuhSah F.Yamasaki, Hama Chyah, Hama from Tsuli Baga c JyuhSah F.Yamasaki, a chair man from NARUTO c Kishimoto Masashi, a Chyah, and KaiJyou from Tsuli Baga c Oda Eiichiro, and a bottle from Case Closed c Aoyama Gyoushou sea scene from One Piece 4 Stripes patterns 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU Grids patterns 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU Other patterns 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU 'RW 6WULSH *ULG 2WKHU Fig. 2. The first block shows LBP detection results on uniform-sized Stripes patterns, the second block shows LBP detection results on uniform-sized Dots patterns, and the third block shows LBP detection results on irregular patterns. Our LBP identifier can successfully identify the type of screentone patterns collected from different c Koushi Aoki, Doraemon Manga. From left to right and from top to bottom are Old man from Case Closed c Fu jiko F.Fu jio, Shiratori and Shiratori from from Fantastic Thief c Koushi Aoki, and gian from Doraemon c Fu jiko F.Fu jio, Kame from Dragon Ball c Akira Toriyama, Tora from Asao, Grown-up Yuda from Doraemon c Sobe Amako, Father of Nobita from Doraemon c Fu jiko F.Fu jio, Bad Ninja from Ninja Rantaro Ninja Rantaro c Sobe Amako, Doctor from from Case Closed c Koushi Aoki, and Goku’s Grand father from from Dragon c Akira Toriyama. Ball 5 Input Raster Image Our Screentone Detection Border Detection Manga Element Decomposition Fig. 3. This shows the results of our Manga element decomposition. The first column shows the input raster image, the second column shows the results of our screentone identifier, the third column shows the results of our border detection, and the last column shows the results of our Manga element decomposition. From top to bottom c Aoyama Gyoushou, Gian from Doraemon c Fu jiko F.Fu jio, Kirimaru from Ninja are Conan from Case Closed c Sobe Amako, Kirimaru from Ninja Rantaro c Sobe Amako, Akare from Dr. Slump c Akira Toriyama, Rantaro c Fu jiko F.Fu jio, Ranma from Ranma 1/2 c Rumiko Takahashi, and a bottle from Doraemon from Doraemon c Aoyama Gyoushou. Case Closed 6 Input Raster Image Our Screentone Detection Border Detection Manga Element Decomposition Fig. 4. This shows the results of our Manga element decomposition. The first column shows the input raster image, the second column shows the results of our screentone identifier, the third column shows the results of our border detection, and the last column shows the results of our Manga element decomposition. c Fu jiko F.Fu jio, Goku from Dragon Ball c Akira Toriyama, From top to bottom are Nobita from Doraemon c Akira Toriyama, Hama Chyah from Tsuli Baga c JyuhSah F.Yamasaki, KaiJyou from Goku from Dragon Ball c JyuhSah F.Yamasaki, Hama Chyah from Tsuli Baga c JyuhSah F.Yamasaki, a coin from Doraemon Tsuli Baga c Fu jiko F.Fu jio, and a sea scene from One Piece c Oda Eiichiro. 7 Our work Adobe Illustrator Vectorized Borders and Meshes Deformation and Screentone Change Lighting Fig. 5. This shows the results of vectorization, deformation and addition of lighting effects along with the comparison to the vectorized results generated by Adobe Illustrator The first column shows the vectorization rendering results. Green marks the results when rendering to maintain the primitive density of the screentone pattern and red marks the results when rendering to maintain the primitive size. The second column shows the vectorized results generated by Adobe Illustrator and our proposed algorithm could maintain the screen patterns of a Manga object in the same structure and appearance when zooming in. The third column shows the results ´ after element decomposition and vectorization in our chosen representation of meshes and Bezier borders. The fourth column shows the deformation results. The last column shows the results of the pattern replacement c Aoyama Gyoushou, Gian along with virtual lighting effects. From top to bottom are Conan from Case Closed c Fu jiko F.Fu jio, Kirimaru from Ninja Rantaro c Sobe Amako, Kirimaru from Ninja Rantaro from Doraemon c Sobe Amako, Akare from Dr. Slump c Akira Toriyama, Doraemon from Doraemon c Fu jiko F.Fu jio, Ranma c Rumiko Takahashi, and a bottle from Case Closed c Aoyama Gyoushou. from Ranma 1/2 8 Our work Adobe Illustrator Vectorized Borders and Meshes Deformation and Screentone Change Lighting Fig. 6. This shows the results of vectorization, deformation and addition of lighting effects along with the comparison to the vectorized results generated by Adobe Illustrator The first column shows the vectorization rendering results. Green marks the results when rendering to maintain the primitive density of the screentone pattern and red marks the results when rendering to maintain the primitive size. The second column shows the vectorized results generated by Adobe Illustrator and our proposed algorithm could maintain the screen patterns of a Manga object in the same structure and appearance when zooming in. The third column shows the results after element decomposition and vectorization in our chosen representation of meshes ´ and Bezier borders. The fourth column shows the deformation results. The last column shows the results of the pattern replacement along with virtual lighting effects. From top to bottom are Nobita from Doraemon c Fu jiko F.Fu jio, Goku from Dragon Ball c Akira Toriyama, Goku from Dragon Ball c Akira Toriyama, Hama c JyuhSah F.Yamasaki, KaiJyou from Tsuli Baga c JyuhSah F.Yamasaki, Hama Chyah from Chyah from Tsuli Baga c JyuhSah F.Yamasaki, a coin from Doraemon c Fu jiko F.Fu jio, and a sea scene from One Piece Tsuli Baga c Oda Eiichiro. 9 Fig. 7. This shows the context completion and manipulation results. The first column is a vectorized Manga object. The second column shows the context components determined with user scribbles. The third column shows the deformation of the components. From top to bottom are Goku, Goku, Kuririn from Dragon c Akira Toriyama, Akane from Ranma 1/2 c Rumiko Takahashi, Kirimaru from Ninja Rantaro c Sobe Amako Ball c Fu jiko F.Fu jio. and Doraemon from Doraemon 10 (a) (b) High five (c) (d) c Fu jiko F.Fu jio and Ninja Rantaro Fig. 8. (a) shows the composition of Gian and Kirimaru from Doraemon c c Fu jiko F.Fu jio and Ninja Sobe Amako. (b) shows the composition of Doraemon and Kirimaru from Doraemon c c Fu jiko F.Fu jio and Dr. Rantaro Sobe Amako. (c) shows the composition of Yuda and Akare from Doraemon c c Akira Toriyama and Slump Akira Toriyama. (d) shows the composition of Akare and Connan from Dr. Slump c Detective Connan Koushi Aoki.
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