n6361 Cty. Rd. G, Beaver Dam, WI
Located ¾ mi. S. of Beaver Dam & the Hwy. 151 interchange on Cty. Rd. G
SATURDAy, APRIL 25, 2015 - 8:30 A.M.
N1797 CO. RD. K, SHARON, WI 53585-9723 • (262) 736-4141
nOTe: Ken loved buying & collecting and every barn and shed are full to the rafters, and
the pastures are full too! Many items cannot be seen because they are buried in years
of collecting! We will be adding and changing the list as we unpack the sheds. Watch
our website for updates. THeRe WILL Be nO InSPeCTIOn ALLOWeD UnTIL 4-18-15.
PLeASe DO nOT GO TO THe PROPeRTy FOR VIeWInG UnTIL THen. We will be selling
in multiple rings, so come prepared
TRACTORS, eQUIPMenT & PARTS: Case IH VAC tractor w/NF, painted & newer rubber,
J.D. A w/NF, Oliver Hart-Parr tractor, Oliver 1900-D w/cab, Ford 9N w/overdrive, many
A.C. WD & WD-45’s (1 diesel, some w/snap couplers), A.C. D-17 w/Allis loader Series
#4 w/3 pt., A.C. 200 tractor, A.C. C tractor, A.C. 7000 w/dual hyd., A.C. WC tractor, A.C.
tractor on steel, Twin City tractor #27012, McCormick Deering 70, IH W-6 tractor, Massey
#30, Case Tractor #TE1405 w/single plow & twin disc, Farmall B, Farmall C, IH Farmall
Cub w/belly mower, Ferguson tractor, Old Case & McCormick Deering tractors, (3)
Fordson tractors on steel wheels, A.C. fenders, J.D. & McCormick Deering tractor parts,
IH T-6 Crawler, (6K3), A.C. threshing machine, McCormick Deering husker shredder, Fox
425 chopper, N.I. spreader, IHC drill on steel, IHC steel wheel sickle mower, Plymouth
Foundry silo filler, A.C. sickle mower, NI 5bar rake, A.C. 1 btm. plow, IH 710 4 btm. plow,
3 pt. PHD, Kasten 6T running gear, IH-8 green feed chopper, grav. box & gear, 6 & 8 ft.
vibra tines, NH 479 Haybine, Gehl Grind-All blower, Kasten blower, A.C. wire baler, hay
conveyor, Ford 15’ disc, 4 sec. drag w/cart, Gehl chopper, ground-driven spreader, gas
powered hay baler, hay loader, J.D. steel wheel gear, tandem running gear, small 3 pt.
back hoe, dump rakes, Oliver 4 btm. plow, J.D. 3 btm. plow, 2 btm. plow, 3’ quack digger,
2 row corn planter, drag sections, etc. TRUCKS, CARS & PARTS: ’29 Essex Super Six
w/wood spoke tires, ’46 Chevy pick-up, ’74 Volkswagen Super Beetle, ’53 Ford F250
pick-up, ’87 Pontiac GT Fiero, ’90 Dodge 150 Ram, ’95 Z28 convertible Camaro, ’02 Olds
Alero, Oshkosh truck w/snow blower, old Chevy Fleetmaster, Chevrolet Biscayne 4-door
car, etc. enGIneS, TOOLS & PARTS: Several Hit-n-Miss engines including Montgomery
Ward, International Harvester & Fairbanks, tool chests, drill press, table saw, Lincoln
welder, concrete mixer, grinding wheel, buzz saw, air compressor, old gas engines, drive
belts, motors, radiators, chain pulleys, canvas tarps, fencer, bolts, wrenches, tools &
etc. GATOR & TRAILeRS: J.D. diesel Gator -3200 hrs. w/6 ft. J.D. blade, 6’, 8’, & 12’
utility trailers, 12’ implement trailer, snowmobile trailer, old cattle trailer, car trailers, etc.
LAWn & GARDen, COLLeCTIBLeS, & MISCeLLAneOUS: J.D.: L30, 111, 112L, L130,
MT-12 Pro, Cub Cadet, A.C.: 312, AGCO Allis 512H, 611LT 3-speed, 710 6-speed, 712S,
810GT 3 speed, B-110, Big Ten, 616 Special, Simplicity 637 & 728, MTD Pro Garden
Tractor, Case Rider 224-78, Twin Disc, Case 220 w/Johnson Work Horse tine bucket,
rototillers, mowers & parts, overhead fuel tank, Chatham fanning mill, Windmill, J.D.
hand sheller w/electric motor, well pumps, metal lawn chairs, platform scale, A-100 steel
wheels, lug wts., steel wheels & axles, horse drawn cutter, gas pump, cream separator,
saw blades, oil can, seed boxes, milk cans, coaster wagon, cast implement seats, feed
bags, hog feeders, wood swing, chicken nests, traps, wooden hand trucks, walking
plows & cultivators, wash tubs, woven wire, hot tub, ladders, snow fence, fence posts,
patio set, old bikes, and much more! Terms on Personal Property: Cash or check No
Buyer’s Fee. Visit: for photos.
ReAL eSTATe TO Be OFFeReD AT 11:30 A.M.: This farm includes 74+ Acres w/62+
Acres tillable, 4 BDRM farm house, barn, & outbuildings. Terms on Real estate: $25,000
Cashier’s Check Earnest Money Down day of sale, balance cash at closing. Contact Tom
Stade for additional info., viewing, & terms – 920-674-2929
Wisconsin Licensed Auctioneers: Bill Stade #535 Richland Center, WI (608) 585-2431
Mike Stade #607 Watertown, WI (920) 699-4580 Pete Stade #2836 Jefferson,
WI (920) 674-3236 Clerk: Ron Lipinsky Cashier: Tom Stade