TULSA OK APRIL Founded 1980 INSIDE THIS ISSUE FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK Greetings! JUST AROUND THE BEND 2 MEETING MINUTES 3 NEW MEMBERS 9 MUSTANG CROSSWORD PUZZLE 10 LOCAL SHOW FLYERS 12 CLUB APPLICATION FORM 19 Birthdays and Anniversaries 04/02 Jim Campos 04/03 Jeff Countess 04/04 Will Huber 04/07 Ted Kersh 04/10 Corky Bradford 04/16 Shel & Dynette Jones 04/18 Jerry & Cherie Bergeron 04/18 Dennis & Lori Hannagan 04/20 Janice McGhee 04/25 Beth Henson Trust everyone is getting out as the weather begins to stabilize with some warmth. It wasn’t the best weather and yet it was not the worse weather for a drive to OKC arranged by Steve Armstrong. Would like to have seen more than four ponies but a herd is a herd and those of us who went had a great time. Our sister club was kind enough to meet us at the Bass Pro shop upon our arrival… they had four to five times the number of ponies greet us. Met new and old friends before Kelly and headed out for Ponca City to help celebrate Doug Stover’s birthday. Speaking of Doug… he hosted several of us at their local outdoor gun range. We had quite an arsenal out there. See the article in this issue. As the dinner and event cruises have started… I’ve heard rumors of folks wondering where everyone is and why they haven’t joined us. Fair question… however, I trust the conversations and discussions are in a positive demeanor. We are family and when we miss someone we get in touch with them. So start making phone calls and sending e-mails and see how your family is doing. While we are speaking of family… if you have an idea for an event or a place to cruise (of course it should include a chance to put the feedbag on) speak up or better yet… make the arrangements… publish and let’s roll! As much as you enjoy the club today… you’ll enjoy it so much more getting involved… don’t leave it all up to the same cowhands. Reminder, the April General meeting will be important… ok they all are. At this one, we’ll choose from the “hat” the first 16 names for the 16-month 2016 club calendar. Hope the Huber offspring will be there to help us draw the names. Not to repeat myself but what the hey… they will be 12 x 12 in size and you can have as many of your cars as you desire on the month you are selected for. The first name drawn will be for September 2015… then October and so on. Brad Long will confirm the names drawn want to participate. In the case some decide to decline we will also draw at least four additional names to fill those spots. Please don’t miss out on anything… check out the Just Around the Bend page, our website which continues to evolve and our Events page on our Facebook account. Hey, I hear a green car in the club has returned from Arizona with a bit of gold in his side saddle. Perhaps he’ll tell us all about this gold. Mustangs Rule!! John Hemby Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics April 1st - April Fools Day 5th - Easter Sunday 7th - General Meeting @ Speedy Gonzales 7pm 11th - OrangeFest 2015 at OSU Institute of Technology Okmulgee OK 17th, 18th and 19th - Tulsa Auto Show 18th - Woolaroc Lunch Cruise 25th - Hale on Wheels Car Show 25th - Inaugural Black Gold Car Show Glenpool OK 25th - Red Fern Festival Car Show Tahlequah OK 25th & 26th - Hallett HST 28th - Board Meeting @ Apple Barrel Broken Arrow OK May 2nd - Lunch Cruise to Arrowhead Yacht Club 2nd - Ron and Millie Ramsey Celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary 3rd - Cimarrock Car Show Tulsa OK 1-5pm 5th - General Meeting @ Speedy Gonzales 7pm 9th - OMC All Ford Car & Truck Show at Bob Moore OKC OK 9th - 30th Oldies N Goodies Car Show Bartlesville OK 9th - Rooster Days Parade Broken Arrow OK 10th - Mother’s Day!! **16th - GCCM Annual Picnic at Melvin’s 23rd - Route 66 Patriot Car Show 23rd - Eureka Springs Annual Car Show MO 26th - Board Meeting @ Apple Barrel Broken Arrow OK 30th & 31st - Hallett HST June 2nd - General Meeting @ Speedy Gonzales 7pm 6th - 26th Annual Sapulpa Route 66 Blowout Car Show 6th - Classic Diner Car Show and Cruise Henryetta OK **17th, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st - 41st Mid-America Shelby Meet 23rd - Board Meeting @ Apple Barrel Broken Arrow OK 27th - Cornerstone Detour Youth Car & Bike Show OK 27th & 28th - Hallett HST 2 Pony Tales Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics Pony Tales General Meeting Minutes - March 3, 2015 Speedy Gonzalez Open Meeting – John Hemby called the meeting to order at 6:57pm Birthday – Millie is 29 years old. LOL!! Sponsors in attendance – Lonnie closed BA store on Saturday, Bud Jesse with American National, Melvin with Mustang1. New Members – Bob Winter, 67; Sam Steward, 66; Matt Murphee, 73 Grande. March newsletter mailed today, Minutes are Approved. Financials – Sandy Show Account - $10,113.41, no changes. General Account - $7,502.37, $14 check to John. Activities – Steve Armstrong. Mar 21 – Bricktown, Myriad Gardens $8, Park at Bass Pro, take trolley, maps available. Memorial has entry fee. No group events will be planned. Indoor Sonic. Leave Wal-Mart in Sapulpa at 8:am, take Rt 66 to Pops, I-35 to Tim St, Martin Luther St, may meet OKC club at Petro Station, drive to Bass Pro. Mar 7 – Ponca City Shooting Range. Leaving QT in Sand Springs at 7:30, take 412. Meet Doug Stover, last mile is dirt road. Starbird Show – John Very pleased. Brothers Donnie & Roger Moseby first time to attend, had a great time. Need to work on Cool Car Corral, not worth $30. Talked with Security, they had issues with Handicapped parking. Roger apologized to Corky for not responding quickly regarding not attending due to weather. Pleased with setup, rope stanchions worked well. Moved three times for arrangement in parking. Wooden Corral is heavy, Donnie & Ron refabricating. Justin relayed feedback. Cool Corral was a bad idea due to handicapped parking. Turned down 94 cars which was a 1st in 9 years. Gate cost should be going down for next year. Had a lot of other events to compete with. Ticket booths were moved inside by Saturday afternoon. Did not have Monster Truck event next door which did not create extra dust. Brad entered with Throttleheads, working to gain members. John observed people stopping as the entered the display and when they saw they couldn’t get out at the other end turned around and left. Justin likes U-shape that was started three years ago, straight rows make tight parking. One of our cars was one of the top 50 winners Website - Janice Working on store page. Will have password protected pages. Working on debit card routing through paypal. Deposit into only one account. Can have a check box at checkout to distinguish which account money goes to. May be doing away with MailChimp. Using Google Groups: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. New Items – John By-Laws are approved & updated. Sponsor Forms are approved & updated. Show-N-Shine is $250 for 4 hours, $75 hour for minimum of 10 cars. 3 Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics Pony Tales $1000 for 4 shirts. John to drive cars, Corky will help. lol 2016 Calendar – Brad Custom is $6.75, sell for $10. Generic is $2.00, sell for $5. 200 calendars to be ordered. Photographer for $0 charge, fee if you would like to purchase your picture. Can bring own but has to be 12 megapixels, can not be grainy or green. Ron. lol. Sending email out to see interest. 12 x 12 size. Bud suggested lottery for drawing. Passed as the process to select. One drawing per household. Can have numerous cars in one pic. Attend April General Meeting to have name in hat. Parades – John (Mark not in attendance) May 9 – BA Rooster Days. Shelby Meet – Melvin To talk with Randy Roberts. MCA – Ron W. Has a green car. Lol Mar 27-29 – Arizona National. Billy Henson just joined. Qualified as head judge, from OKC. 2005 cars are now ten years old, new class is Preservation. Letter from Board that they approved Central OKC Club. Myrtle Beach is approved for 2016 show. Planning on tier for membership fee of $50, receive discount for 3 or 4 year membership renewal. New Issues Ron & Jason are planning to meet to sign card together. Applause to Roger for planning Starbird Show. Thanks to Elaine for helping with Will’s car. Fix on Roster – rbakins, Bradford’s email. Rachael will confirm changes. Cruises – John Thur – Fish Shack. 2nd Thur – Goldies. April – Tulsa Auto Show. Jim Liner will be emailing details. Roger asked about Chili Bowl. We did not do but will bring up again for interest. 50/50 & $10 Receipt Winners - $10 Dinner – Winters; 50/50 for $50.50 - Walker Meeting Adjourned at 7:49pm 33 on signed attendance 4 Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics Pony Tales Board Meeting Minutes - March 24, 2015 Apple Barrel Attendees: John Hemby, Jason Granado, Rachael Granado, Mark Harwood, Brad Long, Donnie Moseby, Melvin Little, Steve Young, and Ron Ramsey. Absent: Corky & Sandy Open Meeting – John Hemby called the meeting to order at 7:03pm. Opening Comments Beans sold 2015 50th Anniversary to Bolin Ford with 400 miles. Melvin’s grandson showed up at his shop to show he had bought a 50th Anniversary. It was unknown to Melvin it was the Bean’s car until tonight. Financial Report – John Business Account - $7,799.06. Show Account - $10,113.41. Ron W out of country. Jason will contact to setup time to do signature cards. Sponsorships – John Steve unsure if Select Auto will renew in August due to their new business location. O’Reilly committed to $300 Best of Show package. Ron’s Hamburgers is due in July. Steve told them to wait until then. Creitz Automotive renewed for $200 newsletter/website ads. Member/Sponsor Lonnie Iannazzo will wait to renew his sponsorship until April. Sandy is pursue Bill Knight Ford. Mike Bean is working with Bolin Ford for a show n shine. Mark Harwood will approach South Pointe. Website - John Website is coming along. Everyone needs to pitch in keeping the online calendars up to date including FB events. Let Janice and John know about events to add. Shows/Events – John John in contact with TA Hollis regarding Black & Gold Show in Glenpool. TA joined the club using our Merchandise page on our website. He was the first to use the online process. Mid-America Shelby Meet - Randy Roberts down on his back for 6 months per Melvin. Melvin to work with Will Roy and Billy Henson. Mid-America providing $500 for expenses and $1000 for the Little Lighthouse. Hopefully we will have good weather this year. Annual GCCM Picnic - OKC and OCM clubs invited to picnic. Melvin has had his king snake show up in his barn. Members Ron & Millie are planning their 50th wedding anniversary party. Member Scott Grant interested in purchasing a Cobra. Mark reminded Melvin that he knows of a Cobra for sale. Eureka Springs is not listed on Events. John has not heard if they will be having their show. The parking lot and businesses have been sold. 2016 Calendar – Brad Vote on 12-mo or 16-mo, board approved 16-mo custom. Cost $7.50, sell $15.00. “All Signs” will create 200. Will have lottery, drawing 16 names at General Meeting. Rachael will provide names based on active members on roster. Should be ready in time for our show. Additional Discussion Sandy will work on budget. Janice to attend our next meeting to discuss web site progress and plans and membership management. Melvin to talk with Bob about show regarding collecting forms & money. Mark has six cars to be dynoed at Archangels Motorsports at Pine and Hwy 169. Adjourned at 7:49pm. 9 in attendance. 5 Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics 6 Pony Tales Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics Pony Tales Please join us as we celebrate 50 Years of Marriage with Ron and Millie Ramsey Saturday May 2, 2015 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Heritage United Methodist Church 5300 E Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK Please RSVP by April 18 Kristi Sturgeon 918-935-7689 or LeAnna Hawkins 918-850-3440 More information This is a casual party, so come and go and as you please. And, please, no gifts. 7 Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics Pony Tales The Resurrection – Gospel of Luke Chapter 24 1 But very early on Sunday morning the women went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. 2They found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. 3So they went in, but they didn’t find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4As they stood there puzzled, two men suddenly appeared to them, clothed in dazzling robes. 5The women were terrified and bowed with their faces to the ground. Then the men asked, “Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? 6 He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! FOR SALE: 07 Mustang Price: $18,900 25,800 miles GT package (leather, power windows, heated seats, dash lights change colors) Custom Wheels New tires on front Cervini/Eleanor Body kit Garage kept Like new!! Contact Billy Ashworth @ (918) 808-6312 WANTED: Looking to buy another Mustang. Cobra has to be nice and low miles. 1996 to 1971 1972 Mach 1 or other interesting performance cars. Contact Scott Grant @ (918) 381-1234. Thank you for the request space! 8 Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics Pony Tales Last year, the Granado’s and the Hollis’s went to Sturgis Mustang Rally and came back all revved up to go again this year. Therefore, Linda Hollis and I, Jerry Bush, are making all the plans to get as many from this area to go with us for the 2015 Rally, Sept. 1-6. This is a big event, so NOW is the time to get reservations in Sturgis and get signed up. You will also need reservations in Mitchell, SD, which is our one evening stop on Sept. 1. We are currently working on the details. Our Facebook page has information about motels and the Sturgis Rally web site has all the information about registration and events. http://www.sturgismustangrally.com/ is the web site for the Rally and https://www.facebook.com/events/584395991705748/ is our Facebook page. Because some Ponies will be leaving Sept. 1 from Joplin and maybe some leaving from Tulsa, the thought at the present time, is to meet up in Kansas City. Please consider this show for one of your big trips of the year. There are lots of sights to see, such as Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse Monument, Drive to Deadwood, events and racing at the Thunderdome, Poker run through the Black Hills of SD., the car show, a Banquet Dinner, and much more. Check out the web sites or contact Jerry Bush or Linda Hollis. 9 Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics Pony Tales GCCM SHOOT OUT IN PONCA CITY New Members By John Hemby The weather finally cooperated for the reschedule of our Shoot Out event in Ponca City. Former member Doug Stover and his gun club allowed us to use their range for a day of flying lead. Billy & Beth Henson Mustang OK Of the eight or nine originally going, Ron Watkins, Robert Chrisco and Laura Behan, Mark Harwood and myself went out with all kinds of hardware… including a WWII six shooter passed down to Ron from his dad and a “gangsta” gold zebra stripped AE .50 brought by Laura. Doug and his oldest daughter Rachel joined in on the fun too. Rachel recently purchased a 9mm and did rather well for her first day handling it. Dick Cast Broken Arrow OK Mike & Linda Putze Inola OK Everyone was gracious enough to share their iron for others to try. The .50’s will work out your wrist! After we expended enough lead and brass for the day the gang had chow at Los Portales a local Mexican venue. The pictures are provided by Laura. Sam Stewart Jenks OK Robert Winter Tulsa OK Troy & Ginette Smith Tulsa OK Jeff Countess & Connie Hardy Mannford OK Matthew Murphree Tulsa OK T.A. Hollis Glenpool OK Shel & Dynette Jones Bixby OK 10 Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics Pony Tales MCA & AACA SHOW LOCATIONS FOR 2015 ARIZONA GEORGIA KENTUCKY MISSOURI VIRGINIA COLORADO GROVETOWN LOUISVILLE OHIO VIRGINIABEACH 11 COLUMBUS INDEPENDENCE LOVELAND TUCSON Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics Pony Tales 1965 1966 Mustang Street/Comp Engine CrossMember w/ jack pad fits HiPo & Shelby This design was pioneered by Ford in 1969 for the Boss 302 program. Improves on the '65 & '66 stock engine crossmember by tying into the lower control arm mounting points, resulting in improved rigidity for the unibody lower front frame section. Helps to stiffen the car right at the control arms where it's needed most. Perfect for cars that already have an Export brace and Monte Carlo Bar. Integral 3.5" diameter jacking pad means no more dented frame rails. A quick and safe way to raise the front end. Vastly superior to similar looking cross members currently sold today. Features: 1) No interference issues with oil pan. 2) Will clear oil pan if using RM lowering engine mounts. Other cross members will not clear 3) Made from 1.5" steel tubing just like the stock Ford crossmember. Other are relying on smaller 1.375" tubing 4) Steel tubing thickness: 0.125", stronger than the stock and aftermarket cross members. Others are using thinner tubing 5) USA made with USA steel 6) Complete with grade 8 bolts & hardened washers (USA made). 7) priced under the competition 7) 100% money back if not satisfied 8) Cross Member without jacking pad available. Check our other auction for nonjack pad model. 9) Completely compatible with Vario-centric camber kits for more information: text your questions to: 918-397-7806 or email [email protected] Thanks, Z Any club member that purchases one will get $20 off of the ebay price if they buy direct from me. If fact, if they want to make the trip to Bartlesville, I'll install it for free! http://www.ebay.com/itm/231453264620?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 12 Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics 13 Pony Tales Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics 14 Pony Tales Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics Pony Tales It’s nice to be a part of the mustang club so I want to introduce myself and my wife. Here is our mustang story! Ginette and I have been married for six blissfully wonderful years now. We have her son and he is finishing up his bachelor’s degree at UCO in Edmond. Anyway, Ginette and I read that the 50th anniversary was finally coming out and she knew I had wanted one for about 25 years! After counting the cost of buying an old mustang (which btw is a 65 fastback in a barn and on concrete and is rust free. It’s just a V8 2 bbl) plus restoration, we decided to go ahead and get the new one. The 50th is special because it is a mainstream Ford and in our price range. The 50th anniversary was at the top of our want list so I started hunting for it. I looked at and called literally a hundred dealerships across the country and everyone that actually had one wanted over sticker except for two (my kid found the second one). They were both in Topeka. Mel Hambelton Ford had a white one but would only sell it locally which I totally respect and my step-son found the second one at Laird Noller and was exactly what we wanted. It was the Kona Blue with Automatic transmission. They had it and agreed to sell it to us for MSRP. We drove up on Christmas Eve and got it. Nice Christmas present right?! Interestingly, I have a friend who works for Ford in Dearborn and we were talking about how cool it would be if I could get Kemal Curic to autograph it for me. He got Kemal’s contact information for me and I emailed Kemal and he agreed to sign it. Now I believe I have the only signed 50th anniversary mustang. The cool part is, he signed it with the same pen that he used to design it with. How cool is that? Anyway, that’s the short story and now we have this totally cool mustang! We are looking forward to running around with everyone in the club. -Troy & Ginette Smith 15 Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics Pony Tales I am a new member of the club, and it’s unlikely I can make it to many of the monthly meetings. So I'm hoping you can read a little introduction from me to the club at the next meeting. Besides living 50 miles away, I'm a caregiver for an elderly parent and getting away for an evening is a problem. I grew up in Bartlesville, where my dad ran, owned and operated a small cafe. As luck would have it, the cafe was directly across the street from the local Ford dealer, Doenges Ford. The salesmen, mechanics, office staff, and Bill Doenges himself were always at our cafe when they weren't working, so I got to know them well. When they weren't at our place, I was over at the dealership, taking to mechanics to see what interesting had come in the shop, or hanging out on the sales floor, reading thru the brochures like they were fascinating, and to me they were since they were all about the greatest cars in the world. Every other dealership in Bartlesville was on the same block, and I knew those pretty well also. But the Ford place was special, maybe because of Bill Doenges being very charismatic. I remember when he ran for Oklahoma governor. My brother and I put out yard signs for his campaign. He paid us 25 cents per sign. The arrival of the first Shelby Cobra was another high point. Unfortunately Buddy Doenges wrecked it before I got a chance to ride in it. The mechanics were pretty glum on that day I recall. It sat for a while before it was fixed I was about 13 or 14 by then. My older brother had a new black '65 Mustang coupe, and when he wasn't looking I would get behind the wheel and check it out. And it wasn't long before I got him to teach me how to drive it.. What i thrill. I never got over it. Even though I moved from Bartlesville right after high school, I took the love of all things Ford with me, and have owned 15 plus Mustangs since then, and well as two 1966 Shelby GT350's, 6S1289 & 6s1117. I just sold the later one in 2012 after a 12 year ownership. That same year I retired, and moved back to my little hometown of Bartlesville. To keep me busy I bought a '65 K coder Fastback, and a '66 Galaxie 500. Here are a couple of photos of them. Oh almost forgot, the K code & the Galaxie take turns being my "daily driver". I haven't owned a modern car in about 25 years. -Z Ray Richter Photos on next page... 16 Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics Before Pony Tales After 17 Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics 18 Pony Tales Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics 19 Pony Tales Green Country Classic Mustangs - Where All Mustangs Are Classics 20 Pony Tales Green Country Classic Mustangs P.O. Box 471361 Tulsa, OK 74147-1361 First Class Visit us online @ http://greencountryclassicmustangs.weebly.com GREEN COUNTRY CLASSIC MUSTANGS - WHERE ALL MUSTANGS ARE CLASSICS ...A NON-PROFIT REGIONAL GROUP OF THE MUSTANG CLUB OF AMERICA, IS AN ORGANIZATION DEDICATED TO THE PRESERVATION AND ENJOYMENT OF THE MUSTANG AUTOMOBILE AND THE FELLOWSHIP THAT GOES HAND IN HAND. 2015 OFFICERS President John Hemby (918) 639-8152 Board of Directors Mark Harwood (2015) (Former President Position) Brad Long (2016) Vice-President Jason Granado (918) 638-1180 Corky Bradford (2016) Secretary Rachel Granado (918) 638-8446 Steve Young (2015) Treasurer Sandy Bradford (918) 906-0664 Melvin Little (2016) Ron Ramsey (2015) Donnie Moseby (2015) MCA Regional Director Ron Watkins 918-510-7612
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