Greenfield High School

High School
2015 Summer School Program Course Descriptions & Registration Grades 9 -­ 12 June 22nd – July 31st * (*Through August 7th for 7-­‐week courses) No classes: July 3rd Registration = April 13th – June 16th Greenfield High School
Summer School 2015 - Guidelines
1) Registration for all students begins on April 13th.
2) Registration forms for incoming 9th grade students should be returned to Greenfield Middle School
and current Greenfield High School students should return their forms to the Student Services Office
at Greenfield High School.
3) Students may sign up for 1 or 2 courses with two morning times available:
a) 8:00-9:55 a.m.
b) 10:05 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
4) Classes may be cancelled due to low enrollments. If a class is cancelled, students will be given the
opportunity to sign up for another class that still may be open.
1) Resident
2) Current Chapter 220 student enrolled in Greenfield
3) Current Open Enrollment/Tuition Waiver student enrolled in Greenfield
no cost
no cost
no cost
1) Regular attendance is required.
2) Summer school begins Monday, June 22nd and continues through Friday, July 31st (through August 7th
for 7 week classes). No classes will be held on July 3rd.
*Summer school offers student an opportunity to earn credit within a condensed amount of time.
Thus, absence of more than two (2) days from class, despite the reason, will result in the student
being dropped from class with a failing grade. No credit will be given. Please consider other
scheduled commitments that might conflict prior to registering for summer school classes.
3) Parents are expected to phone the summer school high school office 281-6200 x2443 between 7:45 a.m.
and 9:00 a.m. to report that their children will not be in attendance.
4) If a student misses a class and the school is not notified, parent contact will be made by telephone or
5) Tardiness to class will count as one-half (½) day of absence.
6) If the day of absence charged to the student's records for tardiness brings the student's total absence to
more than two (2) days, he or she will be dropped from the class with a failing grade and no credit will
be issued.
1) Bus transportation will be available for students who reside in the Greenfield School District.
2) The cost is $127.50/student for the 6-week session, $148.75/student for the 7-week session.
3) Please complete the attached BUS TRANSPORTATION FORM and return form with a check made out
1) Mid-term progress reports will be given to each student on July 10, 2015.
2) Final grades will be mailed home in August.
3) Letter grades will be assigned to courses and will impact overall high school GPA including class rank.
Additional Considerations
1) Students requiring courses for graduation not offered in the summer school program must discuss other
credit acquisition options with their school counselor.
2) English Language Learners requiring academic support should contact Jenny Czubkowski at
Other questions? - Please contact the Greenfield High School
School Counselors at 414.281.6200, option 4, or Jenny Czubkowski at the number above.
Greenfield High School -­‐ Summer School 2015 Course Offerings Course Title
Eligible Students
Algebra SEM I
Students who failed SEM I
Algebra SEM II
Students who failed SEM II
Geometry SEM I
Students who failed SEM I
Geometry SEM II
Students who failed SEM II
10:05 – 12:00
Students in Grs 9-12; 7 weeks
Language Arts
English 9 SEM I
Students who failed SEM I
English 9 SEM II
Students who failed SEM II
English 10 SEM I
Students who failed SEM I
English 10 SEM II
Students who failed SEM II
Creative Writing
Students in Grs 11-12 in need of .5 English credit – 7 weeks
Students in Grs 11-12 in need of .5 English credit – 7 weeks
Biology SEM I
Students who failed SEM I
Biology SEM II
Students who failed SEM II
Intro to Chemistry
Students in Grs 10-12 in need of .5 Science credit
Intro to Physics
Students in Grs 10-12 in need of .5 Science credit
Chemistry SEM I
Students who failed SEM I
Chemistry SEM II
Students who failed SEM II
Social Studies
Global Studies SEM I
Students who failed SEM I
Global Studies SEM II
Students who failed SEM II
U.S. History SEM I
Students who failed SEM I
U.S. History SEM II
8:00-9:55 &
Students who failed SEM II
Open to incoming freshmen and any students who did not take the course
or failed during the school year; 6 weeks for credit recovery; 7 weeks for
credit acceleration
Physical Education 9
8:00 0-9:55
8:00-9:55 &
Open to incoming freshmen and any students who did not take the course
or failed during the school year; 6 weeks for credit recovery; 7 weeks for
credit acceleration
Open to incoming freshmen and any students who did not take the course
or failed during the school year; 6 weeks for credit recovery; 7 weeks for
credit acceleration
Greenfield High School -­ Summer School, 2015 Course Descriptions English 9 – This course is a study of literature and writing based on an investigation of literary themes and patterns in fiction,
nonfiction, poetry and drama. Reading instruction will focus on refining reading strategies, developing the ability to analyze and
interpret literary texts, increasing vocabulary, and communicating and extending understanding of critical concepts and skills
outlined in the Common Core State Standards. Writing instruction will focus on developing, refining, and applying the writing
process to narrative, expository, informative, and persuasive essays. Offered for credit recovery.
English 10 – This course is a study of world literature and writing based on an investigation of literary themes and patterns in
fiction, nonfiction, poetry and drama. Reading instruction will focus on refining reading strategies, developing the ability to
analyze and interpret literary texts, increasing vocabulary, and communicating and extending understanding of critical concepts
and skills outlined in the Common Core Standards. Writing instruction will focus on developing, refining, and applying the
writing process to narrative, expository, informative, and persuasive essays. Offered for credit recovery.
Creative Writing – The objective of this course is to improve writing through writing. The emphasis is on the student-as-writer
interpreting his/her thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Students practice to master various creative writing techniques, move
through a variety of short pieces and group writing projects, and finish with the creation of an illustrated children’s book.
*This course is for acceleration; it runs 7 weeks (June 22nd – August 7th)
Speech - The objective of this course is to develop confidence in speaking before an audience. The focus of lessons is on the
preparation, development, and delivery of informative, entertaining, and persuasive messages. Also, this course develops group
problem solving, group discussion, and interpersonal communication skills.
*This course is for acceleration; it runs 7 weeks (June 22nd – August 7th)
Biology - This course focuses on students exploring four major themes of biology from the human perspective. These themes
include heredity, cells, evolution and ecology. Explorations of these concepts of biology are achieved primarily through hands-on
activities and laboratory experiences, including dissections. Offered for credit recovery.
Intro to Chemistry - This course is for students who would like to study chemistry with less emphasis on mathematics than is
expected in full year courses. The basics of chemistry will be employed with many examples and concepts developed in everyday
experiences. The course focuses on laboratory hands-on experiences. The course gives students a good background and enhances
their opportunity for success in future course work in chemistry. Offered for credit recovery.
Intro to Physics - This course is for students who would like to study physics with less emphasis on mathematics than is expected
in full-year courses. The basics of physics will be explored with many examples and concepts developed in everyday experiences.
The course focuses on laboratory hands-on experiences. The course gives students a good background and enhances their
opportunity for success in future course work in physics. Offered for credit recovery.
Chemistry - Modern Chemistry consists of the study of the composition and reactions of matter. Laboratory work will be
emphasized. A good background in Algebra is an absolute necessity. Offered for credit recovery.
Algebra - In this course students will solve one and two variable equations and inequalities, interpret problems with two
unknowns graphically and algebraically, and use systems of equations to solve real life problems. In addition, they will study
exponents, radicals, polynomials, and analyze the relationships between real world problems and the quadratic equation. Students
will increase their ability to reason and analyze through problem solving. Students are expected to provide their own scientific
calculator (Example TI-30). Offered for credit recovery.
Geometry – Geometry is a mathematical study in which the student not only seeks knowledge concerning properties and
relationships of figures such as lines, angles, triangles, circles, and polyhedrons, but also learns how to improve reasoning skills.
Students will make connections between algebra and geometry while applying mathematical reasoning to problem solving
situations. Students will develop an ability to communicate mathematical concepts in both written and oral form. Students are
expected to provide their own scientific calculator (Example TI-30). A compass, protractor, and ruler are required for
constructions. Offered for credit recovery.
Trigonometry - This is a comprehensive trigonometry course that teaches the basics and then emphasizes trig applications. Topics
include trig ratios, trig graph analysis, right triangles and oblique triangles, sum and difference identities and goes heavily into
trigonometry identities and their applications for trigonometric proofs. Positive and negative angle measure is also explored along
with radian measure and the unit circle. *This course is for acceleration; it runs 7 weeks (June 22nd – August 7th)
Greenfield High School -­ Summer School, 2015 Course Descriptions (continued) Global Studies – Global Studies combines economic, social and cultural geography to explore the relationships between humans
and their natural environment, and to track the broad social patterns that shape human societies. There will be 9 units in the
course. The units are as follows: Semester 1: 1. Basic Concepts of Geography 2. Population and Migration 3. Folk and
Popular Culture 4. Ethnicity and Language 5. Religion Semester 2: 6. Political Geography 7. Economic Geography 8.
Urban Patterns 9. Resource and Environmental Issues. Offered for credit recovery.
U.S. History – Content covers American History from the time of the Civil War to 1945. Highlighted will be the U.S.
participation in two World Wars; America as a leader of the free world; and the continuing struggle for the realization
of the American Dream for all U.S. citizens. One unit will focus on local and state government. Offered for credit
recovery. Offered for credit recovery
Economics – This course centers on two central aspects of economics. Economic principles and some theory that
guide the workings of the American free-enterprise system (Macro-economics) and the role of the consumers as a
choice maker within that system (Micro-economics) will be emphasized. Specific topics include: supply and demand
system, circular flow of the economy, gross domestic product, the role of the Federal Reserve System, measuring
economic activity, monetary and fiscal policy, money and banking, and finance. Personal economics will include:
investments, checking, savings, budgeting, and borrowing.
Offered for credit recovery. *This course is also offered for credit acceleration; it runs 7 weeks (June 22nd – August 7th)
Physical Education 9 – Each class has been designed to help facilitate important components of physical fitness,
strategies and skills needed to participate in a variety of activities for a lifetime of active living, and the overall
importance leading a physically active life has on the total person. Each offering has been designed to align with the
state standards for Physical Education, which have been adopted by the Greenfield School District. Units of study
o Swim
o Soccer
o Floor Hockey
o Cardio/Strength Conditioning
o Eclipse Ball
o Dance
Offered for credit recovery. *This course is also offered for credit acceleration; it runs 7 weeks (June 22nd – August 7th)
Health - The Health Education course is designed to enhance the student’s understanding in the areas of:
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Nutrition and Fitness, Emotional and Mental Health, Suicide Prevention, Consumer
Health, Drugs and Alcohol, HIV infection and Aids, Human Sexuality, Aging, and Death and Dying and
Environmental Health. Students will participate in numerous classroom activities designed to help them to understand
how to lead a more satisfying, productive, and healthy life.
Offered for credit recovery. *This course is also offered for credit acceleration; it runs 7 weeks (June 22nd – August 7th)
GREENFIELD HIGH SCHOOL ~ SUMMER SCHOOL 2015 ~ REGISTRATION FORM June 22nd – July 31st (6 -­week courses for credit recovery) June 22nd – August 7th (7-­week courses for credit acceleration) NO SUMMER SCHOOL Attendance on Friday, July 3rd Registration is from April 13-June 16 and is on a first come, first served basis. Classes may be canceled if student
enrollment is low. You will be notified if there is a question related to your registration.
*PLEASE PRINT; Complete All Requested Information
Student’s Name: _______________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________________ Check Which: Resident 220 Open Enrollment/Tuition Waiver Enrolled in Special Education? Y N (circle one) Grade (Fall 2015): __________
Is the student Hispanic/Latino?
□ Yes
□ No
Is the student from one or more of these races? (Please check all that apply)
□ American Indian or Alaska Native
□ Asian
□ Black or African American
□ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Address: _________________________________________________ □ White
City, State, Zip: ____________________________________
School attended: ____________________________________
Guardian/Father’s Name: _____________________________
Guardian/Mother’s Name: ____________________________
Telephone Number: __________________________
Counselor: _________________________________
Work Phone: _______________________________
Work Phone: _______________________________
June 22nd – July 31st OR June 22nd – August 7th (Please write course title(s) with preference time below):
8:00 - 9:55
Second Choice
10:05 -12:00
Second Choice
* I M P O R T A N T : Please read carefully before signing.
Due to the intense and compacted nature of summer school, we have extremely high expectations for
student performance and minimal flexibility relative to attendance and tardiness. Throughout summer school,
the behavior of all students must be consistent with the policies set forth in the Greenfield High School
Student Handbook. If not, the student could be sent home and one day of absence will be recorded. Serious
disruption of the learning environment, such as fighting or directing profanity at a staff person, will result in
immediate dismissal from summer school. We want all students to be successful and learn to their optimal
abilities, thus, our learning environment must remain respectful. Excused and unexcused absences are treated
the same. If a student misses a day of school due to illness, vacation, lack of transportation, or any other
reason, one day of absence will be recorded for the student. It is important to be on time every day. A tardy
will count as one-half (½) day of absence. Any combination of more than two absences will result in the
student being dropped from class with a failing grade and no credit earned.
Your signature below indicates that the student and parent understand the expectations of summer
school, and also agree to the consequences of not following the aforementioned expectations. We want all
students to have a successful summer, earn the credits they are attempting, and get closer to the goal of
Student’s Signature
Parent’s Signature
Summer School 2015 Bus Registration Form
June 22 – July 31
Number of students: __________ x $127.50 = $_______________
(Check made out to First Student)
June 22 – August 7
Number of students: __________ x $148.75 = $_______________
(Check made out to First Student)
Student Name(s):
Home Address:
Home Phone: (
Cell Phone: (
Parent/Guardian Name:
If pick up or drop off address different than above home address: (CHECK ONE)
Special Transportation Needs, if applicable: _______________________________________________________
Bus Route No.:
Bus Stop: