2015-16 Student Parking Application

Green Hope High School (Junior)
2015-16 Student Parking Application
Green Hope High School students who possess a valid North Carolina Driver’s License may request an on campus parking
space. The parking fee established by Wake County Board of Education for the 2015-16 school year is $170.00, which will
be pro-rated each month through-out the year.
Seniors have first priority to a student parking space. Any open parking spaces will be assigned to juniors based on a
lottery system. To be eligible for the lottery, students will need to submit their parking application along with copy of
their NC Driver’s license and a copy of the car registration during the designated time in May, June, and July. Payment will
not be due until a space has been assigned to the student.
To request a space:
 Ensure all fees and fines owed to Green Hope High School or any other Wake County Public School have been cleared prior to applying for
a parking permit.
 Read the rules on page 2 governing the operation of a vehicle on campus and complete the requested information below.
 Attach a photocopy of your North Carolina Driver’s License to this form
 Attach a copy of each car registration to this form. No more than two vehicles can be assigned to a parking space.
 Applications will only be accepted if this form is completed and signed and a photocopy of the NC Driver’s License and copy of car
registration is attached to this form. Any missing components will result in the application being returned to the student.
Dates to turn in Student Parking Applications
 May 12, 2015 – June 4, 2015: Application can be turned in to the front office from 10:30am to 11:12am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
 June 8, 2015 – June 12, 2015: No applications can be turned in this week.
 June 16, 2015 – July 30, 1215: Applications can be turned in to the front office from 8:00am to 10:00am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Student Name: ____________________________
Grade for 2015-16: ___________
Student NC Driver’s License Number: _____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________________________
Home Address: _______________________________________________________________
Home Phone: _____________________________
Student’s Cell Number: _______________
Parent’s Work Number: _____________________
Parent’s Cell Number: ________________
Parent’s Email: ________________________________________
Vehicle Description
1st Vehicle
2nd Vehicle
License Plate Number
License Plate Number
Registered To:
Registered To:
By signing this document, we have read the parking regulations and agree to rules and expectation on page 2. Failure to
adhere to such rules and expectations may result in fines, towing, disciplinary actions, booting, and/or revocation of
parking privileges for the remainder of the school year. We understand, and agree to abide by each and all parking
regulations outlined by the Wake County Public School System and Green Hope High School.
Student Signature and Date
Parent Signature and Date
2015-2016 WCPSS and Green Hope High School – Parking Regulations
All students must clear all fees and fines prior to applying for a parking permit. Permits will not be issued to students with outstanding
fines or fees to your assigned school or any other school.
The parking fee established by the Wake County Board of Education for the 2015-2016 school year is $170.00. Fees will be prorated on a
monthly basis.
Parking permits will be available only to students who have a valid North Carolina Driver’s License as long as spaces are available.
All students who park a motor vehicle on school campus must display the current hanging-tag permit. The tag must be hung from the
inside rear view mirror, facing the front of the vehicle. Students who fail to properly display the tag will be ticketed or have their tag
Vehicle must be parked in assigned spaces. The only places available for student parking are in the student lots. Students may not park
on the road, driveway, in intersections, or in any other place, including other school campuses. Vehicles parked in the wrong space or in
unauthorized areas will be towed or “booted” at the owner’s expense and the permit will be subject to revocation without refund.
Vehicles should be parked front-end first. Backing into spaces is not permitted.
The safe operation of motor vehicles is required. Vehicles must not travel in excess of 10 miles per hour. Seat belts are required for the
drivers and all passengers.
Speeding and reckless driving are prohibited. Exiting from student lots in the afternoon will be held until buses clear the area. Citations
will be issued as necessary.
Supervision is provided in the parking lots; however, the school system is not responsible for damages to or theft from vehicles. Students
are cautioned NOT to leave valuables in their vehicles. Parked vehicles should be left with windows closed and doors locked.
Student vehicles are subject to search and seizure per Wake County School Board Policy 6600.
Disabled vehicles may not be left on campus overnight. If necessary, towing should be arranged by the student.
If a student holding an assigned parking space transfers within WCPSS during the year, he or she will be assigned a space at the new
school with no further payment of fees provided the original parking tag has been returned to the office of the previous school. If no
space is available at the new school, the originating school will make the refund.
Refunds for parking fees will be made only if the student moves away from the Wake County Public School System. Parking fees will NOT
be refunded for:
 Voluntary withdrawal from school (dropping out)
 Long-term suspension from school
 School based disciplinary action related to the loss of parking privilege
 Loss of driving privilege due to revocation of operator’s license
All other refund requests are at the discretion of the Principal
Only one tag will be issued per space. Students may register up to two of their family vehicles. The tag may be moved from one
registered family vehicle to another, but may NOT be sold, given, or loaned to another student for his or her use. The penalty for so doing
is revocation of parking privileges.
Parking spaces may be shared by 2 students only with prior approval from the principal. If the principal has approved for students to
share a parking space, one parking tag will be issued for the shared space. The student using the space must display the tag. If the
parking pass is revoked, neither student driver may park on campus during the revocation period. The school may place parameters
around this practice for logistical purposes or student safety.
Students shall inform the office immediately of any changes in vehicle or license plate.
Lost parking tags will be replaced for a $10 fee. Report loss of tag to the office.
School Board Policy 6430 prohibits the possession and /or use of tobacco products on campus. Students may not possess tobacco
products or smoke in cars at any time while on the school campus.
Loitering in the parking lot is prohibited. Students should lock their cars and leave the parking lot immediately upon arriving at school.
Students should take all materials/items needed for the school day. Students need written permission from an administrator, the SRO, or
the parking lot attendant to be in student lots during school hours, including class changes.
Students who operate a motor vehicle on campus should fully understand their duties and responsibilities. Under School Board Policy
7170 students who violate parking regulations are subject to any or all of the following consequences:
 Revocation of parking privilege
 Ticketing
 Towing and storage of the vehicle, at the owner’s expense
 Disciplinary action
 Criminal charges as prescribed by law
Handicapped parking is available as needed on an assigned basis. Handicap tags are issues through DMV.
Parking a vehicle on school property is a privilege, not a right. Please review all parking regulations and call the school for clarification of
any matter about which there are questions.
23. Parking permits may be revoked as a consequence for inappropriate behavior and driving. Complete parking regulations may be found in
the WCPSS School Board Policy 7180.