2015-2016 Essay Rubric - Green Hope High School

Nation/Carrington – AP English III
Scale/AP Score
Meets and exceeds criteria for an 8/excellent essay.
Contains most or all of the
following characteristics:
Offers an effective evaluation in response to the specific question(s) posed in the prompt. Develops the argument by effectively synthesizing
evidence from The Tempest and additionally required sources included in the New World/American Dream reading packet. The evidence and
explanations used are meaningful, convincing, and appropriately attributed, and the link between the evidence and the writer’s argument is
strong. The prose may not be flawless, but it does demonstrate a consistent ability to control a wide range of the elements of effective writing.
Falls slightly short of the criteria for an 8/excellent essay. Meets and exceeds criteria for a 6/adequate essay.
Contains most or all of the
following characteristics:
Offers an adequate evaluation in response to the specific question(s) posed in the prompt. Develops the argument by adequately synthesizing
evidence from The Tempest and additionally required sources. The evidence and explanations used are appropriate, sufficient, and accurately
attributed, and the link between the sources and the writer’s argument is apparent. The language may contain lapses in diction or syntax, but
generally the prose is clear.
Contains most or all of the
following characteristics:
Offers an evaluation in response to the specific question(s) posed in the prompt. Develops the argument by synthesizing evidence from The
Tempest and additionally required sources, but use and explanation of sources may be somewhat uneven, inconsistent, or limited. Argument is
generally clear, and sources generally develop the writer’s position, but the link between the sources and the writer’s argument may be strained.
Writer has attempted to correctly attribute sources referenced, but there may be weaknesses or limitations in this attempt. The writing may
contain lapses in diction or syntax, but it usually conveys the writer’s ideas.
Contains most or all of the
following characteristics:
Offers an inadequate evaluation in response to the specific question(s) posed in the prompt. Develops the argument by synthesizing evidence
from The Tempest and at least some additionally required sources, but the evidence or explanations used may be inappropriate, insufficient, or
unconvincing. The sources may dominate the writer’s attempts at development; the link between the sources and the writer’s argument may be
weak; or the writer may misunderstand, misrepresent, or oversimplify the sources. The prose generally conveys the writer’s ideas, but may be
inconsistent in controlling the elements of effective writing.
Displays limitations of a
4/Inadequate essay, but
contains more serious flaws:
Offers a less successful evaluation in response to the specific question(s) posed in the prompt. Less perceptive in demonstrating understanding of
the sources; explanation or examples may be particularly limited or simplistic. May show less maturity in control of writing.
2/Little Success
Contains most or all of the
following characteristics:
Offers a minimally successful evaluation in response to the specific question(s) posed in the prompt. May merely allude to knowledge gained
from reading the play and other sources rather than citing the sources themselves. Clear link between the sources and the writer’s argument is
weak or absent. May misread the sources, fail to develop a position, or substitute a simpler task by merely summarizing or categorizing the
sources or by merely responding to the prompt tangentially with unrelated, inaccurate, or inappropriate explanation. Prose may demonstrate
consistent weaknesses in writing, such as grammatical problems, a lack of development or organization, or a lack of control.
Displays limitations of a
2/inadequate essay, but
contains more severe flaws:
Undeveloped, especially simplistic in explanation; weak in control of writing; may not use or even allude to one source.
0/No Credit
0 = on-topic response, but so brief it cannot be graded (ex: restatement of prompt). - = completely off-topic response.