NEWSLETTER FOR TUESDAY 19 MAY 2015 Kia Ora Tatou Last week on Face Book I was interested in the debate about American Schools now fining parents when children are late to school. Some of our parents were outraged about the prospect! Let’s face it on occasions we’ve all been late for a variety of genuine reasons but I do feel sorry for those learners who are late almost every day! They arrive on the ‘back foot’ and it hinders their learning. Often they are not engaged because they’ve missed out on the instructions and it interrupts the classroom programme. As parents it is your responsibility to ensure your children are not late. You’re teaching them responsibility, self management and work ethic which are all attributes we need to succeed. Some parents do not see the importance of punctuality but perhaps a fine may make them think twice about setting an alarm clock, turning off the television or managing themselves to ensure their children are at school on time. A big thank you to 99% of our parents who ensure their children are at school by 9 o’clock ready to learn. You are superstars! Ngā mihi nui Mandy O’Sullivan Principal 2015 SCHOOL DATES: May: 20-22 Syndicate 4 Camp – Hanmer Springs 27 West Coast Cross Country – Kumara June: 1 Queen’s Birthday Holiday 4 Whānau Hui @ 5:30pm in the Tech Centre 5 Year 5/6 Rippa competition starts 24-26 School Production July: 3 Last day of Term 2 WEEKLY ATTENDANCE Last week of term we had 94%. Our aim is to have 95%. FULL ASSEMBLY FRIDAY 22 MAY @ 11AM Syndicate 1 singing Class Presentation – Room 11 FRIDAY HEALTHY LUNCH $5 Chicken & Bacon Fettucine WELCOME TO OUR NEW SCHOOL FAMILIES: Sam England joined Room 5 this week as a new entrant. KIDSFIRST KINDERGARTEN MINI GALA DAY Saturday 23rd May @ 3pm Kidsfirst Kindergarten Karoro Pony Rides, stalls, Raffles, Prizes, Food and Drink, Facepainting and games. All Welcome To Come Along ABSENCES: Please phone 7685411 or text the absence mobile 0277685089. Please state the reason why your child is absent. SCHOOL BANKING: Wednesday mornings in the Tech Centre 8:30am – 9am INTERNET BANKING: Payments can be made to the school via internet banking to: Grey Main School 12-3168-0045425-02. Please include your child’s name and what the payment is for in the reference fields. WHĀNAU HUI 4 JUNE @ 5:30PM Whānau are welcome to attend a Hui in the Technology Centre to discuss the Kapa Haka Festival, Te Matariki and continue our journey of developing a Graduate Profile for the learners in Te Hiringa. Everyone welcome. Bring kai to share. FRIENDS OF GREY MAIN SCHOOL PIZZA FUNDRAISER: Orders and payment to be made to the school office by Friday 22nd May and pizza’s will be available for pick up on Thursday 28th May. The family that sells the most pizzas will win a ‘pizza pack’. Please Note: We have now been notified the Delifresh Pizzas 550gm @ $8 each – Hawaiian and Italian are no longer available. MUFTI DAY: Ben & Daniel would like to boost the Vanuatu coin trail fund so are holding a mufti day on Friday 29 May. Gold coin donation please. LOST POLAR FLEECE: Size 7, named Liam Owen. If found please return to the school office. SYNDICATE 4 HANMER CAMP Our Syndicate 4 learners leave for a very exciting challenging camp tomorrow at Hanmer Springs. They will mountain bike, complete orienteering, tree climbing, experience the hot pools plus a variety of other outdoor activities. Thank you to the 22 parents who have volunteered their valuable time to help. Pack your thermals and enjoy the fun! HOKITKA LANTERN PARADE Lantern making workshops will be held on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 June from 2-5pm at the Custom House in Hoktika. The workshops are free but please bring a large, clear and clean plastic bottle. For more information or to register ring Ingrid 755 7652. A further workshop will be held at the Hokitika Library on Wednesday 17 June. Please contact the library for details. The Lantern Parade will be on Saturday 20 June @ 5:30pm. Meet at the Custom House. Postponement day Sunday 21 June. COASTGUARD WEST COAST OPEN DAY Saturday 23rd May 2015 12noon – 4pm @ the Coastguard Shed, Steer Avenue on the Blaketown Lagoon, Blaketown. Meet the Volunteers Rides on Ivan Talley Rescue & IRBs (weather permitting) Duck race at 4pm on Sawyers Creek (weather permitting). Ducks available on the day Gold Coin Donation FRIENDS OF GREY MAIN SCHOOL AGM – Tuesday 26 May 2015 Next Tuesday our FOGMs will hold their AGM. This hardworking group of parents work collectively to make a difference to our learners and are always on the look out for more members. Do you help or volunteer in any capacity in our school? As busy parents this is an excellent way you can show your support by coming to the monthly meetings as new people bring new ideas. We promise you won’t get a major role but come along and enjoy the collaboration with other like-minded hardworking parents. The Board will also be there and refreshments will be served. SPECIAL CROSS SECTOR FORUM – WELLINGTON Two weeks ago I was invited by Hon. Hekia Parata to be part of a group who will participate in the development of initiatives to achieve the priorities the government have set. I feel privileged to have been invited and on Thursday will take part in the Budget Lock-up. The participants will discuss the dynamics of the budget prior to its announcement. Two West Coast educators have been invited to participate. MARIST SCHOOLBOYS LEAGUE CLUB DISCO: Friday 22nd May @ the Marist League Club Rooms, 6 – 8pm, $2.00 entry, Glow sticks, D j Clint, Lollies and lots of fun. CROSS COUNTRY RESULTS 2015: 5yr old boys: 1 Jessie Beynon, 2 Noah Johnson, 3 Jonathan Seifert. 5yr old girls: 1 Milan Green, 2 Bessie Barry, 3 Milan Olsen. 6yr old boys: 1 Jake Clark, 2 George Horridge, 3 Brennan Thomas. 6yr old girls: Millah Boniface, 2 Aimee Ford, 3 Pyper Mahuika. 7yr old boys: 1 Emil Fischer, 2 Arli Robson, 3 Riley Wisdom. 7yr old girls: 1 Rhiannon Schroder, 2 Honor Barry, 3 Arielle Perchig. 8yr old boys: 1 Franklin Barry, 2 Callum Brown, 3 William England. 8yr old girls: 1 Reagan Boniface, 2 Keira Johnson, 3 Katelyn Rhodes. Yr 5 boys: 1 Alex Double, 2 Jordan Risman, 3 Griffin Thomas. Yr 5 girls: 1 Ella Mahuika, 2 Kaede Cowan, 3 Mackenzie Clark. Yr 6 boys: 1 Yotam Perchig, 2 Jack Thompson, 3 Cameron Hogue. Yr 6 girls: 1 Maya Willman, 2 Ella Beirne, 3 Caitlin Gaunson. Yr 7 boys: 1 Dominick Moles, 2 Riley Foster, 3 Mitchell Smith. Yr 7 girls: 1 Zoe Double, 2 Ella Rae-Wood, 3 Samara Uriao. Yr 8 boys: 1 Daniel Betts-Horridge, 2 Riley Pascoe, 3 Ben Willman. Yr 8 girls: 1 Jordy Houghton, 2 Danielle Lomax, 3 Kyia Cowan. Some of the action from our Cross Country on Monday
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