CHURCH OF SAINT JOSEPH 245 North Main Street, Spring Valley New York 10977 MARCH 29, 2015 PALM SUNDAY PARISH WEBSITE Pastor Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar: Chaplain Malankara Indian Community: Deacon Deacon Parish Secretary Parish Receptionist Weekend Receptionist PREP Director PREP Ast. Director RCIA Director Music Director SERVED BY Rev. Levelt Germain Rev. Patrick Adekola Rev. Cyprien Emile Rev. Robert L. Rodriguez Bishop T. Naickamparambil Jose Pena Peter Venezia Adanayri Caamano (Denise) Djena B. Abraham Francine Vincent Maureen Foley Alicia Lima Sr. Celia Cid Mark La Rosa PARISH OFFICE(RECTORY) ADDRESS: 333 Sneden Place W. Spring Valley, NY 10977 Office Hours: 9:00am-8:00pm(Monday-Friday) 9:00am-5:00pm(Saturday) 9:00am-2:00pm(Sunday) (Closed from 12:00pm-1:00pm for lunch) CONTACT US: Rectory: Telephone: 845-356-0311 Fax: 845-352-8126 Main Church Email: [email protected] Music Director: [email protected] Parish Secretary: [email protected] Religious Education: [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Weekday: Monday –Friday 9:00am and 5:30 pm in the Main Church Saturday : 9:00am in the Main Church Saturday Vigil Masses in the Church: 5:00pm(English) & 7:30pm(Spanish) Sunday in the Church: 7:30am,9:00am, 10:15am, 11:30 am, 1:00pm (Haitian) and 5:30 pm Sunday in the Chapel: 9:45 am (Polish) & 1:15 pm (English) Sunday in the gym:: 11:00 am (Spanish) Indian Masses: Malankara Mass Sunday at 4:30pm (Chapel) DEVOTIONS Monday Miraculous Medal Novena: 9:00am Mass followed by the Novena Wednesday SAINT JOSEPH NOVENA: 9:00am Mass followed by the Novena Wednesday Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena & Benediction: 8:00pm in the main Church Thursday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 8:00pm-10:00pm (Stone Chapel in Spanish) Friday Divine Mercy Chaplet After 9:00am Mass & 5:00pm Mass Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 10:00am-5:00pm ending with Benediction Standing councils & committees Finance council: Every 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00pm in the rectory Conference room. Parish pastoral Council: Every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm Classroom 13. Comite pastoral de Guia: Every 1st Monday of the month at 7:30pm Classroom 13. Comite pastoral de liason: Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm Classroom 13. Rocklnad deanery council: Every 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm . SACRAMENTS BAPTISM: Baptism Instruction Class for Parents and Godparents 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month in English at 7pm in the Rectory 3rd Friday of the month in French/Creole at 7:00pm in the Rectory Chapel 4th Friday of the month at 7:30pm in the School Building Baptisms Celebrated on: The 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month in English at 12:30pm The 3rd Saturday of the month in French/Creole at 12:30pm The 4th Saturday of the Month in Spanish at 2:00pm To schedule a Baptism please contact the Rectory office for more information at 845-356-0311. You must provide your child’s Birth Certificate. RECONCILIATION: Saturday from 12:00pm-12:30pm & 4:30pm-5:00pm(English) and 6:30pm7:30pm (Spanish) in the Church. You may come to the Rectory Monday through Friday and request to speak to the Priest on duty. ANNOINTING OF THE SICK: Please contact the parish office at any time and make arrangements with one of our Priests. In cases of illness, please notify us if you or a family member would like to receive Holy Communion at home, hospital or nursing home to make arrangements. MARRIAGE: Please contact our parish office at least 6 months prior to your scheduled wedding date, to schedule a meeting with one of our Priests . In your initial meeting with the Priest couples must bring the following documents: Baptismal Certificate, First Communion Certificate and Confirmation certificate. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sacramental preparation for First communion and Confirmation is offered for Public School students in grades 1 through 10. All children should be registered before attending class. For further information please call 845-356-0054. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA) FOR ADULTS: A process of Liturgical and Spiritual formation for those seeking to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. For more information contact our Parish Office. MISSION STATEMENT: “The permanent quality of this church dedicated to St. Joseph reminds us that Christ will remain with his People until mortal time ceases. It will be to this church that parishioners will bring their lives filled with both joy and sorrows and join them to Christ, who offers the perfect sacrifice to the Father. It will be from this church that Grace of the Sacrament will radiate for the building-up of the kingdom and for the sanctification of souls. It will be at this church where people will find nourishment and strength, communion and peace, unity and friendship.” John Cardinal O’Connor. Saturday, March 28,2015 5:00pm Immacula Mascary (in Thanksgiving for Healing) Sunday, March 29 ,2015 Palm Sunday 7:30am in Thanksgiving to Saint Joseph 9:00am +Joseph Jeanty Dorce 10:15am +Vincent Nicoletti 11:00am Elias Santiago (Healing) 11:30am World Youth Day 1:00pm for all homebound parishioners (Healing) 1:15pm for the intention of Marie Pierre Thevenot 5:30pm +Sylvester Kurnat Monday, March 30, 2015 9:00am +Marie Lucile Chery 5:30pm Beatrice Thevenot (Thanksgiving) Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:00am for the intention of Jabon Caringal 5:30pm +Andre Laraque Wednesday, April 1,2015 9:00am +Georges Andrews 5:30pm +Victoria Berthold & all souls in Purgatory Thursday, April 2,2015 Holy Thursday Friday, April 3,2015 Good Friday Saturday, April 4,2015 Holy Saturday/ Easter Vigil We kindly request your prayers for the repose of Marie Marthe Touzin & Jeanne Durand, We express our deepest sympathy to their families. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May the souls of all the faithfully departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen Marie Ankner, Carline Antoine, Eden Azor, Samson Bernard, Lea Bellefleur, Ines Berjon, Frantz Bernadin, Marie Claire Blain, Angelica Calfa, Bonnie Calkins, Linn Carrera, Lina Carrera, Anne Casimir, Lillian Ciufo, Diane Cole, Edgar Collins, Bernadette Claude, Juliette Cruz, Edner Donatien, Gladys Desmanghes, Marie Destin, Marie Rosanna Edmond, Felino Escudero, Olivena Fabre, Randy Gauthier, Carol Gigillo, Javier Gonzalez, Ambar Graciano, Demitria Greenidge, Lydia Jean, Lina Joseph, Eduardo Francis Kelly, Marie Th. Lafontant, Marie Pierre Louis, Margareth Azulfa Larosiliere, Marie Louis, Gilma Madera, Shana Mallette, Jean Marci, Elizabeth Marescot, Steven Masterson, Marie Mompoint, Emmanuela Valescot Mathieu, Jasmine Narcisse, Theresa Novak, John Richard Oster, Harold Jean-Pierre, Pita Piongson, Lamercie M., Louis Reda, Andrea Remy, Joel Remy, Elizabeth Riedl, Bernarda Rodriguez, Sebastian Romero, Elias Santiago, Myriam Senat, Mariquit Tabudlo, Leonard Terius, Edith Vilsaint, Vickie Wallace and all our homebound parishioners and the residents of our local Nursing Homes. To add or remove a name to this list please call the rectory and speak with Denise Caamaño. Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Sat. Vigil, Saturday, March 28,2015 5:00pm: Olga Freeman & Barbara Pamentiero Sunday, March 29,2015 7:30am:Cristina Jacobs & Juana Billy 9:00am: Terry Teodoro & Helen Esposito 10:15am: Melchor Molina & Priscilla Baruc 11:30am: Cris Bondoc & Felice Carrera 1:00pm: Smith Mondesir, Thomas Ridore & Larosie Charles 1:15pm: Judeline Rouzard & Lydia Makgopela 5:30pm: Youth Sat. Vigil, Saturday , March 28,2015 5:00pm: Rose Milien & Thomas Ridore Sunday, March 29,2015 7:30am: Marie Morency & Jeanne FongGing 9:00am: Gerri Leote, Wilhelmina Wolk & Ernise Lecorps 10:15am:Carlina Molina & Chantal Thevenot 11:30am: Mar Bondoc, Collete Theodore & Luis Guignard 1:00pm: Jacqueline Mondesir, Ernise Lecorps & Marthe St. Fleur 1:15pm: Ketty Ciceron 5:30pm:Francine Vincent, Georgette Afirye & AnneMarie Dumel Please contact your Coordinator or the Parish Website for the Holy Week Schedule. Thank You Please contact your Coordinator or the Parish Website for the Holy Week Schedule. Thank You. 1 Corinthians 13:3 “If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be turned, but have not love, I gain nothing.” Gerry Leote, Marie Douyon, Jim McGuire, Anne Marie Dumel, Jacqueline Sanon , Annette Fredericque, Edwige Joseph, Thomas Ridore , Jean-Claude Dubuisson, Wilhelmena Wolk and Chantal Thevenot Saturday/Sunday Regular Collection March 21st & 22nd: $14,107.00 Thank you for your generosity. 2015 WEEKLY DOOR LISTING March 13, 2015 Pledge: $5,820.00 Paid: $4,200.00 Number of Gifts: 33 Average Gift: $176.36 SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY “The Human Person Becomes a Gift in the Freedom of Love” Saint John Paul II Wilder Cortez & Megan Kennedy April 25, 2015 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD With Cardinal Timothy Dolan Location: St. Patrick’s Cathedral Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 Time: 4:00pm First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7 Isaiah describes the pain and insults of the Servant of God. Yet he sounds hopeful when describing God as his help, knowing he will not be disgraced. Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11 Paul exults Christ’s great sacrifice of humbling himself to become human and die on the cross. He explains that this is why we should now realize the importance of honoring both his name and memory. Gospel: Mark 14:1—15:47 Mark describes the events leading up to Christ’s crucifixion. The Last Supper is described, explaining where the Eucharist began. Judas betrays Jesus and his suffering at the hands of the Sanhedrin (Council) is detailed. The events of this week are so well known. We enter the holy city with our palms. We sit at the table for the Passover meal. Puzzled as Jesus humbly washes feet, we receive our mandate to serve others. We leave for the Garden of Olives and are asked to pray, if only for an hour. Jesus is taken, arrested like a common criminal, unjustly tried and condemned. Savagely led through the streets, He is hoisted upon a cross and left to die. With Mary and John we remain faithful at the foot of the cross. Good Friday sadness will lead to Easter joy. The events of Holy Week continue today. Many are walking the Via Dolorsa as refugees, asylees, the terminally ill, homeless and unemployed. The passion continues to be played out where others, like Christ, seek our compassion and support. The Lord does not abandon them, as the psalm states, when we respond to their need. Holy Thursday 9:00am in the Main Church Good Friday 9:00am in the Main Church Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil) 9:00am in the Mani Church Tenebræ is the name given to the service of Matins and Lauds belonging to the last three days of Holy Week. This service, as the "Cæremoniale episcoporum" expressly directs, is to be anticipated and it should be sung. We welcome all of you to the solemn liturgy of the Hours during the days of Ester Triduum. This public prayer of the church consists of the day’s office of readings and Morning Prayer. Added to the solemn prayer of the divine office, is the singing of the Lamentations of Jeremiah. One will notice triangular Candelabra in the middle of our sanctuary; it contains fifteen candles. Both the singing of the lamentations and the use of the candles were part of the roman Liturgy, called Tenebrae. EASTER FLOWERS AND MUSIC As Easter approaches quickly our thoughts come to our sanctuary decoration and music for Easter. I call upon each parishioner to be extra-generous as you have been in the past to help with the expenses for both Easter Flowers and extra Musicians for our masses on Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. Donation for Easter Music can be included in your weekly envelopes offering. We kindly ask to consider making a generous Easter gift to your parish. Again thank you for your generosity. Easter flower envelopes are available in the back of the Church. Donations may be made in memory of a loved one. The envelopes will be kept in the sanctuary during the entire Easter Season. MISA CRISMAL Con el Cardinal Timothy Dolan Lugar: Catedral de San Patricio Fecha: 31 de Marzo del 2015 Horario: 4:00pm DOMINGO DE RAMOS DE LA PASIÓN DEL SEÑOR Primera Lectura: Isaías 50:4-7 Isaías describe el dolor y los insultos que recibe el Siervo de Dios. Sin embargo está esperanzado al describir a Dios como su ayuda, sabiendo que no será deshonrado. Segunda Lectura: Filipenses 2:6-11 Pablo exalta el gran sacrificio de Cristo al humillarse transformándose en humano y muriendo en la cruz. Explica que esto es por lo que debemos darnos cuenta de la importancia de honrar tanto su nombre como su memoria. Evangelio: San Marcos 14:1—15:47 Marcos describe los eventos que culminaron en la crucifixión de Cristo. La última Cena se describe explicando cómo comenzó la eucaristía. Judas traiciona a Jesús y se describe en detalle el sufrimiento de Jesús en las manos del Sanedrín. Los eventos de esta semana son bien conocidos. Entramos a la ciudad santa con nuestros ramos. Nos sentamos a la mesa de la cena de Pascua. Sorprendidos de que Jesús humildemente lave los pies, recibimos nuestro mandato de servir a otros. Salimos al Jardín de los Olivos y se nos pide orar, aunque sea una hora. Jesús es prendido, arrestado como a un criminal común, juzgado y condenado injustamente. Salvajemente se le llevó por las calles, se le cuelga de una cruz para que muera. Con María y Juan nos quedamos fielmente al pie de la cruz. La tristeza del Viernes Santo nos lleva a la alegría del Domingo de Pascua. Los eventos de la Semana Santa continúan hoy. Muchos caminan la Vía Dolorosa como refugiados, asilados, o desahuciados, indigentes y desempleados. La pasión continúa desarrollándose en donde otros, como Cristo, buscan nuestra compasión y ayuda. El Señor no los abandono, como lo indica el salmo, cuando respondemos a su necesidad. Jueves Santo 9:00am en la Iglesia Viernes Santo 9:00am en la Iglesia Sabado Santo (Vigilia Pascual) 9:00am en la Iglesia Tenebrae es el nombre que recibe el servicio de matines y laudes pertenecientes a los tres últimos días de la Semana Santa. Este servicio, como el "Cæremoniale episcoporum" expresamente dirige, son de esperar y debe ser cantado. Damos la bienvenida a todos ustedes a la solemne liturgia de las Horas, durante los días del Triduo Pascua. Esta oración pública de la Iglesia se compone de la oficina del día de lecturas y Laudes. Añadido a la oración solemne del Oficio divino, es el canto de las Lamentaciones de Jeremías. Uno se dará cuenta Candelabro triangular en el centro de nuestro santuario, que contiene quince velas. Tanto el canto de las lamentaciones y el uso de las velas fueron parte de la liturgia romana, llamada Tenebrae. Con la Pascua rápidamente acercándose nuestro enfoque y pensamientos se dirigen hacia la decoración de nuestra Parroquia para la semana santa. Hago un llamamiento a cada feligrés a ser más generosos como lo ha sido en el pasado para ayudarnos a cubrir los gastos de las flores y los músicos de nuestras Misas en la Vigilia Pascual y Domingo de Pascua. Las Donaciones para los músicos pueden ser incluidas en los sobres semanales. Le pedimos amablemente a que consideren la posibilidad de hacer una donación generosa a su parroquia. Gracias de nuevo por su generosidad. Los sobres para las flores están disponibles en la parte posterior de la Iglesia. Las donaciones pueden realizarse en la memoria de un ser querido. Los sobres se conservarán en el santuario durante todo el tiempo pascual. 1ère lecture : « Je n’ai pas caché ma face devant les outrages, je sais que je ne serai pas confondu » (Troisième chant du Serviteur du Seigneur) (Is 50, 4-7) Le Seigneur mon Dieu m’a donné le langage des disciples, pour que je puisse, d’une parole, soutenir celui qui est épuisé. Chaque matin, il éveille, il éveille ... Psaume : 21 (22), 8-9, 17-18a, 19-20, 22c-24a R/ Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, pourquoi m’as-tu abandonné ? Tous ceux qui me voient me bafouent, ils ricanent et hochent la tête : « Il comptait sur le Seigneur : qu’il le délivre ! Qu’il le sauve, puisqu’il est son ami ... 2ème lecture : « Il s’est abaissé : c’est pourquoi Dieu l’a exalté » (Ph 2, 6-11) Le Christ Jésus, ayant la condition de Dieu, ne retint pas jalousement le rang qui l’égalait à Dieu. Maïs il s’est anéanti, prenant la condition de serviteur, Deve... Evangile : Passion de notre Seigneur Jésus Christ (Mc 14, 1 – 15, 47) Indications pour la lecture dialoguée : Les sigles désignant les divers interlocuteurs sont les suivants :X = Jésus ; L = Lecteur ; D = Disciples et amis... Evangile : Passion de notre Seigneur Jésus Christ (Mc 15, 1-39) L. Dès le matin, les grands prêtres convoquèrent les anciens et les scribes, et tout le Conseil suprême. Puis, après avoir ligoté Jésus, ils l’emmenèrent et le livrèrent à Pilate... Misère de l’homme et grandeur de Dieu Les nombreux personnages qui interviennent dans ce récit de la passion selon saint Marc manifestent profondément quelque chose de la misère de l’homme, de ses limites, de son péché : Judas qui trahit son maître par un baiser, les pharisiens qui sont heureux d’avoir mis à mort un innocent, Pilate et Hérode qui se débarrassent de Jésus en attirant sur eux la faveur du peuple, Pierre qui jure qu’il ne connaît pas Jésus, les la grandeur de Dieu.” Soldats qui se livrent à une violence gratuite, la foule qui passe facilement des acclamations aux accusations… Il n’est pas sûr que nous n’ayons rien à voir avec tous ces gens-là ! Et s’ils n’étaient que des miroirs dans lesquels nous pouvons nous regarder nous-mêmes ? Mais, ne l’oublions pas, c’est Jésus qui est au cœur de la scène. C’est sur lui qu’il faut fixer les yeux. C’est lui que Jean et Marie, ainsi que de nombreuses personnes anonymes, ont choisi de suivre, dans le silence. Fils de Dieu, Jésus se donne en aimant au prix de sa vie. Ainsi, le Dieu d’amour et de vie se dit dans le visage d’un homme agonisant, abandonné de tous. Le Dieu de la justice manifeste son identité dans la condamnation d’un innocent. C’est un Dieu qui est faible au lieu d’être fort, victime au lieu d’être triomphant, serviteur au lieu d’être roi. Par sa passion et sa mort, Jésus révèle la grandeur de Dieu. Au fond, en christianisme, la vie s’engendre dans la souffrance, la vie surgit de la mort. Célébrer la passion du Seigneur, c’est, chaque année, découvrir la proximité invraisemblable de Dieu sur le chemin de notre vie. Le mardi Mars 31,2015 à 4 :00 pm tous les paroissiens sont invités à assister à la Messe Chrismale à la Cathédrale St Patrick Décoration Florale et Animation Musicale A l’approche des fêtes de Pâques, nous portons une attention spéciale sur la décoration du sanctuaire et l’animation musicale. Cette année, les dépenses pour les fleurs sont très élevées et nous avons besoin de plus de musiciens pour la célébration de la veillée pascale et celle du dimanche de Pâques. Pour ce faire, je demanderais à chaque paroissien d'être très généreux, comme par le passé, pour aider avec les dépenses. Les dons peuvent être faits à la mémoire d'un être cher. Nous vous demandons d'examiner la possibilité de faire de généreux cadeaux de Pâques à votre paroisse. Les enveloppes pour les fleurs sont disponibles à l'arrière de l'Église ; elles seront dans le sanctuaire pendant toute la période de Pâques. Encore une fois merci de votre générosité. Tenebrae est le nom donné au service de Matines et les Laudes appartenant aux trois derniers jours de la Semaine Sainte. Ce service, comme le «Caeremoniale Episcoporum" ordonne expressément, doit être prévu et il devrait être chanté. Nous souhaitons la bienvenue à vous tous à la liturgie solennelle des heures pendant les jours de Triduum Ester. Cette prière publique de l'Eglise se compose du bureau du jour des lectures et des Laudes. Ajouté à la prière solennelle de l'office divin, est le chant des Lamentations de Jérémie. On remarquera Candélabres triangulaire au milieu de notre sanctuaire, il contient quinze bougies. Tant le chant des lamentations et de l'utilisation des bougies faisaient partie de la liturgie romaine, appelée Tenebrae. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Every Thursday at 8:00pm-10:00pm ( Stone Chapel in Spanish) & Every Friday from 9:00am5:00pm Charismatic Prayer Group English, Monday at 7:30 pm (Chapel), Spanish, Friday: 7:30 pm (Chapel), Creole, Sunday at 6:15 (Church) Spanish Choir Rehearsals Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Choir Room 12 from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. English Choir Rehearsals on Thursday’s Chancel Choir 6:00pm-7:00pm in Room 12 Parish Choir 7:30pm-9:15pm in the main Church Zumba Class Tuesday’s and Friday's 8:00pm-9:00pm in the Gym Healing Mass Every 3rd Monday of the Month 8:00pm in the main Church Bible & Catechism Class Every Thursday at 7:30pm in the School. Knights of Columbus of Saint Joseph Church Meeting 1st Monday of every month at 8:00pm Social 3rd Monday of every month at 8:00pm Chrism Mass Tuesday, March 31st at 4:00pm St. Patrick’s Cathedral Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015 English Solemn Masses: *7:30am, *9:00 am *10:30am, *11:45am, *1:30pm Stone Chapel & 5:30pm (Youth Mass) Polish Solemn Mass : 9:45am Spanish Solemn Mass: 11:15am French/Creole Solemn Mass: 1:30pm Malankara Rite: 3:45pm (Stone Chapel) Reconciliation Monday March 30, 2015 : Confessions 3:00pm-9:00pm Tuesday March 31,2015: Masses at 9:00am & 5:30pm Wednesday April 1, 2015 Spy Wednesday: Masses at 9:00am & 5:30pm Holy Thursday, April 2, 2015 9:00 AM – Tenebrae 8:00 PM – Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Tri-Lingual) & Procession to the Repository. Adoration at the Repository until Midnight *11:30PM – Compline (Night Prayer) Good Friday, April 3, 2015 No Mass Parish Office Closed (Rectory) 9:00am Tenebrae 10:00 am Stations of the Cross (Outdoor) SAINT JOSEPH FEAST DAY RAFFLE WINNERS CONGRATULATIONS TO: Evely Santos: 1ST Prize $1,000.00 Kayla Philip: 2nd Prize $500.00 Joann Venezia: 3rd Prize Mary Kay Gift Basket Thank you to all who collaborated in this fundraiser. Your generosity helped to raise $6,260.00 to aide our parish. Monday: Is 42:1-7; Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a; Mt 26:14-25 Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9; Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21 Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 First Friday: Is 52:13—53:12; Heb 4:14-16, 5:7-9; Jn 18:1—19:42 First Saturday: Easter Vigil: Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a; Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 1013, 15-18; Ex 14:15—15:1; Is 54:5-14; Is 55:1-11; Bar 3:9-15, 32—4:4; Ez 36:1617a, 18-28; Rom 6:3-11; Mk 16:1-7 12:00pm Stations of the Cross (Main Church) 9:00 AM Tenebrae with RCIA Anointing of the Elect & Profession of Faith 7:30 PM the Solemn Easter Vigil (English) Parish Office Closed (Rectory) 3:00 pm Solemn Liturgy of the Passion (English) 3:00pm Solemn Liturgy of the Passion (Spanish) (In the Gym) 5:00pm Solemn Liturgy of the Passion (Haitian) 7:30pm Spanish Stations of the Cross (In the Gym) Collection for the Holy Land Mission Holy Saturday, April 4, 2015 Easter Vigil 10:30 PM the Solemn Easter Vigil (Haitian) Easter Sunday, April 5,2015 Happy Easter!! English Solemn Masses: *7:30am, *9:00 am *10:30am, *11:45am, *1:30pm Stone Chapel *No 5:30pm Mass Polish Solemn Mass : 9:45am Spanish Solemn Mass: 11:15am French/Creole Solemn Mass: 1:30pm Monday, April 6, 2015 School Building and Parish Office (Rectory) will be closed. Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12 ,2015 Divine Mercy Chaplet with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 3:00pm
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