Greenwich Township School District Board of Education Meeting Agenda Executive Session 7:00 pm; Public Session 7:30 pm April 29, 2015 A. CALL TO ORDER B. EXECUTIVE SESSION (if necessary) WHEREAS, the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4.11, permits the Board of Education to meet in closed session to discuss certain matters, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Board of Education adjourns to closed session to discuss one or more of the following: 1) A matter rendered confidential by federal or state law 2) A matter in which release of information would impair the right to receive government funds 3) Material the disclosure of which constitutes an unwarranted invasion of individual privacy 4) A collective bargaining agreement and/or negotiations related to it 5) A matter involving the purchase, lease, or acquisition of real property with public funds 6) Protection of public safety and property and/or investigations of possible violations or violations of law 7) Pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation and/or matters of attorney-client privilege 8) Specific prospective or current employees unless all who could be adversely affected request an open session 9) Deliberation after a public hearing that could result in a civil penalty or other loss and, be it further RESOLVED, the minutes of this closed session be made public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists. C. ROLL CALL Ms. Diane Lein, President Mr. Brad Perrone, Vice-President Mr. Kevin Bayne Mrs. Michelle Faychak Mrs. Victoria Little Mr. Scott Nodes Mrs. Beth Rooney Mrs. Christy Tighe Mrs. Denise Valle Present _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Absent _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ D. ANNOUNCEMENT OF NOTICE The New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Greenwich Township Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time and place posted at the Stewartsville Middle School and the Greenwich School. Notice of the meeting has been sent to the Express-Times and the Star Gazette and is on file in the Office of the Clerk of Greenwich Township. E. FLAG SALUTE F. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES’ REPORT Angelica DiGiovanni and Kush Gulati (outgoing) Delmy Cruz and Emma Mallory (incoming) G. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT 1. 2015/16 Budget Presentation 2. QSAC Review: Minimum Requirement is 80% Instruction and Program = 92% Fiscal management = 96% 1 Building Foundations for Excellence for Every Child, Every Day. Greenwich Township School District Board of Education Meeting Agenda Executive Session 7:00 pm; Public Session 7:30 pm April 29, 2015 Governance = 100% Operations = 100% Personnel = 100% 2014-2015 Board of Education and District Goals RESOLVED, the Board of Education approved the Board of Education Goals and District Goals at the September 24, 2014 Board Meeting. Board Goals 1. Continue to advocate for resources necessary to maintain and grow our K-8 program. 2. Advocate for year-over-year tuition caps. District Goals 1. Redesign the Gifted and Talented Program entry criteria and program structure. 2. Incorporate more STEM instruction and activities into student learning to align with CCSS and NJCCCS. H. ESTABLISH MEETING DATES THROUGH DECEMBER 2015 The regular meetings of the Greenwich Township Board of Education are to be held on the last Wednesday of each month except as noted*: May 27, 2015 September 30, 2015 June 24, 2015 October 21, 2015* July 22, 2015* November 18, 2015* August 2015 – NO Meetings December 16, 2015* I. ADOPTION OF MINUTES March 18, 2015 -Special Meeting Minutes March 25, 2015 -Executive Meeting Minutes March 25, 2015 –Regular Meeting Minutes J. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (for items on the agenda only) Public participation shall be governed by the following rules in accordance with BOE Policy 0167: 1. A participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of his/her name, place of residence, and group affiliation, if appropriate; 2. Each statement made by a participant may be limited to three minutes’ duration. 3. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard; 4. All statements shall be directed to the presiding officer; no participant may address or question Board members individually; 5. The presiding officer may: a. Interrupt, warn, or terminate a participant's statement when the statement is too lengthy, abusive, obscene, or irrelevant; 2 Building Foundations for Excellence for Every Child, Every Day. Greenwich Township School District Board of Education Meeting Agenda Executive Session 7:00 pm; Public Session 7:30 pm April 29, 2015 b. c. d. e. K. Request any individual to leave the meeting when that person does not observe reasonable decorum; Request the assistance of law enforcement officers in the removal of a disorderly person when that person's conduct interferes with the orderly progress of the meeting; Call for a recess or an adjournment to another time when the lack of public decorum so interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting as to warrant such action; and Waive these rules when necessary for the protection of privacy or the efficient administration of the Board's business. APPOINT THE FOLLOWING FOR THE 2015-16 SCHOOL YEAR Motion by Member _____, seconded by Member _____, to approve items K1 through K25 1. Board Attorney Reappoint the firm of Schenck, Price, Smith and King, LLP as Board Attorneys at the rates set forth in the 2009-2010 fee schedule on file in the office of the Business Administrator. 2. Treasurer of School Moneys Reappoint Teresa Barna as Treasurer of School Moneys at an annual fee of $2,500. 3. Affirmative Action Officer Reappoint the Stewartsville Middle School Principal to serve as Affirmative Action Officer. 4. 504 Compliance Officer Reappoint the Stewartsville Middle School Principal to serve as 504 Compliance Officer. 5. School Physician Reappoint Dr. Gerard Delmonico as School Physician at an annual fee of $4,800. 6. Attendance Officers Reappoint School Principals as the Attendance Officers. 7. Architect of Record Reappoint the firm of Parette Somjen Architects, LLC as Architect of Record at the rates set forth on the 2009-2010 fee schedule on file in the office of the Business Administrator. 8. Bond Counsel Reappoint the firm of Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer as Bond Counsel at the rates set forth in the 2011-2012 fee schedule on file in the office of the Business Administrator. 9. Financial Advisor Reappoint the firm of Phoenix Financial Advisors as Financial Advisors at the rates set forth in the 20132014 fee schedule on file in the office of the Business Administrator. 10. Insurance Agent of Record Reappoint the following firm as the Insurance Agent of Record: Brown and Brown for Property and Casualty Insurance. 11. Division of Child Protection and Permanency Liaison Reappoint the Stewartsville Middle School Principal as the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P). 12. District Testing Coordinator Reappoint the Stewartsville Middle School Principal to serve as District Testing Coordinator. 13. State Testing Coordinator/PARCC Coordinator Reappoint the Stewartsville Middle School Principal to serve as State Testing/PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) Coordinator. 3 Building Foundations for Excellence for Every Child, Every Day. Greenwich Township School District Board of Education Meeting Agenda Executive Session 7:00 pm; Public Session 7:30 pm April 29, 2015 14. NCLB Coordinator/Title I Director Reappoint the Stewartsville Middle School Principal to serve as NCLB Coordinator/Title I Director. 15. Bilingual/ESL Supervisor Reappoint the Stewartsville Middle School Principal to serve as Bilingual/ESL Supervisor. 16. Homeless Education Liaison Reappoint the Stewartsville Middle School Principal to serve as Homeless Education Liaison. 17. District Anti-Bullying Coordinator Reappoint the Superintendent to serve as the district Anti-Bullying Coordinator. 18. Stewartsville Middle School Anti-Bullying Specialist Reappoint the Stewartsville Middle School Guidance Counselor to serve as the Stewartsville Middle School Anti-Bullying Specialist. 19. Greenwich School Anti-Bullying Specialist Reappoint the Greenwich School Guidance Counselor to serve as the Greenwich School Anti-Bullying Specialist. 20. Technology Director/PARCC IT Contact Reappoint the Media Specialist to serve as Technology Director/PARCC IT Contact. 21. School Alliance Insurance Fund Commissioner Reappoint the Business Administrator to serve as the School Alliance Insurance Fund Commissioner. 22. Environmental Safety Officer Reappoint the Business Administrator to serve as the district Environmental Safety Officer including indoor air quality, integrated pest management, Right To Know, chemical hygiene, and AHERA. 23. Public Agency Compliance Officer Reappoint the Business Administrator to serve as the Public Agency Compliance Officer. 24. Purchasing Agent Reappoint the Business Administrator to serve as the Qualified Purchasing Agent, and authorize the purchasing agent to award contracts up to the bid and quote thresholds as established in N.J.S.A. 18A-18A1-3, pending extension approval by Department of Community Affairs. Bid Threshold Quotation Threshold Base Amount $36,000 $5,400 25. Custodian of Records Reappoint the Business Administrator to serve as the Custodian of Records. L. APPROVE THE FOLLOWING FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Motion by Member _____, seconded by Member _____, to approve items O1 through O7 1. Designation of Official Depositories Approve the designations of Investors Bank and TD Bank as the Official Depositories. 2. Official Newspapers Approve the designation of the EXPRESS-TIMES and the Warren Reporter as the Official Newspapers. 3. Adoption of Policies To adopt, based on the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, that all By-laws, Policies and Regulations of this Board of Education be continued in force until such time that this Board amends same. 4 Building Foundations for Excellence for Every Child, Every Day. Greenwich Township School District Board of Education Meeting Agenda Executive Session 7:00 pm; Public Session 7:30 pm April 29, 2015 4. Adoption of Curriculum and Textbooks To adopt, based on the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the existing PK-8 Curriculum, Textbooks, and Programs for the Greenwich Township School District for the 2015-2016SY, or until such time that this Board amends same. 5. Signatures Authorize the Signature of the Board President, School Business Administrator, Treasurer of School Moneys, Superintendent, and Cafeteria Manager to be used on checking accounts for the Board of Education. M. FINANCE, OPERATIONS AND SHARED SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION Mr. Perrone – Chair, Mr. Bayne, Ms. Little, Mr. Nodes Motion by Member __________, seconded by Member __________, to accept the recommendation of the Superintendent and adopt the following: M.1 Payment of Bills RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the payment of the following bills for the period of March 26, 2015 through April 29, 2015 in accordance with the bills list that shall be part of this record. General Fund (10) Special Revenue Fund (20) Capital Outlay Fund (30) Debt Service Fund (40) In the amount of In the amount of In the amount of In the amount of Sub-total Payroll In the amount of TOTAL M.2 Transfer of Funds Be it Resolved to approve budget transfers as listed for the period March 26, 2015 to April 29, 2015 noting that Commissioner approval was not required, as the year to date transfers on a cumulative basis do not exceed 10% pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1. Amount 43.00 1,140.00 10,000.00 422.67 32,460.67 1,050.00 190.00 80.00 305.15 266.01 96.93 1,403.07 668.92 1,000.00 5 $ 1,060,292.28 $ 20,075.26 $ --0-$ --0-$ 1,080,292.28 $ 590,338.95 $ 1,670,631.23 From Accounts 11-130-100-101-000-070 11-150-100-320-000-000 11-213-100-101-000-070 11-000-100-562-000-000 11-000-291-270-000-000 11-000-218-390-000-000 11-000-223-500-000-000 11-000-240-300-000-000 11-000-251-600-000-000 11-000-230-331-000-000 11-000-262-100-200-070 11-000-262-100-200-070 11-000-262-490-000-000 11-000-263-420-000-070 Building Foundations for Excellence for Every Child, Every Day. Amount 43.00 1,140.00 10,000.00 422.67 32,460.67 1,050.00 190.00 80.00 305.15 266.01 96.93 1,403.07 668.92 1,000.00 To Accounts 11-130-100-110-100-070 11-150-100-101-000-070 11-213-100-101-200-070 11-000-100-566-000-000 11-000-100-566-000-000 11-000-219-320-000-000 11-000-223-580-000-040 11-000-240-105-200-040 11-000-251-592-000-000 11-000-251-592-000-000 11-000-262-100-300-040 11-000-262-100-300-070 11-000-262-100-300-070 11-000-263-420-000-000 Greenwich Township School District Board of Education Meeting Agenda Executive Session 7:00 pm; Public Session 7:30 pm April 29, 2015 750.00 750.00 2,200.00 12,210.25 11-000-263-610-000-070 11-000-263-610-000-040 11-000-262-490-000-000 11-000-216-320-000-000 750.00 750.00 2,200.00 12,210.25 11-000-263-420-000-000 11-000-263-420-000-000 11-000-263-420-000-000 11-000-217-320-000-000 M.3 Financial Reports RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the monthly financial reports of the Board Secretary and the Treasurer for the month of March 2015 and further that, in compliance with NJAC 6A:23-2.11(c)4, the Board of Education certifies that as of March 31, 2015, after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of our knowledge, no major account has been over expended in violation of NJAC 6A:23-2.11(b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. M.4 Coordinated Transportation – WCSSSD RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve participation in a coordinated transportation contract with the Warren County Special Services School District for the 2015-2016 school year for an administration fee of 4%. M.5 Out-of-District Placements RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the following out-of-district student placements based on NJDOE maximum approved tuition rates: Code Student ID School 1 4197854556 WCSSSD 2 1296571699 MUJC SY Tuition ESY Tuition Additional Services Total Tuition $38,000 Paraprofessional $86,988 $14,258 $101,246 Date Eff Date Term 09/01/15 06/30/16 06/25/15 06/30/16 M.6 Child Nutrition Program N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-18.5 (CNP) RESOLVED, the Board of Education does not require the New Road Schools of New Jersey, Inc. to charge students for lunch in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23-A-18.5. M.7 Photocopier Lease Agreement RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the 36-month lease with Fraser A/S for 5 copy machines with a 1.5M annual copy allowance. The agreement includes all parts, labor, service calls and supplies for an annual amount of $27,096. New Jersey State Contract # M-0053. M.8 Pension and Health Benefits Reform WHEREAS, the health of New Jersey’s public employee retirement systems affects the state’s economy and its citizens’ quality of life, and impacts critical functions, ranging from the state’s ability to borrow to finance public works projects to its annual budget including state aid to education and, consequently, the operation of the public schools; and 6 Building Foundations for Excellence for Every Child, Every Day. Greenwich Township School District Board of Education Meeting Agenda Executive Session 7:00 pm; Public Session 7:30 pm April 29, 2015 WHEREAS, the New Jersey Pension and Health Benefits Study Commission, appointed by Governor Chris Christie in 2014, has issued its final report, “A Roadmap to Resolution,” which proposes monumental changes in how public employee benefits, particularly the Teachers’ Pension and Annuity Fund (TPAF) and the School Employees’ Health Benefits Program (SEHBP), are financed and administered; and WHEREAS, the Greenwich Township Board of Education believes that reform must balance the health of the state’s retiree benefits programs with local school boards’ responsibility to provide sound educational programming; and WHEREAS, TPAF benefits are established by the state and not through local school board action; and WHEREAS, post-retirement medical benefits are provided to TPAF retirees through state legislation, not local school board action; and WHEREAS, the Greenwich Township Board of Education believes that the TPAF and any new retirement program for certificated school district staff must be funded by the state government; and WHEREAS, the Greenwich Township Board of Education believes that transferring payment of the employer’s contribution to the teacher retirement plan and post-retirement medical benefits from the state to local school districts would have a detrimental impact on the resources necessary to maintain educational programming; and WHEREAS, to restore solvency to, and avert future default of, the state’s retirement programs, the pension and benefits reform act of 2011 (P.L. 2011, c.78) includes a schedule of annual state payments designed to close the deficit of the plans that serve school district employees; and WHEREAS, medical benefits for retired school employees, which will total over $1 billion in 2015-2016, are a major cost-driver in the state budget; and WHEREAS, the Greenwich Township Board of Education supports the current statutorily required employee contributions toward health benefits, which reflect current practice in the private sector and in public employment in other states, and have provided significant financial relief for local school districts, thereby enabling them to direct resources toward educational programming, including teacher employment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Greenwich Township Board of Education urges the state Legislature and Governor to ensure that the employers’ cost for teacher pensions and postretirement medical benefits—financial obligations created by the state—are not transferred to local school districts; and be it further RESOLVED, that to provide local school districts and local property taxpayers with financial relief, the Legislature should amend P.L. 2011, c.78 to make the current employee contributions toward health coverage a permanent requirement and not a subject of labor negotiations; and be it further 7 Building Foundations for Excellence for Every Child, Every Day. Greenwich Township School District Board of Education Meeting Agenda Executive Session 7:00 pm; Public Session 7:30 pm April 29, 2015 RESOLVED, that to provide further control over the cost of health benefits, the Legislature should give local boards of education unilateral authority to enroll in the School Employee Health Benefits Program if the board determines that such action would generate financial savings; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Greenwich Township Board of Education supports the goal of reducing the overall costs of public employee health and retirement benefits and urges the state Legislature and Governor to take a studied and comprehensive approach that will ensure the long-term solvency of the state’s public employee retirement programs without unduly burdening local school district budgets and endangering educational programming; and be it further RESOLVED, that this resolution be delivered to Governor Chris Christie, State Senate President Stephen M. Sweeney, Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto; and the 23rd Legislative District’s representatives in the state Senate and General Assembly; and be it further RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the New Jersey School Boards Association. N. CURRICULUM AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION Ms. Lein – Chair, Ms. Faychak, Ms. Rooney, Ms. Valle Motion by Member __________, seconded by Member __________, to accept the recommendation of the Superintendent and adopt the following: N.1 Code 1 Contracted Services RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the following: Name Centris Group-IEP Direct N.2 Position SE Student Management System Salary $6936.51 Student(s) District Date Eff 07/01/15 Professional Day Travel RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the following professional day requests: Code Name Destination Location 1 2 3 4 Maria Eppolite Adam Josephson Jennifer Hayes Gayle Lewis NJASA Spring Conference Warren Co Instrumental Music Educators Meeting Practical Strategies in Reading Text Being Participation Based - 2 part Workshop Atlantic City, NJ Franklin, NJ Edison, NJ Bethlehem, PA BOE Cost $980.94 $0.00 $258.14 $0.00 5 6 7 8 Lori Frable Susan Hazard Shannon Foschetti Lauren Mulrooney Warren Co. Educator/Ed Serv Spec of the Year Program Warren Co. Educator/Ed Serv Spec of the Year Program Warren Co. Educator/Ed Serv Spec of the Year Program Warren Co. Educator/Ed Serv Spec of the Year Program Washington, NJ Washington, NJ Washington, NJ Washington, NJ $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 N.3 8 Date Term 06/30/16 Date Eff 05/13/15 04/01/15 04/20/15 05/15/15 06/17/15 06/05/15 06/05/15 06/05/15 06/05/15 Date Term 05/15/15 04/01/15 04/20/15 05/15/15 06/17/15 06/05/15 06/05/15 06/05/15 06/05/15 ESY Tuition Rate RESOLVED, the Board of Education set the ESY Tuition Rate at $2500.00 for the 2015-2016 school year. Building Foundations for Excellence for Every Child, Every Day. Greenwich Township School District Board of Education Meeting Agenda Executive Session 7:00 pm; Public Session 7:30 pm April 29, 2015 N.4 O. Accept Tuition Students RESOLVED, the Board of Education accept the following tuition students for the 2015-2016 school year: Student ID School/ Grade ESY Tuition Total Tuition $1666.68 Date Eff 7/6/15 Date Term 7/31/15 1078468901 Lopatcong SD/Gr 2 $1666.68 includes OT & Speech 5145219241 Lopatcong SD/Gr 2 $1666.68 includes OT & Speech $1666.68 7/6/15 7/31/15 POLICY, PERSONNEL AND RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION Ms. Rooney– Chair, Mr. Bayne, Mr. Nodes, Ms. Tighe Motion by Member __________, seconded by Member __________, to accept the recommendation of the Superintendent and adopt the following: O.1 Introduction of Policies and Regulations RESOLVED, the Board of Education introduces on first reading and invites public comment on the following policies: Bylaw 0134 Board Self-Evaluation (Revised) Bylaw 0152 Board Officers (Revised) Policy 3212 Attendance (Revised) Policy 4212 Attendance (Revised) Policy and Regulation 3218 Substance Abuse (Revised) Policy and Regulation 4218 Substance Abuse (Revised) Policy and Regulation 5200 Attendance (Revised) Policy 8630 Bus Driver/Bus Aide Responsibility (Revised) Regulation 8630 Emergency School Bus Procedures (Revised) and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of Education requests the Superintendent to schedule the abovereferenced policies for second reading and possible adoption at the next regular meeting. O.2 Appointments, Transfers RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the following: (NOTE: Approval of these resolutions authorizes the Superintendent to submit to the Executive County Superintendent applications for emergent hiring and the applicant’s attestation that he/she has not been convicted of any disqualifying crime pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1 et.seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et. Seq., or N.J.S.A. 18A:6-4.13 et. Seq. for those employees listed below. All appointments are contingent upon receipt of proper teaching certification, and all salary placements are pending receipt of official college transcripts verifying degree status and letter stating years of service in other districts. 9 Building Foundations for Excellence for Every Child, Every Day. Greenwich Township School District Board of Education Meeting Agenda Executive Session 7:00 pm; Public Session 7:30 pm April 29, 2015 Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 O.3 Name Marilynn Barone Darlene Vitale Gwen Wian Dawn DeLorenzo Jill Abode Beau Briggs Action Approve Approve Approve Approve Approve Approve Position Summer SE Support; NTE 150 hrs ESY Paraprofessional ESY Substitute Paraprofessional Long Term Leave Replacement Long Term Leave Replacement Custodian Salary $21/hr. $12/hr. $12/hr. $227/day $227/day $25,000 Prorated Date Eff 06/22/15 07/06/15 07/06/15 05/11/15 04/27/15 On or about 05/11/15 Date Term 08/14/15 08/14/15 08/14/15 06/10/15 06/19/15 06/30/15 Resignations, Retirements, Terminations, Leaves of Absence RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the following: Code Name Action Position Location Date Eff 1 2 3 4 Kenneth Keller Susan Cullen Suzanne Oberman Susan Cullen Approve Resignation Approve Retirement Approve Leave of Absence Approve Leave of Absence Custodian Teacher Teacher Teacher GS GS GS GS 04/01/15 07/01/15 05/13/15 04/27/15 O.4 Location District GS GS GS GS District Date Term 06/09/15 06/19/15 Sick Days Start FMLA/NJFLA w/o Pay 19 39 Merit Goals Resolution RESOLVED, the Board of Education certifies Ms. Maria Eppolite, Superintendent of Schools, successfully satisfied the criterion for the following qualitative merit goal: Develop a comprehensive personnel manual including job descriptions, benefits, work hours and days for all employees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the board shall await confirmation of satisfaction of that criterion from the Executive County Superintendent prior to the payment of the merit bonus. P. OLD BUSINESS Q. NEW BUSINESS Q.1 Township Committee Liaison Report R. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION S. GENERAL BOARD COMMENTS T. ADJOURNMENT 10 Building Foundations for Excellence for Every Child, Every Day.
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