Sri Gurunathar (GF) Mahamantra (for Success, Prosperity and Wisdom) यापरु ी वाग ु वदनम ् ीवरकुलगु चारणं कलयॆ ुप ु दरकपरु शरणम ् सि!च" वमश# नवरस कलया प$रपण # ि&कानदम ् ू च 'व(कास )नजग ु चरन 'मरनमॆव माग#करं SRIVARA KULAGURU CARANAM KALAYEY HRUTPUNDAREEKAPURA SARANAM SAT-CIT VIMARSA NAVARASA KALAYAA PARIPOORNACANDRIKANANDAM SVAPRAKASA NIJAGURU CARANA SMARANAMEVA MARGAKARAM Meaning: I offer my prayers and salutations to the Divine Padukas of my Guru, residing in my inner heart as the ultimate GOD (Parabrahmam). That Divinity which possess the nine shining qualities of the Divine Mother Goddess Parasakthi (which Chit-Sakthi is no different from the Ultimate God) - Satguru Chandrikananda Natha Sri Ganapathi Mantra (For Removing Obstacles) व,तु.ड महाकाय सय # ो2ट सम(भ ु क VAKRATUNDA MAHAKAYA SURYAKOTI SAMAPRABHA Meaning: O Lord Ganesha, Who shine like Million Suns, Please make my works Free of obstacles. Sri Gayathri Mantra (For Wisdom and Liberation): Aum Bhuh Bhuvah Svah Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo nah Prachodayat May we meditate on the Glory of the Lord, the remover of pains and sorrows, the bestower of Happiness, Who has created the universe, and Who is the embodiment of knowledge and light. May the Lord, enlighten our intellect in the right direction by destroying all our sins and ignorance. Sri Guru Dhakshinamoorthy Mantra (For Wisdom and Enlightenment) GURUR BRAMHA GURUR VISHNU GURUR DEVO MAHESWARAHA GURU SHAKSHATH PARA BRAMHA THASMAISRI GURAVE NAMAHA GURAVE SARVALOKANAM BHISHAJE BHAVAROGINAM NITHYE SARVADHIYANAAM DHAKSHINA MOORTHAYE NAMAHAH! Meaning: Guru is Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Maheswara Guru, the Lord Dhakshinamoorthy is nothing but the Supreme Brahman devoid of attributes. That is the reason why we bow to the Guru. Sri Durga Devi Mantra (For Success in Endeavours) दे 2ह सौभा7यमारो7यं दे 2ह दे व परं सुखम ् । पं दे 2ह जयं दे 2ह यशो दे 2ह 2:षो ज2ह ॥ “DEHI SAUBHAAGYAM AAROGYAM DEHI DEVI PARAM SUKHAM. RUPAM DEHI JAYAM DEHI YASHO DEHI DVISHO JAHI.” Meaning: Oh Goddess, Bless me with Good Fortune, Good Health, Good Looks, Success and Fame. OH Vaishnavi, You are the very foundation of the world. You have mesmerised the World. When you are pleased with someone you ensure his liberation from the cycle of life and death Sri Hyagreeva Mantra (For Education and Wisdom) GNANANDAMAYAM DEVAM NIRMALA SPATIKAKRITHAM AATHARAM SARVAVIDHYANAAM HYAGREEVA MUBHASMAHE! Meaning: I prostrate with promise myself before Lord Hayagreeva, the God who is the personification of knowledge (Jnana) and Happiness (Ananda), who is ever pure, and who is the basis of all learning. This sloka is very good for students to recite for understanding while studying and scoring in exams. Sri Dhanvantri Mantra (For Health) OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE MAHA SUDHARSHANAYA VASUDEVAYA DHANVANTARAYE; AMRUTHA KALASA HASTHAAYA SARVA BHAYA VINASHANAYA SARVA ROGA NIVARANAYA THRI LOKAYA PATHAYE THRI LOKAYA NITHAYE SRI MAHA VISHNU SWARUPAYA SRI DHANVANTRI SWARUPAYA SRI SRI SRI AOUSHADHA CHAKRA NARAYANAYA NAMAHA || Meaning: We pray to the Almighty, Who is known as Sudarshana Vasudeva Dhanvantari, and Who holds the Pot (Vessel) full of nectar of immortality. Lord Dhanvantri removes all fears and cures all diseases. He is the well wisher and the protector of the three worlds. Dhanvantari is equal with Lord Vishnu, empowered to heal the Jivatmas. We bow to the Lord of Medicine. Sri Muruga (Skanda) Moola Mantra (For Success and Happiness) OM SAUM SARAVANABAVA SREEM HREEM KLEEM KLAUM SAUM NAMAHA This mantra is a very powerful one and can bestow Health Wealth and All Round Happiness to the Devotee. Sri Saraswathi Mantra (For Education and Fine Arts) Saraswathi Namasthubhyam, Varadey Kaamarupinee Vidhyarambham Karishyami, Sidhir bhavathu mey sada Meaning: O, Goddess Saraswati, my humble bowings to you. She is capable of fulfilling all my wishes. I request you to bestow your Blessings on me, before I start my studies. Sri Krishna Powerful Mantra (For Peace, Success and Prosperity) SRI KRISHNA GOVINDA HARE MURARE HE NATHA NARAYANA VASUDEVA Meaning: Sri - Blessed, holy, magnificent Krishna - Adorable one Govinda - Guardian of all sentient beings Hare Murare - Giving liberation He Natha - A Buddha, a bodhisattva Narayana - Supreme being who is the master controller of All (Human) Souls Vasudeva - Indweller in everyone’s Heart. Navagraha Mantra (For Appeasing 9 planets) OM ADITYAYA SOMAYA MANGALAYA BUDHAYACHA GURU SUKRA SANIBHYASCHA RAHAVE KETAVE NAMAH The Navagrahas are 9 important planetary deities of the Hindu Belief system. They are Surya, Chandra, Angaraka, Budha, Guru, Sukra, Sani, Rahu and Ketu. For Appeasing all Grahas (Planets) in one mantra the above mantra will be very effective. Hare Rama Hare Krishna Mahamantra (For All round Happiness in Kaliyuga) . Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Maha Mantra in Kali Santharana Upanishad is an antidote for all problems in Kaliyuga. Reciting the Mahamantra (given below) daily, for as many times as possible or a minimum of 108 times (one rosary) is advised for peace, prosperity and happiness in Kaliyuga. People in groups (of 10, 25, 50 or even more) can jointly recite this in a temple or colony in their area to ensure that things improve in their space by Lord Krishna’s Grace. The Mahamantra, if recited with utmost devotion, has the power to heal and cure any disease, to remove poverty, to bring peace to one and all Mahamritunjaya Mantra (For Longevity,Good Health and Liberation) OM TRYAMBAKAM YAJAMAHE SUGANDHIM PUSHTIVARDHANAM URVARUKAMIVA BANDHANAN MRITYOR MUKSHIYA MAAMRITAT Meaning: We meditate on the three-eyed absolute Reality that permeates and nourishes all like a fragrance. May we be liberated from death for the sake of immortality, even as the cucumber is severed from bondage to the creeper. The Mahamrityunjaya Mantra (maha-mrityun-jaya) is one of the more potent of the ancient Sanskrit mantras. Mahamrityunjaya is a call for enlightenment and is a practice of purifying the karmas of the soul at a deep level. It is also said to be quite beneficial for mental, emotional, and physical health. Sri Hanuman Mantra (For accomplishing impossible tasks) ASADHYA SADHAKA SWAMIN ASADHYAM THAVA KIM VADHA| RAMA DHUTHA, KRUPA SINDHO MATH KARYAM SADHAYA PRABHO|| Meaning: (Hey) Swaamin, Rama Dhootha, Ocean of Mercy, one who realizes impossible things, Tell (me) what is impossible for you, Oh Lord, enable me to succeed in my work! Suyamvara Parvathi Mantra (For solutions to Marriage related issues and Progeny) OM HREEM YOGINIM YOGINI YOGESWARI YOGA BHAYANKARI SAKALA STHAVARA JANGAMASYA MUKHA HRIDAYAM MAMA VASAM AKARSHA AKARSHAYA NAMAHA Meaning: "You are the one always in Union with the Lord, Master of Yoga, Terrible of Form, Heart of all that is living and nonliving, Please give me the power of attraction and fascination, O Noble One"!
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