At-a-glance Detect and protect against advanced threats Managed Advanced Threat Protection Services from HP and FireEye Keep your organization secure with 24/7 detection and protection against new advanced threats and zero-day malware. Insights • Cybercrime continues to be costly for organizations, with an average cost to U.S. companies of $12.7 million.1 • The median number of days for organizations to detect a breach is 205 days.2 • 43% of enterprises lack formal incident response plans and procedures.3 Ponemon 2014 Cost of Cyber Crime Study Mandiant (FireEye) M Trends, A View from the Front Lines, 2015 Report 3 SANS Institute—Incident Response: How to fight back, 2014 4 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Network Firewall, Intrusion Prevention Systems, Endpoint protection Platforms, Secure Web Gateway, 2014 1 2 The cyber-threat landscape is rapidly evolving. The sophistication of attacks has increased, and the sources of attacks are from wellfunded, highly motivated adversaries. This new generation of cyber-attacks is highly targeted and focused on acquiring data—such as intellectual property, sensitive personal information, or insider information—that is valuable and vital to organizations. Combating today’s advanced targeted threats and persistent adversaries necessitates a new security model—one that must work in real time and be proactive, seeking out possible enterprise weaknesses before exploitation. Organizations must have the capability to respond immediately with thorough dynamic analysis, investigation, and remediation. Traditional defense tools are failing to protect enterprises from advanced targeted attacks and the broader problem of advanced malware. In 2013 alone, enterprises spent more than $14 billion4 on firewalls, intrusion prevention systems (IPS), endpoint protection platforms, and secure web gateways. Regardless, advanced targeted attacks and advanced malware continue to plague enterprises unabated. Proactive threat protection assurance Get the assurance of 24/7 detection, identification, and protection against new, stealthy advanced threats and zero-day malware with Managed Advanced Threat Protection Services from HP and FireEye. Our combined team of threat experts deliver 24/7 systems performance monitoring and management, alert reporting, investigation and analysis, and threat remediation with mitigation recommendations. At-a-glance | Managed Advanced Threat Protection Services from HP and FireEye Gain visibility, protect, and respond Understand your risk Organizations are constantly under attack. The truth is that attackers only need to succeed once; defenders must be 100% perfect. Are you at risk? Are you prepared to respond? By deploying FireEye APT protection technologies, you gain real-time detection and automated blocking of web, email, and file-born advanced malware and identification of compromised assets. This advantage gives you tighter security control and visibility of malware activity within your organization. Maximize your protection The services include 24/7 systems performance, availability and health monitoring, and operational management. We ensure FireEye appliances are properly maintained, configured, and up to date with the latest threat information and system patches. Generated events are monitored, and we proactively notify you when alerts need your action. This alleviates the burden of your staff having to perform day-to-day appliance administration tasks, systems updates, and alert monitoring—enabling them to focus on more pressing activities. Threat management and response In addition, our services provide alert investigation and analysis along with remediation recommendations to mitigate detected attacks faster than ever before. When a potential compromise is detected, HP and FireEye security experts deliver deep-dive threat investigation, providing recommended actions to remediate and prevent future occurrences. You can react immediately by quarantining affected hosts, significantly reducing or eliminating the consequences of a breach. Through our tailored intelligence reporting, you get contextual awareness and unique insight into your organization’s specific risks. This actionable awareness and visibility enables you to quickly evolve your capabilities and defenses. In the event of a severe security incident, breach, or data loss, you can quickly engage our incident response and forensics team to help you respond rapidly and effectively, minimizing business impact. Meet new security threats head on Managed Advanced Threat Protection Services from HP and FireEye help you successfully and cost-efficiently combat these stealthy attacks with a new, layered security model. HP provides you with clarity of risk state, 24/7 advanced threat protection, investigation, analysis, and response. This fully managed service significantly reduces your resource investment requirements and costs for proactive advanced threat protection. Work with managed security specialists HP helps enterprise and government clients protect what matters. We provide consulting services to assist with your security strategy and help design and deploy your security improvement programs. Managed Advanced Threat Protection Services from HP and FireEye enable companies to provide 24/7 security monitoring for indications that a cyber-attack has bypassed traditional technology defenses. HP and FireEye threat analysts will engage as an extension of an organization’s cyber-security team, providing insight and intelligence from the front lines. In addition to responding to incidents, HP and FireEye will proactively hunt for indicators of compromise in your environment. © Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. April 2015 This is an HP Indigo digital print. Our managed and security consulting service operations incorporate: •Managing over 500,000 security devices and correlating 23 billion security events per month •More than 5,000 highly experienced security professionals worldwide No matter where you are, or what size your organization is, we can help you protect critical information and processes while keeping your operations flexible, efficient, and responsive. Learn more at
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