A PDF Version

Wednesday, May 27
09:30 09:30 9:47
10:30 - 12:30 10:30 10:45 12:30 12:30 13:00 13:10 - 15:30 15:30 15:45 - 17:00 17:00 17:15 17:30 18:00 Registration
Coffee, tea and muffins are available.
Word of Welcome
Rochus Pronk & Marleen Biezeno (Royal Netherlands Embassy)
Deirdre Collings (SecDev Foundation)
Introduction, Expectations & Process
Rafal Rohozinski (SecDev)
Teams at their Stations
Ice Breaker
Ideation Phase [teams will have facilitators]
Objective - narrow down a clear entry point and objective that satisfies: Clarity and Disruption
Ideas & Research
How to approach your problem
Entry Points - defining your idea, beneficiary and implementers
Risk/Evidence/Do-Ability Brainstorm
Team Knowledge & Assessment
Filling in the gaps
What do we know? What can each member contribute.
Milestone: one page Brief for your team to put up on the projector for all participants to view. Answer: What is the
proposal? Who is it for? Who is implement it? What are the risks? Why is it needed/innovative/disruptive? Lunch
Everyone Mingles
Lightning Talk
Wendy Betts (IBA - Witness App)
Lightning Talk
Josh Gillmour (SecDev Cyber - Seven social media tools in three minutes)
Development & Prototype
Objective: Conduct Risk/Evidence/Do-ability Analysis
Team Knowledge
Assign roles for research/development
Evaluation of your idea
Map your landscape (actors), Challenging the ideas & Risk Assessment
Sustainable Action
Resources: Sessions with in-situ mentors, experts circulate to teams, online tools and online experts available.
Milestone: Report-back to facilitators.
Prototype & Develop Proposal
Objective - work towards clear proposal that meets CREDD and next steps for Day 2.
Use the tools at your disposal - develop the idea
Resources: online tools, online experts and sessions with experts, mentors, and facilitators to ensure your proposal
has CREDD!
Milestone: Prepare a 2 minute oral brief to all the participants.
Report Back - Teams Brief all Participants
Closing 1st Day
CIC Reception
Participants Invited
CIC Panel Discussion: Prospects for Peace in the Internet Age
Featuring Renee Black, Daryl Copeland, Senator Mobina Jaffer, Afra Jalabi, John Packer and Rafal Rohozinski
Participants Invited. Teams can continue working
Thursday, May 28
09.00 Sign-in
09:45 Lightning Talk
Keith McManamen (Psiphon)
LtCol Arjan van Daalen (Human Terrain)
Hackathon continues
Objective: Outline next steps to finalize your proposal
Resources: sessions with mentors/experts as needed
11:00 Hackathon - Finalize Proposal & Preparing Brief
Objective: Prepare a 6 min brief for Judging (American Idol Style)
Review your work and check that your proposal has CREDD
Answer Again: What is the proposal? Who is it for? Who is implementing it? What are the risks? Why is it needed/
innovative/disruptive? Process:
Assign roles/work together on the PowerPoint
Play to your team member’s strengths. Choose your presenter(s).
Resources: sessions with facilitators on preparing your briefs.
Working Lunch
13:30 - 15:45
Preparing and Rehearsing Brief
Objective: Ensure that your team presentation is effective. Meaning clear, on-time and impactful!
Resources: facilitators will help with finalizing Brief and rehearsals;
Milestones: Presentations ready and Teams choose MVP
15:00 Break (juice & cookies)
15:15 Judges Arrive
15:45 Teams Brief Judges
17:30 Judges Deliberate/Teams Deliberate on Peer Choice
18:15 Announcement of Results/ Awards Ceremony with VIPs 18:30 Closing Words