HALTON LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Tel No: 01928 564053 Email: [email protected] Website: www.haltonlodge.halton.sch.uk NEWSLETTER This week Year 5 and 6 have had the opportunity to visit our local high schools, The Grange and St Chad's, and experience some of the facilities that will be available to them when they leave Halton Lodge. Year 5 had a jam packed morning at The Grange which included: music in the Drama Studio; baking pizza in the Food Technology department; exploring how computers can be controlled in the I.C.T. Suite and finally, experimenting in the Science Lab with Bunsen burners! They thoroughly enjoyed the experience, which also included a free lunch! At St Chad's, Year 6 participated in a multi-sports event, working alongside the Year 10s, who are studying for a GCSE in Sports Science and Physical Education. There was a wide variety of events to take part in, including penalty shoot outs and welly throwing! It was all very competitive, with several certificates being awarded at the end. Both year groups were impeccably well behaved and were a credit to our school. Morning Sports Clubs to Restart Next Week Yesterday you should have received a letter detailing the breakfast clubs that will be run by Tom Bainbridge of TBSports. These are Gymnastics (on a Tuesday) and MultiSports (on a Friday). These clubs will both start next week and run until 17th July - the last full week of the summer term - and are priced at £2 a session. Children who attend either of these clubs should arrive at school between 7:35am and 7:40am...and come into school through the gates and double doors that lead straight into the school hall. The main entrance and school office is not manned at this time, so the children need to register directly with Tom as soon as they arrive at school. Ideally they should arrive dressed for the physical activity they are undertaking; and bring their school uniform to change into once the club finishes at 8:40am. Lunchtime Clubs We were able to relaunch our lunchtime sports clubs this week, as we were joined by Mr Leigh (one of the sports coaches from TBSports) who will be delivering the lunchtime activities. Halton Lodge Primary School - Happy Headteacher: Mr A Hilldrup 5th June 2015 The lunch hour is divided into four 15 minute sessions and this allows the majority of our pupils with the chance to take part in one of the planned sport sessions each day; whilst also providing them with plenty of time to eat their lunch and socialise with their friends. We have also recently changed the rota for the adventure playground - so children from two classes can access the adventure equipment at the same time. This provides the children with a greater number of opportunities to be physically active at break and lunchtimes; and gives the other children even more space to play. Judo Club We have a number of children who are keen to continue with the morning Judo Club (that runs on a Thursday morning). In order for this club to go ahead, we require at least 4 more children to sign up. The cost for this club is £3.50 per session. If you need a copy of the letter that was sent out about this before half term, please ask for one from the school office. It would be a shame if this club had to be cancelled so, if you are interested in taking part, please have the consent form returned by Tuesday, 9th June. Cricket Club Mr Grindey will be continuing to run the after school cricket club for the next 4 weeks: 8th June, 15th June, 22nd June and 29th June. If you are interested in joining the cricket club, please speak with Miss Simcock who will let you know if any spaces come available. (This club was full but if any children choose not to continue then we will reallocate their places). Year 6 Girls’ Cricket Competition After the previously planned competition was cancelled due to heavy rain, a team of 8 girls from Year 6 finally got to play in an interschool competition (in Widnes) this week. The girls won 1 match, drew 2 and lost just 1. They grew in confidence throughout the day and, as they became more familiar with the rules and had played a couple of competitive games, they really began to improve. Well done to everyone who took part – you represented our school extremely well! Once again, the behaviour of our pupils was excellent! Learning Promotes Success ! School Uniform Non-Uniform Day With just 7 weeks of the summer term remaining, now is the time that you need to place any orders for school uniform; if you would like it delivering before we close for the summer (or to have it available for collection on the first day back)! The Non-Uniform Day that was held at our school on Friday, 22nd June, raised £141.90 for the Nepal Earthquake Appeal. Order Forms are available from the school office. Please aim to return any order forms to the school office by 12th June. This money has been sent to ShelterBox - a charity that provides emergency shelters to enable doctors to treat the injured survivors. Thank you to everyone who took part and supported this event! Halton Lodge Has Got Talent After weeks and weeks of rehearsals, the time for the grand final of a Halton Lodge Has Got Talent has almost arrived! The finals will take place on Thursday, 11th June at 6:00pm. Tickets will be on sale from Monday at a cost of just £1. If you would like to purchase any tickets, please look out for Mrs Urmson - who will be selling these at the end of the school day, in the Year 6 classroom (which can be easily accessed via the playground). This is an event that the children in school greatly look forward to and I'm sure anyone who has come along to watch, in recent years, would say that they thoroughly enjoyed watching the children perform and showcase their talents. The audience can also be assured that there will be no dog double scandals amongst any of the finalists at our school! Parent Governor Election Following the recent resignation of one of our parent governors, we will be looking to find someone from amongst our parents to become a member of the school's governing body over the next few months. We have decided to delay the nomination period until the start of the new school year - in September - to give anybody who may be interested time to find out about what the role entails and whether they would be willing to stand. In addition to attending 4 full governing body meetings each year, governors at the school are expected to take on some special responsibilities, get to know about how the school is run and managed, offer support when it is needed, challenge the leadership team to ensure that they are driving the school forwards in the best interests of all of the children, and to serve on at least one committee (which will meet at least once each term to get important jobs and tasks completed). If you would like to know more about what is involved, or would like to express an interest in standing as a parent governor, you may wish to speak with either myself, Nicola Morgan (one of our existing parent governors) or Louise Whitley (Chair of Governors), to find out more about the benefits and expectations of being a school governor. Halton Lodge Primary School - Happy Important Warning For Parents Runcorn Police have recently received a number of reports relating to a chat app called OoVoo. OoVoo is a video chat and messaging app, and is available for iPhone/iPod/iPads and Androids. You can also use OoVoo on a computer (PC or MAC). With OoVoo you can video chat with up to 12 people at a time but you can only see four people on screen at the same time during these video chats. While kids can use FaceTime on their iPods and iPads, FaceTime only allows for a two-way call. OoVoo will let them have a little video chat party. OoVoo is for the use of anyone 13 years or over – and children under the age of 13 are not permitted to use the software. However, Runcorn police have had reports of and incidents involving children as young as 6 using the app. The app is open for whoever is on the app at the time to communicate with one another. Unfortunately there have been a number of incidents locally of adult males speaking to children through the OoVoo app - along with inappropriate images and conversations being reported. Oovoo terms and conditions state, OoVoo is under no obligation to review or monitor the content of the app or comments, libel, slander, obscenities, pornographic, profane, threats etc. This app is, therefore, NOT MONITORED. When you first download OoVoo it will be open to everyone and anyone. You have to go into the settings to make it private; so only people you accept can contact you. Please be aware of the apps your children are using, by regularly checking their iphones, ipad, ipods, lap tops etc. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/oovoo-parents-claim-paedophiles-using-5261559 Learning Promotes Success !
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