April 11, 2015 To this Church set on a hill whose light must shine abroad, we welcome you: a valued friend, to this place, the House of God. Sabbath School – 9:15 am Chorister Rikki Jeremiah Accompaniment Pianist: Bev Dyett Welcome Opening Hymn Scripture Reading Judy Maughn The King of Love My Shepard Is #197 Luke 4:1-4 Metko Salamon Opening Prayer Bible Study Metko Salamon Baptism and The Temptation Classes Mission Story Gabriel Achim Mission Offering Deacons Closing Thoughts Judy Maughn Closing Song TBA Closing Prayer Doreen Johnson Divine Worship – 11:00 am Chorister Rikki Jeremiah Accompaniment Call to Worship Organist: Nellie Ritchie O The Glory Invocation Congregation Please Rise Pastor James Rooney Opening Hymn Rejoice , Ye Pure In Heart #27 Offering & Prayer Christian Record Services Kevin Marcellin Children’s Story Scripture & Prayer Valda MacDonald Joshua 24:14-18 Song of Meditation Exploring God’s Word Closing Song Benediction Scott MacDonald George Reid God or gods of The Home Pastor James Rooney Live Out Thy Life Within Me #316 Pastor James Rooney As a courtesy, please ensure that your cell phone is silenced. Thank you. Announcements 1. Welcome to the first established SDA Church in the Golden Horseshoe! With our rich history here at Hamilton Mountain, we always remember to praise God for His blessings each day, and from one Sabbath to the next for the past 116 years. 2. Every Member Faithful. It’s our theme for 2015. And this month, our focus is on Faithful Families. What does a faithful family look like? Join us for the next three Sabbaths as we explore God’s plan for the family unit. 3. Coming May 29 and 30 to the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Hamilton: Christianity’s Big Problem (and one BIG solution)! This is our first outreach event of the year, and each week, you’ll be receiving updates and opportunities to participate in this seed-sowing venture downtown. Listen for information on how you can take part in our plans to reach Hamilton for Christ in 2015. 4. TLC this past Wednesday was a blessing for all who attended! Pastor Skeete was our guest presenter, and we were truly inspired as he examined Positioning Yourself for Answered Prayer. Join us this week as Pastor James leads in the exiting presentation entitled Tolerance vs Acceptance: The Christian Trap. 5. All are welcome after church today to meet and greet Laura Macesic Ekstrom and her new baby girl, Sarah. Light refreshments will be provided. Please show your love and support. Thanks. th 6. Children’s Week of Prayer April 19-24 : 'He’s got the whole world in His hands.' Church, join us at 6 p.m. to pray for school, church, and bible missions worldwide that lead children to Jesus. At 7 p.m. we will join '777 Prayer Kids' in global prayer as they pray for courage from the Holy Spirit to continue to share Jesus with others. Pack your bags, and your Bible, as we set off around the world with Jesus as our pilot! th Note: There will be a short practice April 18 following Divine Service. Children’s Ministries. 7. Seniors Ministry meeting April April 14 at 2pm. All seniors welcome. 8. Church Board Meeting: Tuesday, April 14th at 7:00 pm in the Library. 9. On behalf of the music department, we would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who was involved in the success of our Music Day/Communion last Sabbath. Thank you to the media for great sound system, thank you to our new church choir for lifting up your voices to our King. Today's practice will be cancelled. The choir practice will resume next Saturday at 2pm. 10. The Social Committee invites you to its annual movie night. Come out on April 18, 2015 after AY and enjoy a nice family movie. Free Popcorn!! Other refreshments will be on sale. Bring your friends and family. You'll be glad you came. 11. Church Fellowship Lunch: Please join us for a fellowship lunch on Sabbath, April 18th following Divine Service. All are welcome! Announcements cont’d 12. Have you ever wondered about Genetically Modified foods a.k.a GMOs? Did you want to know what they are and how they affect us? Or do you already know what they are but would like more information about them? Then come to the A.Y. program today at 6 p.m. for this informative and necessary topic. Come learn how to protect yourself, and don't forget to bring a friend. 13. Communication Team: All members of the Communications Team including the Bulletin Division, are invited to attend a short meeting at the back of the church after Divine service on April 18. Thank you. 1st Quarter Website Statistics HMSDAC Website Pageviews 3,000 2,000 1,000 6,674 Pageviews 1,270 Users 2.82 Pages per Session 2:53 Minutes Average Session Duration 53.2% New and 46.8% Returning Visitors from more than 12 countries Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Our new website performed exceptionally well last Quarter! Sermons are being listened to, our Fundamental Beliefs are being downloaded, Prayer requests are always being submitted and prayed for. Thank you for helping to promote our church online. There is always room for improvement so please keep sharing as we use this method to reach Hamilton and the World with the Good News of Jesus and His soon return. — Communications Team Calendar Highlights Today 11:00 am — Divine Service 6:00 pm — Adventist Youth Program: Learn about GMOs Upcoming Tues, Apr14 Tues, Apr14 Wed, Apr 15 Sat, Apr 18 Sat, Apr 18 April 19-24 2:00 pm — Seniors Ministry Meeting 7:00 pm — Church Board Meeting in the library 7:00 pm — TLC Bible / Prayer Meeting (NEW FORMAT) 8:15 pm — Social Committee: Movie Night 12:30 pm — Fellowship Lunch. All welcome 6:00 pm — Children’s Week of Prayer Sunset Today — 7:57 pm Sunset Next Friday — 8:05 pm Bible Promise Colossians 3:23 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Health Corner Have you ever heard of steel cut oats? Steel cut oats also known as Irish Oatmeal, are whole oat groats (whole grain) which have been chopped into 2 or 3 pieces with steel blades. Various forms of oatmeal, such as rolled and quick oats, are processed from steel cut oats. Steel cut oats are coarser, smaller and tougher than rolled oats. When eaten, this kind of oats digests more slowly than the rolled oats. Like all other grains in whole or cracked form, steel cut oats rank lower on the glycemic index than rolled oats. The reason is that it takes longer for digestive enzymes to reach the starch inside the thicker pieces, slowing down its conversion to sugar making it a healthy choice. Proceed with Rolled Oats Steel Cut Oats caution if gluten is an issue for you. It’s in the Bible Leadership Effective leaders delegate and show appreciation for the work of others. It's in the Bible, Exodus 39:43, NIV. “Moses inspected the work and saw that they had done it just as the Lord had commanded. So Moses blessed them.” Effective leaders recognize their limitations. It's in the Bible, Deuteronomy 1:9, TLB. “At that time I told the people, 'I need help! You are a great burden for me to carry all by myself.” True leaders are servants. It's in the Bible, Luke 22:25, NIV. “Jesus said to them, ‘The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.’” Communication Form So that we may serve you better, please complete this Communication Form, detach, and give it to the Pastor or place it in the Offering Plate. Name: Phone: Address: Email: Is ill at home Is in ____________________ Hospital Requests Visitation Is interested in Bible Studies Requests Baptism Has a Prayer Request Seeks transfer of membership Other: ________________________ Bulletin Announcement All bulletin information must be submitted by Tuesday at 8 pm. Please email [email protected] or call (905) 692-1218. Thank you! Our Mission Statement As followers of Jesus, we are called to reflect His love and share His everlasting gospel with those around us. We are a family of believers whose purpose is to C.A.R.E. Celebrating God’s love Assisting others for service Reaching others for fellowship Equipping each other for eternity Our Vision Statement TELL HAMILTON: Our vision is to double the size of our congregation, necessitating two Sabbath services, and resulting in the establishment of a new, active congregation in the west end of the Hamilton region. This new vision now defines everything we do at Hamilton Mountain! Weekly & Monthly Worship Programs Sabbath School (Saturday) — 9:15 am Divine Worship Service (Saturday) — 11:00 am Adventist Youth / Closing Program (Saturday) — 1 hour before sunset TLC Prayer / Bible Study (Wednesday) — 7:00 pm Oasis Praise & Worship (First Friday of Every Month) — 7:00 pm Contact Information Hamilton Mountain Seventh-day Adventist Church 284 Concession Street, Hamilton, ON Mailing Address: Box 60514, Mountain Plaza P.O. Hamilton, ON L9C 7N7 (905) 575-8764 www.hamiltonmountain.org HamiltonAdventist Minister: Pastor James Rooney (905) 645-4714 / [email protected] First Elder: Danny Macesic — (905) 692-1218
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