Class 3 EYFS Summer 1 2015 - Harbertonford Primary School

Communication and Language
Children are to carry on working to consolidate recognition of numbers to 20, as well as
writing and ordering these numbers. .
Build upon children's developing reading skills by retelling stories in the correct order.
Children are to create their own simple stories through role/small world play and progress to writing them
by writing captions and sentences.
Children will continue to work on developing their recognition of all initial sounds and on acquiring
recognition of other phonemes within Letters and Sounds Phase 3 and Phase 4.
In a link to our topic on growing, children will produce simple instructions for planting seeds and recording
how they grow e.g. diaries, days of the week, explanations of what they see
Possible role play scenarios include fairy tale settings e.g. Jack and the Beanstalk by travelling to the top of
the beanstalk etc, fantasy lands such as planets, space ships etc, and creating garden centres, farms etc
Use non-fiction books and library to develop/maintain interests especially looking at non-fiction books on
plants and flowers.
Children will add and subtract using groups of objects. They will use associated number
rhymes to develop competency with Understanding and Listening and Attention and also to
use + and - in different situations. This will also include some work on recognising money
by using coins.
Look at shapes around us – 2D and 3D – name, sort and describe.
Measures – provide opportunities to measure heights, distances, lengths. Use string/pencils
etc to measure height of plants as they grow
Data - collect data on their favourite types of plants and organise by sorting into groups
and simple graphs.
Directions –place games such as hide the teddy. Use the Beebot to
move forwards and backwards, left and right.
Physical Development
Understanding the World
Work will be linked to the Science work of Year 1, as in
growing and caring for plants. Children will be encouraged to
notice patterns in studying the outdoor environment and will
make simple predictions and measure plants as they grow.
Link to stories such as the enormous turnip, Jack and the
beanstalk etc.
Summer Term 1
Class 3 EYFS
By using the outdoor areas children will develop a deeper
understanding of the weather patterns by studying
differences between Spring weather and the changes towards
Children will also enhance their understanding of time by
discussing how they have changed as they have grown up and
about times in the past. They will also observe and learn
about life cycles by studying what caterpillars and tadpoles
turn into. We will also use magnifying glasses and discuss
how things appear larger when we observe them using this
Lessons will focus on Southwark model for next half term – ‘’Right and
Wrong’ and children will continue to develop awareness of the Bible and
other special stories/books within this subject by using our Reflective Area
in the classroom.
Children will work on 'Relationships' using the SEAL materials with Year 1
and will continue to develop appreciation for wide variety of
cultural/religious celebrations by studying festivals /activities in countries.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
What happens when things get hotter – how do they change –
Please remember this is NOT an exhaustive list and that these ideas are
link to dragonflies.
Children will continue to work on developing their already successful
and substantial skills.
others for other jubilees.
Children are to take part in activities to promote their speaking and
presentation skills to develop self confidence in front of larger groups.
used as a starting point. As children are studying the Early Years
Foundation Stage their ideas and needs will be taken into account and
a street
for Jubilee – look back at experiences of
plans may
Children will use a variety of equipment in outdoor sessions with
increasing independence e.g. bats, balls, footballs, skipping
ropes, hoops. They will also build upon their successful Spring
Term lessons by using the PE equipment in the Hall
Fine motor skills will be developed e.g. using the sand pit – use of
tweezers, sequins, Numicon, brushes, different size spades.
Children will also experiment with different writing media such as
pens, pastels etc.
Expressive Arts and Design
We will link work to Year 1's topic of Rain, rain go away –
join in with instruments and songs. There will also be a
focus on listening to other composers to widen their
appreciation of music. Children have particularly enjoyed
listening to 'Melody' using the BBC website.
Children are to sing Nursery Rhymes – familiar and
Children are to use of natural materials– explore and create
textures in 2 and 3 dimensions. Look at work of artists such
as A Goldsworthy, Marc Quinn etc. We will also be
developing their skills of mixing and using colours more
Thank you - Mrs Mathys and Mrs Merrell