Matthew 6:21
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
Hartford Connecticut Stake YW Camp
August 17-21, 2015
We are excited for another great year of camp. Whether you have been to camp in the past or if this is your first
year, we welcome you to join us for a week of learning and fun.
Important Information:
Girls who will be 12 or older by August 21, 2015 (the last day of camp) are invited to attend this year.
2) The cost for each young woman, regardless of age or level, is $80.00.
3) There is no charge for adult leaders to attend.
4) Payment should be given to your own ward or branch. Your Bishop will then make one check payable
to the Hartford Connecticut Stake. All money from your ward/branch is due to the stake by July 1 st, so
please plan to submit your payment well before this deadline.
5) Each person, including leaders, must have a consent form ,a health form, and a physical form dated within
the last two (2) years. If you have already been to camp, we can tell you whether or not you need a
physical. Please contact Angie Barrus for this information. (Contact information is given below.) All
consent and health forms are due ASAP so that we can plan to accommodate the number of girls
desiring to attend. All forms must be received by August 1st in order to guarantee attendance at camp.
Forms should be mailed or hand delivered to:
Shirlene Wade, Assistant Camp Director
7 Anthony Road, Bolton,CT 06043
e-mail: [email protected]
(Phone: 860-643-9107)
Questions regarding consent forms, health forms and physical forms should be directed to:
Angie Barrus, Camp Secretary (Phone: 860-519-8918)
Email: [email protected]
6) Check –In/Registration is at 11 am on Monday, August 17th at Camp Bonnie Brae. Check –Out/Pick-up
will be at noon on Friday, August 21nd. Since Bonnie Brae is outside of our stake boundaries, wards
should make arrangements to carpool in an effort to make transportation easier for everyone.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Hartford, CT Stake recreational camp for children is
licensed by the Town of Otis Board of Health and is compliance with Massachusetts Department of Public
Health regulations- 105 CMR 430.000.
All forms, instructions, directions and information are included in this packet. If you have any questions, please
contact the camp director, Sister Traci Smith 860-819-6224 or by e-mail at [email protected]. We are
looking forward to seeing you at camp.