PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 6, 2015 7:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council was called to order on April 6, 2015 at 7:00p.m.with Mayor Dougherty presiding and the following Councilmembers present: Councilmember’s Craig, Martin, Gamatoria, Glenn, Correri and Cullum. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Wayne H. Dougherty and the opening prayer was given by Pastor Norman Obenshain. A motion was made by Councilmember Correri and seconded by Councilmember Gamatoria to approve the Council meeting minutes of March 16, 2015; motion carries 6-0 A motion was made by Council President Martin and seconded by Councilmember Gamatoria to approve the closed meeting minutes of March 16, 2015; Motion carries 6-0 A motion was made by Councilmember Glenn and seconded by Councilmember Gamatoria to approve the closed meeting minutes of March 2, 2015; Motion carries 6-0 RECOGNITIONS: None PROCLAMATIONS: National Telecommunications Week: Department of Emergency Services Rick Ayers-Department of Emergency Services Deputy Director Mike Sherman-Public Safety Dispatch Shift Supervisor Lindsay Leedy-Public Safety Dispatcher Ross Coates -Communications Branch Manager Tami Wiggins- Training & QA Branch Manager Melissa Blessing- Training Specialist PRESENTATIONS: Irmgarde Brown and Jackie Cassidy; Harford County Public Library- Story Walk APPOINTMENTS: A motion was made by Councilmember Craig and seconded by Councilmember Correri to approve the appointment of Bruce Ashman to the HDG Board of Election Supervisors. Motion carries 6-0 OATH OF OFFICE: Council President Martin administered the Oath of Office to Bruce Ashman- Board of Election Supervisors. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS ON AGENDA ITEMS: Steve Sheppard: President of Main Street: Mr. Sheppard read the following stating into the record: “Following the inadvertent release by Main Street of some of the internal audit findings at the City Council Meeting on March 16th 2015 and following the City’s press release on April 3, 2015, Main Street and the 1 City have met and have agreed upon a course of conduct that will address the audit issues and Tenant Fit Out and Façade Programs. First Fridays for May will proceed under the City’s application with Main Street working in concert with the Office of Tourism. Applications for the remaining First Fridays this year will be addressed by written agreement. The City and Main Street look forward to the Farmers Market being a continued success with a smooth transition to Hutchins Park.” Donna Mandel: Deer Meadow Farm and on behalf of Paula Harmon: Thanked Mainstreet for their support as they transition to be sponsored by the City of Havre de Grace. Steve Formult; Blue Heron: Applied for the Tenant Fit Out and Façade Program and thanked Mainstreet and the board for supporting him. Joe Smith: Mr. Smith thanked the Mayor for the opportunity to meet and looks forward to working with the City for First Fridays. Charlie Hiner; Fountain Street: Mr. Hiner expressed his discontent with the City’s decision to take First Fridays and the Farmers Market away from Mainstreet. Joe Ruff: Bern Drive: Mr. Ruff commented on the property maintenance ordinance and would like to see Council move on the adoption. RESOLUTIONS: A Resolution concerning the RAD LOAN FUND A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND FOR THE PURPOSE OF MODIFYING THE EXISTING RESOLUTION NO 2008-24 ENTITLED ‘THE REVITALIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT (RAD) REVOLVING LOAN FUND” AND ESTABLISHING IN ITS PLACE THIS RESOLUTION UPDATING AND AMENDING THE CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE REVITALIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT (RAD) REVOLVING LOAN FUND. A motion was made by Council President Martin and seconded by Councilmember Craig to introduce Resolution 2015-02; motion carries 6-0. After the header was read and assigned a number, a motion was made by Councilmember Cullum and seconded by Councilmember Correri to adopt Resolution 2015-02. Motion carries 6-0 ORDINANCES: Ordinance 962 as amended An Ordinance concerning the Ethics Code AN ORDINANCE BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ARTICLE OF THE ANNOTATED CODE OF MARYLAND, TITLE 15 OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT ARTICLE AND SECTION 34 OF THE HAVRE DE GRACE CITY CHARTER AMENDING THE CURRENT ETHICS CODE IN CHAPTER AMENDING THE CURRENT ETHICS CODE IN CHAPTER 67 OF THE CITY CODE AND REPLACING IT IN ITS ENTIRETY. A motion was made by Council President Martin and seconded by Councilmember Correri to introduce Ordinance 962 as amended on second reading; motion carries 6-0. After the header was read into the record for second reading, a motion was made by Councilmember Gamatoria and seconded by Councilmember Craig to adopt Ordinance 962 as amended. Motion carries 6-0 An Ordinance concerning Property Maintenance: (Councilmember Cullum) AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ARTICLE OF THE ANNOTATED CODE OF MARYLAND AND THE CITY CHARTER 2 SECTIONS 33 AND 34 AMENDING THE HAVRE DE GRACE CITY CODE CHAPTER 140 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE REQUIRING CERTAIN NON-OWNER OCCUPIED STRUCTURES TO DISPLAY THE PROPERTY ADDRESS ON EACH SIDE OF A STRUCTURE WITH AN EXIT. A motion was made by Councilmember Cullum and seconded by Councilmember Craig to introduce Ordinance 967 on first reading. Motion carries 6-0 After the header was read and assigned a number, a motion was made by Councilmember Cullum and seconded by Councilmember Correri to adopt Ordinance 967 on first reading. Motion carries 6-0. A Public Hearing is scheduled for April 20, 2015 at 7pm UNFINISHED OLD BUSINESS: Farmers Market/Mainstreet: Tabled: this was not removed from the table. NEW BUSINESS A motion was made by Councilmember Correri and seconded by Councilmember Glenn to approve the Story Walk sponsored by Harford County Library, HDG Branch at Hutchins Park on May 2-9th 2015. Motion carries 6-0 A motion was made by Councilmember Craig and seconded by Councilmember Cullum to approve the First Friday’s event sponsored by HDG- Office of Tourism and Office of Economic Development. Under the question, a motion was made by Council President Martin and seconded by Councilmember Craig to amend the application to have the City Havre de Grace, Office of Tourism and Office of Economic Development sponsor only the one First Friday on May 1st. Motion carries 6-0 A motion was made by Councilmember Glenn and seconded by Councilmember Correri to approve the Famers Market to start on May 2- through May 30, to be sponsored by the Office of Tourism and Office of Economic Development. Starting in July, the Farmers Market will be held at Hutchins Park. Motion carries 6-0. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Ms. Joan Scarlato; Deputy Director of Administration: No report Mr. Tom Lofland; Director of Economic Development: Mr. Lofland stated IKEA will be occupying 1840 Clark Road and will bring 15 new jobs. Mr. Lofland reported two new business licenses were issues from March1st –March 13th. Havre de Grace was recognized in the April issue of Baltimore magazine for our Green Space and Water View. In addition we were recognized for being a budget friendly destination in the North East. The Maryland Destination guide recognized HDG as number 5 out of 20 destinations for places to visit and the most picturesque city. Mr. Neal Mills: Director of Planning: Mr. Mills gave a building permit report. Ms. Tracy Conaway; Deputy Director of Finance: No report Mr. Larry Parks; Director of Public Works: No Report Chief Walter: Chief Walter reminded citizens to be cautious of pedestrian traffic. Also reminded citizens that parking on the yellow curb is not permitted. Chief Walter stated the summer safety camp has eighty students enrolled. Business from Mayor Dougherty: 3 Mayor Dougherty extended his condolences to the family of Jack Kaylor and Kay Mike. Young at Heart meets every Wednesday at 10am at the Activity Center. Mayor Dougherty attended the ISO presentation at the Susquehanna Hose Company. Mayor Dougherty stated he attending the 9/11 memorial in New York. Business from Council: Councilmember Correri: Councilmember Correri stated DPW met on Monday regarding the Village of Gracecroft. Councilmember Correri attended the Ambulance Corp banquet, the ISO presentation, HHS meeting at the Community Center and will be attending Opening Day on the 14th. Councilmember Correri expressed his condolences for the family of Kay Mike who recently passed away. Councilmember Cullum: Councilmember Cullum expressed his condolences for the family of Kay Mike who recently passed away. Mr. Cullum continues to be the liaison for the Green Team and will keep Council posted on changes or requests. Councilmember Craig: No comment Councilmember Gamatoria: Councilmember Gamatoria expressed his condolences for the family of Kay Mike. Councilmember Gamatoria stated the open house that the SRRBP advisory board held was successful and well attended. Mr. Gamatoria attended the ISO presentation. Mr. Gamatoria congratulated the members of the Ambulance Corps for a job well done. Councilmember Gamatoria stated the Budget and Finance committee will meet on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 3pm at City Hall. Councilmember Glenn: Councilmember Glenn attended the Arts Expo sponsored by Bulle Rock, the St. Baldrick’s event sponsored by the Susquehanna Hose Company and the ISO rating presentation. He also attended the Ambulance Corp banquet, the HHS replacement meeting on April 1. Councilmember Glenn will be attending Little League Opening Day and the Susquehanna Hose Company banquet. Mr. Glenn expressed his condolences for the family of Kay Mike and Mr. Kaylor. Council President Martin: Council President Martin stated he attended the ISO presentation. Council President Martin thanked the Council members for working on the legislation that was brought forth tonight. Comments from Citizens: None A motion was made by Councilmember Correri and seconded by Councilmember Glenn to adjourn at 8:47 pm 4
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