March 30th , 2015 7:00 PM TOWN OF HAY RIVER REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL AGENDA PUBLIC INPUT 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS, AWARDS, CEREMONIES & PRESENTATIONS 5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING(S) a.. Regular Meeting of Council, March 16th, 2015 – page 2-14 b. Special Meeting of Council, March 23rd, 2015 – page 15-21 6. BUSINESS ARISING 7. ADMINISTRATIVE ENQUIRIES 8. BYLAWS a. ByLaw – 2335/TAX/15 – Third and Final Reading – page 22-24 b. ByLaw – 2336/LND/15 - NFTI Lease – Third and Final Reading – page 25-26 9. NEW BUSINESS a. 2018 AWG President Host Society – page 27-28 b. Federal Gas Tax Agreement Funding – page 29-30 c. Lease of Space for Town Hall Services – page 31-32 10. NOTICES OF MOTIONS 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE a. Special Committees of Council Updates 12. IN CAMERA a. Personnal - pursuant to Cities, Towns & Villages Act, S.N.W.T. 2003 c. 22, Section 23. (3), (e) 13. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 1 March 16th, 2015 7:00 pm Town of Hay River Regular Meeting of Council The Regular Meeting of Council was held on Monday, March 16th, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Community Hall. Present: Mayor Cassidy, Deputy Mayor Jungkind, Councillors McKay, Mapes, Dohey, Maher, and Coakwell Staff: David Steele – Senior Administration Officer, Harvey Harris – Director of Finance & Administration, Ross Potter – Director of Protective Services & Ian Frankton – Director of Recreation & Community Services. Public: Hay River Lions Swim Club & Members from NFTI 1. CALL TO ORDER: This Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm with Mayor Cassidy presiding. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA #15-069 MOVED BY: CLLR DOHEY SECONDED BY: CLLR COAKWELL CARRIED 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST Mayor Cassidy declared an interest in agenda item 12a) NFTI Lease – due to his wife being on the board. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS, AWARDS, CEREMONIES & PRESENTATIONS Deputy Mayor Jungkind – Congrats to Race Hay River for pulling off a successful weekend of races this past weekend – there was many of out of town people attending. Councilor Coakwell – Congrats to the organizers of the fishing derby this past weekend, Mother Nature didn’t cooperate that well, but 1 fish was caught. Also, a reminder to get your polar pond team registration in by Wednesday. 5. MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council, February 23rd, 2015 #15-070 MOVED BY: DEPUTY MAYOR JUNGKIND SECONDED BY: CLLR DOHEY That the Council of the Town of Hay River accepts the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council, February 23rd, 2015 as presented. CARRIED Page 1 of 13 March 16th, 2015 7:00 pm Town of Hay River Regular Meeting of Council Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council, March 2nd, 2015 #15-071 MOVED BY: CLLR DOHEY SECONDED BY: DEPUTY MAYOR JUNGKIND That the Council of the Town of Hay River accepts the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council, March 2nd, 2015 as presented. CARRIED 6. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES There was no business arising from the Minutes of the March 16th 2015 Regular Meeting of Council. 7. MAYORS REPORT a) January 2015 RECOMMENDATION: #15-072 MOVED BY: DEPUTY MAYOR JUNGKIND SECONDED BY: CLLR DOHEY THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER accepts the Mayors Report for January, 2015 as presented. CARRIED BACKGROUND: Formal Meetings: - Maxim Bloudov – Fur Harvesters NWT - Harvey Werner - Warren Gibb – Hay River Harbor Authority - Robert Bouchard – MLA Hay River North - Rocky Simpson – Concept Energy Services - Collective Bargaining Negotiations -Town Council/Northland Utilities/ATCO meeting Informal Meeting: -Wally Schumann – Poison Graphics Formal Events: - Arctic Winter Games International Selection Committee tour Administration Meeting As required Page 2 of 13 March 16th, 2015 7:00 pm Town of Hay River Regular Meeting of Council COUNCIL POLICY / STRATEGY OR GOAL: N/A APPLICABLE LEGISLATION, BYLAWS, STUDIES, PLANS: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A ALTERNATIVES TO RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A Prepared by: Andrew Cassidy Mayor Date: March 12th, 2015 b) February 2015 RECOMMENDATION: #15-073 MOVED BY: CLLR DOHEY SECONDED BY: DEPUTY MAYOR JUNGKIND THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER accepts the Mayors Report for February 2015 as presented. CARRIED BACKGROUND: Formal Meetings: - Doug Tenney – ATCO - Joe Melanson/Steve Anderson – Hay River Chamber of Commerce - Duncan Cook – Arctic Canada Construction - Robert C McLeod – Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs Page 3 of 13 March 16th, 2015 7:00 pm Town of Hay River Regular Meeting of Council - Aleta Fowler – CanNor - Collective Bargaining Negotiations - Emanuel DaRosa - NWTPC Informal Meeting: - Citizen of the Year selection committee - Ice User groups Formal Events: - Chamber of Commerce Gala - GNWT 2015 Budget Address Administration Meeting As required COUNCIL POLICY / STRATEGY OR GOAL: N/A APPLICABLE LEGISLATION, BYLAWS, STUDIES, PLANS: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A ALTERNATIVES TO RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A Prepared by: Andrew Cassidy Mayor Date: March 12th, 2015 Page 4 of 13 March 16th, 2015 7:00 pm Town of Hay River Regular Meeting of Council 8. ADMINISTRATIVE ENQUIRIES Director of Protective Services – Potter – Please to announce EMR course started this past weekend, 4 member are taking it. We also have 2 more nurses joining the ambulance team. Director of Finance – Harris – I would like to inform Council that January’s water bills are set to go out, and Februarys will be in the next couple weeks. Councillor Dohey – Just wondering about McBryan Drive going out to the engineers? SAO – Steele – Director of Public Works is discussing a number of projects with our engineering firm, not sure of the status of these projects at this time. Councillor Dohey – Can we get it done soon, would like to put emphasis on it and get a follow up. 9. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Public Works & Planning report RECOMMENDATION: #15-074 MOVED BY: CLLR DOHEY SECONDED BY: CLLR COAKWELL THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER accepts the report titled “Public Works & Planning Monthly Report” for February 2015 as presented. CARRIED BACKGROUND: Normal operation and maintenance activities were completed throughout the month of February. Item Water License Level of Activity Report Title / Action Required Timeline for Submission Annual Report March 31 each year Identify Surveillance Network Program station(s) with signage. At all times Identify Water Supply and Waste Disposal Facilities with signage. At all times Copies of Water License in the Town of Hay River office(s), Solid Waste Disposal Facilities, and Water Supply Facilities At all times Notify Inspector prior to conducting maintenance work on lagoon cells. Prior to maintenance activities Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand trend analysis Submitted Sludge Management Plan Submitted Solid Waste Disposal Facility Drainage Study Submitted Page 5 of 13 March 16th, 2015 7:00 pm Town of Hay River Regular Meeting of Council Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Operations Report to measure, defines, and identifies the remaining lifespan of the facilities and volumes of Waste the facilities can accept. Submitted Within 90 days of issuance of the Water License (Submitted) Snow Disposal Plan Review of the Snow Disposal Plan and submission of updates/revision. Inspection of constructed berms, dykes, and dams within the Sewage Disposal Facility. Annually – Annual Reporting Requirement Once every two years during the summer season by an Engineer As-built plans and Record Drawings of the Sewage Disposal Facilities, lagoon and associated structures, sludge storage area, Solid Waste Facilities, and Biotreatment Pad. Within six months of issuance of the Water License (Submitted) A surveyed description of the wetland and associated structures that comprise part of the Sewage Disposal Facilities Notification of Modification Within six months of issuance of the water Licence (Submitted) 60 days prior to the proposed Modification Modifications to Water Supply Facilities and Waste Disposal Facilities Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan for the Solid Waste Disposal Facility Within 90 days of completion of the Modifications Final Closure and Reclamation Plan At least six months prior to abandoning any Waste Disposal Facilities Final design drawings for the construction of any dams, dykes, or control structures Prior to construction Updated plan for the operation and maintenance of the Waste Disposal Facilities (Note that this can be one plan or one plan for each Facility.) Within 90 days of completion Within three months of issuance of the Water License (Under Revision) Review of Operation and Maintenance Plan and submission of updates/revision Annually – Annual Reporting Requirement Spill Contingency Plan in accordance with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada’s 2007 “Guidelines for Spill Contingency Planning” Submitted Review of Spill Contingency Plan and submission of updates/revision Annually – Annual Reporting Requirement As-built plans and Record Drawings ecoEnergy Funding Agreement HRC 1407 - Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Biomass Heating Feasibility Study RFP One joint submission was received from Williams Engineering & Arctic Energy Alliance. Page 6 of 13 March 16th, 2015 7:00 pm Town of Hay River Regular Meeting of Council Lift Stations #1 & #2 Lift Station #2 Lift Station #2 has been commissioned and is now online; continuing to resolve some small deficiency items. Servicing Standards Public Works servicing standards are currently being reviewed and revised internally. Development and Building By-Law Capital Program: The development standards used by the Town are currently being reviewed and revised. Currently meeting with Maskwa Engineering with respect to providing support for the implementation of the Capital Plan. The February 2015 O&M report is as follows: Item Level of Activity Road Maintenance/Repairs Sanding roads, snow clearing as required, management of the snow dumps. Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Regular vehicle maintenance Sewer Inspection/Repairs Operate Lift Stations Rebuild the circle lift system on the 140H Motor Grader. Twice Daily Inspections Flush sewer mains Water Inspection/Repairs Operate Water Treatment Plant Service Connects/Disconnects As Required Meter Reading Weekly Sampling and Testing Twice Daily Inspection of Facilities Investigating possible breach in the intake to the Water Treatment Plant. Page 7 of 13 March 16th, 2015 7:00 pm Town of Hay River Regular Meeting of Council Facilities Inspections/Repairs and miscellaneous updates Maintenance as required Compressor at the Water Treatment Plant failed. Temporary repair was made using parts from the compressor in the Public Works Garage. Parts were ordered and permanents repairs completed. COUNCIL POLICY / STRATEGY OR GOAL: N/A APPLICABLE LEGISLATION, BYLAWS, STUDIES, PLANS: Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MV2009L3-0005) Environment and Natural Resources Waste Management Guidelines Alberta Environment. (2010). Standards for Landfills in Alberta. Government of Alberta. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. (2010). Town of Hay River Solid Waste Management Facility, Operations Plan. Yellowknife, NT: EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. Guidance Document on Federal Interim Groundwater Quality Guidelines for Federal Contaminated Sites, May 2010 Bylaw 619 Garbage Collection Bylaw 1516 Collection of Tipping Fees Bylaw 1574 Town of Hay River Purchasing Policy FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A ALTERNATIVES TO RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A Prepared by: Reviewed by: Todd Pittman, P. Eng. David Steele Page 8 of 13 March 16th, 2015 7:00 pm Town of Hay River Regular Meeting of Council Director of Public Works & Planning Senior Administration Officer Date: March 5th, 2015 Date: March 5th, 2015 b) Development & Building Permit Report RECOMMENDATION: #15-075 MOVED BY: DEPUTY MAYOR JUNGKIND SECONDED BY: CLLR DOHEY THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER accepts the Development and Building Permit Report for the month of February 2015. CARRIED BACKGROUND: SUMMARY No permits were issued in February 2015. 5 Permits were issued in February 2014. Background The February Development and Building Permit Report is as follows: DATE DEV # CIVIC ADDRESS DESC. OF WORK No permits issued COUNCIL POLICY / STRATEGY OR GOAL: N/A APPLICABLE LEGISLATION, BYLAWS, STUDIES, PLANS: N/A CONSIDERATIONS OR FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A ALTERNATIVES TO RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A Page 9 of 13 March 16th, 2015 7:00 pm Town of Hay River Regular Meeting of Council Prepared by: Reviewed by: Todd Pittman Director of Public Works & Planning David Steele Senior Administration Officer Date: March 5, 2015 Date: March 5, 2015 c) Ice User Groups Report RECOMMENDATION: #15-076 MOVED BY: CLLR DOHEY SECONDED BY: DEPUTY MAYOR JUNGKIND THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER directs Administration to shut down the ice plant for Hockey Arena the week of March 9th. CARRIED BACKGROUND: On March 4th Mayor Cassidy hosted an Ice User Group meeting to assess the need to continue providing refrigeration to the arena slab. The user groups agreed that until the strike ends, the facility will not be in use and all except figure skating were in favor of removing the ice. Figure Skating maintained that 3 weeks of ice time would still provide adequate time to prepare for their annual skating carnival scheduled for the end of March. This timeline gives until the end of the week (of March 2nd) for the strike to be resolved or the ice plant shut down will proceed. All groups understood and were fine with this action. During the meeting there was discussion around the potential of opening the ice season at the beginning of September in an effort to host ice-breaking tournaments and clinics to show support to user groups for the 2015/16 season. Representation: Recreation Board Minor Hockey Figure Skating Old Timers Recreation Hockey Women’s Hockey COUNCIL POLICY / STRATEGY OR GOAL: N/A Page 10 of 13 March 16th, 2015 7:00 pm Town of Hay River Regular Meeting of Council APPLICABLE LEGISLATION, BYLAWS, STUDIES, PLANS: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Savings on energy costs for the month of March 2015 ALTERNATIVES TO RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A 10. Prepared by: Reviewed by: Ian Frankton Recreation Director David Steele Senior Administrative Officer Date: March 5th, 2014 NOTICES OF MOTIONS Date: March 5th, 2014 There were no Notices of Motions for the Regular Meeting of Council, March 16th, 2015. 11. NEW BUSINESS a) NFTI Lease Verbal report from SAO David Steele 12. BYLAWS a) ByLaw No. 2335/TAX/15 Taxation Bylaw – First and Second Reading #15-077 MOVED BY: CLLR MAHER SECONDED BY: DEPUTY MAYOR JUNGKIND THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER give First Reading to ByLaw No. 2335/TAX/15 – Taxation Bylaw CARRIED Page 11 of 13 March 16th, 2015 7:00 pm Town of Hay River Regular Meeting of Council #15-078 MOVED BY: CLLR MAHER SECONDED BY: CLLR DOHEY THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER give second Reading to ByLaw No. 2335/TAX/15 – Taxation Bylaw CARRIED Let it be noted that Councillors Mapes and Coakwell were opposed to both readings b) ByLaw No. 2336 NFTI Lease – First and Second Reading #15-079 MOVED BY: CLLR MAHER SECONDED BY: CLLR MCKAY THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER give First Reading to ByLaw No. 2336 – NFTI Lease Bylaw CARRIED #15-080 MOVED BY: CLLR MAHER SECONDED BY: CLLR DOHEY THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER give second Reading to ByLaw No. 2336 – NFTI Lease Bylaw CARRIED Let it be noted that Councillors Mapes to both readings. Mayor Cassidy left the room. 13. IN CAMERA #15-081 MOVED BY: CLLR DOHEY SECONDED BY: CLLR MCKAY That the Council of the Town of Hay River move to In Camera at 7:30pm. CARRIED Page 12 of 13 March 16th, 2015 7:00 pm Town of Hay River Regular Meeting of Council #15-082 MOVED BY: CLLR DOHEY SECONDED BY: CLLR JAMESON That the Council of the Town of Hay River move out of In Camera at 8:12pm. CARRIED 14. ADJOURNMENT #15-083 MOVED BY: CLLR DOHEY That the Regular Meeting of Council be adjourned at 8:13pm. CARRIED Certified Correct as Recorded on the 16th day of March, 2015. These minutes were accepted by motion #__________. Mayor Senior Administrative Officer Page 13 of 13 March 23rd, 2015 12:00 pm Town of Hay River Special Meeting of Council The Special Meeting of Council was held on Monday, March 23rd, 2015 at 12:00 pm in the Fire Hall Training Room. Present: Mayor Cassidy, Deputy Mayor Jungkind, Councillors McKay, Candow (Called In), Mapes, Dohey, Jameson, Maher & Coakwell Staff: David Steele – Senior Administration Officer, Ian Frankton – Director of Recreation & Community Services, Ross Potter – Director of Protective Services, Harvey Harris – Director of Finance & Administration & Stacey Barnes – Executive Assistant 1. CALL TO ORDER: This Meeting was called to order at 12:00pm with Mayor Cassidy presiding. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA #15-084 MOVED BY: CLLR MAHER SECONDED BY: CLLR JAMESON CARRIED 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST There is no Declarations of Interest for the Special Meeting of Council, Monday, March 23rd, 2015. 4. NEW BUSINESS a) Emergency Services Monthly Report RECOMMENDATION: #15-085 MOVED BY: CLLR MCKAY SECONDED BY: CLLR DOHEY THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER accepts the Emergency Services Activity Report for the month of February as presented. CARRIED BACKGROUND: Summary: February was a quiet month for the Fire Department with a low number of Fire and Ambulance calls. We also had put our training on hold due to the labor dispute as we have number of firefighters that are union members. Our union firefighters were being threatened with union action if they crossed picket lines. We did come up with an alternate location for training which enabled us to get back on track the last Thursday of the month. Online NFPA 1001 training is continuing and the group participating has now completed 16 Chapters of the course. This is taking a lot of home study which is not included in the hour’s Page 1 of 7 March 23rd, 2015 12:00 pm Town of Hay River Special Meeting of Council portion of this report. We are expecting completion of the 1001 training for the 9 individuals enrolled to be at the end of April with the practical testing which is being hosted in Hay River. The Fire Chief conducted training with the RCMP dealing with navigation and the use of Global Positioning Systems. This is a yearly initiative where the RCMP do their winter indoctrination so they can become qualified to do winter search and rescue using snowmobiles. Typically there are 3, 1 week courses held with 6 students from detachments around the north per class every year. Our involvement with the course helps build a strong relationship between the RCMP and our Fire Department. 7 members of the Fire Department participated in an H2S course that was sponsored by the group dealing with the Frobisher Gas Well project so that we can provide emergency medical response if required. The training provided to the members of the Fire Department were paid for by the project members so no cost to the Town of Hay River. Meetings: PWS Committee Meeting Council Meeting Municipal Services Meeting Northwest Territories Fire Chiefs Association Meeting Management Meetings Wildfires After Action Review Meeting During the month of February 147 Volunteer hours were served by the members of the HRFD for a year to date total of 396 hours. STATISTICS Patient Transfers Medical Emergency Local Medical Emergency Reserve Medical Emergency Highway Medical Emergency Out of Town Patients Body Transfer Fires & Rescues False Alarms Ambulance Training Fire Training Special Training Cleanup & Maintenance Fire Permits Fireworks Permits Public Safety Inspections Child Seat Inspections 2013 18 10 0 0 0 2014 12 12 4 1 1 2015 10 4 0 0 1 2015 YTD 28 16 1 0 2 0 3 2 2 2 11 3 0 0 1 12 0 2 1 1 1 3 0 3 1 0 4 3 3 0 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 2 0 5 1 6 2 1 0 10 0 Page 2 of 7 March 23rd, 2015 12:00 pm Town of Hay River Special Meeting of Council MAINTENANCE Ambulance 1 Medic 1 Pump 1 Pump 2 Pump 3 Tanker 1 Rescue 1 Rescue 2 Rescue 5 Weekly Checks Weekly Checks Weekly Checks Weekly Checks, Repair Pump Panel Lights, Weekly Checks Weekly Checks Weekly Checks Weekly Checks Weekly Checks COUNCIL POLICY / STRATEGY OR GOAL: N/A APPLICABLE LEGISLATION, BYLAWS, STUDIES, PLANS: Fire Prevention Bylaw FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A ALTERNATIVES TO RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A Prepared by: Reviewed by: Ross Potter Director Protective Services/Fire Chief David Steele Senior Administrative Officer Date: March 20th, 2015 Date: March 20th, 2015 Page 3 of 7 March 23rd, 2015 12:00 pm Town of Hay River Special Meeting of Council b) 2015 Agreements with MACA RECOMMENDATION: #15-086 MOVED BY: CLLR JAMESON SECONDED BY: DEPUTY MAYOR JUNGKIND THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER approve entering into contribution agreements for the 2015 budget year with the MACA Department of the GNWT as follows, in the amounts listed and for the undertaking of the services described within the respective agreements: $855,000 for Water & Sewer Services $2,022,000 for various O&M Activities; and $1,260,000 for Community Public Infrastructure. CARRIED BACKGROUND: Annually the Town enters into four major contribution agreements with the Government of Northwest Territories. Those are for water & sewer, O&M, Community Public Infrastructure (CPI) and Gas Tax Funding. The amounts under these contribution agreements are formulae driven. The Gas Tax Funding formula is under review, and the allocation to the Town of Hay River has yet to be confirmed for the 2015 budget year. The amounts received for these undertakings for the 2014 year were: $580,000 for Water & Sewer $1,938.000 for O&M $1,260,000 for CPI Comparing the two years, 2015 represents an increase of $359,000 over 2014. COUNCIL POLICY / STRATEGY OR GOAL: N/A APPLICABLE LEGISLATION, BYLAWS, STUDIES, PLANS: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Requirement for funds to flow from GNWT as per allocation formulae. 2015 budget to be reviewed and updated to reflect increases from originally anticipated and approved amounts. ALTERNATIVES TO RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A Page 4 of 7 March 23rd, 2015 12:00 pm Town of Hay River Special Meeting of Council Prepared by: David Steele Senior Administrative Officer Date: March 23rd, 2015 c) Agreement with CanNor (NFTI) RECOMMENDATION: #15-087 MOVED BY: CLLR MAHER SECONDED BY: CLLR DOHEY THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER advance a further $400,000 to the Northern Farm Training Institute (NFTI) in accordance with the Contribution Agreement with CanNor and cash requirements of NFTI through March 31, 2015 as most recently identified. CARRIED BACKGROUND: The Town has entered into a $2,000,000 contribution agreement with the Federal Government (CanNor) over two years, to support its partnership with the Northern Farm Training Institute. The first year ends March 31, 2015 and so far the Town has advanced $500,000 to NFTI from funds received from CanNor, towards achieving the deliverables under the contribution agreement. There is an immediate need for an additional $400,000 to fulfill other deliverables before the end of the current fiscal year. COUNCIL POLICY / STRATEGY OR GOAL: N/A APPLICABLE LEGISLATION, BYLAWS, STUDIES, PLANS: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Advancing of $100,000 funds currently on hand from CanNor, with further $300,000 from CanNor to follow. ALTERNATIVES TO RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A Page 5 of 7 March 23rd, 2015 12:00 pm Town of Hay River Special Meeting of Council ATTACHMENTS: N/A Prepared by: David Steele Senior Administrative Officer Date: March 23rd, 2015 Let it be noted that Councillor Mapes was opposed. 5. IN CAMERA #15-088 MOVED BY: CLLR McKAY SECONDED BY: DEPUTY MAYOR JUNGKIND That the Council of the Town of Hay River move to In Camera at 12:18pm. CARRIED #15-089 MOVED BY: CLLR DOHEY SECONDED BY: CLLR JAMESON That the Council of the Town of Hay River move out of In Camera at 12:59pm. CARRIED 6. ADJOURNMENT #15-090 MOVED BY: CLLR CANDOW That the Regular Meeting of Council be adjourned at 1:00pm. CARRIED Page 6 of 7 March 23rd, 2015 12:00 pm Town of Hay River Special Meeting of Council Certified Correct as Recorded on the 23rd day of March, 2015. These minutes were accepted by motion #15-______. Mayor Senior Administrative Officer Page 7 of 7 BY-LAW NO. 2327/TAX/15 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER BEING A BY-LAW authorizing the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Hay River, in the Northwest Territories, to raise certain sums of money by way of taxation to meet the estimated expenditures of the Town, for the year of 2015. PURSUANT TO SECTION 76 of the Property Assessment and Taxation Act, R.S.N.W.T., 1988, c.P-10 WHEREAS the Council has approved the 2015 Budget which requires the Town to raise property taxes of FOUR MILLION ONE HUNDRED TWENTY SIX THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINE DOLLARS ($4,126,109.00) by mill rates levied on the assessed value of the taxable land and improvements within the Town of Hay River; and NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Hay River, in regular meeting duly assembled, enacts as follows: 1. A municipal rate of FIFTEEN POINT FIVE SIX (15.56) Mills shall be levied and collected in respect of all taxable land and improvements within the Town of Hay River for the following classes: 01 - Residential 02 - Commercial 05 - Urban Other 2. A municipal rate of EIGHTEEN POINT SIX TWO (18.62) Mills shall be levied and collected in respect of all taxable land and improvements within the Town of Hay River for the following classes: 03 - Industry 04 - Institutional 3. A Municipal rate of FOURTEEN POINT ZERO SIX (14.06) Mills shall be levied and collected in respect of all taxable land and improvements within the Town of Hay River for the following classes: 06 - Rural Residential Developed 07 - Rural Residential Non-Developed 08 - Rural Commercial 09 - Rural Industrial Developed 10 - Rural Industrial Non-Developed 11 - Rural Agricultural 12 - Rural Quarries & Minerals 4. An additional education mill rate of TWO POINT FOUR NINE (2.49) Mills shall be levied and collected in respect of all taxable land and improvements within the Town of Hay River, as required by the Government of the Northwest Territories for School Tax. Page 1 of 3 BY-LAW NO. 2327/TAX/15 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER 5. The minimum tax levy in respect of any assessed property in the Town of Hay River shall be ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($100.00). 6. A prompt payment discount of FOUR PERCENT (4%) of the taxes levied pursuant to this By-law will be made by the Town of Hay River when payment for the taxes so levied is received within THIRTY (30) DAYS of the date of mailing of the Tax Notices. 7. Taxes are due and payable in full within SIXTY (60) DAYS of the date of mailing of the Tax Notices. 8. Any taxes remaining unpaid after SIXTY (60) DAYS from the date of mailing of the Tax Notice, a penalty of ONE POINT FIVE PERCENT (1.5%) of the unpaid balance of taxes owing will be added on the first day of the month following the expiration of the SIXTY (60) DAYS and a further ONE POINT FIVE PERCENT (1.5%) of the unpaid balance of the taxes owing on the first day of each and every calendar month thereafter, so long as the taxes remain unpaid. READ A FIRST TIME this 16th day of March, 2015. ______________________________ Mayor READ A SECOND TIME this 16th day of March, 2015. ______________________________ Mayor READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME this day of , 2015. ______________________________ Mayor Page 2 of 3 BY-LAW NO. 2327/TAX/15 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER CERTIFIED that this bylaw has been made in accordance with the requirements of the Property Assessment and Taxation Act, R.S.N.W.T., 1988, C.P-10.section 76 and the bylaws of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Hay River this day of , 2015. ________________________________ Senior Administrative Officer Page 3 of 3 BYLAW NO. 2336/LND/15 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER _____________________________________________________________________ A BYLAW OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER IN THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES, TO PROVIDE FOR THE LEASE OF LAND. ____________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS pursuant to the Cities, Towns and Villages S.N.W.T., 2003, c.22, in force April 1, 2004, Section 54. (2) which states: 54. (2) A municipal corporation may only dispose of its real property if (a) council has made a land administration bylaw and the disposition is made in accordance with the land administration bylaw; or (b) the disposition is specifically authorized or approved by a bylaw AND WHEREAS pursuant to the Town of Hay River Land Administration By-law No.2178 Section 7)f) iv) which provides that “Special and unique circumstances or activities which in the opinion of Council serve the public interest of the Town” eliminates the requirement to initiate disposal of land through one of the methods listed in Section 7)b) NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Town of Hay River in the Northwest Territories in regular meeting of Council duly assembled enacts as follows: 1. 2. That the Town of Hay River applies the provision of Section 7)f)iv) of its Land Administration Bylaw No.2178 and lease Lot 1163, Plan 4386, in the Town of Hay River in the Northwest Territories, to the Northern Farm Training Institute; That the terms of the lease include the following specific provisions: a) The initial lease will be for a five(5) year term; b) The property can only be used by the Northern Farm Training Institute for purposes consistent with its registered mandate and work plan(s) as updated annually or more frequently and endorsed by the Town of Hay River; c) If the land is used for any purposes other than described in item 2b), the lease can be cancelled at the sole discretion of the Town; d) For the initial five(5) year term, value of the property for lease purposes will be established at six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000) for each year, as agreed to by both the Town and the Northern Farm Training Institute; e) For the initial five(5) year term only, the annual lease amount will be forgone by the Town as its in-kind contribution towards the wide range of Northern Farm Training Institute’s initiatives. On a notational basis only, the value of that in-kind contribution is considered to be $120,000 per year, totalling $600,000 over five years, based upon an annual lease rate of 20% of assessed value per annum. This in-kind contribution will be recognized in two equal instalments of $300,000, on March 31, 2015 and March 31, 2016. f) For property tax purposes, for each of the initial five(5) years property taxes will be based upon the assessed value for both the land and its improvements, to be updated as required on an annual basis; g) For the duration of this initial lease, property tax will be assessed at the rates assigned to the ‘rural agriculture’ class; h) Based upon full compliance to the terms of this initial lease, the lease may be considered for renewal for a further five(5) years with the lease rate and terms to be determined by applicable bylaw(s) in place at the time of renewal; and 1 BYLAW NO. 2336/LND/15 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER i) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other bylaw(s), at the end of the initial five year term, the only option available to the Northern Training Farm Institute to maintain possession and use of this lot will be through lease, rather than through purchase or other means. 3. That the Deputy Mayor and the Senior Administrative Officer of the said Town of Hay River are hereby authorized to execute the lease documents; and 4. This bylaw will take force and effect upon its final reading. READ A FIRST TIME this 16th day of March, 2015. ______________________________ Mayor READ A SECOND TIME this 16th day of March, 2015. ______________________________ Mayor READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME this day of , 2015. ______________________________ Mayor CERTIFIED that this bylaw has been made in accordance with the requirements of the Cities, Towns and Villages Act, S.N.W.T., 2003, and the bylaws of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Hay River this of , 2015. ______________________________ Senior Administrative Officer 2 REPORT TO COUNCIL DEPARTMENT: RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES SUBJECT: ARCTIC WINTER GAMES HOST SOCIETY DATE: March 30th, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: For discussion BACKGROUND: The South Slave has won the opportunity to host the 2018 Arctic Winter Games. The first step in the process is to establish a host society for the purpose of staging the Games. Traditionally, the host society has been brought into existence shortly after a community is awarded the Games. As per the South Slave bid document and the AWGIC staging manual, the Host Society will consist of twelve individuals responsible for a coordinating all the elements of the games. How does council wish to select members of the Host Society to represent Hay River? COUNCIL POLICY / STRATEGY OR GOAL: N/A APPLICABLE LEGISLATION, BYLAWS, STUDIES, PLANS: Arctic Winter Games International Committee Staging Manual, South Slave Arctic Winter Games Bid Document CONSIDERATIONS OR FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A ALTERNATIVES TO RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A 1 REPORT TO COUNCIL DEPARTMENT: RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES SUBJECT: ARCTIC WINTER GAMES HOST SOCIETY DATE: March 30th, 2015 Prepared by: Reviewed by: Andrew Cassidy Mayor David Steele Senior Administrative Officer Date: March 30th, 2015 Date: March 30th, 2015 2 REPORT TO COUNCIL DEPARTMENT: FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION DATE: MARCH 30, 2015 SUBJECT: FEDERAL GAS TAX AGREEMENT FUNDING – 2015 through 2018 RECOMMENDATION: THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER approve entering into a four year contribution agreement for Federal Gas Tax Funding, commencing April 1, 2015, in the following amounts under the GNWT’s fiscal year structure: 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 $1,016,000 $1,305,000 $1,305,000 $1.397,000 And that the Town of Hay River continue its commitment to make progress towards developing and implementing an asset management plan as outlined in the Gas Tax Agreement. BACKGROUND: The Town’s multi-year agreement with the GNWT for Gas Tax Funding expired on March 31, 2014. The first year of the next five year agreement was signed last fiscal year, with this agreement representing the four year balance of a five year planning period. The amount for 2015/2016 is comparable to that approved in respect to 2014/2015. As in the preceding year, the GNWT has asked that the approval to enter into this agreement includes a resolution of Council stating their commitment to make progress towards developing and implementing an asset management plan as outlined in the Gas Tax Agreement. The Town acquired a capital asset management system a few years ago, and continues to update and expand on the information therein. By its nature it requires periodic update, and as of yet the Town has not achieved the desired/required level of data input. It will continue to work on developing the system so that it can be better used in the Town’s management of its extensive capital asset inventory, from both maintenance and replacement perspectives COUNCIL POLICY / STRATEGY OR GOAL: N/A APPLICABLE LEGISLATION, BYLAWS, STUDIES, PLANS: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 1 REPORT TO COUNCIL DEPARTMENT: FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION DATE: MARCH 30, 2015 SUBJECT: FEDERAL GAS TAX AGREEMENT FUNDING – 2015 through 2018 A requirement to receive the allocated funding under the Federal Gas Tax Funding agreement. ALTERNATIVES TO RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A Prepared by: David Steele Senior Administrative Officer Date: March 26th, 2015 2 REPORT TO COUNCIL DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATION DATE: MARCH 30, 2015 SUBJECT: LEASE OF SPACE FOR TOWN HALL SERVICES RECOMMENDATION: THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAY RIVER authorizes Administration to enter into a Lease Agreement with Hay River Mobile Park Ltd. for three years plus two one year renewal options for 4,628 square feet of office space at 62 Woodland Drive, Hay River, for purposes of delivering Town Hall Services. At a rate of $32 per square foot the monthly rent is $12,341.33 per month effective April 1, 2015. This rate includes all related regular operation and maintenance costs associated with the rented space. BACKGROUND: In July 2014 the existing Town Hall was vacated due to air quality concerns, and it has subsequently been determined that it would not be a prudent investment to spend large sums of money on renovations and upgrades as the facility is already approaching the end of its useful life. Interim accommodations for staff has been provided with the use of existing Town facilities, but this has created some limitations to desired and expected efficiencies and effectiveness, both at the Administrative and Political levels. Limited financial resources and timelines prevent the Town from moving forward on the construction of a new Town Hall, so other more practical solutions need to be considered for at least the next few years. In August 24, 2014 Administration initiated a Request for Proposals for Leased Office Space. Proposals were put forward by two respondents. Of the two, that submitted by Jameson Holdings Ltd. was determined to provide better value to the Town. On October 6, 2014 Council directed Administration to explore the available options under various refinements and scenarios. This lease is the outcome of that direction and exploration. COUNCIL POLICY / STRATEGY OR GOAL: N/A APPLICABLE LEGISLATION, BYLAWS, STUDIES, PLANS: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Annual lease rent of $148,096. 1 REPORT TO COUNCIL DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATION DATE: MARCH 30, 2015 SUBJECT: LEASE OF SPACE FOR TOWN HALL SERVICES ALTERNATIVES TO RECOMMENDATIONS: Remain in interim accommodation for mid-term duration, or until other solutions present themselves. ATTACHMENTS: N/A Prepared by: David Steele Senior Administration Officer Date: March 26, 2015 2
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