HBUMC Vacation Bible School Missions June 22 – 26 2015 Mission Projects for VBS include collecting food donations for local organization Urban Ministries and collecting money for earthquake relief in Nepal. Accessing rural villages in Nepal affected by the massive April 25 earthquake remains a significant challenge, say United Methodist missionaries there. As the earthquake’s death toll climbs past 7,000, the United Methodist Committee on Relief and other faith-based partners in the ACT Alliance are continuing to respond. Some 8 million people are affected and 3.5 million are in need of food assistance. If you are participating in VBS, please be sure to contribute to this worthy and timely cause. Called Charge Conference Hayes Barton United Methodist Church will have a called Charge Conference on Wednesday, June 17th, at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall for the purpose of receiving a report from the Finance Team regarding the financing of The Well Building Project. All members of the congregation are cordially invited. Members of the Church Council are authorized to vote at a Charge Conference. Prayer Bookmark Ongoing Concerns Virginia Beach Locke Beaudin Sarah Jenkins Jo Ann Jones Michele Jones Bill Knapp Mary Knapp Sammy Martin Annette Peed David Poe Julie Smith Doug Walter Jane Walz Anthony West Helen West Our Church Leaders Pastors Rick, LuAnn, & Jesse D.S. Strother, Bishop Ward Deployed Nick Constantino Trey Goodwin UM Student Day Offering: June 21 Sunday School Room Changes JOY Class: 328/330/332 Starnes Class: 320 Infants: Parlor (left side) Crawlers/Toddlers: Parlor (right side) Doves/Lambs*: FH (201) Donkeys/Whales*: FH (203) Please enter 201 and 203 from the kitchen hall. 1st/2nd Grades*: 139 3rd/4th Grades*: 136 5th Grade: 141 (Note that some elementary classes will remain in the same location.) *Classes will only be combined for the summer. Look for Fall classroom assignments in August. HBUMC Vacation Bible School Missions June 22 – 26 2015 Mission Projects for VBS include collecting food donations for local organization Urban Ministries and collecting money for earthquake relief in Nepal. Accessing rural villages in Nepal affected by the massive April 25 earthquake remains a significant challenge, say United Methodist missionaries there. As the earthquake’s death toll climbs past 7,000, the United Methodist Committee on Relief and other faith-based partners in the ACT Alliance are continuing to respond. Some 8 million people are affected and 3.5 million are in need of food assistance. If you are participating in VBS, please be sure to contribute to this worthy and timely cause. Called Charge Conference Hayes Barton United Methodist Church will have a called Charge Conference on Wednesday, June 17th, at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall for the purpose of receiving a report from the Finance Team regarding the financing of The Well Building Project. All members of the congregation are cordially invited. Members of the Church Council are authorized to vote at a Charge Conference. Prayer Bookmark Ongoing Concerns Virginia Beach Locke Beaudin Sarah Jenkins Jo Ann Jones Michele Jones Bill Knapp Mary Knapp Sammy Martin Annette Peed David Poe Julie Smith Doug Walter Jane Walz Anthony West Helen West Our Church Leaders Pastors Rick, LuAnn, & Jesse D.S. Strother, Bishop Ward Deployed Nick Constantino Trey Goodwin UM Student Day Offering: June 21 Sunday School Room Changes JOY Class: 328/330/332 Starnes Class: 320 Infants: Parlor (left side) Crawlers/Toddlers: Parlor (right side) Doves/Lambs*: FH (201) Donkeys/Whales*: FH (203) Please enter 201 and 203 from the kitchen hall. 1st/2nd Grades*: 139 3rd/4th Grades*: 136 5th Grade: 141 (Note that some elementary classes will remain in the same location.) *Classes will only be combined for the summer. Look for Fall classroom assignments in August. 2nd Sunday after Pentecost: June 7, 2015 LuAnn Charlton: “It’s A Family Affair” Jesus expands the definition of family to a be a web of relationships that opens up places within it for a whole host of others. Jesus moves our understanding of family as simply a place of genetic origins (which, to be sure, does a great deal of good in terms of protecting and continuing life itself), to an understanding of family being a group of people that is marked instead by the choices we make as he says that “whoever does the will of God is my mother and my brother and my sister.” ...and the crowd came together again, so that they could not even eat. When his family heard it, they went out to restrain him, for people were saying, “He has gone out of his mind.” And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, “He has Beelzebul, and by the ruler of the demons he casts out demons.” And he called them to him, and spoke to them in parables, “How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but his end has come. But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his property without first tying up the strong man; then indeed the house can be plundered. “Truly I tell you, people will be forgiven for their sins and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”— for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.” Then his mother and his brothers came; and standing outside, they sent to him and called him. A crowd was sitting around him; and they said to him, “Your mother and your brothers and sisters are outside, asking for you.” And he replied, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” Mark 3:20-35 Today’s Band Members: Acoustic Guitar - Stephen Howell; Bass Guitar - Doug Walter; Drums - Mike Rees; Electric Guitar - Mike Franke; Vocals - Mary Whitney Rakestraw Serving Communion Today: Kim & Chuck Millsaps; Helen Johnson, Jeff Maurer; Rachael & Ashton Kendall; Pastor LuAnn, Jennifer Rose; Lee & Phillip Hoffman Holy Communion Stewards If you want to be a communion steward at our worship service or to our shut-ins, contact Dick or Theresa Stevens at [email protected] or 919-866-0304. 2nd Sunday after Pentecost: June 7, 2015 LuAnn Charlton: “It’s A Family Affair” Jesus expands the definition of family to a be a web of relationships that opens up places within it for a whole host of others. Jesus moves our understanding of family as simply a place of genetic origins (which, to be sure, does a great deal of good in terms of protecting and continuing life itself), to an understanding of family being a group of people that is marked instead by the choices we make as he says that “whoever does the will of God is my mother and my brother and my sister.” ...and the crowd came together again, so that they could not even eat. When his family heard it, they went out to restrain him, for people were saying, “He has gone out of his mind.” And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, “He has Beelzebul, and by the ruler of the demons he casts out demons.” And he called them to him, and spoke to them in parables, “How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but his end has come. But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his property without first tying up the strong man; then indeed the house can be plundered. “Truly I tell you, people will be forgiven for their sins and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”— for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.” Then his mother and his brothers came; and standing outside, they sent to him and called him. A crowd was sitting around him; and they said to him, “Your mother and your brothers and sisters are outside, asking for you.” And he replied, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” Mark 3:20-35 Today’s Band Members: Acoustic Guitar - Stephen Howell; Bass Guitar - Doug Walter; Drums - Mike Rees; Electric Guitar - Mike Franke; Vocals - Mary Whitney Rakestraw Serving Communion Today: Kim & Chuck Millsaps; Helen Johnson, Jeff Maurer; Rachael & Ashton Kendall; Pastor LuAnn, Jennifer Rose; Lee & Phillip Hoffman Holy Communion Stewards If you want to be a communion steward at our worship service or to our shut-ins, contact Dick or Theresa Stevens at [email protected] or 919-866-0304. How Does “The Well” Impact WIHN? Hayes Barton is fully committed to hosting Wake Interfaith families throughout our transition time, during our remaining 2015 host weeks (August 9-16 and October 4-11) and into 2016 (dates TBD). Guests will be housed at a conveniently located full-service hotel that serves a hot breakfast as well as a light dinner Monday thru Thursday. Plenty of volunteer opportunities still exist, including evening hosts, van drivers, grocery items and dinner preparation and service on Sunday, Friday and Saturday. Sign up for August is live at the links below. Please contact Lisa or Nelson Brugh at 919.302.5055 or [email protected] with questions. Thanks for your support of this servant ministry and for ensuring Hayes Barton remains a haven for nourishment and a hub for outreach! Dinners - http://bit.ly/wihndinners Van - http://bit.ly/vandrivershosts Groceries - http://bit.ly/wihngroceries Trip to Haiti: January 18-23, 2016 Are you interested in going to Haiti - learning from our Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ - developing relationships with friends in Haiti? This upcoming trip is an opportunity for couples to join Pastor Rick and Freddy & Helen Johnson in providing encouragement and experiencing an overnight couples retreat on the Caribbean with Haitian leaders and spouses. Ministry opportunities will include providing reading glasses, working with teachers and high school boys at our Hearts and Hands for Haiti schools, hiking into the rural mountains, art creation from trash oil drums, worshipping with several of our Hearts and Hands for Haiti churches, and embracing God’s call to us throughout the week. Please contact Helen Johnson at [email protected] or 633-9191 to explore offering Christ, Community and Compassion in Haiti this January. Get on Board – Every Sunday Morning Shuttle service from Carolina Place on Glenwood Avenue to the Stone Street entrance… quicker than parking & walking… • • • • • • Shuttle parking is at Carolina Place parking deck, 2626 Glenwood Ave. The Shuttle service runs from 8 am – 1 pm, departing every 10 minutes. The parking lot has over 100 covered spaces. Drop off/pick up at the Stone St. entrance. Carolina Place is 1 mile NW of HB. As you approach the parking deck, you will see an HBUMC parking sign. Costa Rica Mission Team Laurie Barwick Smith Barwick Claire Calkins Addie Folk Jeff Maurer Jordan Maurer Kendall Stephenson Michael Stephenson Garris Stokes Sam Thompson Mike Trexler Hannah Watkins Carl Winstead ASP Mission Team Christian Acree Leslie Boney Lisa Coster Bob Foyle Wray Gillette Henry Johnson Savannah Jones Warren McNeill Beck Otersen Maggie Riddle Briner Sealey Upcoming Youth Events Lunch Bunch, noon on June 10, 17 Costa Rica Mission, June 13-20 Reel to Real, June 14 ASP, June 14-20 SLAM Nashville, June 21-27 VBS, June 22-26 Lunch Bunch, July 8, 15, 22, 29 Reel to Real, July 12, 19, 26 Student Life, July 27-31 Trip to Haiti: January 18-23, 2016 Are you interested in going to Haiti - learning from our Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ - developing relationships with friends in Haiti? This upcoming trip is an opportunity for couples to join Pastor Rick and Freddy & Helen Johnson in providing encouragement and experiencing an overnight couples retreat on the Caribbean with Haitian leaders and spouses. Ministry opportunities will include providing reading glasses, working with teachers and high school boys at our Hearts and Hands for Haiti schools, hiking into the rural mountains, art creation from trash oil drums, worshipping with several of our Hearts and Hands for Haiti churches, and embracing God’s call to us throughout the week. Please contact Helen Johnson at [email protected] or 633-9191 to explore offering Christ, Community and Compassion in Haiti this January. Upcoming Youth Events Lunch Bunch, noon on June 10, 17 Costa Rica Mission, June 13-20 Reel to Real, June 14 ASP, June 14-20 SLAM Nashville, June 21-27 VBS, June 22-26 Lunch Bunch, July 8, 15, 22, 29 Reel to Real, July 12, 19, 26 Student Life, July 27-31 Suzzette Acree Lizzy Barkley Trish Bynum Davis Byrd Anderson Covington Jack Covington George Francis Maddie Francis Ford Hester Will Hollerung Ben Jones Evelyn Jones Grace Kempson Barry Luck Elizabeth Motter Jackson Nickens Michael Radulovic Ian Reetz Stephen Riddle Scott Rogers Lee Sullivan Sara Scott Thompson Katie Watson Grace Boney LuAnn Charlton John Drescher Alex Gillette Grace Hopkins Mark Jones Barbara McNeill Nancy Nutt Grace Riddle Harrison Rose Britt Warner UMW Matters Thank you, congregation - for supporting our UMW freezer sale! Your eager support by purchasing frozen dishes and desserts has helped UMW to 100% fulfill our 2015 annual pledge to The Well of $5000. UMW has pledged $5000 per year for 5 years for a total pledge of $25,000, which was matched by a member of the congregation since we pledged during that “matching gift” window of opportunity. For UMW and our HB family to work together to contribute $50,000 to The Well is humbling and JOYful. A special thank you to the 13 UMW Circles who baked, chopped and cooked to fill up the freezers for the sale. How Does “The Well” Impact WIHN? Hayes Barton is fully committed to hosting Wake Interfaith families throughout our transition time, during our remaining 2015 host weeks (August 9-16 and October 4-11) and into 2016 (dates TBD). Guests will be housed at a conveniently located full-service hotel that serves a hot breakfast as well as a light dinner Monday thru Thursday. Plenty of volunteer opportunities still exist, including evening hosts, van drivers, grocery items and dinner preparation and service on Sunday, Friday and Saturday. Sign up for August is live at the links below. Please contact Lisa or Nelson Brugh at 919.302.5055 or [email protected] with questions. Thanks for your support of this servant ministry and for ensuring Hayes Barton remains a haven for nourishment and a hub for outreach! Dinners - http://bit.ly/wihndinners Van - http://bit.ly/vandrivershosts Groceries - http://bit.ly/wihngroceries Caroline Christman Brad Rogers Ranse Stokes Joseph Winstead Get on Board – Every Sunday Morning Shuttle service from Carolina Place on Glenwood Avenue to the Stone Street entrance… quicker than parking & walking… • • • • • • Shuttle parking is at Carolina Place parking deck, 2626 Glenwood Ave. The Shuttle service runs from 8 am – 1 pm, departing every 10 minutes. The parking lot has over 100 covered spaces. Drop off/pick up at the Stone St. entrance. Carolina Place is 1 mile NW of HB. As you approach the parking deck, you will see an HBUMC parking sign. Costa Rica Mission Team Laurie Barwick Smith Barwick Claire Calkins Addie Folk Jeff Maurer Jordan Maurer Kendall Stephenson Michael Stephenson Garris Stokes Sam Thompson Mike Trexler Hannah Watkins Carl Winstead Caroline Christman Brad Rogers Ranse Stokes Joseph Winstead ASP Mission Team Christian Acree Leslie Boney Lisa Coster Bob Foyle Wray Gillette Henry Johnson Savannah Jones Warren McNeill Beck Otersen Maggie Riddle Briner Sealey Suzzette Acree Lizzy Barkley Trish Bynum Davis Byrd Anderson Covington Jack Covington George Francis Maddie Francis Ford Hester Will Hollerung Ben Jones Evelyn Jones Grace Kempson Barry Luck Elizabeth Motter Jackson Nickens Michael Radulovic Ian Reetz Stephen Riddle Scott Rogers Lee Sullivan Sara Scott Thompson Katie Watson Grace Boney LuAnn Charlton John Drescher Alex Gillette Grace Hopkins Mark Jones Barbara McNeill Nancy Nutt Grace Riddle Harrison Rose Britt Warner UMW Matters Thank you, congregation - for supporting our UMW freezer sale! Your eager support by purchasing frozen dishes and desserts has helped UMW to 100% fulfill our 2015 annual pledge to The Well of $5000. UMW has pledged $5000 per year for 5 years for a total pledge of $25,000, which was matched by a member of the congregation since we pledged during that “matching gift” window of opportunity. For UMW and our HB family to work together to contribute $50,000 to The Well is humbling and JOYful. A special thank you to the 13 UMW Circles who baked, chopped and cooked to fill up the freezers for the sale. Attention: Parents of VBS Children Get Your VBS CD EARLY: Starts TODAY Wouldn’t you love for your child to have their VBS Music CD early? We would! Vacation Bible School runs from June 22 - 26, but we think it would be great if your child had their music CD early and could already begin learning the songs! Your child’s CD will be available for early pick-up at the Reception Desk in the front lobby on the following Sundays (TODAY, June 14th, & June 21st) from 9:30 11:00 am and 12:00 - 12:30 pm. Please look for Meredith Clayton. Limit: 1 CD per family. Thanks, and we look forward to making great music with you soon! Meredith Clayton, Blair Kennedy, Mary Whitney Rakestraw The Connection at 9:55 Starts TODAY Here’s the basic pattern we will follow beginning today for Adult SS. We may rearrange the model at times. The overarching theme will be “Preparing for Life at the Well.” Every Sunday will address some aspect of Christian discipleship that grows us more deeply into our mission. A time for announcements and a short musical offering will open our time together each Sunday in the Sanctuary. 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday 5th Sunday The Word (Bible Study) Response to the Word: Spiritual Formation, Denominational Study, Outreach Response to the Word: Spiritual Formation, Denominational Study, Outreach Response to the Word: HB Witness [includes individual SS Highlight] Response to the Word: Music Save the Date: Refresh Two a retreat for the women of Hayes Barton Led by Pastor LuAnn, Pinehurst Resort, January 8 - 10, 2016 Cost for double occupancy around $350 (includes lodging, delicious Pinehurst meals and snacks, and all instructional sessions and materials) Registration will open Fall, 2015 Questions? [email protected] Summer Celebration Picnic Saturday, June 13, 7:30 - 10 am No RSVP Needed. Please Make a Donation for Your Breakfast. Wednesday, July 1, 5 - 7:30 pm at Pullen Park, Shelter #5 Please bring food to share in a good, old-fashioned potluck picnic. HBUMC will provide drinks and paper products. Please sign up for the picnic so we can make plans: respond to a mass email or call 832-6435 x34 and let us know how many adults and children are coming. Activities to include: cornhole, three-legged race, water balloons, bubble station, watermelon seed spitting contest, sidewalk chalk Acolyte & Crucifer Signup Acolytes: www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4eaaaf2ca13-20142015 Crucifers: www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4eaaaf2ca13-hayes Hayes Barton UMC Endowment Challenge for Holroyd Youth Fund Honor Your Father Clearly print the name(s) of those you wish to honor/remember and your name(s) exactly as you wish them to appear in the June 21 Father’s Day bulletin. Send this card and a check, made out to HBUMC with ‘PE – HYF’ on the memo line, in an envelope to arrive by June 17. Or, drop the envelope in the offering plate on Sunday or in the business office mailbox. In Memory of __________________________________________________ In Honor of ____________________________________________________ Your Name(s) __________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________Amount Enclosed ______________ VBS Wish List Tacky Glue (10 bottles) 650 water balloons rolls of masking tape pink or red washable paint (40 bottles) 100 Band-Aids, any size/color 40 large Band-Aids – regular shape, flesh color 160 small Band-Aids – regular shape, flesh color 100 single-packaged Reese’s cups 1 bag small candy bars without peanuts or peanut butter 100 blank postcards OR 100 blank cards with envelopes gently used or new stuffed animals to donate to homeless children 1 pack of candles that won’t blow out 10 regular-sized bags of potato chips 10 - 15 rolls white duct tape 30 plastic or paper tablecloths, white largest size available 10 packs of markers (washable) 10 boxes of Crayons 1500 tongue depressors 10 balls of twine 800 Ziploc bags - sandwich size 2 yds/10 sheets fuzzy brown craft fur 380 smooth, round rocks - about 2-4 inches in diameter 30 bottles Mod Podge - any finish is fine (can be found at craft stores) 100 pieces card stock-any color 5 pieces of felt, each color – brown, dark brown, light brown, khaki/tan 29 rolls wax paper Michael’s Craft Store gift cards to purchase needed supplies Items to Borrow - label with your name and phone number, and we will return them after VBS 4 dodge balls 3 cornhole boards w/ bean bags 6 jump ropes 6 basketballs 4 hula hoops 12 artificial trees, various sizes 2-3 tents 10 large plastic bowls Please leave any donated/borrowed items in the VBS bin at the drop-off center at the front desk. Thank you! VBS Volunteers Still Needed Please sign up at: www.eventbrite.com/e/hayes-barton-unitedmethodist-church-vacation-bible-school2015-at-root-elementary-school-tickets16403936616 Questions: Email [email protected] or [email protected] Seeds of Hope Thank you to everyone who has supported Homework club this school year! We have wrapped up homework club for this school year. Please consider volunteering as a mentor for this fall. Requirements: Desire to share the light of Christ with a child in need by helping with their homework one day a week while traditional school is in session. Spanish language skills are helpful but not necessary. We are also looking for volunteers to assist in Community ministry with the ladies Bible study. Furniture: We frequently have families who are in need of furniture. Please call Jill Fletcher at 919.909.5100 when you have gently used furniture that you would consider donating. SLAM Nashville Mission Trip We have 25 signed up, but still have plenty of spots for current 6th-12th graders on our SLAM Nashville mission trip, June 22-28! An awesome opportunity to serve the community of Nashville and, if you’re a high schooler, also serve our middle school students as a leader! Already going on another one of our mission trips? You can sign up for SLAM, too. Cost is just $200 for a week of awesomeness in Nashville, TN with some awesome people doing some awesome service work! Check out more info about SLAM on their website: http://slamweb.org/SLAM/national/nashville-mission/ Check out our mission video from last year to get an even better idea of what SLAM is all about (thank you Mike Busick!) here: http://busickmediaproductions.zenfolio.com/videos/h326ecf0b#h326ecf0b Already know you’re interested? Just fill out the mission trip application and hand it in along with your check made out to HBUMC! Need help paying for this trip? That’s what the Holroyd Youth Fund is for! Check it out here and get your application: j.mp/HolroydYouthFund Other questions? Contact Emily at [email protected] or 919-832-6435 x17. Summer Newsletter Schedule NO newsletters: June 8, 22; July 6, 20; August 3 Newsletters: June 15, 29; July 13, 27; Aug. 10, 17, 24 Questions: Contact Doug Gill, [email protected] or 919-832-6435 x26.
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