Asset Based Community Development Results-Based Accountability H. Daniels Duncan, Faculty Member ABCD Institute © Copyright 2015 For copies of the PPT and Handouts Assumptions for Creating Real Community Change – Community Engagement Today Understand how complex the problems and lives of those we serve are It takes a wide variety of strategies and activities to achieve community To achieve real impact requires the community and its residents to be involved – as producers and co-producers Communities have an abundance of resources. The issue is that they have not been identified and engaged All of our activities should be directed at increasing and not stifling community engagement Assumptions for Creating Real Community Change – Community Engagement Today Should not be rushed – It takes time to build trust and relationships Organizations do not collaborate – People do based on common purpose, relationships and trust To build trust ask questions – do not just give answers People, places and results matter Results-Based Accountability COMMON LANGUAGE…COMMON SENSE…COMMON GROUND Common Purpose & Results and Accountability What is Results-Based Accountability (RBA)? A disciplined way of thinking and taking action that communities can use to improve the lives of children, youth, families and the community as a whole. It can also be used to improve the performance of programs, agencies and service systems. Developed by Mark Friedman, detailed in his book Trying Hard is Not Good Enough. Results Accountability is about… Ends to means decision-making: It starts with stakeholders identifying the end results they want for the community Unified purpose: focusing the energy of multiple partners on continuously improving the most important measures of well-being Transparency: Using data and effective questions to access facts and the “story behind the facts” to move quickly to action Communication power: Being able to tell your story in the most compelling and data-driven way Two parts to RBA Population and Performance POPULATION ACCOUNTABILITY about the well-being of whole populations Communities – Cities – Counties – Provinces - Nations PERFORMANCE ACCOUNTABILITY about the well-being of client populations Programs – Agencies – Services RBA in a Nutshell 2–3–7 2 Kinds • of Accountability Population- or Community-Level Quality of Life • (Results & Indicators) Performance- or Program-Level (Performance Measures) 3 Kinds of Performance Measures • How much did we do? • How well did we do it? • Is anyone better off? 7 Questions From Ends to Means (In less than an hour) THE LANGUAGE TRAP - Too many terms. Too few definitions. Too little discipline Benchmark Outcome Result Modifiers Indicator Measurable Core Urgent Qualitative Priority Programmatic Targeted Performance Incremental Strategic Systemic Measure Goal Objective Target Lewis Carroll Center for Language Disorders Definitions RESULT A condition of well-being for children, adults, families or communities. Children born healthy, Children succeeding in school, Safe communities, Clean Environment, Prosperous Economy INDICATOR A measure which helps quantify the achievement of a result. Rate of low-birthweight babies, Rate of high school graduation, crime rate, air quality index, unemployment rate PERFORMANCE MEASURE A measure of how well a program, agency or service system is working. Three types: 1. How much did we do? 2. How well did we do it? = 3. Is anyone better off? Customer Results or Outcomes Criteria for Choosing Indicators Communication Power Does the indicator communicate to a broad range of audiences? Proxy Power Does the indicator say something of central importance about the result? Does the indicator bring along the data HERD? Data Power Quality data available on a timely basis. IS IT A RESULT, INDICATOR OR PERFORMANCE MEASURE? RESULT 1. Safe Community INDICATOR 2. RESULT 4. INDICATOR 5. RESULT 6. INDICATOR 7. Crime Rate A community without graffiti % of surveyed buildings without graffiti People have living wage jobs and income % of people with living wage jobs and income POPULATION ACCOUNTABILITY – Setting the Common Agenda and Vision For Whole Populations in a Geographic Area Turning the Curve The RBA Framework – 7 Population Accountability Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What are the quality of life conditions we want for the children, adults, and families in our community? What would these conditions look like if we could see them? How can we measure these conditions? How are we doing on the most important of these measures? Who are the partners that have a role to play in doing better? What works to do better, including no-cost and low-cost ideas? What do we propose to do? Leaking Roof (Results thinking in everyday life) Experience Measure Inches of Water BASELINE Not OK ? Fixed Turning the Curve Story behind the baseline (causes) Partners What Works Action Plan Results Based Accountability – turning the Curve Goal: Turn the Curve It takes a variety of strategies to turn the curve – beyond the delivery of services. (low-cost citizen action, media support, public policy, etc.) CI 2020 Goals - UWTSA Health Population Result • Seniors are Healthy and Maintain Maximum Independence Indicator: • The percent of Pima County population 65 and older reporting an independent living difficulty and the percent of Pima County population 65 and older reporting a self-care difficulty. Rebound Questions & Discussion Performance Accountability For Services, Government, nonprofits, and Resident Action The RBA Framework - 7 Performance Accountability Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Who are our customers? How can we measure if our customers are better off? How can we measure if we are delivering services well? How are we doing on the most important of these measures? Who are our partners that have a role to play in doing better? What works to do better, including no-cost and low-cost ideas? What do we propose to do? Performance Measurement Categories Quantity Quality Effort How much did we do? # of Customers Served How well did we do it? Customer Satisfaction Retention Rates # Activities Following Protocols How productive? Are we doing things right? Effect Is Anyone Better off? # Skills / Knowledge % Skills / Knowledge # Attitude / Opinion % Attitude / Opinion # Behavior % Behavior # Circumstance % Circumstance Are we doing the right things? Mark Friedman (2005). Trying Hard Is Not Good Enough: How to Produce Measurable Improvements for Customers and Communities. USA Trafford Publishing The RBA Framework - 7 Performance Accountability Measurements Who are our customers? Number Served and characteristics How can we measure if our customers are better off? # Skills/Knowledge # Attitude/Opinion # Behavior # Circumstance How can we measure if we are delivering services well? Customer Satisfaction Retention Rates Following Protocols What Kind of PERFORMANCE MEASURE? Upper Left ● # of people served Lower Right ● % participants who got jobs Upper Right ● staff turnover rate Lower Left Lower Right ● # participants who got jobs ● % of children reading at grade level Upper Left ● cost per unit of service Upper Left ● # applications processed Lower Right ● % patients who fully recover Home Care Services How much did we do? How well did we do it? # visits per week # of persons served Ave length of visit # visits % service users who say the service is reliable, flexible, respectful, friendly Is anyone better off? # entry into hospital, residential or nursing care Rate entry into hospital, residential or nursing care # carers report the service helped the service user remain at home % carers report the service helped the service user remain at home Effort Environment: Water Quality Quantity Quality How much did we do? How well did we do it? Number of stream stations monitored Average sites per monitor per month Effect Is anyone better off? Number miles of healthy streams Percent miles of healthy streams Questions & Discussion How Population & Performance Accountability FIT TOGETHER THE LINKAGE Between POPULATION and PERFORMANCE POPULATION ACCOUNTABILITY Youth Succeeding in School • % 3rd graders reading on grade level • % MS students proficient in math & reading • % and # students dropping out of school POPULATION RESULTS Contribution relationship – Not cause and effect PERFORMANCE ACCOUNTABILITY Middle School Intensive Mentoring Project Total # of 1:1 hours with students # with 10 or less days absent for year % parents with “active” connection to program % with 10 or less days absent for year Defining Roles CUSTOMER RESULTS Alignment of measures Questions & Discussion Assessing Your Organization Five Strategic ABCD Questions: 1. What can residents do by themselves for themselves? 2. What can residents do with a little help from institutions? 3. What do residents need done that they can’t do? 4. What can we stop doing to create space for resident action? 5. What can we offer to the community beyond the services we deliver to support resident action? First, Do No Harm: Don’t distract the community from its own priorities. Don’t force the community into the bureaucracy’s silos. Don’t take people’s time without showing results. Don’t make the community dependent. Never do for people what they can do for themselves. Resources Discovering Community Power: A Guide to Mobilizing Local Assets and Your Organization's Capacity Assessing Your Organization What is your organization’s relationship to community residents? How accountable is your organization to the people and community it serves? How does your work foster communication and relationship-building among the people you serve and residents in your community? How does your service define and engage constituents? What power do they have? Are they seen as resources and co-producers? How does your service strengthen community relationships and social capital? How are you identifying other assets/resources your organization has to offer to the community and the people you serve? A Sample Community Profile Your Community Profile Sample: Agency Assets Profile Agency Assets Profile A tool to illustrate partnerships that your organization already has with Institutions or associations in your community and to think about new partnerships which might be useful to your organization. Questions & Discussion Resources - ABCD ABCD Institute – Order Publications Online ABCD Community ABCD Toolkit ABCD Tools A Community Building Principles and Action Steps Chart – A quick guide to the principles of ABCD community building and how to put the principles into action for greater impact. B The New Paradigm – A chart that explains the differences between a Needs Based approach and an Asset Based approach to solving problems. C Creating Space for Resident Action – A planning tool to help an organization begin to create space for increased resident engagement and action. D Three Questions for Effective Strategy Development – A tool to help guide your organization´s strategic planning to increase resident engagement. E Asset Mapping Eight Steps to Increase Resident Engagement — Tips on how to support ABCD based neighborhood organizing. F Porch Time – Learning Conversations, tips on how to connect and talk with neighborhood residents to identify their gifts and passions. G Tips for Working with Neighborhoods – A chart on the difference between how we work with institutions and how to work with neighborhoods. H Gifts Discovery Activity (short version) – The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate the wide variety of resources we have available to address an issue, beyond the services agencies offer. I Gifts Discovery Activity (long version) – This exercise is a powerful way to start a meeting and demonstrate the power of resources (gifts) in the room that are available to address the issue or issues identified for action. J Asset Mapping Toolkit for Neighborhoods – This toolkit can be used to help launch ABCD in a neighborhood. Resources - RBA Websites Book - DVD Orders Asset Based Community Development H. Daniels Duncan Faculty Member Asset Based Community Development Institute 512.788.8646 [email protected]
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