755 Griffith Court, Unit 1 Burlington ON L7L5R9 905 632 0462 (P) 905 632 6277 (F) PATIENT INFORMATION Please Print Name:_________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ City:__________________________________Postal Code:_______________________________________ Phone #: (Home) ____________________(Alternate)____________________Date of Birth: ____/____/____ year/month/day Occupation: ________________________ Whom may we thank for referring you? _____________________ Email address:__________________________ Emergency Contact:________________________________ Medical Doctor: ______________________ City: ______________________ Phone #:__________________ Chiropractor/Physio/other: ______________________ City:_________________ Phone #:_______________ OFFICE POLICIES & INFORMATION Thank you for choosing our team at HealthQuarters Inc. Your appointment has been scheduled especially for you and a specific time has been allotted. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment we require 24 hours of notice; late cancellation or a missed appointment will result in a charge of the full fee for the scheduled service. To provide you with the most effective, multi-disciplinary team care at HealthQuarters Inc., your case may be discussed amongst our treatment providers. A health care provider other than your initial visit practitioner, may from time to time read or have access to your patient file. Any personal and/or health information is handled with strict confidentiality, abiding by the rules and regulations of the provincial privacy acts (PHIPPA & PIPEDA). Payment for products and services are due at the time of your appointment. We would be happy to provide you with the necessary documents/invoices for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. As you are ultimately responsible for the cost of the services provided at HealthQuarters Inc., you may wish to inquire about the type of coverage you have through your insurance carrier. The majority of our services are covered by extended health benefit plans. Please ask for additional information in regards to our current services provided, should you wish to may this inquiry. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your treatment, or would prefer to be treated in a private therapy room, please speak to any of the team members at HealthQuarters Inc. I have read and understand the office policies & information section. By signing below, I agree to the above, Signature _________________________ Date___________________ Please check off all applicable boxes below (past and current): Cardiovascular Musculo-skeletal Skin Nervous System o High blood pressure o Low blood pressure o Chronic congestive heart failure o Heart disease o Myocardial infarction o Phlebitis o Cardio-vascular accident o Stroke o Pacemaker o Varicose veins o Blood clots o Osteoarthritis o Lymphedema o Other o Bone or joint disease o Tendonitis o Bursitis o Fractures o Osteoarthritis o Rheumatoid arthritis o Sprains/strains o Swelling o Stiffness o Spasms/cramps o Pain (check area) __Jaw __Neck __Shoulder __Elbow __Wrist __Hip __Knee __Ankle __Back o Allergies (anaphylactic) o Rashes o Athletes foot o Warts o Cold sores o Eczema/psoriasis o Other (contagious) o Herpes/shingles o Numbness/tingling Chronic pain o Fatigue o Sleep disorder o Loss of sensation o Other Respiratory Other Digestive Infectious Diseases o Hepatitis o Tuberculosis o HIV o Other o Constipation o Gas/bloating o Nausea/vomiting o Irritable bowel syndrome o Liver/gall bladder ○Kidney/bladder o Chronic cough o Bronchitis o Shortness of breath o Asthma o Emphysema o Smoking o Other Reproductive o Drug/alcohol addiction o Nicotine/caffeine addiction o Diabetes o Vision/hearing loss o Headaches/migraines o Cancer o Epilepsy o Allergies (please list) ○other conditions not listed _____________________ o Pregnancy (trimester __) o PMS o Other INDICATE AREAS OF PAIN OR DISCOMFORT ○Place an “X” on areas of extreme pain ○Circle areas of discomfort ○use comment section to list any concerns or details of injuries, surgeries…. *Provide any details regarding injury or condition. HEALTH HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE Have you had previous care for this condition? ______ When? (Include last visit date) __________________ Where? (Include Dr’s name) ________________________________________________________________ Why? __________________________________________________________________________________ Were Xrays or other imaging/tests performed? (Include date) ______________________________________ Main reason for consulting this office: _________________________________________________________ Other health concerns: _____________________________________________________________________ How long have you had this condition? ____________ Have you had this or similar conditions in the past? ______ What activities aggravate your condition? __________________________________________________________ Is this condition getting progressively worse? (Circle) Yes No Improving Staying the same Is this Condition interfering with your (Circle) Work Sleep Daily Routine Other _____________________ How long has it been since you really felt good? _____________________________________________________ Have you been diagnosed with a medical condition? __________________________________________________ Have you ever been hospitalized? (Circle) Yes No If yes, for what? ___________________ When? _______ Have you ever had surgery? (Circle) Yes No If yes, for what? ______________________ When? __________ Prescribed Medication(s) you take now: (Circle) Allergy/Inhaler Anti-inflammatory Anti-depressant Blood Pressure Heart Pill Cholesterol Pill Hormone Replacement Pill Insulin Thyroid Pill Birth Control Pill Other _____________________________ Have you experienced any adverse effects? (eg. Indigestion, Hives, Constipation, etc) _________________________ Do you have a lot of stress in your life? ________________ Do you get enough regular sleep? ____________ Approximate age of your mattress ___________ Is it comfortable? _________ Are your pillows comfortable? _______ Do you wear (Circle) Custom Prescribed Orthotics Heel/Sole Lifts OTC Arch Supports What type of regular exercise do you perform? _______________________________________ How much water do you drink daily? ______________________ Do you eat well balanced meals regularly? ________ How much coffee do you drink daily? _____________ Do you smoke? ________________ Are you taking any vitamins/supplements? ___________ Please List: ________________________________________ Have you ever been in an auto accident? (Circle) Past Year Past 5 years Over 5 years Never Describe: ___________________________________________________________________ Have you had any other personal injuries or accidents? (Circle) Past Year Past 5 Years Over 5 Years Never Describe: ___________________________________________________________________ What is your health goal? (Please circle one) RELIEF CARE: Only relieves the pain and symptoms CORRECTIVE CARE: Addresses the cause of the problem as well as reduces the pain and symptoms. WELLNESS CARE: Correct the cause of the problem and work to improve function of health so as to prevent further injury or conditions. FAMILY HEALTH HISTORY Please list which of your immediate family members (father, mother, sibling, children) have been diagnosed with the following: __________Cancer __________Arthritis __________Heart Disease __________Stroke __________Diabetes __________High Blood Pressure __________Low Blood Pressure __________Other Please list any additional health history information: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
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