Henking/Hoffman Newsletter Be a Star and Sparkle at our Schools April 10, 2015 Upcoming Events April 13 Unclaimed Lost and Found items will be donated April 14 HE/HO Principal Coffee @ Hoffman 9:15am- 11:00am April 16 Kindergarten to 1st grade Parent Transition Meeting at Henking 10:00am 2:00pm 6:00pm April 21 & 22 3rd Grade Student Orientation 9:30 – 11:30am April 23 Incoming 3rd Grade Students – Parent Orientation @ Hoffman 6:00-7:00pm Kindergarten Registration at Henking School Kindergarten Registration is continuing at Henking School. If you have a child who turns 5 before September 1, 2015, please call to ask for a registration packet in the Henking office 847-998-5035. If you have a neighbor with a kindergarten-aged child please pass this information on to them. Thank you! Henking School 2941 Linneman Glenview, IL 60025 847-998-5035 www.glenview34.org/he Hoffman School 2000 Harrison St Glenview, IL 60025 847 998-5040 www.glenview34.org/ho CHAMPS Corner! Our target for the month of April is: I can keep my voice at a level 2 in the lunchroom. And remember to clean up after yourselves and respect the teachers. SUMMER SCHOOL REGISTRATION District 34 Families, the deadline for summer school registration is May 1st. No registration will be accepted past that date. Information and a complete brochure is located on the district website. http://www.glenview34.org/aboutus/summerschool/ Book Fair Under the Sea . . . Explore an Ocean of Books! Hoffman’s Spring Book Fair. Our Book Fair will be held Wednesday & Thursday, April 22 and 23. Please join us in our Celebration of Books and Reading! Visit our Book Fair Homepage for up-to-date information on hours and special events. Wednesday, April 22 Thursday, April 23 Thursday, April 23 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. For more information, visit our Book Fair Homepage at http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/homepage/hobookfair Free Book Fair App. Enhance the Scholastic Book Fair experience! Download the free Book Fair App to help you shop. Simply scan a book’s cover or barcode to find the “just right book” for your child. The app displays recommended age and grade levels, reading levels, book summaries, videos, awards and honors, and much more. Visit the Hoffman Book Fair Homepage to download this app to your iPhone or Android mobile device. Help us make this book fair the best one ever! We need your help. Please consider volunteering your time to set up, fulfill orders, work the floor, check out books, or help clean up when it’s done. Just go to our online volunteer website to see how you can help. http://vols.pt/DrcKhY (if typing this link into your browser, please note that it is case sensitive). There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all. --- Jacqueline Kennedy Document: Announcement #7 2015 Henking Newsletter April 15 will be the final day that plastic bags will be collected for the Trex contest! Every Child Can Ride Made possible through grant funding from the GEF Dear First and Second Grade Parents, We are pleased to announce all first and se cond grade students will be participating in a Bicycle Training and Safety unit during their Physical Education classes. This unit will take place during the weeks of April 6th & 13th. Weather permitting; we are hoping to get a minimum of 5 riding days in during this two week window. For safety purposes, all students will be required to wear a helmet and gym shoes. Students should bring their own properly pre-fitted helmet from home. For fitting tips you may choose to visit: www.helmets.org/fit.htm Please write your child’s name on their helmet. We will have a very limited amount of helmets available to borrow at school. The students will be divided into ability groups of non-riders and riders. Bicycles will be sized to each student. Instructional areas will have daily targets including: bicycle safety, proper helmet fitting, safe-handling skills, coordination, balance and motor planning. Students will ride in small groups on school property and Crowley Park. We plan on continuing into the beginning of next week to make up for the missed days this week due to the weather. Please remember to bring your helmets NEXT WEEK. We will also be seeking additional parent volunteers for Monday and Tuesday. Please sign up on the volunteer form at tinyurl.com/bikeHenking All parents who are willing to ride with a group will need to provide their own helmet and bicycle. In Fitness and Health, Julie Hock, Bill Norberg and Lauren Pagone ATTENTION SECOND GRADE PARENTS … Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 6:00 pm sharp has been set aside as an informational evening for parents of students entering third grade at Hoffman School next fall. During this evening, the parents of the present second grade class will meet for an orientation at 6:00 pm at Hoffman School. Questions about procedures at Hoffman School, the concerns of parents and children with the transition from primary to intermediate facilities, and general information about our third grade program will be addressed. Mr. Walther, our principal, the third grade staff, and other support personnel will be present that evening. This meeting will conclude at 7:00 pm and will be followed by Hoffman’s Book Fair and Ice Cream Social until 7:30 pm. You’ll also be interested to know that the present second grade students will arrive by bus at approximately 9:30 am on Tuesday, April 21 and Wednesday, April 22 and will be greeted by a Hoffman School third grade student who will then be his/her “buddy” for the day. The children will be at Hoffman School that morning: touring the school, learning about third grade, meeting the teachers, experiencing the transition to third grade and meeting with Mr. Walther who will answer any questions they may have. They will then return to Henking School by 11:30 am. Should there be any questions about this orientation day/evening, please contact Mr. Walther, our principal, or Mrs. Malis, our school secretary, at 998-5040. Want to put a little Spring in your step? Grab your friends and come on out to support the HE/HO PTA at the Mix N’ Tip P.N.O. When: Friday, April 10th Time: 7:30pm-‐11:30pm **Where: Glenview House 1843 Glenview Road Local parents from the Henking/Hoffman community will be mixing up good times and cheer while raising funds for the HE/HO PTA. Tips will only be collected in cash. Tips collected throughout the evening will directly benefit the HE/HO PTA. GET YOUR SPRING ON and support a great cause! If you have any questions email Danielle Dunn: [email protected] Or Jessica Judge Schott: [email protected] FO R IM M ED IATE REL EASE: GEO RG E E. V AIL LANT -- 2 EVENTS CO NTA CT: Lonnie Stonitsch, Executive Director of FAN, [email protected] Tu esd ay, M ay 5 , 2 01 5 , Hap pin e ss i s On ly the Cart: Lo ve is the Hors e – Th e M e n o f the Harv ard Gran t Stu d y o f Ad u lt D e ve lo pme n t, 7 :0 0 P M, Gl e nb roo k So u th Hig h Sch oo l Au d itori um , 4 00 0 W. Lake A ve ., Gle n vi ew, 6 00 2 6 . We dn e sda y, M ay 6 , 2 01 5 , Hap pin e ss i s O n ly th e Cart: Lo ve i s th e Ho rse – Th e M en of th e Harv ard G rant Stu dy o f Ad u lt De ve lo pm en t, 7 :0 0 P M , Ne w Trie r Hig h Sch oo l, Win n etka Cam pu s, Gaffne y Au di tori um, 38 5 Win n e tka A ve ., W in ne tka, 6 0 09 3 . Adult development is a lifelong process, one that continues even as the physical body fades. Why is it that some succeed with long-term love relationships? Why do some who endure traumatic childhoods recover and prosper? What leads to wise flourishing in old age, and what are the roles of temperament and environment? Since 1938, the Harv ard Gran t Stu dy o f Ad ul t D ev el op me nt has studied two cohorts of men: the College Cohort consists of 268 men who attended Harvard College between 1938-1944, and the Inner City Cohort consists of 456 Boston junior high school students selected between 1940-1944. The Study is the longest longitudinal biopsychosocial study of human development ever undertaken, and its goal is to identify predictors of healthy aging. The 724 Study members have been assessed from adolescence until the ninth decade of life, with biopsychosocial questionnaires every two years, independent physical exams every five years, and in many cases personal interviews. The Study is a rich motherlode of reporting on all aspects of male life, including relationships, politics and religion, coping strategies, and alcohol use. Ge o rge E. V ail lan t, M .D. , a Pro f esso r of Psych iatry at Harv ard M e dic al Sch oo l and the De pa rtm en t of P syc hi atry at M assach u setts G e ne ral H osp ital, was the Di rec tor of the Grant Study from 1970-2005, and he has written three books (1977, 2002, 2012) about its fascinating results. The results from the 76-year study are clear – happiness is life is achieved through the experience of loving and being loved. Men who had warm relationships with their mothers earn more than men whose mothers were uncaring, and are less likely to develop dementia. Those who were close with their fathers have lower rates of adult anxiety and increased life satisfaction after age 75. Character is not set in stone – people do change. The crush of a complicated and unhappy midlife can morph into a satisfying and rewarding old age. Sponsored by Fami ly Ac tio n Ne two rk (FA N), in partnership with Ch aracte r Co u nts! in Gl en v ie w, Gl e nv ie w Edu catio n Fo u nd ation , G le nv ie w Scho o l Di strict 34 , G le nb roo k H igh Scho o l Pare nts’ Ass oci atio n, and No rth Sho re C ou ntry Day Sch oo l. FAN is grateful for the support of its 2014-15 annual sponsors Co mpa ss He alth C e nte r, Evan sto n To wn sh ip H igh Scho o l D 20 2 , Jo ssel yn C en te r, M ake It B e tte r, New Trie r Hi gh Scho o l D 20 3 , P athw ays .org , the M artin & M ary L. B o ye r Fo u nd atio n , the M amme l Fo un d ation , and Tin a & Byro n Tro tt; our strategic partners Evan sto n/ Skoki e D6 5 , New Trie r P are nts’ Asso ci atio n, No rth Sh o re Co mmun ity Ban k, Th e Fami ly In stitu te at No rth we ste rn U ni ve rsity, and Yo uth O rgan iz atio ns Um bre lla (Y. O. U.) ; and our in-kind sponsors Ac clai m M e di a, Th e Bo ok Stal l at Ch estn u t Co u rt, K irklan d & El lis LLP , and Tu rin g G rou p.
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