Slide Deck

city life: anonymity and loneliness
connect people
based on their common local places and stories
Make the world around you more social
Discover Places
what happens around you
messages, files and pictures
with the world around you
Revisit your favorite places
and best stories
Android Wear
Material Design
Our choice for beautiful design!
Visual language based on the behavioral of paper and ink.
Aims to surprise and enlighten the users in equal measure.
Key Fundamentals: Lighting, shadow,
depth, animations and transitions
Unified experience across platforms,
device sizes and input methods
Meaningful and appropriate Motion serving to focus attention
and maintain continuity
Why to use Drop?
Discover, explore and interact with the world around
you in a new way
Connect your stories with their places
Socialize with people nearby
Experience locations from different perspectives and times
When to use Drop?
Travel companion
Discover useful tips from other people to find new places and leave your
footsteps by sharing memories at special places you have visited
Location bookmarking
Mark your favorite spots, attach notes and share them with friends.
Virtual geocaching
Leave messages at secret locations to be discovered by other people.
Also used for
Location-based notes, reminders, reviews, tips, file sharing,
communication, guestbook, ingress companion, treasure hunts
Drop –Beta Release
The growth of Drop in Play Store
1500 Installs
1100 registered Users
Drop –Beta Release
Used worldwide in about 90 countries
Drop –Beta Release
What users think about Drop
Erica Crawford
Hopefully more people start using it and this app takes off so it can be
used to its full potential!
Adriano Loiacono
I find it very nice and material design and animations are beautiful. An
amazing social app!
Alex Scott
The app is beautiful, smooth, and more polished than plenty mainstream
apps that have had years of development.
Jasper Vinkenvleugel
I just want to say how much I like the looks. It's so extremely beautiful,
keep up the good work!
What’s next?
The big picture!
Information about the people around you
Locate your friends, family or see other people nearby and how you are
connected to them.
Shout - the fastest way to spread local information
Spread information to the users nearby. If your information is interesting
to people they can reshout those information to spread it further.
Location-based messaging
Message all of your nearby friends or chat with other people around you.
Events happening around you
Explore the best things to do near your current location. See events (from
Meetup, Eventbrite, Facebook) that are happening around you or create your
own local events and invite people.
Lukas Masuch
Henning Muszynski
Benjamin Räthlein