Steely Dan: guitar tab and chords for Cousin Dupree, Two Against Nature Although it looks like the intro, verse and outro are made up of just one chord (F7), it's obviously not *quite* that simple. The keyboards on the original throw in the occasional Eb triad, so to keep it sounding interesting on one guitar, try mixing the basic F7 chord with a few Eb/F shapes and maybe an F7sus4. INTRO: -----F7 (vamp, using a few Eb/F and F7sus4 chords) VERSE 1: -------F7 (vamp, using a few Eb/F and F7sus4 chords) Well I've kicked around a lot since high school I've worked a lot of nowhere gigs From keyboard man in a rock'n ska band To haulin' boss crude in the big rigs Now I've come back home to plan my next move From the comfort of my Aunt Faye's couch When I see my little cousin Janine walk in All I could say was ow-ow-ouch CHORUS: ------Note: the overall harmony suggests a C7 at the beginning of the chorus, but the guitar plays some xx8768 chords. Try mixing the C7 with some 8x876x (Bb/C) chords (or 8x8768 if you can manage it!) C7 Honey how you've grown, like a rose Bb7 Well we used to play when we were three Cm11 F6 Cm11 F6 How about a kiss for your cousin Dupree Cm11 F6 Cm11 F6 How about a kiss for your cousin Dupree (pick out the top three notes of the Cm11 and F6 chords to get the little guitar figure that occurs here) VERSE 2: -------She turned my life into a living hell In those little tops and tight capris I pretended to be readin' the National Probe As I was watchin' her wax her skis On Saturday night she walked in with her date And backs him up against the wall I tumbled off the couch and heard myself sing In a voice I never knew I had before CHORUS BRIDGE: ------Eb9-5 I'll teach you everything I know Dm7 If you teach me how to do that dance Eb/Db Life is short and quid pro quo F#maj7 C7* D#m7 G#7 Dm11 What's so strange about a down-home family romance? Cm11 F7 Cm11 G7 Dm11 G7 F7 SOLO: ----As with the verse and chorus, try varying the bits that stay on the same G7 chord by substituting some F/G or G7sus4. Note that the second half of the solo section is just a repeat of the chorus chords, moved up a tone. D7 D7* G7* C7 Dm11 G6 Dm11 G6 Dm11 G6 Dm11 G6 VERSE 3: -------One night we're playin' gin by a cracklin' fire And I decided to make my play I said babe with my boyish charm and good looks How can you stand it for one more day She said maybe its the skeevy look in your eyes Or that your mind has turned to applesauce The dreary architecture of your soul I said - but what is it exactly turns you off? CHORUS -----C7 Honey how you've grown, like a rose Bb7 Well we used to play when we were three Cm11 F6 Cm11 F6 How about a kiss for your cousin Dupree Cm11 F6 Cm11 F6 How about a kiss for your cousin Dupree Cm11 F6 Cm11 F6 How about a kiss for your cousin Dupree Cm11 F6 Cm11 F6 How about a kiss for your cousin Dupree OUTRO: -----F7 (vamp, using Eb/F and F7sus4 chords) How about a kiss for your cousin Dupree (Repeat and fade) Chord Shapes: ------------EADGBE x8786x F7 EADGBE 68676x Bb7 EADGBE x57565 Dm7 EADGBE x6464x D#m7 EADGBE x5453x D7 EADGBE x8888x EADGBE x8886x Eb/F F7sus4 EADGBE 8x886x EADGBE x8776x Cm11 F6 Eb9-5 EADGBE x4x343 EADGBE 2x332x EADGBE x3231x Eb/Db F#maj7 EADGBE 46454x G#7 EADGBE 35343x G7* E A 10 x E 8 A D 10 8 G 9 B 8 E x E x A D 10 9 C7 EADGBE x65665 C7* D G B 10 10 8 E x Dm11 E A D G B E 10 12 10 11 10 x D7* G B 10 8 E x G 9 E x G7 E x A D 10 9 G6 B 8
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