Located at: Santori Ranch 1810 Yellow Brick Road Chino Valley, Az. 86323 High Desert Horse Show Series AN Open Breed Multi discipline show Directions from Prescott: Take Highway 89 North to Outer Loop Road, go 1 ¼ miles, make a right onto Yellow Brick Road Santori Ranch is the 4th driveway on the left. Follow signs for Trailer Parking. Directions from Chino Valley: Take Highway 89 South to Outer Loop Road, go 1 ¼ miles, make a right onto Yellow Brick Road Santori Ranch is the 4th driveway on the left. Follow signs for Trailer Parking. Directions from Kingman & Seligman: Take Interstate 40 East to Highway 89 South, follow 89 South to Outer Loop Road, go 1 ¼ miles, make a right onto Yellow Brick Road Santori Ranch is the 4 th driveway on the left. Follow signs for Trailer Parking. Directions from Flagstaff: Take Interstate 40 West to Highway 89 South, follow 89 South to Outer Loop Road, go 1 ¼ miles, make a right onto Yellow Brick Road Santori Ranch is the 4 th driveway on the left. Follow signs for Trailer Parking. Directions from Phoenix: Take Interstate 17 to Highway 69 North, Right on Fain Road, merge onto Highway 89A, take the Highway 89N exit, turn right, at the traffic circle take the 3 rd right onto Outer Loop Road. , go 1 ¼ miles, make a right onto Yellow Brick Road Santori Ranch is the 4th driveway on the left. Follow signs for Trailer Parking. April 11, 2015 Judge: Gina Mua Of Phoenix, Az At Santori Ranch Overall Highpoint and Year End Awards highdeserthorseshow.com 2015 High Desert Horse Show Series Open Breed Show Staff 2015 Show Dates Overall Highpoint & Year End Award Series April 11, 2015 (Season Opener) Show Secretary & Awards Manager………….…..Melissa Guise [email protected] Show Manager………………………………Traesa Santori [email protected] Competition Manager…………………….Jennifer Lewallen May 2, 2015 June 6, 2015 July 18, 2015 August 15, 2015 [email protected] Safety Coordinator………………………………..Lou Lewallen [email protected] Grounds Manager………………………….…Marco Santori [email protected] Show Photographer………………………….Tanner Photography http://www.tannerphotography.shutterfly.com/ Announcer……………………. ……..….To Be Announced September 12, 2015 October 24, 2015 (Halloween Show) November 14, 2015 (Year End Award Show) Thanks To Our Sponsors: Danny R. Krier Memorial Sponsorship Tanner Photography: tannerphotography.shutterfly.com Legacy Farms: legacyfarmsaz.com The Krier Family Kylie Williams Memorial Sponsorship Santori Ranch santoriranch.com Rex & Rock 2015 High Desert Horse Show Sponsorship Form We are proud to announce our completely redesigned show series! We have redesigned our classes, added divisions and year end awards in every division. Beginner friendly, with classes designed to challenge the most seasoned rider. Horse shows will be held April through November. Our High Desert Horse Show offers something for everyone: Novice riders, green horses, seasoned horses, children, adults, halter, showmanship, english, western, working horses, hunters, jumpers, pleasure, Equitation and even leadline. Not only will we put the spotlight on these amazing riders and athletes, we will be creating an amazing show series designed for Northern Arizona’s local riders and barns of all abilities and disciplines. We will be offering Championship classes for yearend division awards as well as Overall Highpoint awards given at the conclusion of each show. Sponsorships are now available- promote your business while supporting a great cause. All levels of support are available: Class Sponsor: $25- (provides ribbons for one class, one show, plus mention on our website and Facebook page.) Carla Cline Show Horses Division Sponsor: $100- (provides ribbons for a division plus championship ribbons, yearend trophy, mention on our website, Facebook page, in our premium and ringside advertising) Bloom Tree Realty Tootie DeRose Silver Sponsor: $300- (provides ribbons for an age division, Overall Highpoint ribbons for the entire season, and links on our website, Facebook page, in our premium and ringside advertising) Kathleen Rains Reiman Four Shoes Gold Sponsor: $500- (provides ribbons and trophies for two divisions, Overall Highpoint, championship ribbons and trophy, links on our website Facebook page and in our premium, plus a large custom banner displayed at ringside.) All sponsors will have their names announced when their classes are pinned and throughout the day. If you have a small digital advertising file please email it to [email protected]. We welcome our sponsors to come present awards during the yearend show as well as at our monthly shows. Thank you for considering sponsorship, and for participating in this exciting series. Please make checks out to High Desert Horse Show, mail completed form and your sponsorship payment to: High Desert Horse Show c/o J. Lewallen PO Box 1094 Paulden, Az 86334 Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________Email:_________________________________________ Level of Sponsorship:________________________________________ Sponsored Class: ____________________________________________ High Desert Horse Show Series 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. No smoking anywhere on the show grounds. No dogs allowed on show grounds. Show grounds are open at 7am. Show office opens @ 8am. Exhibitor horses are not allowed in the barn, paddock or washrack area. NO exceptions. Proper show attire is required unless otherwise stated in class description. Jackets are optional in Summer months. Management has the right to excuse any exhibitor, owner, handler or persons at their discretion at any time. Handlers or Headers or any other form of support is only allowed in the driving, leadline or header class. NO EXECPTIONS! Horses are not to be left unattended at trailers. Exhibitors are expected to keep their entry numbers for the entire season. All exhibitors under the age of 18 are required to wear a helmet while showing unless a helmet waiver as been signed by a parent or guardian, and is on file with the show management. Excluding any Hunter and or Jumper classes. Helmets are to be worn when entering any hunter, jumping or over crossrails. NO EXCEPTIONS! Exhibitors will not be docked points for wearing a helmet in classes. Showmanship, Equitation, Jumping, Stockseat and Trail patterns will be posted in the trailer parking area as well as in the office. Absolutely NO cross entering is allowed between walk/trot /jog and cantering/loping classes in the same discipline; ie English walk/trot pleasure into English Equitation. Exhibitors may cross enter if showing walk/trot English and is able to lope in Western. Gate holds will be honored at all times IF the ring steward has prior knowledge of the needed gate hold. Gate holds should be requested at least 1 class prior to said hold. Gate holds will not be allowed to exceed 5 minutes. All owners, handlers, trainers, exhibitors must have a signed release on file with the show management prior to working any horses on show grounds. Releases are available on our website. Absolutely NO warm-up is allowed in the main arena after 8:20am, a scheduled schooling time or otherwise announced by show staff. Warm up is only allowed in the designated warm up arenas or safely in the trailer parking area. Warm-up is strictly forbidden in common areas for exhibitor safety. All exhibitors must enter at least one qualifying class to be eligible for the Championship class. Qualifying classes must be in the same division, ie; English Pleasure 17 & Under is a qualifier for English Pleasure Championship Open. If exhibitor scratches, is given the gate or does not complete qualifying class they are not eligible for the championship class. Championship classes are awarded points towards yearend awards. IE; 6 entries would result in Champion receiving 6 points, reserve 5, third 4, fourth 3 and fifth 2. Exhibitors must compete in at least 3 shows and enter the same championship classes to be eligible for yearend awards. Rules & Regulations 24. Championship classes are indicated in bold on the show premium. Exhibitors earning a ribbon receive championship class ribbons and allotted points toward yearend awards. 25. Overall Highpoint is awarded by age division on a monthly basis. Entrants looking to earn points can do so in one age group & must enter at least one class in each of the following disciplines; Showmanship, English, Western and Trail. 26. Overall Highpoint is tallied by how many entrants are in said classes exhibitors enter. The more classes exhibitors enter the higher their chance of winning Overall Highpoint. 27. Overall Highpoint will be awarded monthly at the conclusion of each show. 28. Overall Highpoint does not in any way coincide with yearend awards. 29. Class fees are $10.00 per class (day of the show), an office fee of $5.00 and a grounds fee of $5.00 per horse apply. Pre entries are $8.00 per class. 30. All exhibitors may pre-enter every horse show. Pre-entries are $8.00 per class. Grounds and office fees remain the same. 31. All pre-entries must be postmarked and mailed with payment at least one week prior to the show. 32. All pre-entry forms are available on our website highdeserthorseshow.com/forms. 33. Exhibitors may return their unwanted ribbons for a $1.00 credit to be applied to the following months show. 34. We are always looking for any suggestions for future shows, please email those suggestions to [email protected]. 35. We always want to hear from our exhibitors, the good, the bad and any room for improvement on future shows. Please email those comments to [email protected]. 36. We are always looking for sponsors to make our show even better, please visit out sponsor page on our website for more information. Or email [email protected] for more information. We have numerous levels of sponsorship available. 37. We will be more than happy to add additional classes if entries warrant them. Please feel free to share your class ideas with management. High Desert Horse Show Series Morning classes begin at 8:30 1. 2. Pleasure Driving Open Reinsmanship Open 10 Minute Break 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. English Leadline 10 & Under English Pleasure Walk Trot Leadline Beginners English Pleasure Walk/Trot 12 & Under English Pleasure Walk/Trot 17 & Under English Pleasure Walk/Trot 18 & Over English Pleasure Walk/Trot Novice Rider English Pleasure Walk/Trot Championship Open English Pleasure 17 & Under English Pleasure Novice Horse English Pleasure 18 & Over English Pleasure Championship Open English Equitation 17 & Under English Equitation Novice Rider English Equitation 18 & Over English Equitation Championship Open Hunter Under Saddle 17 & Under Hunter Under Saddle 18 & Over Hunter Under Saddle Championship Open 15 Minute Schooling Break 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Hunter Hack 17 & Under Hunter Hack 18 & Over Hunter Hack Championship Open Working Hunters 17 & Under Working Hunters 18 & Over Working Hunters Championship Open Lunch *Classes shown in bold denote Championship classes. All riders are eligible to show in Championship classes when they have shown in any Qualifying class. Scratched Qualifying classes do not qualify rider for the Championship Classes. Afternoon Classes will not resume before 1pm. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Halter Mares Open Halter Stallions & Geldings Open Halter Color Open Halter Championship Open Showmanship 12 & Under Showmanship 17 & Under Showmanship 18 & Over Showmanship Championship Open 10 Minute Break 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Intro Walk/Trot Walk/Jog Open Intro Walk/Trot/Canter Walk/Jog/Lope Open Western Leadline 10 & Under Western Pleasure Walk/Jog Leadline Beginners Western Pleasure Walk/Jog 12 & Under Western Pleasure Walk/Jog 17 & Under Western Pleasure Walk/Jog 18 & Over Western Pleasure Walk/Jog Championship Open Western Pleasure 17 & Under Western Pleasure Novice Horse Western Pleasure 18 & Over Western Pleasure Jack Benny 39& Over Western Pleasure Championship Open Working Ranch Horse Pleasure 18 & Over Working Ranch Horse Pleasure Championship Western Equitation 17 & Under Western Equitation Novice Rider Western Equitation 18 & Over Western Equitation Championship Open 10 Minute Break 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. In Hand Trail 17&Under In Hand Trail 18 & Over In Hand Trail Championship Open Trail Walk/Jog 12 & Under Trail Walk/Jog 17 & Under Trail Walk/Jog 18 & Over Trail Walk/Jog Championship Open High Desert Horse Show Series Release of Liability High Desert Horse Show Series Every entry at High Desert Horse Show Series shows shall constitute an agreement and affirmation that the person making it, along with the owner, lessee, trainer, manager, coach, rider, and the horse: That as a condition of acceptance of the entry, HDHSS and the competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cable -casts, or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the competition for promotion, coverage or benefit of the competition, sport, or HDHSS. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or misappropriation. That the owner, rider and any of their agents or representatives agree to hold the High Desert Horse Show Series, Santori Ranch, their Officials, Directors, Employees, Agents, Sponsors, and Vendors harmless for any injury or loss suffered during or in connection with the show, whether or not such injury or loss resulted, directly or indirectly, from the negligent acts or omissions of the said Officials, Directors, Employees, Agents, Sponsors, and Vendors of the High Desert Horse Show Series or Santori Ranch. WARNING Under Arizona law A.R.S. 12-553 (1994), and equine activity Sponsor or equine professional is not liable for injury to, or the death of, a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risk of equine activities. ______________________________________________ ______(20)___ Signature of Participant Date _________________________________________________ ______(20)___ Signature of Parent or Guardian, if participant is a minor. RIDING HELMET WAIVER I the undersigned acknowledge that there are dangers inherent with horseback riding including being thrown to the ground. I am assuming this and other hazards upon myself since I wish to ride. I realize I am subject to injury from this activity and that no form of pre-planning can remove all dangers to which I am exposing myself. I have chosen to ride without a protective helmet, which could prevent permanent brain damage in the event of an accident. Even considering my own knowledge of the medical statistics relating to horse related injuries I am refusing this critical safety precaution. ____________________________________________________________________ Exibitor (or MINOR’S PARENT) must write, “I have read and understand the above” Date: ________________ Age: ______________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Adult Horseman’s Signature Print Name (parent or legal guardian sign below) INDEMNIFICATION If under eighteen years of age, parent or legal guardian must sign the following indemnification: Name of Minor (NEATLY PRINT)_________________________________________ In consideration for the above minor being permitted by _______________________________________________________to ride as a guest or Exhibitor on HIGH DESERT HORSE SHOW AT SANTORI RANCH which include, without limitation, the use of its property and facilities, I agree to the following waiver, release, and indemnification: The undersigned parent or legal guardian of the above minor for himself/herself and on behalf of said minor(s), hereby joins in the foregoing Waiver and Release and hereby stipulates and agrees to save and hold harmless, indemnify, and forever defend HIGH DESERT HORSE SHOW AT SANTORI RANCH, their liabilities (including reasonable attorneys fees and NEGLIGENCE made or brought by said minor or by anyone on behalf of said minor, as a result of said minor’s activity of riding his/her horse and his or her use of the property and facilities of DESERT HORSE SHOW AT SANTORI RANCH. I, for myself and on behalf of said minor, further agree not to sue DESERT HORSE SHOW AT SANTORI RANCH as a result of any injury, paralysis or death that said minor suffers in connection with his/her activity DESERT HORSE SHOW AT SANTORI RANCH, in particular with regard to the free choice decision made to allow said minor to RIDE WITHOUT A HELMET. Date____________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian_________________________________________ Print Name of Parent or Legal Guardian_______________________________________ High Desert Horse Show Series Entry Form Entry #: One Entry Form per Person (you may copy this form if needed) *Please print or type entries* By entering you agree to read and abide by the General Rules and Regulations Name of Horse Class Number Breed Hander or Rider (One class per box, as many as you're entering) Fee (per Class) Mail Entry to: High Desert Horse Show C/O Traesa Santori, 1810 Yellow Brick Road, Chino Valley AZ 86323 highdeserthorseshow.com Exhibitors Name:________________________________________ Age (if junior):________ Entry Fees:__________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________ Grounds Fee $5.00/Horse:__________________ Phone: (___)_____-___________ E-Mail:_________________________________________ Office Fee $5.00:__________________ Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________ Total Fees: __________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian: _______________________________________ Date: _____________ Make checks payable to High Desert Horse Show Trainer or Instructor:___________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________ Phone: (___)_____-___________ E-Mail:_________________________________________ Signature of Trainer: _________________________________
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