High Country News 12 May 2015

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Getting children active
I’m urging all local primary schools, clubs
and coaches to sign-up to Sporting Schools,
the Abbott Government’s initiative to get
more kids active and healthy.
As a government we are tackling the activity levels and the health of children with its
before, during and after school hours Sporting Schools program to be rolled out in July.
Ambassadors Adam Gilchrist and Michael
O’Loughlin have taken to radio airwaves to
encourage schools, clubs and coaches to register.
Registering as a school or coach is easy via
the Sporting School’s website and once completed, schools and coaches can access online
resources and materials to deliver tailored
sport programs.
The $100 million Sporting Schools programme will become Australia’s largest schoolbased participation program reaching over
850,000 children in primary schools nationwide.
By using the windows of opportunity we
have, we are making the most of schools, resources and the time available to get primary
school children outdoors, playing sport and
having fun developing social skills and improving their health.
Registrations should be done now if
schools or coaches want to kick start their
sporting program for term three this year.
Over the course of this initiative, more than
5700 schools will be funded through Sporting Schools for practical delivery of sports
activities that suit their individual needs. On
registering, schools need to nominate a Sporting Schools co-ordinator to keep up to date
on the program.
The website portal offers to find a local
coach or sporting program provider that
coaches can register for.
All coaches will go through an approval
process and have the appropriate working
with children checks. Schools can choose
sporting programs for their students. Teachers can also register individually to receive
access to coaching plans and tools to help
them plan and run activities outside of Sporting Schools practical sessions.
Later this month, registered schools will
be able to apply for grants on the Sporting
Schools website. More information on Sporting Schools can be found at
Healthy bodies lead to healthy minds. Ian Macfarlane, Member for Groom.
Royal birth
I was delighted by the news the Duke and
Duchess of Cambridge have welcomed a baby
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge stand
as a great example for the monarchy and I’m
sure many in the Maranoa were also delighted
by the Princess’s arrival.
A baby’s birth is a wonderful moment for
any family and we share in this young family’s joy.
When Australians were asked to vote in
1999 on a constitutional referendum on
whether we should be a republic, the Maranoa
led the charge to make sure the Queen remained head of state.
More than 75 per cent of voters in the
Maranoa electorate voted no to a republic.
In fact, the Maranoa had the highest recorded no vote of any constituency in Australia so the monarchy is very important to
this electorate. - Bruce Scott, Member for
Youth off the Streets
National Volunteer Week runs from 11
May to 17 May. This year’s theme is ‘give
happy, live happy.’ Volunteering at some services won’t bring immediate happiness, but
realising you have made a difference to the
lives of people in the community is very rewarding.
Youth Off The Streets has 415 active volunteers that donate an estimated 782 hours
per week.
Fr Chris Riley, CEO and Founder at Youth
Off The Streets, says a service like Street
Walk isn’t always a pleasant experience as
you’re dealing with the most disadvantaged
young people. It’s important to look back on
what you accomplished for the young people.
Street Walk is one of our front line services
and it is often our first point of contact with
homeless young people. It’s a very confronting service for some people and volunteers as
it is not euphoric work. They experience the
issues young homeless people face first hand.
Looking back on it though, they can say
they’ve made a difference in young people’s
lives: helping the most disadvantaged.
In 2014, Street Walk transported 198
young people to a refuge and a further 206 to
a safe place off the streets.
Every night this service is supported by a
A key part of the service is also satisfying
the immediate needs of young people. In
2014, Street Walk handed out food to young
people on 1362 occasions.
The Youth Off The Streets Scholarship
Program would not be possible without the
support of business and community members. Each scholarship is sponsored by a different company, individual or organisation and
the award is presented in the name of the
For sponsorship details please contact the
Scholarship Program Staff on (02) 9330 3500
or scholarships@ youthoff thestreets .com.au
Youth Off The Streets Mission: Helping
young people to discover greatness within,
by engaging, supporting and providing opportunities to encourage and facilitate positive life choices.
- Daniel O’Keeffe, DanielO@youth
Volunteer week
Every year across Queensland up to 1.2 resilience of communities, but, more impormillion volunteers make a difference and en- tantly, they make Queensland a better place
rich the lives of thousands of people they to live.
meet and help.
The Toowoomba North Electorate is forNational Volunteer Week Give Happy, Live tunate to have such a large contingent of volHappy May 11 - 17 is the largest celebration unteers working quietly behind the scenes,
of volunteers and volunteerism in Australia. thus ensuring that Toowoomba is a better
It provides an opportunity to highlight the and healthier society.
role of volunteers in society and say thank
I would like to thank the State’s army of
you to more than six million Australian vol- volunteers for their outstanding efforts and
continued service to our community.
It is a fact that just a few hours of volunteer work makes a difference to everyone’s
Stay up-to-date with all the latest on Nahappiness and mood, so with 21.1 per cent tional Volunteer Week 2015 on Facebook and
of the population or 23,000 plus volunteers Twitter (#givehappylivehappy).
living in Toowoomba this should make this
More resources at: http://www.volun
city the happiest place in Australia to live.
Volunteers add billions to the economy each - Trevor Watts, Member for Toowoomba
year and they contribute to the strength and North.
• The article on Toowoomba’s first ANZAC Dawn Service has been held over.
The article is being updated and will be published when it becomes available. - Editor
To advertise phone 4615 4416
From dormitory suburb to town with a heart
There is a tension between Highfields and Toowoomba, a Brisbane architect has said.
The resultant relationship between the two locations will change as opportunities arise.
Peter Edwards, principal
of firm Archipelago Architects, told a group of Highfields business people that
as Highfields grows, it will
change from being regarded as a dormitory suburb of Toowoomba, and
grow into a proper town.
Mr Edwards and
Stephanie Wyeth of Urbis,
Brisbane, are consultants
to Toowoomba Regional
Council on the development of the Highfields
Cultural Precinct master
They attended a meeting
last week of Highfields and
District Business Connections to present plans for
the precinct’s development.
It was attended by about
50 people associated with
business in Highfields, in-
cluding a number who are
members of a council advisory committee on the matter.
Mr Edwards showed initial plans for the development which is to be partly
sited across O’Brien Road
from the Highfields Village
Shopping Centre, on land
that was once used as a
stock feed mill.
He outlined east-west
running developments
which he described as a
cultural “spine,”a business
“spine,” and spoke about
creating a knowledge
“spine” connecting the
Highfields State Secondary College with Mary
MacKillop College.
In an acknowledgement
that O’Brien Road would
have difficulty coping with
future traffic flow, an alternative plan was shown.
It was parallel with the
existing O’Brien Road, but
to its east, and linking with
Highfields and Kratzke
Roads to the south, but at
its north, linked with the
intersection of the current
O’Brien Road and Clark
Road, passing next to or
through the new fire station.
However, the new road
also had city centre developments on either side of
“We are trying to find a
home for a new library for
Highfields and to use it in
the project as an agent for
change,” he said.
Mr Edwards suggested a
library could be located
next to the forest reserve
(between the Cultural
Centre and the high
school) and showed an illustration of a library room
with a glass wall, allowing
people to look out into the
He said the reserve
should be opened up to
people, rather than putting
a pool fence around it so
no one can access it. “We
don’t want to make the reserve smaller. We want to
make it bigger and grow
more trees into the town
Mr Edwards said that as
the population of Highfields increased, there
Peter Edwards, Archipelago Architects, Brisbane, Stephanie Wyeth, Urbis, Brisbane, Craig Stibbard, Craigs
Hardware, Highfields, Stephen Bowers of Novus Urban Pty Ltd, Highfields, and Jim O’Dea, secretary of
Highfields and District Business Connections. Stephen, Craig, and Jim are members of the Toowoomba
Regional Council advisory group on the development of Highfields town centre.
would need to be changes
to improve access to the new
town centre.
He noted that there was
a great level of disconnect
because of the many cul-
de-sacs, and gave as an example the opening up of
Clark Road which connected with O’Brien Road
near the new high school.
He said Clark Road
should be connected with
the New England Highway.
Mr Edwards drew on examples of town centres in Australia and overseas, and
seemed impressed with
Barcelona in Spain and
how it was laid out and
functioned. Highfields
will have opportunities to
view these plans and make
Toowoomba region’s golden future - Mayor
Mayor Paul Antonio believes that the time for the
Toowoomba region has
come, and that every person
in the region will benefit from
this new era.
Cr Antonio was opening
the 112th Crows Nest Show
and said the ball is at the feet
of the Toowoomba Region.
He said all should be positive about this future which
should create long term jobs.
“Three things are coming
together to make these
changes,” he said.
The first was the
Wellcamp airport and Cr
Antonio praised the Wagner
family which constructed the
airport in 19 months and 11
He compared this with the
proposed Badgery’s Creek
airport in Western Sydney
which has been on the drawing board for decades and remains unconstructed, and also
the second runway at Bris-
bane airport which also was
talked about for a long time.
“Every single person in the
Toowoomba region will benefit from the airport,” he said.
Cr Antonio said that in October new freight services from
Wellcamp airport would
start, flying product to Hong
Kong and Shanghai.
He said the second factor
in the future of the region was
the Toowoomba bypass and
the associated infrastructure,
and the third factor was the
proposed standard gauge railway line from Melbourne to
Brisbane. He said the difficulty was getting the trains
through the Toowoomba
Range and a 6km tunnel was
However, trains would be
able to travel from Melbourne
to Brisbane, a distance of
1730km in 20.5 hours. Each
train would be able to carry
enough freight to take 150 B
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Double trucks off the road
which would be a benefit for
Cr Antonio said the abattoir and milk factory proposed for construction by the
FKG group between
Charlton and Wellcamp
would also make a profound
difference to agriculture in the
He was responding to
FKG’s group manager of construction, Geoff Dunnett,
who also spoke at the Show
FKG is a major sponsor of
the Crows Nest Show, and
Mr Dunnett said the group
had 27,000ha of cropping
land on the Downs. He said
details of the group’s plans
for its farming enterprise, abattoir and dairy factory would
be released at a future date.
The FKG Group constructed the new Highfields
high school and the terminal
building at Wellcamp Airport.
Cr Antonio said the
Gardner family was from the
Yarranlea district near
Pittsworth, and he remembers a store in nearby
Brookstead with a sign saying FKG and Sons.
Cr Antonio also spoke
about the future of the region
and the Crows Nest area say-
ing the region was one of the
most liveable in the country.
“It’s a beautiful area and
there is potential for tourism.”
CrAntonio said said he recently visited the area north
of Crows Nest around
Anduramba. “What a beautiful spot,” he said.
Oakey solar farm will power 15,000 homes
A solar farm with the capacity to provide electricity
to 15,000 houses has been
approved for construction at
Toowoomba Regional
Council has approved the
project, proposed by USA
company Recurrent Energy,
which in recent weeks has
been merged with Canadian
The approved site has a
frontage to the Warrego Highway just west of Oakey and
just a few kilometres from the
existing gas fired power station.
The council approved the
project which includes divid-
ing five areas from the farm
“Dalmeny” for leasing to Canadian Solar/Recurrent Energy.
The company’s Australian
manager, Daniel Ruoss, said
the development of the
project depended on the Federal Government’s new Renewable Energy Target which
he expected would be announced in coming days.
Federal Minister Ian
Macfarlane has said the government had compromised
and was prepared to lift the
RET to 32,000 gigawatts of
energy for renewable projects.
Opposition parties said
they would support an RET
of 33,000 gigawatts, and an
agreement is expected in days.
Mr Ruoss said solar, wind,
bio fuels, wave and other renewable energy projects
would have to share that level.
He said the proposed Oakey
project was comparatively
small (80MW) and that when
a supply agreement is signed
with an electricity distribution company, stage one of
the Oakey project was likely
to go ahead.
He said this first stage could
generate about 28MW of electricity.
The total project is expected to take up to two years
to construct, and stage one
about six to eight months.
Mr Ruoss said up to 120
workers could be needed for
the total job, and about 80
percent of the work would be
done by locals, involving civil
contractors, up to 80 in the
mechanical solar panel phase,
and 10 to 20 electricians.
The 120 hectares on which
Solar farm at Oakey - Frontage to Warrego Highway.
the solar generators are to be
constructed are on part of the
Dalmeny farm. It is expected
there will be 260,000 solar
panels, each about two metres by 1.2 metres.
Mr Ruoss said the company selected the Oakey site
because it was able to be connected to the electricity network, the growing demand for
electricity in the area, and be-
cause solar farms operated
better in Queensland that in
southern States.
He said the company had
plans for solar generators in
Mt Isa, Cloncurry, George-
town, and in Western Australia. It has recently installed
a system in Weipa. It has also
completed a large commercial
solar system on a number of
Ikea retail stores.
MPs present petition supporting Acland Stage 3
A petition supporting the
amended Acland Stage Three
mine project has been presented to the Queensland Parliament.
Member for Nanango Deb
Frecklington was joined by
Member for Toowoomba
North Trevor Watts, Member for Condamine Pat Weir
and Member for Toowoomba
South John McVeigh, as she
tabled the 1250 signatures.
Mrs Frecklington said the
petition calls on the State
Government to do what is
necessary to allow the project
to go ahead.
“This government keeps
telling us jobs are a priority,
and the LNP is determined to
hold them to account,” Mrs
Frecklington said.
“Our communities understand the enormous benefits
the Acland mine can provide
to local regions and the petition is a practical document
showing the depth of support
for the project.
Presenting a petition for the amended Acland Stage Three project to the Clerk of
the Parliament, Neil Laurie (centre) are Member for Toowoomba South John
McVeigh, Member for Condamine Pat Weir, Member for Toowoomba North Trevor
Watts and Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington. - Photo contributed.
“The petition was made
available at many local venues, like our pubs, butcher
shops, hairdressers and garages and has been signed by
local people who understand
the importance of this industry.
“The signatories are united
in voicing their support for
the amended Acland Coal
Mine Stage 3 project; one that
can bring further employment
and wealth to the districts that
surrounds the mine site.”
Now the petition has been
tabled in State Parliament this
week it will require a direct
response from the Government.
“I also plan to table a Question on Notice asking the Premier to confirm her Government’s intentions for securing the hundreds of jobs
which are under threat if the
Stage Three approval isn’t
given,” Mrs Frecklington said.
“I would like to congratulate the organisers of the petition and thank everyone for
their show of support.
Mrs Frecklington said the
proposal has been assessed
by the Co-ordinator General
and has 137 environmental
conditions imposed on it.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Ravensbourne residents take issue with
council statements over water issue
Members of the Save our
Water Ravensbourne group
say that some statements on
the Ravensbourne water issue
needed to be challenged because they were not totally
correct according to the group’s
They do not agree, as stated
by Cr Chris Tait, that water
was their main objection, and
they reject other statements
that they did not act about the
water extraction business previously.
Toowoomba Council, at its
April general meeting, approved an application by the
owners of a farm on the corner
of the Esk Hampton Road and
Case Road at Ravensbourne to
take up to 10 B Double tanker
loads of water from a farm bore
each day, to supply to spring
water bottling factories in
Booval, Logan and Yatala.
Each B Double tanker has a
capacity of about 40,000 litres.
In winter the extraction
might be about four or five
tankers a day. This practice
had been occurring for almost
nine years, it appears, without approval from the former
Crows Nest Shire Council,
possibly because the Council did not require approval
at that time.
The Ravensbourne group
has rejected claims that nothing has changed in those nine
years, and that no one has
complained during that time.
Ravensbourne resident
Kym Sparshott said questions about the business had
been asked, but they were
not given answers.
She said on a number of
occasions, residents had contacted both Council and the
Department of Natural Resources but were told the
business was perfectly legal
but details were not provided.
“It’s not that no one had
never noticed or never complained about what was occurring,” Mrs Sparshott
Finally, a complaint to
Toowoomba Regional Council was followed with a
show cause notice to the
business operators, who
were told that a development
approval as an extractive industry was required.
During Council debates
which led to Council approval of the water business,
the Ravensbourne Group
said they disagreed with a
statement by Cr Chris Tait
who said “the main issue residents have with the business
is its impacts on the underground water reserves in the
Cr Tait said, however, that
was not Council’s call. “That
is the jurisdiction of the Department of Natural Resources and Mines,” he said.
Ravensbourne residents
want to make it clear that they
have concerns in addition to
those relating to water use but
in their haste to pass the buck
to the State Government,
councillors chose to overlook
these issues, Mrs Sparshott
“In particular residents are
concerned with three additional issues:
• We believe extractive industry is not a land use that
is compatible with the surrounding area (farming,
ecotourism and rural residential) and council has now
opened Ravensbourne up to
further extractive industry
• This water extraction has
not occurred legally for the
last nine years.
The applicant stated that
someone in Crows Nest
Council gave him a verbal go
ahead. It defies belief that an
extractive industry would be
allowed to occur with a verbal go ahead and residents
think it is disgraceful that
councillors are willing to approve a development application based on this kind of
As Cr Sue Englart pointed
out, it also defies belief that a
council would have allowed
this volume of water to be
extracted, given the extreme
drought conditions at that
time, whilst forcing strict
water restrictions on the region’s residents;
• The operation provides
no socio-economic benefit to
the area.
Rather, it is likely to negatively impact on the existing
local industries of farming and
Council also decided that a
meter should be fitted to the
subject bore so that it could
be monitored to ensure the
water extracted did not exceed
the approved level (10 B
Double tankers a day).
The Ravensbourne Group
said it supports such metering, but was concerned that
this metering could be extended by the Department to
all other bores in the district.
The group did not want
this to occur.
“A distinction needs to be
made for what we believe is
priority water use for farmers and secondary water use
for commercial water extraction,” they said.
“We do not believe bores
in our area need to be metered
but we do believe it is reasonable to meter and monitor
commercial water extraction
bores and that is the case we
will be making to DNRM.
“We think it is a reasonable and sensible argument to
say there are two distinct
water use activities. Commercial water extraction needs
to be monitored and metered.
“Continuing commercial
use also places our agricultural industry at risk as our
farms with existing commercial bores could be bought up
just to function as water extraction points.
In time our farming land
will slowly become inactive
and underground water will
be viewed as our most valuable asset,” the group said.
“We also argue that it was
within Council’s jurisdiction
to assess the impacts of this
application on the region’s
“The water extraction itself is an integral part of the
application, required to be assessed against all the planning
“Even if the water extraction had been assessed and
confirmed as appropriate in
terms of the DNRM’s water
management responsibility,
Council has separate functions regarding assessment
against the planning requirements,” the Ravensbourne
Group said.
MP urges govt to act on drought relief
Shadow Agriculture Minister
Deb Frecklington
has applauded a
$333 million
drought package
announced by
the Prime Minister at the weekend
and said it was
time for the
PalaszczukGordon Government to step up their support.
“The Agriculture Minister
Bill Byrne is yet to explain
what Labor plans to do to assist
Frecklington said.
“Under the
LNP we provided a record
drought commitment.
Byrne has remained silent
on this vital issue.
The drought
funding from the LNP Government is due to end on
June20, 2015 and we are yet
to receive any promise from
Labor on what they intend
to do after this time. Minister Byrne needs to come out
To advertise phone 4615 4416
and be honest with
Queenslanders about what
funding is available from July
onwards instead of letting the
Federal Coalition Government do all of the heavy lifting.
“Queenslanders deserve a
government committed to
supporting these communities instead of this
Palaszczuk-Gordon Government that is more focused on
internal politics to ensure they
cling to power,” she said.
Newspaper conference mixes business with sight seeing
The half yearly conference
of the Queensland Country
Press Association was held at
Oakey on May 1 - 2.
Delegates attended from
Tully, Longreach, Redland,
Highfields, Oakey and
They met at the Bernborough Tavern for dinner on the
Friday night which was also
attended by staff from local
The business session on
Saturday at Oakey RSL
started with a welcome from
president John Hughes from
The conference was officially opened by Mayor of
the Toowoomba Region Cr
Paul Antonio.
Guest speakers were Mr
Paul McMahon, former managing director of Toowoomba
Newspapers, who spoke on
former half owner of Toowoomba Newspapers Mr
Treg Rowe, and Mr Jim
Randell, executive general
manager, mining, of the New
Hope Group.
Newspapers represented
were the Oakey Champion,
High Country Herald,
Longreach Leader, Tully
Times, Warwick Daily News,
Stanthorpe Border Post,
Clifton Courier, On Our Selection News, and Redland
City Bulletin.
Delegates visited the
Oakey Army Flying Museum
and Wellcamp Airport in the
afternoon and dined at the
Kulpi Hotel that night.
Association president
John Hughes from the Tully
Times congratulated the organisers on the event.
Mr Hughes said the
speakers, Mayor Paul
Antonio, Mr McMahon and
Mr Randell, were ideal
choices to capture what was
happening in the area.
He said the aiport was
quite outstanding and extremely positive for the region.
Next year’s half yearly conference will be held in
The annual conference and
awards dinner will be held in
Brisbane in October.
Linda Tait, Longreach Leader, Nick Inmon, Warwick Daily News, Jim Randell,
New Hope Group, and Noni Rutherford, Longreach Leader.
Robert Hall-Boman, QCPA secretary, Jeremy Tovey, Brian Hurst , Redland City Bulletin, Paul McMahon, guest
Clifton Courier, and Les Jasper, Oakey Champion.
speaker and Greg Watson, Redland City Bulletin.
QCPA president John Hughes, right, Tully Times, and host Ted Rogers,
Oakey Champion.
Xiao Qin Teng and Andrew Fleming from the Kulpi Hotel, Miriam Rogers,
Greg Watson and Noni Rutherford.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
• Lily’s Restaurant hosts local produce dinner Police say drive to conditions
Lily’s Restaurant at the
Country Comfort Motel,
Highfields, will host a special
dinner this Friday night to
celebrate local produce from
the local district. The set
course menu, which offers a
choice of options for diners,
will feature locally produced
meats, fruits and vegetables,
all raised in the fertile soils
north of Toowoomba.
The event is a precursor to
the annual Hampton Festival
this Sunday, May 17.
Hampton Festival committee chair Kerri Seccombe said
the dinner was a great initiative and a celebration of the
region’s best produce.
“The Hampton Festival
has thrived for 13 years because of collaborations with
like-minded organisations,
and we’re thrilled that the
team from Lily’s has leapt at
the chance to host a local produce dinner.
“The high country north
of Toowoomba has so much
to offer in the way of produce and our aim is to get it
into as many local mouths as
Ms Seccombe said some of
this area’s best farms will be
involved with the event, including blueberry growers
Hampton Blue and paddockto-plate meat producer
Hessland Meats from
“The quality and variety
of produce is amazing and the
chefs at Lily’s will do a great
job by the farmers and their
produce. It promises to be a
lovely event.”
Bookings for the dinner are
essential and can be made
through Lily’s Restaurant.
Phone 4699 6996.
Visit www.highfields motel. com.au for more details.
To find out more about the
festival and the range of local
produce of offer, visit www.
hampton festival.com.
• Crows Nest Seniors
• QCWA Biggest Morning Tea
Crows Nest Seniors treasurer Selwyn Polzin has announced
his retirement after many many years at the helm of finances
He has cited family and personal commitments. Selwyn will
remain with the club to train his successor/s. We wish him
many thanks and a warm wishes for his retirement.
The annual cent sale will be held on May 20 at the Anglican Hall. Entry is $2 per person which includes afternoon tea
and the chance to win many prizes and a raffle of $50 value.
This is usually a very popular event, so be early.
We are having a trip to Bell on June 15 in an air conditioned
coach which includes morning tea at Bell, inspecting the local
church, hall and murals. We then will travel to Dalby for a
picnic lunch. Time departing is 8.30.am from the Anglican
Hall, returning back by 4pm. Cost is $15 per person to
members and $25 non members.
At our meeting last week, it was decided to conduct a nonprofit prize Hoy game. For a nominal fee of $2 you can play
Hoy with the chance of winning over 20 prizes. This is being
introduced to invite more seniors of Crows Nest to visit our
club. It is anticipated that we will start this event during June
and will be held fortnightly on a Wednesday afternoon from
1pm after our usual musical presentation. Afternoon tea will
be included in the entry fee.
A jackpot will be available with an increasing call and prize
each week until some lucky player wins the lot. As final
arrangements are made there will be notifications in the Herald. Please patronise, come and enjoy the company of fellow
Seniors and maybe have a win or three. This also will be held
in the Anglican hall.
Winners of last week’s Whist competition were Lena T,
Norma J, Harold H, and Pat W. Card tournaments are held
almost every Wednesday that we gather, so the more the
Once again, the weekly draw was not claimed as winners
were not present at time of draw. The jackpot rises to $50
this week.
Following are the names which have been drawn over the
past nine weeks: I Hine, P. Steer, B. Moore, A. Greer, G.
Briese, R. D’herville, D .Handford, H. Handford, R.
D’herville. Names are drawn each Wednesday at 3pm and
you must stay until then to claim the jackpot. - Vivian
Drop in for the Biggest Cuppa. Look for the balloons at
263 Margaret Street, Toowoomba, this Friday, May 22. It is
the time to enjoy a warm welcome and some QCWA cooking
a friendly cup of tea or coffee and relax to the melodies of the
QCWA choir.
Drop in any time between 10am and noon.
Your donation counts towards cancer research.
Looking for a home
• Country music afternoon
Kevin Webber will present an afternoon of country music
with local visiting artists this Sunday, May 17, at the Maclagan
Memorial Hall from noon to 4.30pm.
Entry $10 will include lucky door and afternoon tea. All
monies raised will be used to support the Maclagan Memorial Hall and Maclagan Memories Museum.
If you would like further information or any enquiries
please contact Kevin 4691 3276.
• Oakey council update
Growth action plan: The draft of the Community Growth
Action Plan is available for review. http://trcgov.info/aboutcouncil/newspublications/11308-public-invited-to-regionaleconomic-development-strategy-reviews
Japan tour: Toowoomba Regional Council is co-ordinating
a friendship tour to Japan visiting Sister City, Takatsuki,
and, for the first time, Ena-City, which has had a 20-year
relationship with Oakey.
Departs November 21 and returns December 1. Approximate cost will be from $5700 twin share and $6,600 for a
Tour include nine nights’ accommodation, breakfasts daily,
five lunches, three dinners, day tours and tour group transfers.
Contact Council on 131 872 or www.toowoombaRC.
qld.gov.au for more information and a detailed itinerary. Expressions of interest close May 15.
Grants workshop: Oakey Community Centre Friday 26
June, 9am to 4 pm
Contact 131 872 to register. - David Totenhofer, community liaison officer, Customer Service Branch, Oakey Service
Centre 4692 0148 Ext: 5748,0418 876 131, David.Totenhofer
@toowoomba RC.qld.gov.au, http://www.toowoombaRC.
qld.gov.au/ Toowoomba Regional Council PO Box 3021,
Toowoomba Q. 4350
GOOMBUNGEE: Police have attended
four traffic crashes in the past four weeks,
one of these a male driver was trapped in his
vehicle and had to be transported to hospital
for treatment. Police are urging drivers to drive
with due care and attention especially in poor
weather conditions and expect the unexpected.
Where drivers see Road Subject to Flooding signs then it can be expected if it is raining
heavily there will be water over the road. Take
caution driving and if Flooded, Forget it.
April 4 - A male driver, 39, was issued a
notice to appear for driving with an alcohol
concentration of 0.076% after he had crashed
his vehicle on the Kingsthorpe-Haden Road.
April 9 - Police executed a search warrant
at a Goombungee address and located a utensil used to smoke drugs. A female, 16, was
dealt with in accordance with Drug Diversion
April 12 - Unknown persons entered a
yard on the Glencoe Yalangur Road Road and
removed registration plates 421 TRU from a
April 16 - Police attended a Goombungee
address and located a quantity of cannabis
sativa and items used to smoke cannabis. A
female, 15, was dealt with in accordance with
the Drug Diversion Program and a female, 32,
was issued a notice to appear at court for
supplying alcohol to a minor and permitting
place to be used for drugs.
April 19 - Police intercepted a vehicle on
Kingsthorpe-Haden Road, Goombungee. The
male driver, 54, recorded an alcohol concentration of 0.062% and was issued notice to
appear at court.
Anyone with information that may assist
Police with their inquiries are asked to contact CRIMESTOPPERS on 1800 333 000 or
Police Link on 131 444.
You can keep up to date with Police news
on a daily basis by logging on to http://
For urgent Police matters please contact
Over recent months Crows Nest Police
have detected an increase in the number of 000, for non-life threatening matters please
reported offences where vehicles and prop- ring 131 444. - Sgt Greg Finucane, Officer
in Charge.
erties have been unlawfully entered.
It has occurred through the division, at various times of the day and night, with different
property being stolen.
• Cr Nancy’s recycle tip
The only thing that the majority of these
offences have in common is that offenders
Did you know, did you know…Broken
have entered either the houses or vehicles wheelie bins replaced throughout the rethrough an unlocked door.
gion are cut up, pelletised and then used
We all work too hard to make it easy for with virgin plastics to create new wheelie
possessions to be stolen by people who don’t bins. Reduce, reuse, recycle. - Nancy
deserve them.
The old “Lock it or lose it” says it all.
Don’t have valuables left in your car or in
view, and make sure that you
lock everything.
This is the case even if you
are at home. You walk
through a door then lock it
behind you.
Do that then hopefully it
will reduce your chances of
being a victim of property
crime, and the possessions
you value won’t walk out the
door with someone who has
no right to them.
Lock it or lose it
Information about home
security and vehicle security
can be located on the Queensland Police website.
Contact Crime Stoppers
anonymously via 1800 333
000 or crimestoppers.
Hi, my name is Mowb. I was brought into the RSPCA
after my last owners could no longer care for me, so I’m
hoping to win over some hearts and find my forever home
soon. I came from an only pet household with no children so
I’m not sure how I would get along with any existing pets.
I’m part of the RSPCA’s Patient Paws promotion, the
waiting stops with you. - Cassandra Walker Shelter,
Manager RSPCA Queensland, 4634 1304.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Landcare AGM
State-of the-art waste tip
Construction has started
on a $13 million waste
management facility in the
Charlton-Wellcamp industrial area that will take Toowoomba Regional Council
into a new era of waste handling and waste recycling.
The state-of-the-art facility, being built on a 25ha
site that has a frontage to
O’Mara’s Road near the
Cecil Plains Road intersection, is due for completion
in November and will be
available to householders
who take rubbish to the
The public area of the
existing tip in Bedford
Street, Toowoomba, is being acquired for the construction of the Second
Range Crossing. However,
the land fill area at Bedford Street will continue to
be used by the council for
many years to come.
The Lifeline Smart Tip
Shop will be transferred to
the new facility and is to
be enhanced to ensure people have more opportunities to recycle, re-use and
buy-back household goods
and materials which would
otherwise end up in
The new facility will in-
clude sheds and concrete pads
for the sorting of materials for
recycling, and enclosed areas
will ensure the reduction in
dust and odours.
Cr Nancy Sommerfield said
she expected that about two
semi-tailers of waste a day
would be taken from the new
transfer station to the existing landfill in Bedford Street
in the early stages of the new
Cr Sommerfield said the
project signals the start of a
new era for waste management in the region.
“Building from scratch ensures we will have the most
practical layout with the latest facilities for residents to
off load household waste,
green waste and recycling
loads,” she said.
“An improved site layout
and a more open facility will
make for easier and faster visits for residents.”
Mayor Paul Antonio said
the new $13 million facility
was a component of an overall $20 million project which
included design work, development approval, land purchases and plant purchases.
Toowoomba based firm
McNab Developments (Qld)
Pty Ltd is constructing the
new facility.
Crows Nest Creek Catchment Landcare, a sub committee
of the Emu Creek Catchment Landcare, are holding their
annual general meeting and then a general meeting at the
Pinelands Hall, Crows Nest on Tuesday, May 26.
A barbecue will start the evening at 7pm with the meeting
at 7.30pm. It would be appreciated if you could RSVP by
Friday, May 22, for catering purposes.
This group would like to encourage landowners and other
interested persons to come along to find out about what the
group can do for you.
They can offer advice on land issues and also advise on
funding for special projects.
The catchment area includes Crows Nest Creek behind the
police station and also Bald Hills Creek. Contact Steve Plant
0417 003 859.
Managing Director of McNab Developments Michael McNab, Cr Nancy
Sommerfield, who leads Toowoomba Council’s waste portfolio, and Mayor
Paul Antonio at a ceremony to mark the start of construction of the council’s
new waste management facility in O’Mara’s Road, Wellcamp.
Slow down in angry moments
West of Elsewhere with Clinton Ireland
Ever asked an angry person if their anger is justified?
They almost always say yes.
In fact, I have never heard an
angry person say no!
Be honest, which one of
us hasn’t felt that sense of
righteous indignation when
we have been angry?
“They deserved it.
“They had it coming,” we
think. “Someone had to set it
right. So it may as well have
been me.”
Yet I wonder how many
times, after the emotion has
died down, that the thought
slowly dawns on you (as it
has for me) that your anger
wasn’t quite as justified as
you assumed it was in the
trouble, and cause more destruction than it solves.
I was talking with a young
boy a couple of days ago and
suggested to him that anger
was kind of like being blindfolded; you can’t see where
you are going when you are
Anger is a particularly
blinding emotion. It is possiI asked him what picture
ble that anger may do some describes anger best for him.
good but, like the Hulk, it He said it was like someone
tends to bring about more was yelling at him and telling
him what to do and he had no
choice but to do it.
That’s a good picture. It
describes well the way that
other things can come in and
rule our hearts.
Let’s be careful to slow
down in our angry moments,
so that we can see the desires
of our heart that seek to rule
And let’s definitely be
quick to dethrone the desires
that enslave us.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Concordia Middle College Expo
Hands-on booths and activities
will feature at the upcoming Middle
College Expo at Concordia Lutheran
Commencing at 7pm in the Quad
with a choir performance, the Expo
will showcase our Middle College
for Years 7-9.
In addition, the Year 7 magazine,
Derek, will be officially launched.
The Expo will continue in the
Concordia Function Centre (Norfolk
Room), where every faculty will
have an Expo booth with information about the subject and hands-on
Students who attend will be issued
with an Education Passport containing questions generated by each faculty.
Visiting the various displays will
reveal the answers! A prize will be
awarded to each student on completion of these questions.
We welcome all families to the
expo, especially those with students
in Years 4-6 who are unsure as to
what is a Middle College.
There will be many exciting displays and activities for everyone
who attends plus students will have
the opportunity to ask questions
about subjects that are offered in the
Middle College.
Concordia’s Redlands Campus
in Toowoomba caters for day and
boarding students from Years 7 to
Our Middle College aims to provide students with a gradual, rather
than a dramatic transition from primary to secondary school with one
or two teachers having the main responsibility for their care and learning.
The Middle College Expo will
be held at Concordia Lutheran College’s Redlands Campus, 154 Stephen Street, Toowoomba, commencing at 7.00pm.
• Concordia Year 9 Science students in the new Centre for Scientific Inquiry.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Home quicker with new
bus service
Year 10 students, Callum Ford
and siblings Mitchell and Micarlia Fogarty agree that the new
Downlands bus means less time
waiting and changing buses in order to get home each day.
In 2015, Downlands College
in Toowoomba purchased a bus
to service the Downlands families who live in Blue Mountain
Heights, Highfields and Cabarlah.
With the broadest curriculum
on the Darling Downs these students have embraced the choices
available at Downlands.
Callum recently played in the
Bill Turner Soccer Cup and performed in both the College Choir
and Male Choir at Toowoomba
Eisteddfod. He is keen to pursue
an acting career and has flourished in the school’s vibrant
Performing Arts department, participating in music, Drama Club,
choirs and last year’s musical.
Micarlia Fogarty has made
many good friends and loves the
sense of community at Downlands. She has been involved
in cheerleading, netball and the
DIVAS program, a program that
Callum Ford and siblings, Mitchell and Micarlia Fogarty.
aims to develop the qualities of ded- an Army base for him, an experiication, initiative, values, active par- ence he described as ‘awesome!’
ticipation and strength.
With a vibrant and welcoming
Her brother, Mitchell enjoys community and so many academrugby and cricket and says that his ic and co-curricular choices, our
favourite thing about Downlands is open day on Sunday, May 15, is
the teachers because “they are al- the perfect opportunity to experiways willing to help you out.” Hel ence how great it is to be a Downwants to fly Army helicopters, so the lander and see why Downlands is
school organised work experience at the school of choice.
Girls embrace mind fitness
Visit any school website and you
will find a statement alluding to the
fact that their school understands
the middle years are a difficult time
and their teachers make every effort
to guide their students along the
Seldom would the statement include how this guidance is enacted.
Former Glennie teacher and
Open Mind Education founding
director, Meg Daniher has created
the Minditness (MFIT) program to
partner with schools to make wellbeing a visible component of everyday school life.
Wellbeing is not the icing on the
cake; it is the essential ingredient.
Meg has worked with key Glennie staff including Head of Middle
Years, Mrs Donna Evans, to build a
robust program for our Years 7 to 9
“Teachers have undergone specialist training and, in each girl, believe the program will aim to grow
resilience, shape character, refine
her moral compass and establish
the social and emotional skills crucial for a rewarding and successful
life,”noted Mrs Evans.
“Our school motto is “All She
Can Be®” so it is important that girls
realise their potential, work produc-
tively and make a positive contribution to their broader community.’
Girls now work with their tutor
teacher on a weekly basis to explore
ways they can, as individuals, improve their level of health and happiness and productivity.
The School firmly believes that
this exciting new program will help
Glennie’s Middle Years girls not just
survive early adolescence but thrive
and flourish in the years beyond.
Recently, girls have been learn-
ing about personal branding and
the effects their online and offline
presence can have on their reputation.
The Glennie School is able to
support its pastoral care responsibilities with positive action.
Capped boarding fee increases
of 2.5% for new and continuing
boarding enrolments for girls Year
6 to 12 ensure a Glennie Middle
Years boarding educational experience is the best choice.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Highfields a celebration of firsts
With much excitement and anticipation, Highfields State Secondary
College welcomed its first students
on January 27, 2015.
Since then it has been a celebration of firsts …..... first day, parade,
swimming carnival, student leaders, P&C meeting, values certificates, exams, assignments, projects,
clubs, sport, reports, parent teacher
interviews ...... and the list goes on.
As a new school, Highfields SSC
caters for Year 7 and 8 students in
2015, with a new year level added
each year until 2019 when current
Year 8 students will finish Grade
Students are working with highly
skilled teachers in state-of-the-art
facilities including specialised industrial technology and hospitality spaces, science laboratories, a
media room, visual art and music
spaces, a fantastic resource centre
and welcoming classrooms.
Prospective students, families
and community members are invited to our first open day on Saturday,
August 8 from 11am to 3pm.
While the open day will be an
opportunity for prospective students to tour the college and collect a prospectus, we welcome all
members of the community to visit
that day.
Highfields State Secondary College principal, Sharon Barker.
Students seeking to enrol in
We know members of the community have watched the building Year 7, 8 or 9 in 2016 should
of the college with interest so you contact the college office on 4614
are invited to come along and have 7222 after August 1 for a prospeca “sticky beak” even if you do not tus and arrange an enrolment inhave students enrolling at the college terview.
- Sharon Barker, Principal
in the future.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Active Student Council at
Meringandan State School
The Meringandan State School
Student Council works extremely
hard fund raising each year to
support school and community
projects and causes.
Each year the student council
focuses on a major project for
the benefit of the students and the
This project this year was the
construction of a special memorial
garden to commemorate the
centenary of ANZAC.
Other projects have included the
painting of large yard games on
paths, funding an Indigenous artist
to work with students to create
our school mural, and purchasing
learning resources.
This year the council will
support a musician in residence
Another integral role of the
council is to represent their
peers, suggesting and organising
activities for the school.
The council also provides
feedback about projects and
programs such as the recognition
strategies for our positive
Student council president Annalise Barker
and secretary-treasurer Toby Ehrlich.
behaviour program.
I am very proud of our student encouragement of our teachers,
council as they encourage a strong Mrs Usher and Mrs Douglas,
sense of community and empathy our student council members are
by supporting a variety of causes learning to be active, caring and
through raising awareness and informed citizens.
- Janelle Groves, Principal
19 students visit five countries in 23 days
The Toowoomba State
High School Europe trip is
set for take off again this
year and excitement in the
school is building.
Nineteen students from
Mt Lofty and Wilsonton
are packing their bags,
saving spending money
and looking forward to
the special opportunity
that is available only to
Toowoomba SHS students
as part of the international
programs on offer at the
Students will visit
London, Paris, Berlin,
Prague and Rome in a tour
which will take in some
of the most impressive
architectural sites, cultural
treasures and spectacular
experiences in the world.
Seeing and breathing
in the language and
atmosphere of a Parisian
patisserie, staring in
wonder at the ceiling of
the Sistine Chapel, and
climbing the hill to Prague
Castle are just a few of the
The tour is led by the
school principal Mr Chris
Zilm and teacher Mrs
Karen Brooks.
“It is a great privilege
to take students away over
Christmas and New Year
to show them Europe.
“They really enjoy the
variety we pack into the
tour and there’s always
a funny story or two by
the end of the day. And
of course there’s also
Disneyland in Paris and
Harry Potter World in
London which are real
highlights.” said Mr Zilm.
The first Europe tour
was in 2012-13 and
the Toowoomba SHS
also includes G’Day USA
trips, World Challenge
and Japan trips, student
exchange opportunities
and study tour visits.
Kate, Caity, Rebecca, Chloe, Francesca and Stephanie representing
Toowoomba SHS on the Europe tour at the Trevi Fountain in Rome.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
CROWS NEST SHOW CATTLE SALE - Miles Noller reporting
Awards shared in store and prime cattle contest
A number of cattle producers shared in
the championship awards at the Crows
Nest Show’s store and prime cattle competition. Darren Hartwig, Plainby, exhibited the champion steer, a Limousin
Charolais cross.
He also had the champion vealer, a sixmonth old Angus cross.
Champion heifer was an eight-month
old South Devon cross from Selwyn and
Diane Welke of Goombungee.
Champion pen of the show was exhibited by John Barnes, Anduramba. It was a
pen of three Hereford cross steers. The
President’s Pick Award went to a steer
from a pen exhibited by John Barnes.
CLASS RESULTS: Prime steers Darren Hartwig (Limousin Charolais cross) 1,
R. and J. Beutel (Santa) 2, R. and J. Beutel (Santa) 3.
Pen of three feeder steers John Barnes (Hereford cross) 1, R. and J. Beutel
(Santa) 2, R. and J. Beutel (Santa) 3.
Pen of three feeder heifers Tasso Kritikou (Belmont Red) 1, R. and J. Beutel
(Santa) 2. Vealer steers Darren Hartwig 1, John Barnes 2, Selwyn and Diane
Welke 3. Vealer heifers Selwyn and Diane Welke 1, Kylie Welke 2.
Pen of three or more store weaners Gavin and Christine Close 1, Gavin and
Christine Close 2, R. and J. Beutel 3.
Show sale report from David Stariha: It was great to see the returns for vendors at the
annual Crows Nest Show sale on Saturday. The champion lot, a Limousin Charolais cross
steer, from Darren Hartwig, sold for $1620. Darren also sold an Angus calf, 6 months, for
$630. R.W. and J.F. Beutel sold lines of Santa steers for an average of $1182, with a Murray
Grey steer making $1300. Rudd also sold 15-month old Droughtmaster steers for $820 and
14-month old steers for $710. Barnes Grazing sold a 7-month old Droughtmaster steer for
$795. The Welke Family sold an 8-month old South Devon steer for $850 and 8-month old The champion steer of the Crows Nest Show was this Limousin Charolais cross, exhibited by Darren
heifers for $730-$790. T. Kritikou sold Belmont cross milk tooth heifers for $720. With Hartwig and his daughter Stephanie. At the auction after the judging it was sold for $1620 to Fernvale Butchery.
Saturday’s sale concentrating mainly on show cattle, a quality yarding of commercial cattle
has been booked for the early June sale, with the highlight being a line of 15 PTIC Angus
heifers on their second calf.
John Barnes of Anduramba exhibited this pen of three
steers, judged the champion pen of steers at the store
This South Devon was the champion heifer at the Crows Nest Show’s store and and prime cattle competition at the Crows Nest Show.
prime cattle competition. She was just eight months of age, and exhibited by The steer nearest the camera sold for $770 and the
Selwyn and Diane Welke of Goombungee.
other two made $670 each.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Champion vealer at the Crows Nest Show’s store
and prime cattle competition was this Angus cross
vealer exhibited by Darren Hartwig. It was six months
old and sold at the following auction for $630, making
it worth $100 per month according to auctioneer David
Readers’ photos
ABOVE: Forestry smoke - Dianne Smith, Pechey.
RIGHT: Autumn beauty taken along the Service Road at
Highfields - Ann.
RIGHT: Passenger terminal
Wellcamp Airport - John.
FAR RIGHT: ANZAC display at
Oakey RSL Club - John.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Show magic in decorated fruit and veges
Primary school students showed their talent in the junior section of the floral art with a display of fruit or vetables decorated as a sea creature. First place was the mother and baby seal by Madeleine Farrell. Second place also went to Madeleine Farrell with the turtle and in third place was Clementine Farrell with the octopus.
Mobile earthmoving and
farm machinery service
“You break it – I’ll fix it” is the
motto of Wayne Franklin, pictured right, of Franko’s Mobile
After almost two years as publican at the Farmers Arms Hotel
with wife Linda, Wayne has now
returned to his mechanical repair
He specialises in diesel earthmoving and farm machinery,
trucks, 4WDs, cars and mowers.
Originally from Collarenebri in
North-Western New South Wales
where he did his apprenticeship,
Wayne and Linda have lived at
Cabarlah for ten years with their
three young sons.
So, if you do break it, give
Wayne a call on 0419 403 956.
He comes to you and will have
you back up and running in quick
To advertise phone 4615 4416
– Dozer & Excavator –
Site works, Desilting Dams, Land Clearing,
Megamulcher, Road construction.
DOUG. 0418 716 725
To advertise phone 4615 4416
To advertise phone 4615 4416
MR Truck Driver - Meat Lumper
35+ casual hours per week
Call Daryl for more information
0417 031 914
Weekend work - Must be reliable
Please call 4697 9271
All styles catered for
0439 033 049
Block or Split
Delivered all areas
0408 716 147
Dog rugs from $10
Crows Nest
0468 993 886
4615 5056
Call Gary 0418 733 749
QBCC No: 1002151
Shop or Office
Centrally located at
Crows Nest
Reasonable rent
Ph: 4698 1011
800CC cruiser. Best offer over
$4000. Toowoomba.
0428 646 386
House Cleaning
Crows Nest (includes travel charge)
4696 7290 - 0429 170 020
4m aluminium boat, centre console,
30hp Mercury motor, sounder and
canopy. Toowoomba. $4500 ono.
0428 646 386.
FUJITSU Air Conditioner
Model AST30R, reverse cycle split system 9.8kW. Professionally removed to make
way for ducted system. Excellent condition comes with
installation manual, operating manual, remote control.
New price $2800. Bargain @
$355. Ph: 0427 506 236. Can
invites all interested persons to the
Tuesday, May 26, 2015 - 7pm Pinelands Hall
RSVP: Friday, May 22
Steve Plant 4698 1951 or Frank Burgess 4698 4161
LOST: Boat motor cover,
black, vicinity Trevean Gardens, Highfields. Phone 0429
800 795.
LOST: Small Murray Grey
cow from 120 Swain Rd,
Plainby. NLIS tag QDR A1430
yellow tag 0036. Brand LH8.
Three weeks ago. 4692 7749 or
0427 621 108.
Rhino Machinery Hire
• Bobcats • Excavators
• Slashing
Ryan - 0409 721 778
1st: Basket of gifts - Ticket 29A
Black Club - John Howard. 2nd:
Silver chain bracelet - Ticket 84C Yellow Club - Teena
Siebenhausen. 3rd:
drape shawl - Ticket 17B Red
Diamond - Jean Johnson. 4th:
Serenity Plus massage - Ticket
66F Blue Diamond - Doug Callaghan. 5th: Extra gifts - Ticket
63E Yellow Heart - Leah Odgers.
6th: Extra gifts - Ticket 06E Blue
Club - Carol Baldwin. 7th: Extra
gifts - Ticket 34B Blue Star - Ken
For Sale
$5 a bale - Gowrie Junction
0467 588 615
to cut firewood
Royalties paid in
0408 716 147
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Youth praised for involvment
in local shows
Young people involved
with local shows are
achieving much more than
many other young people, show goers at Crows
Nest Show were told last
Mayor Paul Antonio
and president of the Darling Downs Chamber of
Agricultural Show Societies John Koehler each
spoke about the valuable
contribution of young
people and the resulting
benefits to the community.
The show movement
is a very positive force,
Cr Antonio told the show
The opportunities for
young people at shows
were far better than those
taken by some young
The Mayor said the
continuation of the show
for so many years said
much about the community.
“The show has continued for so long, and when
each show is organised,
Kyra Millis, Julie Grant and Katie Grant in the
poultry section. Julie is holding an Australorp
cockerel which was the reserve champion of
the show exhibited by her father Stewart Grant.
out come the volunteers,
out comes the produce,
out comes the livestock
and its very positive for
the community.”
Mr Koehler heads a
sub chamber that includes 19 shows across
four council areas, and he
said the one council that
supports the shows in its
region is Toowoomba
Regional Council.
He said council support for shows was appreciated.
Mr Koehler said many
young people “run into
But he said many
young people become involved in shows, and the
good done by these far
outweighs the bad of others.
He said the bad done
by young people seems
to always make the news,
but the good done by
those involved in shows
does not, but it should be
Shirley Cronk, Crows Nest, with Miss Showgirl
Mikahla Christensen. Shirley donated the Lloyd
Cronk Memorial Award for the best collection
of Alister Clark Old World Roses, and has won
it each year. Lloyd had a passion for Australian
bred old world roses.
CROWS NEST: May 6 - Winners were Tony
Ryan, Col Tonscheck and Andrew Tabor, runnersup Dennis Russell, Keith Herbertson and Terry Bowe.
Winners of the 2015 Crows Nest Mens Fours Carnival held over the weekend of May 2-3 were S.
McLachlan’s North Toowoomba teamm, runners-up
A Gibbs’ Millmerran team, 3rd S. Hibbet’s team, 4th
C. Robins’ Crows Nest team. Congratulations to all
and many thanks to our sponsors as well as workers
over both days. Rounds of the 2014-15 Intraclub
Competition were not played over the weekend of
the carnival. However, keep your eye on the selectors’ noticeboard for competition games called each
Saturday. May 17 - Crows Nest Property Management afternoon. May 24 - DonToria Downs Day.
May 31 - Esk vs Crows Nest at Crows Nest. June
14 - Management committee meeting. All officers are
encouraged to attend. New bowls players and visitors are always welcome at the Crows Nest Bowls
Club contact Secretary Jim cnqbowls@ mail.com or
4698 2278. - Gary Baker.
OAKEY: A grade singles semi final K. Harvey d.
D Barfield. B grade singles final R. Krause d. E.
Dornbusch. Championship pairs N. Crosisca and S.
Bradford d. N. Byers and A. Jackson. Thursday
night winners E. Dornbusch, C. Beesley and M. Bradford. Sunday winners V. Rush, B. Lorrimer and B.
May 14 - A grade singles final M. Bradford v. K.
Harvey (K. Ciesiolka.) May 16 - Championship
pairs semi finals R Henry and D. Dreyer v. N. Crosisca
and S. Bradford. K. Ciesiolka and L. Fanning v. K.
Harvey and A. Harvey. C grade singles M. Hall v. V
Rush (D. Voll) W Gesler v. D. Hall (R. Krause.)
May 14 - Night bowls, names in by 6.30pm to
play at 7pm.May 17 - Club selected mixed threebowl pairs. May 31 - Patroness day, self selected
mixed or otherwise triples, teams on board please. Sam Lorrimar.
OAKEY LADIES: May 5 - L. Groves, R. Lawrie,
B. Lorrimer drew with J. York, E. Voll, B. Currey. C.
Birrell, V. Allen, S. Hudson d. E. Jones, H. Harvey, D.
Ciesiolka. May 12 - Monthly meeting at 9am. followed by bowls. Bowls starting time 9.30am for the
cooler months. May 21 - Gatton F/R. E. Voll, S.
Hudson H. Harvey (car), B. Poole. May 27 - North
Toowoomba F/R. E. Voll, D. Ciesiolka (car), B.
Lorrimer, B. Poole. May 25 - Coaching Academy at
North Toowoomba 9am. May 31 - Patroness Betty’s
afternoon self selected mixed triples at 12.30pm. 2x13
ends $30 per team. Names on board please. - Elsie
DDLBA: Correction to Bowls Notes re June 1
meeting. It is a Quarterly Meeting and not a Management Meeting as I stated. Sorry for the confusion,
must be the holiday mode. - Joyce McGeorge.
BORNEO BARRACKS: April 29 - Single stroke,
John Marsh trophy. Winner P. Hundt 68, runner-up
K. Mitchell 70. Rundown M. Kearnes 70, B. May
71, M. Sorenson 71, P. Hunt 73, T. Aitken 73, L.
Coak 73, K. Clarke, 73 G. Malcolmsen 73.
Pins 1st L. Bishop, 5th T .Aitken, 10th L. Bishop,
14th P.Hundt, 17th G. Gunther.
May 2 - Single stableford winner L. Bishop 37,
runner-up D. McGee 33, M.Goddard 31. Pins 5th
M. Goddard, 10th L. Bishop, 17th B. Marney.
May 3 - Single stableford winner A.Rushford 44,
runner-up J. Deacon 42. Rundown D. Newman 34,
S. Adams 34, A. Hardie 34, O. Hollis 34, C. Hill 34.
Pins 17th J. Deacon. - Gary Small.
CROWS NEST: Semi-finals and finals are under
way at the Crows Nest Squash Centre with close
results making it an exciting race to the final results.
Our juniors, who only recently joined the club, are
making their mark in the divisions they are playing.
Lindsay Blinco is achieving great selections outside
the club being selected in the Queensland Schools
competition representing Darling Downs, and also in
the Queensland Junior Squash, representing Southern Region being played in June in Brisbane.
The next two weeks will see all results in and then
the clubs handicap competition will start.
The new extended hours for the club are Monday
7pm onwards, Thursday 7pm till closing, with courts
being used for fixtures and competitions. Friday 4.30
Gordon Alden, Highfields Automotive Spare Parts, sponsored the ute competition. Winner was Bridgette Keen showgoers Wendy Macdonald, - 6pm, coaching and juniors.
Court hire available for social play contact Phil
Johnston, left, Stanthorpe. She received her prize from Bergen, and Bronge Knox, Meringan0408 851 251. - Sage Garnet.
Vanessa Gossow.
dan West.
Borneo Barracks social golfers
BORNEO BARRACKS LADIES: May 5 - Single stroke, round 2, championship, trophies donated
by Lorna Bell. Dawn Lord 78 on count back, Robin
Mackenzie 78 on count back, Lotte Pedersen 78.
Rundown Barbara Weier 82 on count back, Hazel
Black 82. Pins 1/1 Hazel Black, 3/11 Lotte Pedersen,
2/5 (pro pin) Jessella McConnell.
May 9 - Single stroke, round 3 championship. Tee
off 10am, trophies by Muriel Mohr. - Lotte
OAKEY: April 29 - Ladies monthly medal winner J. Gordon 65, V. Watson 68. Putting J. Gordon.
Pin 3 S. Barlow. Approach 5/14 Y. Jackson, 6/15 M.
Muir. May 2-3: No play due to rain. May 9 - 10th
Mens monthly medal winner monthly mug G. Wright
67. A grade M. Rietveld 75. B grade G Wright, runner-up I. Mcdonald 69. Rundown C.Fisk 73. Pins: 3
G. Wright, 8 B. Gill, 12 K. Rietveld. Approach 5/14
D. Bradford.
GOOMBUNGEE: May 10 - Single stroke,
monthly medal: Men’s winner N. Capuzzo. Rundown D. Humphrey, G. Egan and D. Darlington. Ladies’ winner J. Wieck. Rundown L. Alexander. Men’s
pins 3/12 not won, 4/13 N. Capuzzo, 8/17 D.
Darlington Approach 1/10 D. Humphrey. Ladies’ pins
4/13 not won, 8/17 not won. Approach 3/12 L. Alexander. Best gross men D. Darlington, ladies L. Alexander. May 14 - Men’s single stableford for club
trophy. Ladies single stroke, putts, monthly medal,
3rd round WGQ Brooch. May 17 - Single Stroke
Monthly Medal for club trophies. - Dan Darlington.
CROWS NEST: May 6 - Sporters winner R. Burgess 31, runner-up B. Woodhead 31. Putting J. Burnett
16. Pin 7/16. J Burnett. May 10 - Crows Nest Bakery stableford winner R, Gardner 43, runner-up R.
Freeman 38 Rundown M. Strong 36, J. Somerville
34. Pins 3/12 R. Freeman, 8/17 J. Somerville + eagles
nest. May 17 - XXXX Brewery stableford. - John
TOOWOOMBA: Men - Newtown 3, all goals
by Josh McPau d. Past High 0. Norths/Rangeville 6,
goals by Kyle Rush 2, Kyle Reeve, Ben Fleming,
Kris Glass, Kai Douglas d. Red Lion 3, goals by Brad
Hobday 2, Lauchlan Brownhaus.
Women - Norths 2, both goals Hanah Blaine d.
West Ipswich 0.
Past High 3, goals by Danni Ashurst, Kacie Trost,
Holly Gilbard. Norths Ipswich 0. Hancocks 4, goals
by E. Smolenski 2, Taylor Casey, R. Clarke d.
Rangeville 1, goal by Tess Littleton.
CROWS NEST: May 4. - Fixtures. Pechey (5)
G. Knight 2, R. Kelk 2 d. Meringandan (0) S. Black 0,
K. Macdonald 0. Ravensbourne (3) S. Murphy 1, B.
Macdonald 1 d. Hampton (2) W. Ma 2, E. Liad 0.
Crows Nest (4) G. Fisher 2, K. Macdonald 1 d. Bergen
(1) Dale Macdonald 1, Don Macdonald 0. Whichello
(3) M. Macdonald 2, T. Woodley 0 d. Highfields (2)
SOUTHERN DOWNS: May 3 - 300 yards. F D. Shum 1, L. Taylor 1. - Joy Bretz
Standard Rifle, possible 126. Graham Eagle 124.6,
Beth Caskey 122.5, Dave Taylor 120.4, Bob Locke
106.2, Rob Smythe 106.1, Dave Norman 67.00 F
Open Rifle, possible 126. Margaret Taylor 108.2,
The Forensic Crash Unit is inBob Tyllyer 88.
vestigating a serious motorcycle crash
Target Rifle, possible 105. Jim Dickenson 104.10,
at Mount Luke on Friday which has
Rob Bondfield 101.8. An overcast morning continuleft a man with life-threatening injually threatening showers with little wind. General
meeting put back to May 17 due to Mothers Day
weekend commitments. - www.southerndowns
Initial information suggests at
3.15pm, a man believed to be in his
30s, was riding a trail bike in the comCROWS NEST GOOMBUNGEE: May 9 - 600
pany of two others on a dirt fire trail
yards. Target Rifle, possible 105.21. Ashley Bidgood
within the Geham Forestry Reserve.
104.10, John Gilliland 101.5, Rick Vilestra 90.2 Kev
The rider appears to have lost conVoll 82.0.
Scope class, possible 126.21. Neil Austin 109.0,
trol of his bike and crashed into a
Beth Caskey 104.2, Bill O’Brian 101.1.
Next club shoot will be held over 700 yards on
The man was transported to TooMay 16, 1pm start. - Ashley Bidgood 0407 374 378
woomba Base Hospital with a serior www.qldrifle.com.au.
ous head injury, a fractured right leg
and a back injury before he was flown
Don’t let your sport fade
to the Princess Alexandra Hospital.
Investigations are continuing. Anyfrom public view. Send
one with information which could
assist with this matter should connotes, news and results to
tact Crime Stoppers anonymously
the Herald. Contact details p2
via 1800 333 000 or crimestoppers.
Borneo Barracks Monday ladies social golfers visited Allora where they found a pretty little
town with a challenging golf course, plenty of hills and valleys, and some water to cross, a
beautifully laid out course. The ladies are looking forward to a repeat of the day, but perhaps
with motorised carts the next time. ABOVE: Carmel Lyall, Tricia Higgins, Petae Frazer, Jan
Willoughby, Hazel Milford, Marianne Kluck, Mary Dwan, Coleen Lewis and Pamela Campbell.
Promote your
sport through
the Herald.
No other media
anywhere near
as many local
Contact details
page 2
To advertise phone 4615 4416
De Everitt of Kingsthorpe with her grand champion horticultural exhibit, which had won first
place in the class for Australian native arrangements, then was judged champion arrangement of the show, before winning the grand
Ian Stewart-Koster of Peranga with Duneske Flash Pearl
which was the champion mare and champion heavy horse
exhibit . The five year old mare was recently supreme champion all breeds at the Gatton Heavy Horse Field Day and
has been supreme champion at the Brisbane Royal for the
In the poultry section of the Crows Nest Show are Darren Dangerfield last two years. Mr Stewart-Koster said that apart from her
of Kilcoy holding a pit game pullet which was reserve champion large good action (she picks up her legs well, and walks well),
hard feather bird of the show, and Michelle Dangerfield with their cham- and her good confirmation, the champion mare has bigger
pion large hard feather bird, an old English game black red.
feet, with broader heels, and the bigger they are, the less
pressure on the ground and on the horses joints. “No foot,
no horse,” is a saying about heavy horses, Mr Stewart-Koster
May Gossow was awarded the Bethel Andrews Memorial
trophy for winning most points in the Household section.
With her are Leanne Andrews and Rodney Andrews. It’s
the second year the trophy has been awarded, and May
has won it each year.
ABOVE: Bird’s eye view of the Crows Nest show grounds from the Pterodactyl Helicopter
taken by Miles Noller. RIGHT: Section of the grand parade.
To advertise phone 4615 4416