A Concise History of Natural Cement in America Reprinted from “The Development of Cement” published by Century Cement Manufacturing Co., Inc. 1950 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Our sincere thanks goes out to the Century House Historic Society for their diligence and dedication in preserving and keeping alive the history of American Natural Cements and the heritage of the Greater Rosendale Natural Cement region. For more information please contact them at: The Century House Historical Society The Snyder Estate P.O. Box 150 Rosendale, NY 12472 centuryhouse.org In the United States the cement industry began in 1818 with the discovery of natural cement rock near Chittenango, New York by Canvass White. White applied to the State of New York for the exclusive right to manufacture the cement for twenty years. His request was denied but the State awarded him with $20,000.00 in recognition of his valuable discovery. This cement was used in the Erie Canal. In 1825 while building the Delaware and Hudson Canal, a natural cement rock was discovered in Rosendale, New York. The building of the Louisville Portland canal saw the discovery of natural cement rock at Louisville, Kentucky in 1829. Then in 1838 cement rock was found at Utica, Illinois. Ten years later during the James River project it was discovered in Virginia. In 1840 in Akron, Ohio, Pennsylvania 1850, Ft. Scott, Kansas 1868, the Buffalo area 1874 and the Minnesota area in 1875. The Delaware and hudson Canal was built to ship coal from the Lackawanna Valley to the City of New York. At that time, coal was practically unknown as a fuel in the New York area; cord wood being depended upon to furnish heat. Work was progressing along the route of the canal in the vicinity of Rosendale, New York through the farm land of Jacob L. Snyder, when it became necessary to do some blasting. The rock, as blasted, had a very homogeneous appearance and it was believed to be limestone. To the farmer, lime was an important commodity, so some of the fragments of the rock were gathered up and brought to a blacksmith shop at High Falls. The stone was burned in the forge and attempts were made to slake it by pouring water upon it. The calcined material, soft and chalky after burning, did not slake but on the other hand, after a few hours, had lost all of its chalkiness and began to harden. The engineer in charge of the construction, on learning this, thought and thought rightly that it was a natural cement. More of the stone was calcined, pounded to a powder on a blacksmith’s anvil and mixed with water. After a short time, the pat set. It had been planned to obtain the cement necessary for the canal locks from Chittenango, New York, but with the discovery of the cement rock along the route of the canal, a contract was awarded to a Mr. John Littlejohn to supply the canal’s needs. He built a “pot” kiln in which the burning of each charge was a separate operation. The pot kiln was a shaft excavated in the side of a hill and lined with the cement rock. At the base of the kiln an “eye” was formed. The “eye” which was a shaft at a right angle to the main shaft of the kiln was filled with cordwood and an arch of large cement rocks, to act like a grate, was formed just above the cordwood. The kiln was then filled with broken cement stone and the cordwood was ignited. The burning continued until the stone at the top fo the kiln was calcined. Then the entire charge was withdrawn. The calcined rock was then sorted and ground in the old Snyder grist mill. In 1827 a stock company, the Rosendale Manufacturing Company was organized with a capital stock of $250, 000.00. About one year later Watson E. Lawrence built the the first commercial mill for the manufacture of Rosendale cement. He obtained a lease from Jacob L. Snyder and opened a quarry on that property. Lawrence’s plant consisted of two intermittent kilns and a small water powered mill. Lawrence’s tasks were immense as very little information about he manufacture of cement was available and many processes had to be worked out. The drilling of the rock was a slow laborious process. A pointed iron rod was held by one man and then struck with a hammer by a second man. The rock was hard and the drill rod required repeated sharpenings. Sometimes it took hours to drill one hole. When the hole was ready, it was nearly filled with black gun powder, a fuse was inserted, and the hole capped with clay. This fuse was made of paper which had been immersed in a solution of salt peter and dried. The treated paper was twisted tightly, and protruded through the clay seal. This paper was then ignited and the man who had charge of the blasting ran for his life to shelter. After the rock had been blasted it was broken down by hand with sledges into sizes suitable for the kilns. The first kilns were of the type wherein the charge was fired, allowed to cool off, and then the entire charge was drawn. Cordwood was used as fuel and the burning period took from five to six days; the kilns were then recharged and the entire procedure repeated. The charge, as drawn, contained some raw and some over burnt materials. These were carefully sorted and the raw material being used in the next kiln charge while the over-burnt material was discarded. This was found necessary not only from a technical standpoint but also from a mechanical one. The mill equipment would grind neither the hard, over-burnt clinker, nor the hard, under-burnt stone. The grinding equipment was built on the same principal as a grist mill. The millstone was quarried in the vicinity along the slope of the Shawangunk Mountain. The stone, called Shawangunk grit, was a quartz conglomerate in which the cement substance of the grit is a silica which formed a matrix for the grains but did not fill the voids, thus producing the bur or cutting surface. The layers were uncovered by stripping and then lifted out by bars and wedges, working the natural joint places for size. The block was then worked into a disc with the aid of a hand hammer and point. The next operation was to drill the center hole or eye. The stone was then grooved. This operation built up to a considerable industry in latter years. Lawrence was soon joined in a partnership by a Mr. John Apstin who formerly had held a Federal government position. The United States at this time was a young republic, just budding into its great later day position. In some mysterious way the second war with England had netted the United States considerable national prestige and started the country on a grand career of expansion and assertiveness. There was a strong urge all over the republic to show it’s surging strength with monumental government edifices. Apstin succeeded in winning important government purchases of the cement for federal projects. This called for mill expansion and extensive new mill buildings were erected and costly improvements made. Now, other men came into the valley and started to build plants for the manufacture of cements. Then came the panic of 1837 and there was a great shortage of hard money and many concerns issued script money. Among these concerns was the Rosendale Cement Company. A reproduction of piece of this script of the value of 12 ½ cents, used to pay his employees, will be found on another page of this booklet. Hugh White, who had started his cement works in 1830 and who had furnished the cement for the Croton Reservoir and its aqueducts, was succeeded by the Newark & Rosendale cement company which had, by 1847, speeded up production to 1,000 bbls daily. Three years later A. J. Snyder erected a battery of kilns and started to calcine cement rock. Shortly after that, he erected his first mill. The cement rock at first had been quarried but as the over burden increased and became more heavy, it was necessary to drive headings into the vein and open a mine. Because of the visibility it was customary to mine to a certain distance and then to return to the outside and pierce a new opening some thirty feet or so further along the ledge. These would then be worked at right angles until they connected up and then the miners would go back to the outside and repeat this procedure. In this way, they would have a series of adits which gave them light to work with. As it became necessary to work deeper into the mine, kerosene torches became the source of light. These torches gave off a dense black smoke but at the time they were the only means of illumination. The vein was about twenty-two feet thick with definite “let goes” at both the top and the bottom. They copied from their successful adits the scheme of allowing thirty foot pillars of stone to hold up the roof as they progressed further and further underground. The mines were a series of rooms with pillars. Drilling of the rock was still done by hand. however, drill steels were better and skilled blacksmiths were part of the mine crew whose chief duties were to keep the drill steel in shape. There also grew up a skilled trade known as “Hammerers”. “Hammerers” were the elite of the mine crew. Working in pairs, they would drill scores of feet of holes into the stone per day. They were paid by the “footage” and their hammers would strike the drill with an almost mechanical rapidity, yet with amazing accuracy. The old type of intermittent kiln had long since vanished from the scene. It had been erratic in behavior and uneconomical due to the enormous heat loss. It was replaced by vertical continuous draw type kiln. These kilns were built in batteries, generally against a hill side; they were about 40 feet high and ten feet in diameter, lined with brick. The cement stone and fuel were placed in the kiln in alternate layers. Each day about one-fourth of the calcined rock would be withdrawn from the base of the kiln and a new charge of raw stone and fuel to refill the kiln would be placed in the top of the kiln. Coal which had been coming down the Delaware and Hudson Canal was now used as fuel. It was anthracite coal known as pea screenings. Kiln burning became another skilled trade, and an experienced kiln burner enjoyed quite some local renown. This trade was often handed down from father to son. Thus with true American resourcefulness, the manufacturers worked out their processes so that they could supply almost any market demand. From the 1830’s to the 1860s Rosendale cement was used to the greatest extend in mortars, but its excellent results under water, in cement bound macadam, and in plum filled mortar led to the development of concrete as we know it today. Around 1836 the United States Patent Office was built of Rosendale cement. In 1851, the wings of the United States Capitol in Washington were started. This was a Rosendale cement job and the foundations are Rosendale concrete. The United States Treasury building is also Rosendale cement built. Work was commenced on the Brooklyn Bridge in 1870. At the time it was an engineering feat of vast magnitude whose dimensions, character, and importance had no parallel in the history of bridge building in America. It’s total length is about one mile and the towers are an average of 334 feet above the foundation. This was a complete Rosendale cement job. The concrete was one part of Rosendale cement, two parts of sand, and three parts of gravel and stone chips. Each tower foundation required about 4,000 cubic yards of concrete. In 1936, New York City surveyed the Brooklyn Bridge as they planned to enlarge it in the future. They now intend to replace everything except the towers, suspension cable, and anchorages. These towers and abutments were as good, on being inspected, as the day the bridge was opened, and the engineers predicted they will last anywhere from 500 to 1,000 years longer. In the tidal range of salt water bearing sewage, industrial waste, and flotsam, the cement remains intact, free from chemical disintegration through over one-half century of New York winters. That is true permanence. In the 1880’s the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty was built in three lifts. The lowest lift was made of straight Rosendale cement concrete, the middle lift was a blend of Rosendale cement with portland cement. The top lift above the range of tidal waters was straight portland cement imported from Europe. The granite facing was laid in mortar made from portland cement and lime. The granite facing has been repointed from time to time, but the Rosendale concrete pedestal has required no repairs of any nature. Railways, waterworks, sewerage systems, architectural and engineering works all depended upon and used vast quantities of ROSENDALE CEMENT. Many of these old structures are still in full service, substantially as good as the day they were built. Natural cement production grew from 100,000 bbls. in the 1830s to 10,000,000bbls in 1899. At the peak of the industry, in the Rosendale district, some twenty plants were employing 5,000 men and turned out 4,000,000 bbls per year. About 1894 portland cement had come into general use. At first it made little impression on the consumption of natural cement. Then portland cement makers began cutting prices. The price dropped to 75 cents per bbl. and even to 65 cents per bbl. This fierce competition resulted in the failure of many plants. In the early 1900s the first large structure of its type that was built completely from a portland cement, calcined in a rotary kiln, was the Boonton Dam. The Boonton Dam was to be part of the water supply of Jersey City. Rosendale cement was specified for its construction. On the Board of Water Supply was a director of the Atlas Portland Cement Company. He proposed to supply the Jersey City job with portland from his company at the same coast as would be obtained by purchasing Rosendale cement. Needless to say, it was built with portland cement. Then portland cement gained ascendency over natural cement. Portland hardened very rapidly and thus was more economical. Natural became “too slow”. In 1900 natural cement and portland each produced around eight and one-half million barrels. A steady decline began in the production of natural cement until in 1910 when the industry was producing only about one million barrels. The natural cement industry has remained around this level. Until recently, its tonnage was used almost entirely in the manufacture of cements for masonry work. In the Rosendale district the plants after the start of the twentieth century began to close down until in 1920 only one plant was maintaining production. The plant was run by A.J. Snyder, the great grandson of the man who helped start the cement industry in America. Snyder stubbornly maintained that Rosendale cement held the record of durability in America, surpassing any cement in this respect. In 1929 a new modern one million dollar natural cement mill was built in Rosendale. In the meantime, the portland cement industry, who had adopted the slogan “Concrete for Permanence” was running into some difficulties keeping this slogan’s integrity. An alarmingly large fraction of their concrete was disintegrating at early ages and not giving the service for which it was intended. Early replacements were necessary. Meanwhile, engineers and chemists of the Empire State observed that Rosendale built structures did endure. They wondered if the old time durability of Rosendale could be combined with the speed of modern portland cements. This was tried and it worked. Then the United States Public Roads Administration thoroughly tested it and approved its use in federal aid roads and structures. Then four more states tried it and made it a standard practice. Consulting engineers and Industrial Maintenance men in increasing numbers began specifying the Rosendale blend for durable concrete. PERMANENCY OF BOND Wall strengths cannot be definitely evaluated from cube or cylinder strengths of the cement; if the mortar and brick fail to weld themselves into an integral unit and each remains as individual units of a wall, unbonded together, then the wall regardless of the cement’s strength remains weak. The prime requisite of a masonry cement should be workability. Mortars that are harsh working and which require strength as well as skill when used in laying bricks have a poor start toward any permanency of bond. Mortar that can be placed with a minimum of effort, that spreads easily, adheres to the brick and retains its water is sure to attain a permanent bond. Each of us works best under favorable conditions and we tend to rebel if something unnecessarily makes our job harder to do. Skillful masons cannot produce their best work if they have to labor with inferior materials. The inherent plasticity of Rosendale natural cement based mortars assures a permanent bond. We are not citing any laboratory tests to call this to your attention, but would like you to read the following article published in the NEW YORK SUN. It is just one instance of many that we know about and as the source of the story is entirely unrelated to the field of cement, you can be sure that it is told unbiased. The mortar and bricks of this old Tweed Courthouse have adhered with such tenacity that the structure, built of individual units, has become similar to that of a monolith. Rosendale cement’s adhesiveness to the masonry unit can not be doubted. Another proven example of durability. These are the underlined passages above from The New York Sun, April 17, 1942. “Look at that brick. Why it’s set in natural cement and we have to drill out every inch of it. It’s set harder than granite.” “It’s built like a fort!” said one of the workmen. “If bomb shelters were built as solidly a direct hit wouldn’t even shake the place”. Demolition work on ordinary brick construction work is easy, one of the men said. Century Brand is the collision of two worlds in historic preservation. Ken Uracius has nearly 40 years in the masonry industry, working on some of the largest new construction and restoration projects in the country. In 2002 he began experimenting with the exact same stone that was used to make mortars for many of our architectural treasures, especially those in America’s major US cities, from a little town in upstate New York named Rosendale, and in the process created Freedom Cement and became one of the biggest advocates for restoring historic structures with like materials. After 15 years in the historic mortars business and the closing of Virginia Lime Works, Jeff Price joined Ken at Freedom Cement as Director of Sales and Marketing. Together, Freedom Cement was relaunched as Century Brand, makers of traditional Rosendale cement, importers of Vicat Prompt Natural Cements and Lafarge Natural Hydraulic Limes, and providers of an unparalleled level of expertise in the field of historic preservation. Century Brand Rosendale Cement Century Brand Rosendale Cement Cement Works & Plant Sales Office 24 East Brookfield Rd. 1022 Commerce St. Suite 2B North Brookfield, MA 01535 Lynchburg VA 24504 866-254-7277 434-219-6305 www.HistoricMortars.com
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