M arch 2015 N ewsletter WOW....... ITEMS FOR THE NEWSLETTER? [email protected] What a busy little period it has been for our club and for us personally. We sincerely apologise for the lack of newsletters in those months and we should be back on track now, thank you for your patience. Lisa K & Dyana CLUB MEETING SNAP SHOT 20th February 2015 Long time member Ian Robertson took centre stage directing our February meeting solo with his partner in crime (Laki) away in Cambodia. The meeting kicked off with event organisers talking about past events. Bob Linacre talked about the success and enjoyment of the Wooden Boat Festival. He then swapped hats to talk about the Portrait Interest Group. Phil O'Halloran gave us an update on the upcoming exhibition. Club member Galina was accompanied by her hubby Michael who covered the upcoming ANZAC service. His presentation was then followed by members Jonathan Esling and James Horne presenting their 6 favourite images and the stories behind why. Ian then introduced a new segment for the meetings and kicked it off with one of his favourite photographers that inspires him as a photographer. Following the refreshment break Phil Hallam told members of the proposed beginners Photoshop workshop and Andrew Fuller rounded out the evening with the previous months Challenge results and presented awards to the runners up and overall winners of the 2014 challenges. PHOTOSHOP WORKSHOP FOR BEGINNERS PRINT CHALLENGE CALENDAR (MEMBERS ONLY) SUNDAY 29TH MARCH 10AM - 3-4PM March Advanced April Enthusiasts May Advanced June Enthusiasts July Advanced August Enthusiasts September Advanced October Enthusiasts November Advanced December To Be Advised PHILLIP SMITH BUILDING - GLEBE PRINT CHALLENGE - MARCH MEETING March's Print Competition is for the Advanced group. Trish & Bob and bringing two big tables so bring one, two, or three prints if you like. Enthusiasts, your next turn is the April Meeting. 1 ADVANCED NIGHT March | 2015 March Meeting Agenda March 19, 2015 at 7:30PM - Phillip Smith Building, Glebe Phil Hallam and Jonathan Esling will be hostingour March meeting. Club Meeting Calendar March 19th "Guideline" agenda (please note some items are subject to change)..... April 16th 1. Nick Monk will be the guest presenter, May 21st June 18th July 16th August 20th September 17th October 15th November 19th December 10th 2. Three club members Trish Routley, Chris Wright and John Darby will talking about "6 of their best." 3. An update on the exhibition by Phil O'Halloran??(Havent asked him yet.) 4. Information about Photoshop beginners workshop to be held on 29th March at Philip Smith Centre by Andrew Fuller, Suellen Cook and Phil Hallam. 10AM - 4PM. Previous participants welcome to attend if they wish. 5. Maybe a short presentation of an 8 day bushwalk by 3 members in the Southwest. 6. Challenges....digital and print. YOUR HPS COMMITTEE MEMBERS: PRESI DENT: Reg Ashman VI CE PRESI DENT 1: Mike Calder VI CE PRESI DENT 2: Phil Hallam TREASURER: Jenny Schorta PUBLI C OFFI CER: Ian Holloway COMMI TTEE MEMBERS: Lisa Kean, Rachael Daniels, Tricia Chesterman, Jonathan Esling, Ian Robertson & Phil O'Halloran 2 Q & A with Glenn Lewis March | 2015 1. Your favourite photographic genre(s)? Probably waterscapes, particularly wave and surf photography. (I love to surf). 2. How long have you been a member of the HPS? Four years (I think), but unfortunately I cannot make it to club meetings - I've only ever been to one meeting. I'm very much an on-line only member. As such I really value the images, comments, suggestions, hints and tips people provide via the clubs Facebook pages!! 3. What's your earliest memory of being interested in photography? I bought a 35mm camera with my own pocket money when I was about 8. I was very proud of it because it had different settings for cloudy and sunny days and was shaped a bit like an SLR ... unfortunately the cost of processing film meant I couldn't afford to use it very much at all! :) 4. What's your proudest photography moment? Nothing in particular comes to mind. 5. Which photographer's works inspire you most? To be honest I can only name one photographer (Dombrowski). However I love looking at, and am inspired by, the images posted on the HPS Facebook pages. There are some very talented people in the club! 6. Besides your camera, what's your most important piece of camera equipment you don't like to be without? I only have a camera, tripod and a couple of lenses. So aside from those, probably my wife, Fiona (though she would not like to be referred to as "equipment" :) ). Fi is great for bouncing ideas off and also am able to convince her most of the time to be a model for me. 7. What's your most embarrassing photography moment? Maybe when I was doing some macro shots of skin moles for a friend. (Probably more embarrassing for her, but worth it as she has a history of skin cancer and needs to very carefully monitor any changes to her moles) 8. Most favourite photography location? Anywhere near the surf at sunrise. 9. What's the next stage pf your photographic journey/learning you'd like to accomplish? I'd love to take wave or underwater shots, but cannot afford underwater housing for my dslr at the moment (anyone know whether those waterproof bags for DLSRs are effective?... or perhaps a waterproof point and shoot?). I'd also love to get into some sports photography but again feel I need a to buy telephoto lens (my 50mm doesn't cut it). 10. How do you choose to relax after a photo shoot? Photography is my relaxing. 11. What is your favourite lens? I have 3 lenses at the moment - 50mm, 10-20mm and 90mm macro. I think my favourite is the one I'll buy next ... maybe a 70-200mm f2.8?... 12. Name one thing we don't know about you. Since I'm an "online only" member then probably most things! :). I work in IT, teach Tae Kwon Do (5th Dan black belt) and have two girls (8 and 10) who have just convinced me, after years of nagging, to get them a puppy ... now to work out what breed :) 13. What your favourite websites? I guess Facebook - I'm a member of several facebook photography groups and enjoy seeing shots by local photographers. 3 March | 2015 FEBRUARY PRINT CHALLENGE WINNERS ENTHUSIAST W INNERS Congr s n o i t a atul Gold David Ridgers Silver Peter Deck Bronze Rachel Green HPS M onochrome Exhibition at the Sidespace Gallery, Salamanca from 11-18 August 2015 This year the exhibition will be run by Jenny, Galina and Lisa. The theme for this year will be "Tasmanian Towns" The images we imagine are images that evoke the spirit and culture of smaller towns within our beautiful state - they can be historic places, architecture, landscape..., portraiture or macro. Each participant will be able to exhibit two images min size 16"x20" or 40x50cm. Gallery space is limited so we would like to ask for expressions of interest now and to pay the exhibition fee later in March. Any questions please direct to either of us. Thanks Jenny, Galina & Lisa UPCOMING EXCURSIONS& LESSONS WHAT WHEN WHERE WHO TIME Cape Queen Elizabeth & Mars Bluff 28th March 2015 Bruny Island Jenny Schorta Catching 9:30am ferry Photoshop Beginners Workshop 29th March 2015 Phillip Smith Centre Andrew Fuller, Suellen Cook & Phil Hallam 10:00am - 4:00pm Fungi walk coming soon Around the Maydena area Lisa Kean TBA Anyone can organise/lead an excursion, it could be something simple as a garden walk....... Just create an event, select "invite only", then select all members in the HPS Announcement Page. 4 March | 2015 WOODEN BOAT FESTIVAL 6th - 9th February 2015 5 March | 2015 Do you have any photography stuff for sale?? If so, please email [email protected] and we will include it in our newsletter Waterside Pavilion Exhibition 5th - 18th M arch 2015 As everyone should be aware the exhibition is underway, we had over 130 entries and they look terrific. So make sure you get down and have a look. "Opening Night" photo courtesy of Andrew Fuller Our Website is up and running http://hobart-photo.org.au 6 March | 2015 RAW CHALLENGE 21ST FEBRUARY 2015 About half a dozen HPS photographers braved the 27 degree heat and the mud to volunteer at the February Raw Challenge event. The Raw Challenge sees competitors scramble, splash, leap, and slide down/over 30 obstacles over an 8 kilometre course. There is lots of mud and lots of laughs. The new slide was a favourite and was especially great to photograph ? lots of hilarious expressions & splashing. The competitors love to see themselves covered in mud and the Raw Challenge organisers are always extremely grateful for the photos the HPS members provide. The funds raised from the events goes to the Cancer Council NSW, Camp Quality and Westmead Children?s hospital. The next Raw Challenge will be held at Baskerville Raceway Saturday 7th November 2015 and we will be looking for more volunteers to take part so put the date in your diary - suitable for all experience levels. Hope to see you there! HANDY LITTLE WEB PAGE Digital Photography School http:/ / digital-photography-school.com/ 7 March | 2015 Q&A with James Horne Insect eye fungus Your favourite photographic genre(s)? Landscape, microscopy How long have you been a member of the HPS? About 6 years What?s your earliest memory of being interested in photography? Around 7 years old with a Kodak Instamatic wondering why the results didn?t match my expectations. Little has changed in the years following!!! What?s your proudest photography moment? I wouldn?t say proud but I was delighted to be offered the chance to exhibit in a show during the last FotoFreo festival. It was microscopy stuff from my undergraduate studies. Which photographer?s works inspire you most? Richard Misrach, Ansell Adams, Chris Jordan, Peter Dombrovskis, Chris Bell, Diane Arbus, Margaret Bourke-White, Frederick Somers, Claudia Faerenkemper, Joe Simpson Besides your camera, what?s your most important piece of camera equipment you don?t like to be without? Tripod. I should slow down and use it more than I do! What?s your most embarrassing photography moment? Getting separated from Mike Calder and Ingrid Roberts on the way up Mt Anne and spending the night on my own. I owe Mike big-time for driving back to collect me the next day. He was jolly decent about it all things considered!!! Most favourite photography location? Pandani Shelf, Mt Anne What?s the next stage pf your photographic journey/ learning you?d like to accomplish? Not sure but I think it will be project-related with an overarching theme rather than just for the sake of making images How do you choose to relax after a photo shoot? What is not relaxing about being able to spend your time taking photos?! What is your favourite lens? 14-24mm Nikkor. Name one thing we don?t know about you. I used to be called Jemima before the operation. What your favourite websites? luminous-landscape.com, nasa.gov, cricinfo.com.au, guardian.co.uk 8 March March| 2015 | 2015 PHOTOGRAPHERSTHAT INSPIRE OUR WORK I an Roberston introduced the work of one of his inpirational photographers during the meeting. H er name is Jenni H orsfall. A browse of her website www.jennihorsnell.com takes you on a tour of her amazing work and photographs. The following information I have extracted from her website. "Jenni Horsnell resides in Australia and is a dedicated photographer and naturalist. Her work reflects a lifelong love of nature, specialising in close-up and macro images where she captures the beauty and detail of insects, spiders and fungi, and more recently, bird photography." "Jenni's other great passions are floral photography using creative types of lighting and digital manipulation of her non-nature images." It goes on to talk about her success in many national and international photography arena. SQUARE CROP i s t he di gi t al chal l enge t heme for Apri l . The fol der i s up on Facebook so st art get t i ng your i mages i n. 8t h Apri l i s t he f i nal post i ng dat e. Fi nal rework i ng dat e i s t he 9t h Apri l and scores M UST be back by 13t h Apri l . To keep t hi ngs f l owi ng smoot hl y i t i s i mport ant t o get t he score-sheet back t o Andrew by t he due dat e. SQUARE CROP The t heme for M ay i s 'Seen Bet t er Days' so st art t o get your t hi nk i ng caps on and creat i ve jui ces f l owi ng earl y. The usual open t heme fol der s are avai l abl e t oo. At t he February meet i ng Andrew put up a l i st of Chal l enge t opi cs for 2015. He's cert ai nl y got some f un and chal l enges i n st ore for member s t hi s year. 9 DIGITAL CHALLENGE RESULTS - ADVANCED THEMED CATEGORY SELF PORTRAIT + Bronze: Silver: Jonathan Esling Galina Romalis Susan Styles Patricia Routley Jim Cleland Ingrid Roberts Jenny Schorta Mike Calder Julie Moore Lisa Kean Gold: John Darby Eric Graudins Clive Roper Kay Dalby Rob Warren Suellen Cook Glenn Lewis Phil Hallam RESULTS OF FEBRUARY'S OPEN CHALLENGE CATEGORY HELD OVER UNTIL MARCH MEETING. 10 2014 DI GI TA L CHA LLENGE A WA RDS A HUGE congratulations go out to our overall challenge winners who received some very inspirational and motivational prizes. A MASSI VE thank you goes out to Victoria Henderson who very generously donated the prizes. Thank you to all our members who participated in the challenges over the year and helping to make it a success. It 's been very interesting to see members photography grow and change over the year through their submissions into the Challenges and of course it wouldn't be what it is without Andrew's hard work and dedication. DIGITAL CHALLENGE RESULTS - ENTHUSIASTS WINNER: Glenn Lewis RUNNER UP: Lisa Kean Glenn was absent on the night to collect his award but here it is. If you haven't got it by now Glenn, you had better start asking some questions. Lisa is stoked with her beautiful prize. DIGITAL CHALLENGE RESULTS - ADVANCED WINNER: Phil Hallam RUNNER UP: Jenny Schorta Phil all loaded up with his great prize, ready to go and find a good spot to take some more award winning photos. This is Jenny's award but I couldn't find her at the time of the photo so Foo's little sister stepped in on her behalf. 11 Our Favourite Images At the January meeting, thanks to Mike Calder members experienced a new segment which we all enjoyed so much it's caught on as a regular thing. Here is club member James Horne presenting a couple of his favourite images at the February meeting. Start looking for your 6 favourite images because all members will be asked so we can meet you and your work. Flashback to January Club M eeting Mike Calder was put under the pump with this meeting when his scheduled presenter pulled out at short notice. However, his experience and creativity saved the meeting yet again. He commenced preceedings by welcoming everyone, briefly explained the change in the agenda, welcomed people who were attending for the first time and introduced his first presenter Mike Brown. Mike prepared himself to present by taking off his jacket which was met with a round of applause. Fellow member I an told us the more we clapped the more he takes off but due to time constraints of his presentation it wasn't to be. For those members who are new to the club, Mike is one of our passionate bird photographers. His breath taking array of photos included: The Lilac-breasted Roller (national bird of Botswana) Redbacked Kingfisher Dollar birds Sacred Kingfisher Bee Eaters - Africa Raptors (means taken by force) - Birds of Prey Madigascan Bee Eater Wedgetail Eagle Rainbow Bee Eater - Australia Kites Giant Kingfishers - Africa Ospreys Brownhood Kingfisher African Fish Eagle (largest eagle in Africa) Pied Kingfisher White bellied sea eagle (common around Tasmania) Kookaburra Peregrin Falcons Blue Winged Kookaburra Common Sparrowhawk Azure Kingfisher Forest Kingfisher Swamp Harrier & Brown Goshawk (Mike showed photos of an interaction between these two birds). Mike Brown then kicked off the new segment Mike Calder introduced to replace his guest speaker. This was for 6 members to show 6 of their favourite images and explain why. Members who kindly stepped up at short notice to fill the sudden void in the agenda also included I an Robertson, Andrew Fuller, Mike Calder and Reg Ashman. This segment was very much enjoyed and feedback following the meeting has seen it introduced as a regular segment at the meetings. Often we see images but we don't get to hear the story behind their creation. Phil O'Hallaran talked to members about the upcoming exhibition on the 5th March. Bob Linacre took the floor to touch on the Anzac Day festivities that coincide with the 100th year anniversary. Bob then went on to talk about the arrangements for the upcoming Wooden Boat Festival and updated members on the Portrait I nterest Group emphasising on it going ahead and revisited, for newer members, what it is and what it entails. Results for the print challenge on the night were: Bronze - Erik Larsen Silver - Julie Moore 12
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