Hawk Talk Holmes Middle School 719-328-3800 www.d11.org/holmes March/April 2015 Dear Holmes Community, As always, the first semester seems to disappear. Now we find ourselves beginning 2015. Overall the first semester and the end of 2014 was an overwhelming success for our community, which is only possible with the ongoing involvement and support of our parents. Because of this, I must extend a sincere thank you to each of you. Many of you may be well aware that Holmes MS is the recipient of a substantial grant targeted for innovation in education. This initiative is referred to as Next Generation Learning and realizes the fact that multitudes of students are not fully engaged in their education and are not reaching their fullest potential. For the past 8 months, a team of staff members have been engaged in significant learning and planning that will advance the educational experience for all students at Holmes MS. A sixteen page design plan document is posted on the Holmes website and contains many of the details of our Next Generation Learning Plan, as well as our newly revised Mission and Vision statements. The formal implementation of this plan begins Fall 2015, yet many aspects will be encountered by students and staff during second semester this school year. In general, our efforts will be with the intentional purpose to engage students as individuals more effectively, measure their learning more meaningfully, and promote them through their education more fairly. By carefully changing how we schedule our human resources and time, we are evolving into a more flexible and adaptive environment that will better allow students to personalize their learning experience in a tech-enabled environment. By doing this, we hope to reignite the passion for learning in all students. Please be on the lookout for upcoming information as we will be holding a Parent Forum in February (exact date yet to be determined) to share more of the details of our Next Generation Learning Initiative and provide the opportunity for community questions and feedback. It is an exciting time at Holmes Middle School, and this semester will fly by as well. Because the end of the school year will arrive quickly, if you ever have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to make contact with your student’s teachers, a counselor or administrator. We are here to help you. Sincerely, Rob Utter Principal Main Office Attendance Voice Mail FAX 328-3800 328-3813 328-3899 448-0358 Counseling Media Center Boys Gym Girls Gym 328-3812 328-3823 328-3825 328-3840 SCHOOL AND OFFICE HOURS SCHOOL ATTENDANCE Main Office: 8:00 am— 4:30 pm The principal, assistant principals and registrar will be available during these hours. Teaching staff: 8:30 am—4:00 pm. Call 328-3800 to make arrangements for meeting your student’s team of teachers during their scheduled planning time (below), or before or after school hours. Parents, please remember to call the attendance line to excuse your student when he/she will be absent from school. The 24 hr. attendance phone number is 328-3813. If you leave a message state your student’s name, grade and reason for absence along with your name and a phone number where you can be reached. STAFF CONFERENCE/PLANNING TIMES PARENT & VISITOR INFORMATION Teachers are available for conferences during the following planning times: SIXTH GRADE: 10:45—12:20pm Castle Peak: Jo Wilson, Laura Gaeta Mt. Lincoln: Kelly Gross, Rachel Schisler Maroon Bells: Christina Rochelle, Rob Dolce Sunshine Peak: Melissa Gilbert, Kylene Riggen SEVENTH GRADE: 9:50—10:35 & 2:00—2:45pm Challenger Peak: Mary Brennan, Karla Chappel Laura Gregory, Stephanie Marsh Mt. Bierstadt: Kristin Abernethy, Brenda Yohn, Gordon Kaufman, Stephanie Aaron EIGHTH GRADE: 8:45—9:35 & 3:00—3:45pm Mt. Oxford: Olivia Coszalter, Steve Tucker Grays Peak: Lori Waddle, Mike Wilshusen Pikes Peak: Kathleen Lynch, Kelly Hodge, Jackie Swank, Marty Wolf EXPLORATORIES: 1:10—1:55pm PE: Leslie Barthlow; Andy Wojtalewicz Industrial Technology: Greg Bohn Technology: Mike Kreidel Family & Consumer Sciences: Kelly Gauck Art: Jennifer Petersen; Band: Jeremiah Fowler Orchestra: Rob Rodine; Choir: Amber Niskern Math/Literacy Tutor: Lance May; Spanish: Katy Odens For a complete staff list, visit the Holmes website. School doors have been equipped with a locking system. To access the main building, press the button to the right of the main doors and wait for a click to open the door. Because of safety issues, we request that all visitors check in at the main office and be issued a visitors badge, before going anywhere in the building, including having lunch with your student, or visiting the social worker or counselors. This lets security, administration and staff know that you have checked in at the main office. Mission & Vision of Holmes Middle School The vision of the Holmes Middle School community is to foster a positive environment of responsible learners. The mission of Holmes Middle School is to provide opportunities for students. To obtain a quality education and develop a commitment to learning; to increase skills for academic, fine and practical arts, technological and social success; and to gain an understanding of their potentially positive role in society . ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ ADVISORY Ms. Margo Herbert – 6th Grade Mt. Lincoln, Sunshine Peak, all 7th Grade Cores Mr. Yann Ulrich – 6th Grade Castle Peak, Maroon Bells, all 8h Grade Cores Student Supervision The hours of student supervision are 8:00AM-4:00PM. This is a liability issue concerning the safety and welfare of Holmes’ students and community. All students who enter the building prior to the cafeteria opening at 8:00AM, and those who remain on school grounds after 4:00PM, should make arrangements to be with an adult in a supervised setting. Students entering the main building at 8:00AM to work with teachers or in the library, or participate in clubs or activities, are required to sign in at the front office. If your student occasionally needs to be on school grounds outside of these times, please have them wait in the main courtyard or in front of the school. We appreciate your assistance in helping to keep our students safe and under adult supervision. Warm Weather As the spring season quickly approaches, please review the Dress Code policy on pg. 10 of the Student Handbook. Student dress code supports our goal of maintaining a positive learning environment, free from distractions. We appreciate your help in monitoring your student’s dress to ensure that it falls within the guidelines of the dress code. Short shorts, short skirts worn without leggings underneath, sagging pants, low cut shirts, and torn jeans are the majority of offenses. Please help your student to choose wisely to avoid consequences for defiance of school policy. When in doubt, ask an adult! 8th Grade End-of-the-Year Celebrations Coming Soon…… Wow-our 8th graders have grown! Parents, it’s that time of year when we need to step back and recognize that our 8th graders’ middle school journey is winding down. In just a few short months, your son or daughter will be leaving the Hawk community to begin a new and exciting stage in life as high school students as the class of 2019! This is a significant step that deserves recognition and celebration. We are so proud of the accomplishments of this year’s 8th graders and look forward to celebrating further achievements as we enter 4th Quarter. All 8th graders will be receiving letters to be signed by parents explaining the many end-of-year celebrations we have planned for them in May. Mark your calendars for May 15th, May 22st, and May 27 th. Those students meeting behavioral and academic expectations outlined during classroom visitations and parent information letters will be invited to attend the Excellence Picnic, Elitch Gardens Field Trip, 8th Grade Breakfast, and 8th Grade Celebration Ceremony. Please review the outlined behavior and academic requirements in the parent information letter sent home with students. We ask for parental support in meeting permission slip and fee turn-in dates and continued student encouragement so that our 8th graders finish their middle school experience strong and in a positive manner. Our goal is that all 8th graders meet our SOARing expectations so that no one misses out on the many opportunities we have for this class to mix and mingle with their middle school peers before leaving us for high school. SAVE THE DATE 8TH GRADE CELEBRATION CEREMONY May 27th 6:00 p.m. Coronado Gymnasium 8 am—4:30 pm Mrs. Lori Kadzikowski 6th Grade Mt. Lincoln/Sunshine Peak All 7th Grade Cores Mrs. Sandi Watkins 6th Grade Maroon Bells/Castle Peak All 8th Grade Cores Coun seling C 328-3 orner 812 Student Registration for the 2015—2016 School Year If your student has not returned their registration forms for next year, please do so as soon as possible. Information about “Pre-Advanced Placement” (Pre AP) classes 6th and 7th grade teachers have submitted recommendations for Pre Advanced Placement (Pre AP) classes for the 2015 - 2016 school year. In addition, the counselors contacted 5th grade teachers and secured recommendations for our incoming 6th graders. These letters will be mailed no later then the week of June 1st.. Any questions regarding the placement of your child should be directed to his/her teacher. Criteria of Pre AP: · Student performance (characteristics of AP students) · Teacher recommendation · Parent request · Test scores (MAPS and CSAP) - highly proficient Below is a list of characteristics that profile a student in the Pre-AP Program: · Critical and independent thinking skills · Willingness to work hard · Self-motivated · Ability to adapt to varied settings · Organization skills · Persistent in pursuing goals · Capable of handling assignments involving an exceptional degree of creativity If you think your child should have received a letter and did not, please contact the Counseling Center at 328-3812. WEB News: Where Everyone Belongs WEB is a program that welcomes the sixth grade class on the first day of school as well as continues to support them throughout their first year of middle school. We will be handing out WEB applications to 7th grade students, identified as people on campus who are a positive role model, responsible, possesses leadership qualities, kind and most importantly, a desire to give back to their community. If you think your child displays these characteristics you may nominate your own child. Being a WEB Leader is an important responsibility. In order to build the most effective program possible, we have a series of mandatory trainings that your child must attend. If your child is nominated, please help us build a strong program, as well as develop good leaders by supporting our efforts to have on-time attendance at the required functions. Request for teams or cores sent directly to [email protected], Please send copy to Lori.Kadzikowski@ d11.org. Counselor’s Corner Mrs. Kadzikowski and Mrs. Watkins 8th Grade The counselors from Coronado and Palmer visited our 8th graders in January. They distributed and collected registration materials and course descriptions. If your student has not registered, or if you have changes, please call Coronado Counseling at 328-3609 and Palmer Counseling at 328-5007. Please be aware that completing the registration materials will not insure your child will attend the high school of their choice, if it is not your home school. If you want to attend a high school that is outside your boundary, a Choice Open Enrollment Form, must be submitted to the high school and approved. Please see Mrs. Fleecs in the main office for the necessary document. 6th and 7th Grade Current 6th and 7th graders began registering for classes the week of Feb 16th. We distributed registration materials through Social Studies classes and then students had the opportunity to register “online”. If you have questions call Holmes counseling @ 328-3812. 5th Grade Counselors visited some of our feeder elementary schools with registration packets the last two weeks of February. Fifth grade registration forms should be brought to Holmes Middle School at 2455 Mesa Road as soon as possible. Please be aware that completing the registration materials will not insure your child will attend the school of their choice, if it is not your home school. If you are wanting to attend a middle school that is outside your boundary, a Choice Open Enrollment form, must be submitted to the middle school and approved. PE News In January the PE department was excited to welcome a new group of students for eighteen weeks of physical education. Students have received PE lockers and have completed their fitness testing which included the flexibility test, push-up test, sit-up test, standing long jump test, and the pacer test. With hard work and goal setting we hope to see improvement in their fitness and in their test scores when we retest in the spring. PE classes have been participating in basketball and volleyball units and we look forward to an exciting floor hockey and pillow polo unit in the coming week. Students have also been making excellent fitness gains in the fitness room while using the cardiovascular machines, dumbbells, and resistance bands. The hard work, cooperation, and teamwork has been exciting to see and be a part of. In addition to the performance activities, all eighth grade students have been creating individual fitness programs. The fitness program entails their choice of any team sport or individual sport, goal setting, implementation of fitness elements, and creating a six week program. As winter exits and spring takes over, we look forward to heading outside for some exciting fourth quarter activities. Some of activities will include Flag Football, Lacrosse, Softball, Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, Team Handball, and Archery. The PE Department would also like to celebrate the following students for being the PE Hawk of the Week. This award is given each week to a student who displays leadership, hard work, cooperation, and respect. Great Job… 6th grade: Giles Lewis, Jordan Hallock, Nicholas Hernandez, Brycen Hurt, Maycie Rogers, and Gabrielle Gray. 7th Grade: Angel Romero, Kate Griffin, Maddie Leahy, Zoe Gross, Leo Zook. 8th grade: Alekandra Olesiak Sports schedules will be located on the STUDENT tab at www.d11.org/holmes SAC COMMITTEE The final SAC (School Accountability Committee) meetings of the year will be April 6 and May 11. We meet at 4:15 p.m. in the Media Center. Please join us! You are invited to share your questions, concerns, and comments -- or just come to listen and learn about the latest developments at Holmes. For more information, contact Leah Landolfi at 328-9547. NJHS NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS It’s THAT time of Year Candidate information forms will be mailed to eligible 6th and 7th graders during the week of March 16th from the Holmes Middle School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. In order to receive this form a student must meet the following criteria: in full-time attendance for at least two quarters, a cumulative GPA for the year of 3.5 (on a A=4.0 scale) and citizenship grades of only 4’s and 5’s. Holmes NJHS is NOT just a scholarship based organization. Service and leadership are at our core. A candidate information form is only the first step and is NOT a guarantee of acceptance. Membership in NJHS at Holmes has high standards and we ask that students and parents consider the cost of time and commitment to the chapter before making the decision to complete and turn in the form. The selection process and membership requirements are spelled out in the bylaws of the chapter which are available on the Holmes NJHS website which can be accessed from the Holmes Middle School website. If you believe that your student met the initial criteria mentioned in the first paragraph and they did NOT receive a candidate information form, please contact one of the co-advisers: Mrs. Kristin Abernethy, 328-3872, [email protected] or Julie Lindeman, 328-3817, [email protected] For those selected to become members, they must attend the Induction Ceremony, which is April 29, 2015. All currently active members are also expected to attend. Additional News. We are wrapping up our Intergenerational Project with Colorado Springs Care Center. After four weeks of interviews, biographies are nearly complete and will be presented on February 28 th. The school service committee is wrapping up a project to name our school halls with character traits and special tributes and create hall signs to be placed in strategic locations. Homework help ended on February 25th. Come out and join us for a night of old familiar tunes, and a few new ones, as we present the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Choir Concert on Thursday, March 12th! Students warm-up at 6:00 PM in the orchestra / choir room, and the performance begins at 6:30 PM. Admission is free, so bring the whole family!" Enthusiastically, Amber Niskern Choir Director What’s Happening in FACS? Winter 2015 The sixth grade classes are busy learning to operate a sewing machine and soon will be making their pillows. They are thrilled to learn such a fun life skill. The class has learned the basic nutrients and foods from each of the food groups. Learning the basics of cooking which includes: kitchen safety, tools, correct techniques of measuring and following simple recipes has been a fun challenge. They enjoyed the many hand-on activities and the foundations of being a wise consumer. As the sewing unit concludes, the class will experience an additional lab focusing on protein. The seventh graders just took a trip to the fabric store to learn facts about many fibers and types of fabrics used in today’s garments. The classes recently concluded a child care unit and learned many new facts about infants, toddlers and pre-school aged children. They discovered the four areas of development and the importance of safety and play. The students were engaged in a variety of activities to become a more competent and positive child care provided whether it be as a sibling, aunt, uncle or babysitter. As the class concludes the sewing unit, they will begin their nutrition & wellness unit. It was filled with six different food labs: fruit smoothies, buttermilk pancakes, no-bake cocoa cookies, simple cakes, beef & vegetable stew and a theme meal! They will learn about meal management and create their own special event invitation. The eighth grade recently completed their interpersonal relationship unit. The teen topic presentations were very informative and empowering. The students created a personal resume, and learned ways to improve communication, dealing with conflict and the decision-making process. As the clothing & textile unit begins, they will learn about laundry care, ironing, and sewing on a button. Each will make a pair of pants. Each will research a fiber and begin to realize that being a good consumer also means how to purchase ready-made garments. The last quarter will focus on the nutrition & wellness unit. The food labs will consist of fruit smoothies, Belgian waffles, soft breadsticks, cinnamon rolls, beef & vegetables stew and international cooking. The international cooking will offer over 12 different dishes to sample along with a presentation about each country. There is a wide range of food exploration covered in eighth grade. I want to personally thank all the families that donated gift cards or food items for our many labs. There is still time to help out with donations. The students always have great experiences and without supportive parents & grandparents, I couldn’t provide the challenging food labs. Sincerely, Mrs. Gauck Holmes FCCLA CHAPTER – Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America - a leadership organization affiliated with Family & Consumer Science Our chapter has done remarkable activities this year. In September we provided a delicious meal for the staff to support NO KID HUNGRY. The donations help provide meals for children. In December we delivered 10 tie fleece blankets to the Children’s Cancer Center. February was the month of giving and the chapter sponsored a Share the Love food drive and collected over 225 pounds of food for our local families in need. FCCLA promotes personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Science. Focusing on the multiple roles of the family member, wage earner and community leader, members develop skills for life through character development, creative and critical thinking; interpersonal communications, practical knowledge and career preparation. Kelly Gauck, Family & Consumer Science Instructor, is the advisor for the Holmes Middle School Chapter. The chapter has 40 affiliated members, all who are affiliated with the state and national organization of FCCLA. District competition took place February 20 in Colorado Springs. Several students competed and are looking forward to the State FCCLA Conference in Denver in April. There, they will compete in STAR (Students Taking Action for Recognition) events. GIRLS GOLF- HOLMES: PARENT/GOLFER MEETING WILL BE IN ROOM 32 AT 3:50PM ON MONDAY, MARCH 16. GIRLS NEED TO HAVE PHYSICALS COMPLETE BY APRIL 1-FIRST DAY OF TRYOUTS. EIGHT GIRLS THAT HAVE SOME EXPERIENCE WILL QUALIFY TO MAKE THE TEAM. *IF YOUR DAUGHTER HAS NOT PLAYED BEFORE-PLEASE CONTACT COACH HODGE FOR INSTRUCTION IDEAS. AFTER TRYOUTS, GIRLS WILL PAY THEIR FEES TO THE FRONT OFFICE AND ORDER SHIRTS AS NEEDED. PLEASE CONTACT KELLY HODGE WITH QUESTIONS AT [email protected]. Thanks Kelly Kelly Kleckner Hodge LA Chair Holmes Middle School 719-328-3866 Coronado Girls Golf Head Coach Boys and Girls Golf Coach Holmes Middle School LPGA Teaching Professional 719-761-8018 Yearbooks - $35 Years from now, when you are out on your own, you may want to look back on your Holmes Middle School years. What did my classmates look like? What teachers did I have? Who was on my track team? You probably won’t be able to answer those questions if you didn’t buy a yearbook. For only $35, you can purchase your 2014 - 2015 Holmes Middle School yearbook . Go to Holmes Website to place your order. d11.org/Holmes Yearbooks will be distributed on the last day of school. Volleyball Information Team selection: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday March 9-11 ALL STUDENTS 6th Grade ~ 4:00PM – 5:00PM 7th Grade ~ 5:00PM – 6:00PM 8th Grade ~ 6:00PM – 7:00PM Thursday & Friday March 12 & 13 INVITED STUDENTS A Squad ~ 4:00PM – 5:30PM B Squad ~ 5:30PM – 7:00PM Requirements: (by March 6th) Yellow Physical Card with signatures Blue Emergency Card Pink colored Registration Form No F’s on your 3rd quarter report card **Only students meeting these requirements can try-out for A & B squad teams Payment (due after team selection March 20th) $50.00 Full Payment $33.00 Reduced Lunch $17.00 Free Lunch **Max family $200 (football and golf excluded), third sport ½ price. *Payable to Holmes Middle School All students have the opportunity to play volleyball at Holmes. The 14 most skilled 6 th, 7th & 8th grade students will play on the A Squad. After the A Squad is formed, the next 14 most skilled 6 th & 7th grade students will play on the B squad. All other students will play on a Holmes club team. Club players will receive their schedules by March 20th. BOYS’ TRACK INFORMATION Boys' track is just around the corner! The first day of track is Monday, March 9. Track is a "no-cut" sport in the district. To remain eligible, boys (1) must maintain passing grades throughout the season and (2) not have school related problems that jeopardize participation. To participate on the first day of practice athletes will need to have their yellow sports physical form and blue emergency card turned into the main office at Holmes. Any sport fees need to be paid by 3/19/15. ($50 full fee, $33 reduced lunch fee, $17 free lunch fee) The brief pre-season meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 4, at 5:30 p.m., in the cafeteria. This is an important meeting, especially for parents of boys who are planning to participate for the first time. The focus will be on the school's track philosophy, expectations, school rules, practice times, clothing requirements, safety issues, participation fee, and other important areas. Parents with questions are encouraged to call/e-mail either Coach Gross (328-3887; [email protected]) or Coach Kaufman (328-3875; [email protected].). Boys, get ready! Let the quest begin on March 9!!! INTERESTED GIRL TRACK ATHLETES: Any girls interested in running some spring track meets and the invite to COUGAR CLASSIC on April 24th to run the 1200 meter run, contact [email protected] I'm trying to get track meets for the girls - please mention to contact me if interested: [email protected] - as well as the invite to COUGAR CLASSIC on April 24 for 1 event the 1200 meter run. Thanks Jim BRINKMAN CROSSED PATHS SURVEYING 1-719-661-2349 [email protected] From The School Social Worker: Turning Your Words to Gold Do you find yourself repeating your instructions to your student FREQUENTLY? “Take out the trash.” “Didn’t I tell you to take out the trash?” “How many times do I have to tell you to TAKE OUT THE TRASH!!!!”?” Sound familiar at all? Is your student adept at selective listening? Perhaps your issue is getting homework done, or cleaning their room, or emptying the dishwasher, or just being spoken to in a respectful tone minus the attitude. Much of our frustration as parents (in this arena) comes because we are telling our child what to do when in reality we can’t make them do it. They are now young adolescents and have entered that stage of development where they are no longer interested in pleasing us or making us happy. In fact, it often feels the opposite. To turn your words “into gold” stop telling your child what to do (which you can’t control) and instead tell them what YOU will do (which you can control). “Feel free to come to dinner when the trash has been taken to the curb” or “I will serve you dinner as soon as the trash is taken to the curb.” “I am happy to take you to your friend’s house when you have finished your homework.” “Electronics are on after homework is finished.” (If your child has electronics in their bedroom, then that would NOT be the place for them to work on homework!) “I take kids to the mall when I feel treated with respect and the chores are done.” “I will talk with you when your voice is calm like mine.” (Make sure your voice IS calm!) “I will drive you places when I feel treated with respect.” If you will use enforceable statements AND repeat them (rather than explain or lecture) AND make sure you will consistently follow through, you will see your children make adjustments. You must deliver these statements calmly, quietly and in a matter-of-fact manner, not breaking a sweat or raising your voice. State them, walk away and wait to see if they do their part. For more information, you can visit www.loveandlogic.com or attend a Becoming a Love and Logic Parent Training when it is offered. Feel free to give me a call for suggestions. Julie Lindeman, LCSW, School Social Worker, 328-3817, [email protected]. NOTICE: The Adoption support group mentioned in the last newsletter will not be held due to lack of interest.
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