5K/1KPork Chop Trot Saturday, July 11,, 201 15 P or k Chop Trot Marty (Pearl Lake), MN 8:00 am – Registration 9:00 am – 5K Run/Walk 10:00 am – 1K Kids Run Registration Form Each participant must fill out a separate registration form. No refunds or number transfers. More race information can be found at www.holycrossmn.org Course surfaces include grass, dirt, and asphalt and crushed granite. Name: __ ___________________________________ Age on July 11, 201 15:: ______ Gender: M F Address: _________________________________________________________________ _____________ City: ____________________ State: _______ Zip: ________ Phone: _______________ ___ ___________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________ _____________ Type of registration (circle): 5K T-shirt size (circle): 5K Run/Walk Adult – Small Med 1K Kids Run (medal only, no t-shirt) Large XL XXL T-shirts guaranteed to all participants registered by June 19th,, 20 015.. T--shirts to late entrants or day of race entrants while supplies last. Checks Payable to: Holy Cross School Mail to: 5K Run/Walk 1K Kids Run Before June 19th $18.00 Pork Chop Trot After June 19th 10672 Co. Rd. 8 Kimball, MN 55353 Before June 19th $25.00 After June 19th $8.00 $15.00 Waiver Statement As an entrant in the 2015 Pork Chop Trot, I assume complete responsibility for any injury to me or damage to my property which may occur during the event, or otherwise. I assume all risks associated with, but not limited to: falls, contact with other par cipants, the affects of the weather, traffic, temperature and course condi on. I agree not to hold any representa ve of Pork Chop Trot or any organiza on associated, responsible for said injuries. I also grant permission to Pork Chop Trot and other associated organiza ons to use my name and any photographs, videotapes, mo on pictures, recordings or any other record on me par cipa ng in this event for any publicity and/or promo onal purposes without obliga on or liability to me. I understan d that the fees are not refundable. _________________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________ Date Land O’ Lakes Oil & Propane Thomas Ehlinger Kimball, MN A M MAUS AND SON Millcreek Dairy Lakeview Storage David Stang
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