Head & neck region of 4- week human embryo resembles fish gill region (branchial apparatus) --- no gills in human. * pharyngeal arches (1-6 pairs) * pharyngeal pouches * phargeneal grooves * phargeneal membranes Pharyngeal Apparatus 婁培人 • 1st pharyngeal arch Lateral Dorsal view Lateral view Development of pharyngeal apparatus (咽弓) -thyroid gland -tongue -salivary gland -face -nasal cavities -palate Ventral view maxillary prominence maxilla, zygomatic bone, vomer mandibular prominence mandible, squamous temporal bone 23 days ruptured oropharyngeal membrane 20 week 26 days • 2nd pharyngeal arch Primordial mouth (stomodeum原口) Formation of cervical sinus 32 days 33 days cervical sinus Pharyngeal arch components 41 days * Each arch --Ectoderm-mesenchyme (core)-endoderm neural crest cells⇒ skeleton mesoderm ⇒ muscles, vessels Adult derivatives of arch cartilages 24 wks 4 wks 1st 2nd Malleus, incus, Stapes, styloid process, anterior ligament of stylohyoid ligament, malleus, sphenolesser cornu & mandibular ligament, superior part of body of mandible. hyoid bone. 3rd 4th & 6th Greater cornu & inferior body of Laryngeal hyoid bone. cartilages. 3rd & 4th arches mesenchyme in hypopharyngeal eminence cartilage of epiglottis. Definitive structures formed by various pharyngeal arches Muscles derived from pharyngeal arches Derivatives of pharyngeal arch nerves 20 wks Superficial distribution of CN V 4 wks maxillary division 4 wk mandibular division 20 wk fetus 1st: muscles of mastication 2nd: muscles of facial expression 4 & 6th: 3rd: stylopharyngeus laryngeal, pharyngeal muscle Deep distribution of sensory nerves pharyngeal pouches Balloon-like diverticula 1st , 2nd , 3rd, 4th, 5th pouch (rudimentary) I II III III thymus 7 weeks IV IV 6 wk 5 wk * 1st pouchelongate tubotympanic recess tympanic membrane tympanic cavity, mastoid antrum pharyngotympanic tube (auditory tube) 2nd pouch- * tonsillar sinus, palatine tonsil 3rd pouchinferior parathyroid gland; thymus * * 4th pouch- * 20 week Pharyngeal Grooves 1st groove-external acoustic meatus 2-4 grooves⇒ cervical sinus⇒ obliterated superior parathyroid gland; ultimobranchial body, fuses with thyroid gland parafollicular cells (C cells)--calcitonin Pharyngeal Membrane • endoderm of pouch+ectoderm of pharyngeal groove 24 days 4 wk * 7 wk Pharyngeal apparatus 1st pharyngeal membrane • Arches-[1-6] -cartilages bones & cartilages. -muscles facial expression, mastication -nerves CN 5,7,9,10. -aortic arches arteries of head & neck. • Pouches—tympanic cavity, palatine tonsil, sup. & inf. parathyroid gland, C cells, thymus. • Membranes– tympanic membrane. • Grooves– external acoustic meatus. 7 weeks Anomalies of head and neck Possible sites of branchial cysts and openings of branchial sinuses & fistulas * 2nd pharyngeal groove First Arch Syndrome Results from insufficient migration of neural crest cells into the 1st arch during the 4th week. -Deformed auricle -preauricular appendage -defect in cheek -hypoplasia of mandible -macrostomia 4 wks Development of Thyroid Gland 4 wks Development of Thyroid Gland - a median endodermal thickening * * 5 wks 6 wks * adult * Congenital anomalies of thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, thymus Ectopic Thyroid Gland ≈7 wks Pyramidal lobe: in 50% people Thyroglossal duct cyst - may form anywhere along the course followed by the thyroglossal duct during descent of the primodial thyroid gland from the tongue 4th wk Development of Tongue 3 lingual swelling (1st arch) Copula (連合) (2nd arch) Hypopharyngeal eminence (3rd & 4th) Lateral lingual swelling Median lingual swelling Hypopharyngeal eminence Midline groove Midline groove: fusion of distal tongue buds is indicated by a middle groove Terminal sulcus: the line of fusion of ant. and post. parts of tongue 8th wk Lingual papillae vallate & foliate CN IX Chorda tympani fungiform filiform (10-11 wk) Taste buds (11-13 wk) CN X Development of Salivary Glands *solid epithelial proliferations (from primordial oral cavity) *connective tissue (from neural crest cells) CN IX Parotid glands early 6th week Submandibular glands late 6th week Sublingual glands 8th week. Palatoglossus (CN X) Chorda tympani Development of Face • 5 facial primordia (prominence around the stomodeum)-4-8weeks 1 frontonasal prominence forehead, nose 2 maxillary prominences upper lip, upper cheek 2 mandibular prominences chin, lower lip, lower cheek 30-32 days medial nasal prominence lateral nasal prominence Development of Nasal Cavity The end of 4th week— Nasal placodes: bilateral oval thickening of surface ectoderm pits nasal sacs nasal cavities nasal Medial Lateral 28 days 33 days Mesenchyme in the margins of the placodes proliferates * 6 auricular hillocks(丘)(primordia of auricles) appear. The nasolacrimal duct develops from a rodlike thickening of the ectoderm in the floor of nasolacrimal groove 5 wks B C 54 days * Merging of medial nasal prominences Philtrum of the lip segment * Primary palate Intermaxillary 10 weeks Developing maxilla * E * Median palatal process (intermaxillary segment) F * Philtrum of lip Primordium of premaxillary part of maxilla Summary of Facial Development FNP forehead and dorsum & apex of nose Lateral nasal prominences sides of nose Medial nasal prominences nasal septum Maxillary prominences upper cheek & most upper lip Mandibular prominences chin, lower lip, lower cheek. Bones develop from the mesenchyme in facial prominences. 1st Arch -Maxillary prominence maxilla, zygomatic bone & squamous part of temporal bone. -Mandibular prominence mandible. -Muscles of mastication. 2nd Arch - Superior hyoid bone, styloid process of temporal bone. - Muscles of facial expression. 14 weeks Oronasal membrane -ruptures by 6th week, the continuity of nasal and oral cavities Primordial choanae - continuity between nasal and oral cavities post. to primary palate * 5 wks 6 wks 7 wks 12 wks Development of Palate hard palate palatine processes of maxillae+ horizontal plates of palatine bones Primary palate * the deep part of intermaxillary segment of the maxilla ⇒ median palatine process ⇒ primary palate ⇒the premaxillary part of maxilla (a small part in adult hard palate) Secondary palate * internal aspects of maxillary prominences ⇒ lateral palatine processes + palatine bones hard & soft palate lateral palatine processes --approach each other & fuse in the median plane. --fuse with nasal septum & posterior part of primary palate. Roof of mouth 6th wk Development of nasal septum Gingiva Developing gingiva 7-8th wk medial nasal prominences * * 12 weeks roof of mouth Nasopalatine canal (in the median plane of the palate between premaxillary part of maxilla and palatine process of maxilla) ⇒ incisive fossa in adult Palatal process development during the 8th week (frontal sections) 54 days 20 wk fetus Young adult the end of 8th wks Various types of cleft lip and palate Normal Unilateral cleft of secondary palate Bilateral cleft of secondary palate 5 wks Cleft lip & primary palate * * 6 wks Unilateral cleft Bilateral cleft Cleft lip, primary palate & secondary palate 7 wks 10 wks Embryological basis of complete unilateral cleft lip Face, Nasal Cavities, Palate Face develops from 5 facial prominences: FNP, 2 Maxillary & 2 Mandibular (1st Arch). Nasal Cavities develops from nasal placode [FNP]. Palate deep part of intermaxillary segment of the maxilla ⇒ median palatine process ⇒ primary palate ⇒the premaxillary part of maxilla (a small part in adult hard palate) internal aspects of maxillary prominences ⇒ lateral palatine processes (secondary palate) + palatine bones hard & soft palate
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