CHECKLIST FOR APPLICATION SUBCLASS 132 - BUSINESS TALENT (MIGRANT) VISA This checklist is designed for applicants who base their claims on business(es) that operates in Taiwan. You are required to provide the following documents at time of application. Please note that all copies must be certified by a person prescribed in Migration Regulation 2.13(5). In addition, any documents not in English must be translated into English. A FORMS REQUIRED FOR MAKING A VALID APPLICATION 1 2 3 4 Form 47BU Application for a Business Skills ((Permanent)) visa pp Form 1213 Business Skills Profile: Business Talent Form 1224 State/Territory Sponsorship: Business Talent Subclass Application Charge (see form 990i for current charges and for TWD equivalent yes Note: If the applicant is onshore at time of application, he/she must not be a holder of a visa to which condition 8503 or 8534 applies. B BUSINESS DOCUMENTS 1 Overview An overview of business career and business intentions in Australia. This should address in particular clauses 132.211, 132.212, 132.213, 132.214, 132.216 and 132.217 of the Migration Regulations 1994 II Business Ownership a Business Licence b Businss Registration c Factory Registration d Transcript of Alteration Cards issued by relevant government authority (must cover at least 2 of the 4 fiscal years preceding application) III Financial Documents a Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Profits and Loss Statement) prepared to International Standards on Review Engagements ("ISRE 2400") for 2 of the 4 fiscal years preceding di application li ti b Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Profits and Loss Statement) stamped by tax bureau for the years corresponding to IIIa above IV a b c d Other Business Documents Organisational chart showing staff attribution, attribution reporting lines and functional responsibilities Photos of business, including premises and business activities Brochures/promotional material Business card with current business address and applicant's mobile phone number yes no n/a C NET ASSETS OF APPLICANT AND/OR SPOUSE AVAILABLE FOR TRANSFER WITHIN 2 YEARS OF GRANT *All assets should be valued at the same date within the three months period prior to application lodgement 1 A summary statement outlining ALL assets and liabilities position 2 For cash assets Bank statements, fixed term deposit certificates on one date* within the three months preceding lodgement of the visa application 3 For real estate assets Evidence of ownership and value of properties (title deeds, evidence of any mortgages or other encumbrances against properties and valuation report* by an acceptable valuation firm in Taiwan) 4 For business net assets If net assets in business are to be included, the value is to be supported by audited financial statements or a limited audit in accordance with ISRE 2400, balance date* should fall within the three months period prior to application D OTHER DOCUMENTS yes no n/a For each applicant aged 18 years and over claiming functional English evidence as per clause 5.17 of the Migration Regulations 1994 E PERSONAL DOCUMENTS 1 Form 47A for all dependents aged 18 or over 2 Evidence of dependency for all dependents 18 or over 3 Form 80 for all persons included in application aged 16 or over 4 Household registration 5 Marriage certificate 6 Divorce certificate and evidence of custody for children where appropriate 7 Identity cards 8 Birth certificates 9 Copy of information page of passport for each applicant 10 1 recent (not more than 12 months) passport sized photo of each applicant 11 Military discharge certificate Please note that all claims made in applications and supporting documentation may be subject to verification checks. A site visit to your business premises may be conducted at any time during the assessment process. CHECKLIST FOR APPLICATION SUBCLASS 160 - BUSINESS OWNER (PROVISIONAL) VISA This checklist is designed for applicants who base their claims on business(es) that operates in Taiwan. You are required to provide the following documents at time of application. Please note that all copies must be certified by a person prescribed in Migration Regulation 2.13(5). In addition, any documents not in English must be translated into English. A FORMS REQUIRED FOR MAKING A VALID APPLICATION 1 2 Form 47BT Application for a Business Skills (Provisional) visa Form 1136 Business Skills Profile: Business Owner and State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (Provisional) Application Charge (see form 990i for current charges and for TWD equivalent 3 yes Note: If the applicant is onshore at time of application, he/she must not be a holder of a visa to which condition 8503 or 8534 applies. B BUSINESS DOCUMENTS 1 Overview An overview of business career and business intentions in Australia. This should address in particular clauses 160.211, 160.212, 160.213, 160.214, 160.217, 160.218 and 160.219 of the Migration Regulations 1994 II Business Ownership a Business Licence b Business Registration c Factory Registration d Transcript of Alteration Cards issued by relevant government authority (must cover at least 2 of the 4 fiscal years preceding application) III Financial Documents a Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Profits and Loss Statement) prepared to International Standards on Review Engagements ("ISRE 2400") for 2 of the 4 fiscal years preceding application b Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Profits and Loss Statement) stamped by tax bureau for the years corresponding to IIIa above IV a b c d Other Business Documents Organisational chart showing staff attribution, reporting lines and functional responsibilities Photos of business, including premises and business activities Brochures/promotional materials Business card with current business address and applicant's mobile phone number yes no n/a C NET ASSETS OF APPLICANT AND/OR SPOUSE AVAILABLE FOR TRANSFER WITHIN 2 YEARS OF GRANT *All assets should be valued at the same date within the three months period prior to application lodgement 1 A summary statement outlining ALL assets and liabilities position 2 For cash assets Bank statements, fixed term deposit certificates on one date* within the three months preceding lodgement of the visa application. 3 For real estate assets Evidence of ownership and value of properties (title deeds, evidence of any mortgages or other encumbrances against properties and valuation report* by an acceptable valuation firm in Taiwan) 4 For business net assets If net assets in business are to be included, the value is to be supported by audited financial statements or a limited audit in accordance with ISRE 2400, balance date* should fall within the three months period prior to application D OTHER DOCUMENTS 1 Evidence of vocational English (for applicants seeking to meet primary criteria) note :IELTS test results must not be more than 12 months old at time of application 2 For each applicant aged 18 years and over claiming functional English evidence as per clause 5.17 of the Migration Regulations 1994 3 Form 927 State/Territory notification: Business Skills Class E PERSONAL DOCUMENTS 1 Form 47A for all dependents aged 18 or over 2 Evidence of dependency for all dependents 18 or over 3 Form 80 for all persons included in application aged 16 or over 4 Household registration 5 Marriage certificate 6 Divorce certificate and evidence of custody for children where appropriate 7 Identity cards 8 Birth certificates 9 Copy of information page of passport for each applicant 10 1 recent (not more than 12 months) passport sized photo of each applicant 11 Military discharge certificate yes no n/a Please note that all claims made in applications and supporting documentation may be subject to verification. A site visit to your business premises may be conducted at any time during the assessment process. CHECKLIST FOR APPLICATION SUBCLASS 161 - SENIOR EXECUTIVE (PROVISIONAL) This checklist is designed for applicants who base their claims on employment in Taiwan You are required to provide the following documents at time of application. Please note that all copies must be certified by a person prescribed in Migration Regulation 2.13(5). In addition, any documents not in English must be translated into English. A FORMS REQUIRED FOR MAKING A VALID APPLICATION 1 2 Form 47BT Application for a Business Skills (Provisional) visa Form 1137 Business Skills Profile: Senior Executive and State/Territory Sponsored Senior Executive (Provisional) Application Charge (see form 990i for current charges and for TWD equivalent 3 yes Note: If the applicant is onshore at time of application, he/she must not be a holder of a visa to which condition 8503 or 8534 applies. B BUSINESS DOCUMENTS 1 Overview yes no An overview of business career and business intentions in Australia. This should address in particular clauses 161.211, 161.212(a) & (b), 161.213, 161.216, 161.218 and 161.219 of the Migration Regulations 1994 2 Major Business a Published annual report for at least 2 of the 4 fiscal years preceding application if annual report is not available, then: Business licence, PLUS Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement) stamped by tax bureau for at least 2 of the 4 fiscal years preceding application b c 3 Applicant's Position in the Company a Full organisational/top structure chart issued by the Human Resources area of the organisation. Chart should show all top levels including Boards of Directors, Directors divisional heads, Directors, heads etc. etc Letter of appointment to position, contract of employment Personal tax records as evidence of remuneration Work reference issued by the employer indicating range of responsibilities and line of reporting b c d C NET ASSETS OF APPLICANT AND/OR SPOUSE AVAILABLE FOR TRANSFER WITHIN 2 YEARS OF GRANT *All assets should be valued at the same date within the three months period prior to application lodgement 1 A summary statement outlining assets and liabilities position 2 For cash assets Bank statements, fixed term deposit certificates on one date* within the three months preceding the lodgement of the visa application. 3 For real estate assets Evidence of ownership and value of properties (title deeds, evidence of any mortgages or other encumbrances against properties and valuation report* by an acceptable valuation firm in Taiwan n/a D OTHER DOCUMENTS yes 1 Evidence of vocational English (for applicants seeking to meet primary criteria) note :IELTS test results must not be more than 12 months old at time of application 2 For each applicant aged 18 years and over claiming functional English evidence p clause 5.17 of the Migration g g as per Regulations 1994 3 Form 927 State/Territory notification: Business Skills Class F PERSONAL DOCUMENTS 1 Form 47A for all dependents aged 18 or over 2 Evidence E id off ddependency d ffor all ll ddependents d 18 or over 3 Form 80 for all persons included in application aged 16 or over 4 Household registration 5 Marriage certificate 6 Divorce certificate and evidence of custody for children where appropriate 7 Identity cards 8 Birth certificates 9 Copy of information page of passport for each applicant 10 1 recent (not more than 12 months) passport sized photo of each applicant 11 Military discharge certificate no n/a Please note that all claims made in applications and supporting documentation may be subject to verification checks. checks A site visit to your business premises may be conducted at any time during the assessment process. CHECKLIST FOR APPLICATION SUBCLASS 162 - INVESTOR (PROVISIONAL) VISA This checklist is designed for applicants who base their claims on business(es) that operates or investments made in Taiwan. You are required to provide the following documents at time of application. Please note that all copies must be certified by a person prescribed in Migration Regulation 2.13(5). 2 13(5) In addition, addition any documents not in English must be translated into English. English To assist us in assessing your application, please ensure that you label each document clearly. Evidence of ownership and value of all assets must be cross referenced to the Statement of assets and liabilities position (SALP). The SALP in turn must, be cross referenced to the supporting documentation. A FORMS REQUIRED FOR MAKING A VALID APPLICATION 1 2 Form 47BT Application for a Business Skills (Provisional) visa F Form 1139 B Business i Skills Skill Profile: P fil Investor and State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Provisional) Application Charge (see form 990i for current charges and for TWD equivalent 3 yes Note: If the applicant is onshore at time of application, he/she must not be a holder of a visa to which condition 8503 or 8534 applies. B 1 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO Overview An overview of eligible investment activity or qualifying business activity. This should address in particular clauses 162.211, 162.212, 162.213, 162.216 and 162.218 of the Migration Regulations 1994 2 For applications based on qualifying business 162.212(2)(a) - Evidence of management/ownership in a qualifying business a Evidence of management: i Statement of management for 1 of the 5 fiscal years preceding application ii Organisational chart of the business for the above year. This should show direct reporting lines and functional responsibilities. Evidence of ownership: i Business Licence ii Business Registration iii Transcript of Alteration Cards issued by relevant government authority Evidence of value: i i l Statements ((Balance l Sheet h and d Profits fi and d Loss Statement)) stamped d bby tax i Financial bureau ii Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Profits and Loss Statement) prepared to International Standards on Review Engagements ("ISRE 2400") b c OR a b c d 3 For applications based on eligible investments 162.212(2)(b) Evidence of management / ownership of eligible investments A summary of eligible investments claimed for 1 of the 5 fiscal years preceding application and the total net value Evidence of management: - Statement with supporting evidence on the management of each eligible investment. This must be addressed as per PAM guidelines for 162.212(2)(b) Evidence of ownership of each eligible investment: - Each document should be clearly labelled identifying the eligible investment and cross-referencing the investment to the appropriate item on the SALP. Evidence of value of each eligible investment: g i Each document should be clearly labelled identifying the eligible investment and cross-referencing the investment to the appropriate item on the SALP. ii If stocks and bonds are claimed as eligible investments, report from secuirties company showing transaction records, opening and closing balances, and capital fund movement entries between the capital account and the corresponding bank account yes no n/a C NET VALUE OF ASSETS OWNED BY APPLICANT AND/OR SPOUSE THROUGHOUT THE 2 FISCAL YEARS PRECEDING APPLICATION a Statement of assets and liabilities position (SALP). Each asset listed on the SALP should be cross-referenced to evidence of value and ownership. SALP must be provided for: yes b no i the end of the three consecutive fiscal yyears immediately y ppreceding g application; pp ; and ii as at date of application (where the date of application falls 3 months or more after the end of the most recent fiscal year). Evidence of ownership and value for each asset. Note that evidence of value must be provided for each point in time as per the SALP. Each document must be clearly labelled identifying the asset and cross-referencing it to the SALP i Bank statements, fixed term deposit certificates ii Evidence of ownership of personal properties. properties Evidence of ownership and value of properties (title deeds, evidence of any mortgages or other encumbrances against properties and valuation report by an acceptable valuation firm in Taiwan) iii Statement from Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation for each of the years where stocks and bonds have been included as net assets c A statement as to whether all assets and liabilities have been disclosed (evidence not required at this stage) D a SOURCE OF FUNDS TO MAKE THE DESIGNATED INVESTMENTS Evidence that funds proposed to be used to make the DI were accumulated from qualifying business or eligible investments activities, eg, evidence of dividends or retained profit in business available for distribution and profits after tax gained from eligible investment activities An indication in the most recent SALP, assets likely to be used to fund the DI b E 1 OTHER DOCUMENTS Evidence of vocational English (for applicants seeking to meet primary criteria) note : IELTS test results must not be more than 12 months old at time of application 2 For each applicant aged 18 years and over claiming functional English evidence as per clause 5.17 of the Migration Regulations 1994 3 Form 927 State/Territory notification: Business Skills Class F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PERSONAL DOCUMENTS Form 47A for all dependants aged 18 or over Evidence of dependency for all dependants 18 or over Form 80 for all persons included in application aged 16 or over Household registration Marriage certificate Divorce certificate and evidence of custody for children where appropriate Identity cards Birth certificates Copy of information page of passport for each applicant 1 recent (not more than 12 months) passport size photo of each applicant Military discharge certificate Please note that all claims made in applications and supporting documentation may be subject to verification checks. A site visit to your business premises may be conducted at any time during the assessment process. n/a CHECKLIST FOR APPLICATION SUBCLASS 163 -STATE/TERRITORY SPONSORED BUSINESS OWNER (PROVISIONAL) VISA This checklist is designed for applicants who base their claims on business(es) that operates in Taiwan. You are required to provide the following documents at time of application. Please note that all copies must be certified by a person prescribed in Migration Regulation 2.13(5). In addition, any documents not in English must be translated into English. A 1 2 3 4 FORMS REQUIRED FOR MAKING A VALID APPLICATION Form 47BT Application for a Business Skills (Provisional) visa Form 1136 Business Skills Profile:Business Owner & State/Territority Sponsored Business Owner (Provisional) Form 949 State/Territory Sponsorship Application Charge (see form 990i for current charges and for TWD equivalent yes Note: If the applicant is onshore at time of application, he/she must not be a holder of a visa to which condition 8503 or 8534 applies. B BUSINESS DOCUMENTS 1 Overview An overview of business career and business intentions in Australia. This should address in particular clauses 163.211, 163.212, 163.213, 163.215, 163.216, 163.217 and 163.218 of the Mirgration Regulations of 1994 II Business Ownership a b c d Business Licence Business Registration Factory Registration Transcript of Alteration Cards issued by relevant government authority (must cover at least 2 of the 4 fiscal years preceding application) III a Financial Documents Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Profits and Loss Statement) stamped by tax bureau for at least 2 of the 4 fiscal years preceding application IV a b c d Other Business Documents Organisational chart showing staff attribution, reporting lines and functional responsibilities Photos of business, including premises and business activities Brochures/promotional materials Business card with current business address and applicant's mobile phone number yes no n/a C NET ASSETS OF APPLICANT AND/OR SPOUSE AVAILABLE FOR TRANSFER WITHIN 2 YEARS OF GRANT *All assets should be valued at the same date within the three months period prior to application lodgement 1 A summary statement outlining assets and liabilities position 2 For cash assets Bank statements, fixed term deposit certificates on one date* within the three months preceding lodgement of the visa application. 3 For real estate assets Evidence of ownership and value of properties (title deeds, evidence of any mortgages or other encumbrances against properties and valuation report* by an acceptable valuation firm in Taiwan) 4 For business net assets If net assets in business are to be included, the value is to be supported by audited financial statements or a limited audit in accordance with ISRE 2400, balance date* should fall within the three months period prior to application D OTHER DOCUMENTS yes no n/a For each applicant aged 18 years and over claiming functional English evidence as per clause 5.17 of the Migration Regulations 1994 E PERSONAL DOCUMENTS 1 Form 47A for all dependents aged 18 or over 2 Evidence of dependency for all dependents 18 or over 3 Form 80 for all persons included in application aged 16 or over 4 Household registration 5 Marriage certificate 6 Divorce certificate and evidence of custody for children where appropriate 7 Identity cards 8 Birth certificates 9 Copy of information page of passport for each applicant 10 1 recent (not more than 12 months) passport sized photo of each applicant 11 Military discharge certificate Please note that all claims made in applications and supporting documentation may be subject to verification checks. A site visit to your business premises may be conducted at any time during the assessment process. CHECKLIST FOR APPLICATION SUBCLASS 164 - STATE/TERRITORY SPONSORED SENIOR EXECUTIVE (PROVISIONAL) This checklist is designed for applicants who base their claims on employment in Taiwan You are required to provide the following documents at time of application. Please note that all copies must be certified by a person prescribed in Migration Regulation 2.13(5). In addition, any documents not in English must be translated into English. A FORMS REQUIRED FOR MAKING A VALID APPLICATION 1 2 Form 47BT Application for a Business Skills (Provisional) visa Form 1137 Business Skills Profile: Senior Executive and State/Territory Sponsored Senior Executive (Provisional) Form 949 State/Territory Sponsorship Application Charge (see form 990i for current charges and for TWD equivalent 3 4 yes Note: If the applicant is onshore at time of application, he/she must not be a holder of a visa to which condition 8503 or 8534 applies. B 1 BUSINESS DOCUMENTS Overview yes no n/a An overview of business career and business intentions in Australia. This should address in particular clauses 164.211, 164.212(a) & (b), 164.213, 164.215, 164.216 and 164.217 of the Migration Regulations 1994 2 Major Business a Published annual report for at least 2 of the 4 fiscal years preceding application if annual report is not available, then: b c Business licence, PLUS Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Profits and Loss Statement) stamped by tax bureau for at least 2 of the 4 fiscal years preceding application 3 Applicant's Position in the Company a Full organisational/top structure chart issued by the Human Resources area of the organisation. Chart should show all top levels including Boards of Directors, Directors, divisional heads, etc. Letter of appointment to position, contract of employment Personal tax records as evidence of remuneration Work reference issued by the employer indicating range of responsibilities and line of reporting b c d C NET ASSETS OF APPLICANT AND/OR SPOUSE AVAILABLE FOR TRANSFER WITHIN 2 YEARS OF GRANT *All assets should be valued at the same date within the three months period prior to application lodgement 1 A summary statement outlining assets and liabilities position 2 For cash assets Bank statements, fixed term deposit certificates on one date* within the three months preceding the lodgement of the visa application. 3 For real estate assets Evidence of ownership and value of properties (title deeds, evidence of any mortgages or other encumbrances against properties and valuation report* by an acceptable local appraisal company) D OTHER DOCUMENTS yes no n/a For each applicant aged 18 years and over claiming functional English evidence as per clause 5.17 of the Migration Regulations 1994 E PERSONAL DOCUMENTS 1 Form 47A for all dependents aged 18 or over 2 Evidence of dependency for all dependents 18 or over 3 Form 80 for all persons included in application aged 16 or over 4 Household registration 5 Marriage certificate 6 Divorce certificate and evidence of custody for children where appropriate 7 Identity cards 8 Birth certificates 9 Copy of information page of passport for each applicant 10 1 recent (not more than 12 months) passport sized photo of each applicant 11 Military discharge certificate Please note that all claims made in applications and supporting documentation may be subject to verification checks. A site visit to your business premises may be conducted at any time during the assessment process. CHECKLIST FOR APPLICATION SUBCLASS 165 - STATE/TERRITORY SPONSORED INVESTOR (PROVISIONAL) VISA This checklist is designed for applicants who base their claims on business(es) that operates or investments made in Taiwan You are required to provide the following documents at time of application. Please note that all copies must be certified by a person prescribed in Migration Regulation 2.13(5). 2 13(5) In addition, addition any documents not in English must be translated into English. English To assist us in assessing your application, please ensure that you label each document clearly. Evidence of ownership and value of all assets must be cross referenced to the Statement of assets and liabilities position (SALP). The SALP in turn must, be cross referenced to the supporting documentation. A FORMS REQUIRED FOR MAKING A VALID APPLICATION 1 2 Form F 47BT A Application li i ffor a B Business i Skill Skills (P (Provisional) i i l) visa i Form 1139 Business Skills Profile: Investor and State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Provisional) Form 949 State/Territory Sponsorship Application Charge (see form 990i for current charges and for TWD equivalent 3 4 yes Note: If the applicant is onshore at time of application, he/she must not be a holder of a visa to which condition 8503 applies. or 8534 applies B 1 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO Overview An overview of eligible investment activity or qualifying business activity. This should address in particular clauses 165.211, 165.212, 165.213, 165.215 and 165.216 of the Migration Regulations 1994 2 For applications based on qualifying business 165.212(2)(a) - Evidence of management/ownership in a qualifying business Evidence of management: i Statement of management for 1 of the 5 fiscal years preceding application ii Organisational chart of the business for the above year. This should show direct reporting lines and functional responsibilities. Evidence of ownership: i Business Licence g ii Business Registration iii Transcript of Alteration Cards issued by relevant government authority Evidence of value: i Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Profits and Loss Statement) stamped by tax bureau ii Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Profits and Loss Statement) prepared to International Standards on Review Engagements ("ISRE 2400") a b c OR 3 For applications based on eligible investments 165 212(2)(b) Evidence of management / ownership of eligible investments 165.212(2)(b) a b c d A summary of eligible investments claimed for 1 of the 5 fiscal years preceding application and the total net value Evidence of management: - Statement with supporting evidence on the management of each eligible investment. This must be addressed as per PAM guidelines for 165.212(2)(b) Evidence of ownership of each eligible investment: - Each document should be clearly labelled identifying the eligible investment and f i the h iinvestment to the h appropriate i iitem on the h SA cross-referencing SALP. Evidence of value of each eligible investment: i Each document should be clearly labelled identifying the eligible investment and cross-referencing the investment to the appropriate item on the SALP. ii If stocks and bonds are claimed as eligible investments, report from secuirties company showing transaction records, opening and closing balances, and capital fund movement entries between the capital account and the corresponding bank account yes no n/a C NET VALUE OF ASSETS OWNED BY APPLICANT AND/OR SPOUSE THROUGHOUT THE 2 FISCAL YEARS PRECEDING APPLICATION a Statement of assets and liabilities position (SALP). Each asset listed on the SALP should be cross-referenced to evidence of value and ownership. SALP must be provided for: i the end of the three consecutive fiscal years immediately preceding application; and ii as at date of application (where the date of application falls 3 months or more after the end of the most recent fiscal year). Evidence of ownership and value for each asset. Note that evidence of value must be provided for each point in time as per the SALP. Each document must be clearly labelled identifying the asset and cross-referencing it to the SALP yes b no i Bank statements, fixed term deposit certificates ii Evidence E id off ownership hi off personall properties. ti E Evidence id off ownership hi andd value l off properties (title deeds, evidence of any mortgages against properties and valuation report by an acceptable valuation firm in Taiwan) iii Statement from Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation for each of the years where stocks and bonds have been included as net assets c A statement as to whether all assets and liabilities have been disclosed (evidence not required at this stage) D a b SOURCE OF FUNDS TO MAKE THE DESIGNATED INVESTMENTS Evidence that funds proposed to be used to make the DI were accumulated from qualifying business or eligible investments, eg, evidence of dividends or retained profit in business available for distribution and profits gained from eligible investment activities Indication in the most recent SALP which assets is likely to be used to fund the DI E OTHER DOCUMENTS For each applicant aged 18 years and over claiming functional English evidence as per clause 5.17 of the Migration Regulations 1994 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PERSONAL DOCUMENTS Form 47A for all dependants aged 18 or over Evidence of dependency for all dependants 18 or over Form F 80 ffor all ll persons included i l d d in i application li ti agedd 16 or over Household registration Marriage certificate Divorce certificate and evidence of custody for children where appropriate Identity cards Birth certificates Copy of information page of passport for each applicant 1 recent (not more than 12 months) passport size photo of each applicant Military ili di discharge h certificate ifi Please note that all claims made in applications and supporting documentation may be subject to verification checks. A site visit to your business premises may be conducted at any time during the assessment process. n/a
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