April 2015 Newsletter

Volume 20, No. 7
Director’s Corner
At Hope Hall we have a well organized Career and
Occupational Development Program that begins in 3rd
grade and extends right through high school. This
program actively and deliberately helps every student
to develop and practice skills that are needed for
adulthood—skills that are necessary for moral, ethical,
responsible workers; skills that are necessary for
faithful, healthy, loving relationships as spouses and
Since healthy, non-violent communication is an
essential component for healthy relationships, the April
focus for all of us at Hope Hall will be Listening—an
often over– looked ingredient for healthy
In communication, we spend many years teaching
people how to read, how to write, and how to spell. We
spend little time teaching people how to listen, and we
spend even less time teaching people how to listen for
Active listening requires more than treating the
words of another as if those words were
“background noise.” True listening means we give the
other our full attention, deliberately and purposefully
trying to understand what the other person is saying
before we ever try to make ourselves understood.
I have watched in meetings, in small group
discussions, and in one-to-one conversations, how often
people interrupt a speaker; how often people cut each
other off; how often people move right into offensive/
defensive arguing with little or no real listening for
understanding ever going on.
I have seen a growing number of people use body
language that clearly gives the message “Yeah,
whatever” to a speaker, leaving the value of what is
being said totally diminished. Perhaps some of you
have experienced the same thing.
Understanding what someone is really saying
does not mean you have to agree with what the person
is saying. It means you have listened to every word,
April 2015
can repeat what was said, and can appreciate their
point of view before you state your own point of
Often when a child is saying something that an
adult disagrees with, the child says “You’re not
listening!” Adults do the same thing to each other.
If we practiced active listening, after the child, or
any other person who is speaking finishes what he/she
is saying, we would then say something like, “Let me
say back what I think I heard you say.” Repeating what
has been said validates that the person was indeed
listened to. Then the one who was listening can say
his/her piece of what needs to be shared.
Real, authentic, active listening, not just token
listening, takes time and practice.
We’ll begin teaching our students how to do this in
April. The truth is, all of us need practice with this
skill. We invite all of our Newsletter readers to join us
in two simple ways:
 When you are listening to someone else, listen
with an attitude of wanting to understand first.
 After someone has spoken to you say, “Let me
say back what I think I heard you say.”
If we all practiced just those two things, all of us
will be improving communication and actively
building healthier relationships. This is another way to
end some of the destructive behavior that leads to
violence in our world.
As we move into the season of Spring and new life,
know how deeply grateful I am to all of you for your
faithfulness to, and support of Hope Hall. You are
indeed a great blessing for our children, our school,
and me personally.
VOLUME 20. NO. 7
School News
Lovely Warren
Visits Hope Hall
99 out of 167 students at Hope Hall come from the
City of Rochester. We invited Mayor Lovely
Warren to visit our school because of her concern
for education and her support of Tuition Tax
Credits. The possibility of Tuition Tax Credits is
before the assembly now and up for a vote. Tuition
Tax Credits mean (if passed) that anyone making
a donation to support student scholarships would
receive a significant tax credit. We thank Mayor
Lovely Warren for her time. She expressed great
appreciation for and support of our school.
Student of the Month
The Student of the Month for
March was Christopher
Rothfuss. Christopher is in the
5th grade and truly met
all criteria for Student of the
Congratulations Christopher! Your leadership
makes each of us very proud.
Prepping for
the End of
the Year:
by Kara Eaker
It’s that time of year again. Preparations for end of the year exams,
final projects, and presentations are under way. This is often a
stressful time for all involved; students, teachers, and families.
There are many ways to support the students as they prepare for
the end of the year obligations and ease some of the stress that
comes with it.
1. Set up an after school routine where there is built-in time
specific for homework completion and study time.
2. Create an environment that is conducive for academic work; a
space that is quiet and free from distractions.
3. Act as a study partner and encourage your child to use the four
step study method.
A. Say the note/fact out loud.
B. Say the note/fact to yourself.
C. Say the note or fact with your eyes closed.
D. Recite the note or fact to someone else or write it.
4. Encourage your child to use the tools and strategies the teachers
have taught in school.
A. Use a graphic organizer when writing.
B. Active reading strategies
Underline key words
(Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?)
C. Decoding Strategies
ii. Context clues
iii. Cross-check
5. Write important upcoming dates on monthly the calendar and
post the calendar where you and your child will see it. Mark
things like due dates, exam dates, etc.
6. If your child is experiencing stress, help him/her to work
through it. You can do this by suggesting one of the
A. Positive self-talk (i.e. “I can do it!” or “I know the
B. 10 deep breaths. Have your child breathe in through
his/her nose, hold for 2 seconds, then release his/her
breath slowly through his/her mouth.
C. Provide time for a physical outlet. Physical activity is
a great stress reliever. Going for a walk or run,
playing sports, doing yoga, or doing jumping jacks are
just a few things your child can do.
D. Listen to music.
E. Take a shower. This can be relaxing because the
warm water will help to loosen up the tense muscles
caused from stress.
Please contact me with any additional questions. You can reach me
by dialing (585) 426-0210, ext. 114.
VOLUME 20. NO. 7
School News
Why limit the joy of reading to only a few months of
the year? Hope Hall’s Reading Department has
extended its reading incentive event, Read-a-Mania,
to a yearlong celebration of books. The students
have been highly motivated by the Harry Potter
theme. They have transformed the hallways to
replicate scenes from the books, participated in a
sorting ceremony, build house points by reading
The Forbidden Forest Hallway daily, and are introduced to new genres each month.
The reading teachers plan lessons based around
specific genres and provide books that encourage
students to read for pleasure.
The Leaky Cauldron
Middle School Readers
In April, we are going to be focusing on folklore,
legends, and mythology. This month’s event will be
Buddy Reading. Teachers and students alike truly
enjoy spending time with students they typically
don’t have the opportunity to interact with
throughout their school day. This event pairs up
students of all grades to curl up with a
good book and read with each other.
Please contact Mrs. Becky Koval with any questions related to our Reading Department by dialing (585) 426-0210.
Can and Bottle Drive
Flower City Bottle and Can (Chili Ave) has been a wonderful
partner with Hope Hall for 2 years. They give us .06 for every can
and bottle we return, and in addition, the workers there give our
school their tips. We are having a can and bottle drive from
now until May 30th. All cans and bottles given to Hope Hall will
be returned to Flower City Bottle and Can and the money will be
used to support our Walk for Hope. If you want to take your
cans and bottles directly to Flower City Bottle and Can ( 2374
Chili Ave. across the street from Russel’s Ice Cream) please
tell them they are for Hope Hall and they will give us the money; or
you can bring them right to Hope Hall. You can do this on a
weekly basis, or all at once as long as we get them by May 30th.
Flower City Bottle and Can
Linda’s Cupboard continues to help our Hope Hall families in need because of the goodness of
those in our community. Thank you for all that you do for our students and their families.
For a complete list of current needs, please visit our website at www.hopehall.org. If your
group would like to organize a fundraiser to benefit Linda’s Cupboard, or hold a food and
personal hygiene drive, please contact Shaunta Collier-Santos, Director of Development, at
585-426-5824, ext. 107 or [email protected].
Current Needs for Linda’s Cupboard: Health supplies (shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, soap, etc.) ● Paper products
(paper towels, toilet paper, napkins, Kleenex) ● Soup ● Pasta products, boxed macaroni and cheese, rice, instant
potatoes, hamburger helper, ramen noodles ● Canned baked beans, kidney beans, black beans ● Ketchup, mustard,
mayonnaise ● Cereal (low sugar) ● Juice (low sugar) ● Cleaning supplies (dish soap, detergent, softener, toilet bowl
cleaner, etc.) ● Peanut butter and Jelly
VOLUME 20. NO. 7
School News
Do you enjoy playing Euchre?
Do you want to support a wonderful school?
Join us for Hope Hall’s First Annual Euchre Tournament
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Hope Hall Gym
1612 Buffalo Road
Rochester, NY 14624
$15 ticket includes pizza, water, coffee, donuts, and snacks
50% of the ticket price benefits Hope Hall
50% of the ticket goes to the tournament prizes
6pm Registration, 6:30pm Games Begin
There will be a total of 8 games, 20 minutes each.
Winners announced and prizes awarded by 9:30pm.
Bring some extra cash for a chance to win additional prizes and great gift items.
All raffle proceeds to benefit Hope Hall. This is a PTSO event.
Get your tickets at our main office or by calling (585) 426-0210 ext. 102.
Please send checks payable to Hope Hall.
Hope Hall, 1612 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624
National Volunteer Week is
April 12th through 18th.
We couldn’t do what we do without our volunteers. Thank you all
for everything you do for our students and our school.
VOLUME 20. NO. 7
School News
Rochester Press Radio Club
66th Annual Champions Dinner
Sr. Diana breaking
the news to Rimeek
The Rochester Press Radio Club has been an
active Hope Hall partner for 21 years. Sr.
Diana Dolce will give the invocation at the
66th Annual Champions Dinner on May 4th at
the Rochester Riverside Convention
Center. Rimeek Washington, a Hope Hall
ninth grader has been named Honorary
Chairperson. Rimeek will get to meet
DeMarco Murray, former Dallas Cowboys
running back and recently signed to the
Philadelphia Eagles. Mr. Murray will be
honored at this year’s event.
If you’d like tickets to this year’s event, please email Pat
Grover at [email protected] or call (585) 3401460. Tickets are $130 each, tables of 10 can reserve
space for $1,200 and a limited number of meet and greet
packages are available for $695. VIP reception tickets can
be purchased for $200. Funds raised at this event provide
the resources to make grants to Hope Hall and other
worthy organizations in Rochester which help
children and others in need.
DeMarco Murray,
former Dallas Cowboys
Running Back
Legacy Of Hope Society
The Legacy of Hope Society is comprised of individuals who have informed Hope Hall that our organization has
been included in their after-life plans. These members have designated a planned gift to Hope Hall through
bequests, trusts, life insurance, retirement plans, living wills, and other estate plans. We are grateful to the 34
members of the Legacy of Hope Society who have taken the steps to ensure that their support of Hope Hall
continues beyond their life. If you have included Hope Hall in your after-life plans, but have not informed us,
would you please let us know so we can include you in our Legacy of Hope Society.
We are having an event to thank our members and give them an opportunity to hear an update about our school
from some of our students and Sr. Diana. Invitations to this event will be sent out soon. If you want to learn more
about how you and your loved ones can leave a legacy at Hope Hall that will help to ensure children with special
learning needs achieve success in the classroom and beyond, you are welcome to join us on Thursday, May 28th.
Information will also be available to assist you in making an informed decision about charitable giving, estate
taxes, and charitable deductions.
Thursday, May 28th
10 a.m. – noon
Brook-Lea Country Club
891 Pixley Road
Rochester, NY 14624
FREE OF CHARGE; Coffee, tea, water and light
refreshments will be served.
Please RSVP by April 30th by calling (585) 426-5824, ext. 107 or by emailing [email protected].
VOLUME 20. NO. 7
Development News
The 2015 Walk for Hope fundraiser will take place on May 21, 2015
Our goal this year is to raise $28,000. EACH walker has a $100 goal to meet. There are some students who may have a more
difficult time reaching this goal, so we are seeking Individual Donors that would be willing to make a donation to help these
students out. We are also looking for Corporate Sponsors to come on board to support our walk. We have several different
levels of sponsorships.
$1000 to $2499
Gold Sponsor
$500 to $999
Silver Sponsor
$250 to $499
$50 to 249
displayed and
carried at the
Logo and
Link to
Website on
Name listed
on t-shirts (if
t-shirts are
Social Media
fliers, forms,
Walk for Hope Sponsorship Commitment Form
Business/Company Name_______________________________________________________ Phone (________)_______________________
Contact Person ____________________________________________________ Title ______________________________________________
Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________ State ______________ Zip Code ________________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sponsorship Level:
□ $3,000 □ $1,000 □ $500 □ $250 □ $50
Payment Method:
□ Check
□ Charge
Other $ ___________________
□ MasterCard
□ Discover
□ American Express
Name on Card (please print clearly) ____________________________________________________________________________________
Card # ________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date _______/________ CVV # ________
Authorized Signature _____________________________________________________________________ Date________________________
Product or Service Gift Certificate Description: ________________________________________________ Value $____________
To become a Walk for Hope sponsor, please complete this form, make your check payable to Hope Hall, and mail
it to the below address or email your form to [email protected] and indicate your payment method.
Give online via www.hopehall.org. If you require an invoice for your sponsorship or have additional questions,
please contact Shaunta Collier-Santos, Director of Development at (585) 426-5824, ext. 107.
Special Note: While we did really well in raising almost $4,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, we
didn’t reach our goal. So Sr. Diana did not have to color her hair teal and black. However, she has re-issued the
challenge, and if we reach our goal of $28,000, Sister will color her hair teal and black, our school colors.
This would be a sight worth seeing, and we’ll print the picture in our June Newsletter and post it on our Facebook
page. Please help the kids to reach this goal!
VOLUME 20. NO. 7
Development News
We would like to thank the following Sponsors who have
already committed to supporting this year golf tournament:
Presented by
Shadow Pines Golf Club
600 Whalen Road
Penfield, NY 14526
Registration: 10-10:45am
Tee Off: 11am
Carts in: 4pm
Speeches: 4:30pm
Dinner: 5pm
Dixon Schwabl Advertising
Dalzells Hearing Centers
Jurs Montgomery Brokerage
Canfield & Tack Printing
Sage Rutty
Morgan Stanley
Principal Financial
Whitney & Company Investment Management
Barber Hill Health & Wellness Center, LLC
Gloria Emmanuel
Dorothy R. Pecoraro
Would you like to see your company added to our
list of Sponsors? Do you own a Travel Agency or
a time share and would like to donate a
destination package to our live auction? Do you
and your friends enjoy golfing? We would love
you to be apart of this years tournament in
anyway that you can.
For more information, to become a sponsor or to make a
donation, contact Christina Westmiller at (585) 428-5624,
ext. 111 or at [email protected].
Aaron Hallett, Hugh Hogle,
and Ryan Hallett,
2014 Golf Tournament
Please help promote our events by going to our
Social Media pages and sharing with your
friends and family.
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Rochester, NY
Permit No. 516
1612 Buffalo Road
Rochester, NY 14624
Phone: (585) 426-0210
Fax: (585) 426-3319
E-mail: [email protected]
Do you have a car in your driveway or in storage that isn’t working? Follow this
link to donate your vehicle to Hope Hall. We are a Vehicles for Charity Partner.
Hope Hall receives 70% of the proceeds from the sales of your vehicle. Just
another way to help us make a difference in the lives of children who learn
differently. Please call 1-866-628-2277 or follow this link today!
Go Green!
We distribute over 2,450 printed copies and
e-mail more than 750 electronically each
month. Please send an email to
[email protected], if you would like to
receive an electronic copy of our newsletter.
Donate Online
Make your donation online. Simply go to our website,
www.hopehall.org, select the donation type from the
drop down menu, add a special note if you would like,
click the donate button and fill out the required
information. Thank you for your support.
Connect with and
share Hope Hall on
Social Media:
Don’t Miss the Alumni Reunion!
Send in your Alumni Updates
You have the most amazing stories to tell of your
experiences at Hope Hall. Help us spread the word about
how Hope Hall has helped you find success. People are
willing to invest in things that work. So, please write a
few sentences that describe your feelings about being
part of the Hope Hall community.
Tell us about Hope Hall’s impact on your life. Tell us
what you are doing now and how Hope Hall helped you
get there. As we celebrate our 20th Anniversary, we
want to be certain you are included. Please e-mail your
contact information to [email protected].
Please send all other newsletter feedback to
[email protected] or mail to:
Ms. Shaunta Collier-Santos
Hope Hall Development Office
1612 Buffalo Rd.
Rochester, NY 14624