April 2015 Not too Early to Think about August Many parents like to receive school information well in advance. In order to fill that request we have some August information for you. Similar to last year, you will be receiving a packet from the school around the third week of July. The contents of this packet will include important handouts which need to be returned th th during the Student Information Days/Picture Days which are Tuesday, August 4 & Wednesday, August 5 from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Please note that due to the renovation at Horizon, Student Information Days will take place in the foyer of the South Gym at Kearney High School. Some of the information will be forms for hot lunch, transportation requests, insurance, health information including immunization information, school pictures, and emergency contact information. Also, students will find out at this time what team they are on and who their Quality Time instructor will be. This process has been really beneficial as it reduces the anxiety for parents and children alike. th th For those families who will be out of town on the 4 and 5 of August, we ask that you bring your completed forms to the school as soon as you are able. School pictures will be taken after school begins and students will be notified of that date in advance. April Calendar of Events No School Holiday Break April 3rd & 6th Track with GI Walnut April 7th, 2:00 at Grand Island Senior High Track with GI Walnut April 16th, 4:00 at GI Walnut Middle School PAC Meeting April 20th, 5:30 in the Horizon Office HMS Track Invitational April 23rd, at Kearney High Track HMS Musical April 24th & 25th, 7:30 at MPAC HMS Band Concert April 27th, HMS Gym Track with Hastings Middle School April 28th, 4:00 at Hastings High School Student Assessment Information Nebraska State Accountability (NeSA) Testing NeSA tests will begin the first week of April at Horizon Middle School. All students in Nebraska public schools are required to participate in either the regular testing or alternate testing program. At Horizon th th th Middle School, our 6 , 7 and 8 grade students will be tested in the areas of reading and mathematics. The eighth grade students will also be taking the NeSAS, which is the science test. We will complete our NeSA testing towards the end of April. It is very important that your son or daughter complete NeSA testing. We also want you, the parents, to encourage your son or daughter to take the assessments seriously and to do their best. As usual, providing your child with a good breakfast and making sure they are well rested are also positive ingredients for promoting good test taking. Thank you for your help supporting your son or daughter during the Nebraska State Assessment testing. Measure of Academic Progress Students will begin their Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) testing after NeSA testing. The testing will be completed in early May. The MAP testing is the tool the district uses as our standardized testing protocol. MAP is administered in the fall and spring with optional testing in the winter. Results are compared to show student progress. Easter Break There is no school for students on April 3rd or April 6th. School will not be in session on the 3rd due to Easter Break. On April 6th, the Kearney Public Schools staff will be meeting for School Improvement and Staff Development. Notes from the Nurse Medication reminder… Prescription medication : The medication must be in the original container with a pharmacy label that includes the student name, medication, time and dose, date of prescription and the physician’s name. Medication can only be given as instructed on the label. Over the counter medication : The medication must be provided by the parent, in the original container and labeled with the student’s name. Medication can only be given as directed on the bottle for age and dose. Any changes in the manufacturer’s recommendation will require a written order from a physician. Any medication not properly labeled or stored cannot be given at school. No medication will be accepted in baggies or unmarked containers. All medication is to be stored in the health office. NO MEDICATION WILL BE GIVEN WITHOUT A SIGNED PARENT CONSENT FORM (available in the school office). th th School physicals for 6 to 7 grade students th th th It is time for 6 grade parents to start thinking about 7 grade. All students entering 7 grade are to have a physical exam within 6 months of the start of the school year. 7th grade students are also required by law to have a pertussis booster, (Tdap shot). You can start getting this done in midFebruary. Please do not wait until later in the summer to schedule, as you may not get it done before the school year starts. The health form came home in the registration packet in March. Parents are to sign the form, keep it until you go to the doctor and they complete the back of the form before turning it in to school. Forms need to be returned before the first day of school. Thank you for your cooperation in getting this done. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the school nurse. Counselor’s Comments Clothing Policy As the warmer days begin to descend upon us this spring, the amount of clothing worn by students tends to decrease proportionately. This often becomes a problem for some students as shorts are too short and tops are too revealing. The protocol listed in the Horizon Middle School Handbook for dealing with these issues will be followed. If your child wears clothing that is not appropriate for the school setting, we offer clothes for the student to wear or the student will be allowed to call home to bother you to bring them clothes that they are allowed to wear. In the past, parents having to come up to the school to bring appropriate clothes has been a real inconvenience due to parent’s schedules, jobs, and other responsibilities. Please check with your son or daughter in advance about the clothing they need to wear at school in order to avoid needing to change. It is just a fact of life that some clothes that may be deemed appropriate for home are not acceptable for wearing at school. Horizon Middle School Parents: The Horizon Middle School Student Handbook will, once again, be available online at the Kearney Public Schools website for the 201516 school year. Last year, the majority of HMS parents and students chose to review the handbook online, as opposed to receiving a hard copy. By offering the student handbook online, we are able to redistribute valuable financial resources toward educational programs rather than using our funds to produce paper copies of the handbook. Also, most of our parents receive the Horizon Newsletter via email, so please contact us if you are still receiving a paper copy in the mail and wish to switch to the electronic version. Please complete the Horizon Middle School Online Availability Form that is attached to the newsletter , indicating whether you will read the handbook on the website or if you prefer a paper copy. Please have your son or daughter return the form to Mrs. Edwards at HMS as soon as you have completed it. We will need to have these forms back no later than May 21, 2015 . (We will keep track of who has returned the form.) This note and form will be in the HMS monthly newsletters for April and May. You will only need to complete the form once, but we need to make sure everyone returns a completed form. The HMS Student Handbook for the 201516 school year will be posted on the KPS website and available for viewing on August 1, 2015. Thank you very much for your assistance and for helping us conserve tax dollars. HORIZON MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK RECEIPT 2015-16 Please have both student and parent/guardian sign: Student name (print): ____________________________ Grade: ________ Student signature: _______________________________ Date:___________ Parent/guardian signature: _____________________________ Date____________ Please check one of the following options: I will read the Horizon Middle School Student Handbook online. I do not need a paper copy. This receipt acknowledges that the student and parent/guardian will receive and review the Student Handbook on the Horizon Middle School website. On August 1, 2015, the Horizon Middle School Student Handbook will be available on the Horizon Middle School website ( www.horizon.kearneypublicschools.org ) by selecting the HMS Student Handbook link. You can also access the Horizon Middle School website through the Kearney Public School’s district website www.kearneypublicschools.org then selecting Horizon Middle School from the Schools menu. I prefer a paper copy of the Horizon Middle School Student Handbook. Students will receive a paper copy of the handbook on the first day of school and will take it home for a parent/guardian to review and sign receipt. This signed page acknowledges receipt and review of the 20152016 Student Handbook of Horizon Middle School. This receipt acknowledges that it is understood that the handbook contains student conduct and discipline rules. The undersigned, as a Horizon Middle School student, agrees to follow such conduct and discipline rules. Parent/guardian signature indicates that the parent or guardian has reviewed the rules and policies contained in this handbook. DrugFree Schools : Receipt shall serve to demonstrate that you, as parent or guardian of a student attending Horizon Middle School, have received notice of the standards of conduct of this district expected of students concerning the absolute prohibition against the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs, drug paraphernalia, and alcohol on school premises or as a part of any of the school's activities as described in board policy or administrative regulation. This notice is being provided to you pursuant to the safe and drugfree schools law and 34 C.F.R. part 86, both federal legal requirements for the district to obtain federal financial assistance. Your signature on this receipt acknowledges that you and your child or children who are students attending this district fully understand the district's position absolutely prohibiting the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcohol or tobacco on school premises or as a part of the school's activities as herein above described and that compliance with these standards is mandatory. Any noncompliance with these standards can and will result in punitive measures being taken against any student failing to comply with these standards. Technology/Internet: Users Agreement : Receipt also serves to demonstrate that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by the compliance requirements of Kearney Public Schools’ policy regarding the use of computers and the Internet in the Kearney Public Schools which is published in this handbook. Violation of the policies, rules, and procedures concerning the use of computers and the Internet may result in disciplinary action which may include loss of access, withdrawal from class, and/or suspension or expulsion of students from school. Receipt also serves to demonstrate that you authorize Kearney Public Schools to create and utilize “cloud services” accounts that will be under the control of Kearney Public Schools but which reside elsewhere on the Internet. Certain cloud services require parental permission for students regardless of the level of control over the account granted to KPS. Fifth Grade Registration Horizon Middle School has started the registration process for next year’s sixth grade class. A parent information night will be held on Thursday, April 9th, in the Horizon Middle School library. Information regarding these meetings will be sent home with the fifth grade students on Thursday, April 2nd. Mr. Petersen, Mr. Edwards, and Mrs. Schroer, Horizon Principals and Counselor will be visiting the fifth grade classes on Tuesday, March 31st, Wednesday, April 1st, and Thursday, April 2nd. Transition information will be available to the students through the class visits, parent night, and during a student th visitation to Horizon Middle School. Registration forms will be sent home with the 5 Grade Students on Thursday, April 2nd and need to be returned by Thursday, April 9th. Fifth grade students from Buffalo Hills, Central, Kenwood, Park, and Windy Hills will be invited to visit Horizon on either Tuesday, April 28th or Wednesday, April 29th. Information regarding this visit will be given to the fifth grade students by their elementary school teachers. Parents are welcome to call the Horizon counseling office at 6988124 about registration information. Quality Time The April Quality Time curriculum for the sixth grade students will be “Living a Healthy Lifestyle.” Students will complete a wellness inventory. They will learn myths and facts about alcohol and drugs and will also work on a career inventory. Seventh grade students in Quality Time will also learn about healthy lifestyles and review how to make good decisions. They will learn about stress and coping skills that can reduce conflict by using cooperation techniques. Eighth grade students will continue exploring careers and cooperating with others. The students in seventh and eighth grades will also review skills to combat “Cyber Bullying”. Third quarter ended Thursday, March 5th. Report cards were sent home with students on th March 13 . If your student did not present you with his/her report card, please contact the counseling office at 3086988124 and we will print a new one for you. th Term 4 Progress Reports will be sent home with students on Friday, April 17 . If your student doesn’t bring one home, please contact the counseling office at 3086988124 and another one will be printed for you. Big Red Stars Event Horizon Middle School students Chloe Strecker and Josh Garrelts have been nominated by their team th teachers as outstanding 8 grade students. The students were selected based on their academic performance and leadership qualities. th The students will be recognized, along with approximately 250 other 8 grade students across Nebraska at the Big Red Stars event. The ceremony will be held at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln Lied Center for Performing Arts on April 28th. Parent Advisory Meeting The next parent advisory meeting will be April 20th at 5:30 in the main office. We would like to invite any parent to attend this meeting that is interested in discussing a few building items with us. We would like to meet once a month with this group to discuss a variety of topics. Thanks, Kipp Petersen and Clint Edwards Change to Middle School KCLC We regret to inform you that Horizon Middle School no longer meets the requirements of a 40% st free/reduced lunch rate in its student population, so it will not be eligible for 21 Century Community Learning Center grant funds for the 201516 school year. Due to this situation, we will not be providing the th th KCLC program at Horizon Middle School for the 201516 school year. Students that attend 6 8 grade at Horizon Middle School will be eligible to attend a KCLC program at Sunrise Middle School. Students will have the option of riding a bus to Sunrise Middle School at the end of the school day (fees to ride the bus may apply). Horizon students will also still be eligible to attend the KCLC summer program that will be hosted at Sunrise Middle School. For more questions or concerns about this issue, please contact us at the KCLC office at (308) 6988053. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause you and your family. Sincerely, Kipp Petersen HMS Principal Michelle Arehart KCLC Director From The Band Department nd th th On Saturday, May 2 some 7 and 8 graders will be traveling to Gothenburg for a band festival. This is an opportunity for band students to perform solos, duets, trios, and small ensembles in front of a judge. The students will be bringing home a note closer to the day. TH The final band concert of the year will be: MONDAY, APRIL 27 . The bands will start performing at 7:30p.m. in the gym as always but we will have solos and small groups start performing at 6:45. Please know that you do not have to be here any earlier than any of the other concerts. Please feel free to come early to listen if you choose. DATES TO REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!! TH MONDAY, APRIL 27 – Final band concert: 7:30p.m. Solos and small groups starting at 6:45p.m. ND SATURDAY, MAY 2 – Gothenburg Band Contest in Gothenburg The Horizon Swing Choir class will present the musical BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Friday and Saturday, April 24 and 25 , 2015 At the Merryman Performing Arts Center Curtain rises at 7:30 p.m. Adults $5, Students $3 The following students were selected for the Singing Youth Choir. These students represented HMS very well as they performed in Grand Island in February. Bradley Donoven Chris Kingsley Jessie Kolbo Alli Meyer Ethan Rowe Taylor Smith Tate Straatman Elijah Wentz Kate Stoner The following students were selected to perform for the Henderson Honor Choir at Heartland Public Schools in January. Izzy Stofer Miranda Jenkins Jadyn Yoder Makenna Peters Jessie Kolbo Gaby VanWinkle Elisabeth Walker Bailee White Courtney Schwab Courtney Thee Helen Whittaker Trinity Boomhower Michaela Becker Faith Becker Alli Meyers Ashley Hoopingarner Destyni Scheer Katie Almazan Kate Stoner Jordyn Hansen Aubrea Dickey Sydney Weiler Maddie Steele Taylor Smith Kade Christ Chris Kingsley Ethan Rowe Jaden Engen Josh Garrelts Sam Engberg Elijah Wentz Trevor Beckenhauer Blake Meyer Jaden Martinez Kobe Rios Ben Crocker Jaren Hoffart Alec Sawicki Elliott Lebsack Braden Rich Alex Kemp Jakob Patient Isiah Lemus Parker Nutt Jackson Miller Jorge Salinas Brad Donovan Noah Hilliard Horizon Middle School 20142015 Term 3 Honor Roll Congratulations to the 372 HMS Term 3 Honor Roll students! A Honor Roll (Grade Point Average of 4.0 or higher): 100 Students B+ Average Honor Roll (GPA of 3.2 to 3.99): 233 Students B Average Honor Roll (GPA of 3.0 to 3.19): 39 Students A Average Honor Roll th 6 Grade: Jessica Bamford, Cassidy Brand, Charles Brockmeier, Taylor Buddecke, Ryan Clark, Oliver Combs, Elijah Cordes, Trevor Cumpston, Brenna Dostal, Jessica Riley Dunn, Eve Edwards, Leah Glendenning, Coleden Grassmeyer, Hannah Hepner, Jack Johnson, Colin Jones, Madaline Krueger, Betsey Lewis, Amelia Moore, Madison Oberg, Preston Pearson, Grace Philpot, Lainey Schmeits, Carson Schnacker, Emma Skiles, Cameron Snider, Xzander Trevino, Brecken White th 7 Grade: Alex Aistrope, Samuel Baldwin, Alexis Barth, Anthony Becker, Faith Becker, Michaela Becker, Jackson Bespalec, Grace Bonsall, McKinley Brinegar, William Cavill, Riley Cope, Nicole Deterding, Colten Dimmitt, Bradley Donovan, Dominique Edwards, Jessica Hinz, Amelia Huerta, Jaden Knipping, Maxwell Kralik, Skyler Krull, Brooklynn LeClair, Owen Lightle, Ryan Mahalek, Alexander Maxson, Jackson Miller, Kaylie Miller, Molly Mitchell, Noah Pickett, Braden Rich, Will Richter, Jorge Salinas, Alec Sawicki, Benjamin Soria, Kailyn Spellman, Madison Steele, Kari Struebing, Mackenzie Toomey, Molly Walker, Madeleine Wegner, Sydney Weiler, Helen Whittaker th 8 Grade: Nolan Bennett, Noah Carpenter, Jaden Engen, Mychaela Fegter, Kollin Goff, Jacob Hardy, Michael Huebner, Lindsay Johnson, Christopher Kingsley, Faith Koralewski, Cora McCarty, Jackson McFadden, Blake Mills, Abigail Osterholt, Robert Perkins, Makenna Peters, Charles Polen, Daylan Prochaska, Max Rademacher, Ethan Rowe, Courtney Schwab, Arlene Soria, Hannah Speicher, Ashley Stanton, Kaleb Strawhecker, Chloe Strecker, Grant Tighe, Alyssa Troudt, Jason Walton, Nadia Wojcik, Jadyn Yoder B+ Average Honor Roll th 6 Grade: Carter Abels, Kris Alonso, Cale Anderson, Jasmine Arredondo, Brian Barua, Annalee Bauer, Elizabeth Bean, Kaitlin Berck, Layla Bombeck, Kenzie Bonner, Anna Boyd, Keagan Brodersen, Quinn Bunger, Mariah Chamberlin, Naomi Chavez, Madelynn Clausen, Kennedy Cobb, Summer Cone, Kaiya Diestler, Ethan Engel, Cali Erickson, Celeste Espino, Colton Eurek, Ethen Frerichs, Nathan Frieden, Trapper Fryda, Peter Glandt, Carter Goff, Faith Goodenberger, Alexis Hadley, Lucas Hanson, Amelia Hernandez, Conner Hibberd, Alyssa Hill, Izabel Hock, Colton Holoubeck, Emily Johnston, Tanner Jordan, Sophia Junker, Marissa Kalb, Kaitlyn Kaufman, Grace Kennedy, Bailey Lichty, Brooklyn Liljehorn, Matthew Lindner, Kami Liner, William Luthans, Jade Martinez, Alec McKee, Aquinnah Miller, Brooklyn Murr, Ella Murray, Megan Nelson, Kyan Nickel, Lily Novacek, Miguel Organista, Jonathan Osnes, Jacen Osterholt, Francesca Padgett, Claire Palser, Noah Pearson, Connor Pedersen, Katherine Philpot, Brandon Posvar, Samuel Reimers, Adella Roe, Coleman Rowh, WakinyanMahp RunningBearStrecker, Gabrielle Salinas, Matracia Schilke, Jacob Schneider, Preston Skeen, Elijah Smith, Nevaeh Suchsland, Rebecca Thacker, Carlos Torres, Xzekiel Trevino, Gabriel Van Winkle, Aubrey Vancura, Allyson Vavra, Ella Waller, Aleesha Willson, Shayna Zamrzla, Cherry Zhao, Angie Zheng th 7 Grade: Carlos Aguero Rios, Janeth Aguilar, Jocelyn Allen, Angel Avila, Hayden Baker, Jenae Bauer, Lillian Bombeck, Shelby Bond, Kaden Bonner, Josephine Bourbon, Jaren Burns, Jillianne Burry, Zane Carlson, Allison Chally, Connor Clevenger, Benjamin Crocker, Ann Daily, Lauren Dillon, Reagan Duncan, Kristian Eiklor, Megan Ernst, Bon Fox, Riley Gibbs, Logan Grassmeyer, Cameron Griffiths, Lexis Grindle, Isabella Hamaker, Samantha Hatfield, Hazel Hedgecoke, Christian Hernandez, Jaren Hoffart, Brandon Hopkins, Willow Isaacson, Nathan Jacobsen, Destiny Jones, Alyssa Kaminski, Alexander Kemp, Grace King, Rylee Kissinger, Madison Koester, Haleanna Kollars, Ryan Kruger, Kenzie Lewis, Gabriel Logan, Chloe Lovitt, Maria LoyaPerez, Emma Malzacher, Jaden Martinez, Maclyn McDermott, Molly Mehaffey, William Meyer, Colin Murray, Jacob Nieveen, Arianna Nolda, Maria Paredes, Dawson Parks, Joshua Pierson, Kayla Anne Poggioli, William Powell, Brady James Prochaska, Kellen Purdy, Halle Quintana, Diana Ramirez, Acacia Rivas, Courtney Rowedder, Michaela Runnells, Nicholas Sayer, Darin Sazzman, Zachary Schwartz, Cody ScottCopple, Travis Sherbeck, Kylee Sponenburgh, Jeremiah David Staab, Elizabeth Stofer, Seth Stroh, Justin Thayer, Jenae Tubbs, Sara Underwood, Paige Upthagrove, Landan Wagner, Derek Waltemath, Joshua Warner, Adam Whitacre th 8 Grade: Katie Almazan, Leslie Aspen, Trevor Beckenhauer, McKenna Beezley, Austin Bell, Taylor Berumen, Emma Brewer, Sydney Brown, Jerad Buse, Kade Michael Christ, Jeret Christiancy, Taylin Copp, Hannah Crittenden, Kinley Cudaback, Elle Dahlgren, Chloe Dakan, Samantha Edwards, Jake Ellis, Samuel Engberg, Ryan Farrell, Corbin Foster, Benjamin Freeman, Joshua Garrelts, Grace Goodwin, Micah Hadley, Emily Hansen, Hannah Hardy, Haley Hibberd, Noah Hilliard, Taury Himmerich, Karson Huryta, Miranda Jenkins, Lucas Johnston, Cassidy Kennedy, Jessica Kolbo, Dante Koupal, Destiny Kovarik, Kepler LaClair, Elliott Lebsack, James Lee, Brendan Littrell, Ali Mangers, Brayden Miller, Ethan Osborn, Fatima Paredes, Aidan Parish, Alaynna Pedersen, Meagan Reyes, Trey Rodriguez, Gerardo Rosales, Matthew Rothermich, Miles Rozean, Jackson Sanny, Taylor Smith, Brayden Sorensen, Jackson Steele, Izabella Stofer, Joshua Sutton, Courtney Thee, Gabrielle Van Winkle, Elisabeth Walker, Sierra Waugh, Bailee White, Trenton Zubrod B Average Honor Roll th 6 Grade: Zoe Albers, Joshua Bean, Kylee Bosard, Jasmine ChavezMichel, Jr. Casimiro GaonaVerduzco, Breanna Glidden, Josephine Gregg, Jenna Humphrey, Madesyn Maynard, Yahaira MendozaCruz, Anthony O'Brien, Parker Philpot, Hunter Pokorney, Travis Quintana, Gilberto Ramirez, Kiley Timmerman, Ryleigh VanHorn th 7 Grade: Trinity Boomhower, Tiffany Clevenger, Emily Jensen, Winston Nutt, Daniel Rishel, Brayden Smith, Joshua Taylor, Esmeralda Valdivia, Lilianne Valenzuela, Zachary Warnken th 8 Grade: Moises Aguero Rios, Zachary Allen, Michael Bottorff, Haley Clark, Janae Kowalski, Allison Meyers, Quinton Olson, Tiann Purdy, Destyni Scheer, Nathaniel Sedlacek, Chandler Welker, Hunter Ziems
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