DECEMBER 2014 FAR LEFT: HHT Chief Executive Alwyn Lewis (right) and the Alzheimer’s Society’s Peter Todd address the guests at the launch NEAR LEFT: Café regulars led the guests in taking part in the singalong Guests visit Dementia Café for official launch event On Wednesday 12th November around 20 guests came to movements that soon had ever yone laughing as they Abyssinia Court to hear about the new dementia services found them more difficult than they thought! being run by Hornsey Housing Trust and the Alzheimer’s The guests then joined in with sifting thought various Society. ‘memory boxes’ which contained items from previous The guests included Trust Board members, stakedecades. These items stirred many memories and holders and others from Haringey Council, London conversation – in particular one café regular was Fire Brigade, and other housing associations. prompted to say that he’d driven the last ever Alwyn Lewis, Chief Executive of Hornsey tram in New Cross in 1952! Housing Trust, explained why the services The guests, café regulars, and Housing were introduced, due to his seeing the need Trust staff all greatly enjoyed the afterfor support for those living with dementia. noon, and the Trust and the Alzheimer’s The contents of one Peter Todd from the Alzheimer’s Society Society expressed their desire to build on the of the memory boxes explained how the services were set up, using services over time. their experience from other projects. The event was reported in the Haringey Advertiser, The guests then joined in with some of the which also published the photo shown here of the singalong activities taking place in the Dementia Café that day. session. If you have access to the internet, you can see the They took par t in a singalong which involved hand story at this internet address: New faces at the Housing Trust New HHT Board members build on experience Hornsey Housing Trust has appointed three new Board members, all of whom have excellent knowledge and experience. Rosie Boughton has had a long career in social housing, working for Paddington Churches, HA, the London Borough of Newham and the National Federation of Housing Associations. She has also been a lecturer and course team leader on Housing Studies at College of North East London. “I live locally and am interested in housing for older people. As more of us are living longer, where we live and how we live become more important, and the Trust is well placed to develop new ideas about this. I look forward to meeting more tenants of the Trust and finding out how we can improve the services we offer.” Jan Wightman has a long history of working in social care, providing frontline services to older people, adults with physical disabilities and mental health. With Hornsey Housing Trust’s support she set up Active Age Crouch End, which since September 2013 has been running a weekly programme of activities for the tenants of Margaret Hill House. “I am delighted to be appointed to the Board and look forward to working in partnership with staff and tenants to help Hornsey Housing Trust to continue to improve and develop its services”. Irene Pratsides worked with Jan Wightman to set up Active Age Crouch End. She is an experienced academic with a 36-year career of teaching and leading in secondary schools. She was Head of Science, Head of Year, Deputy Head Teacher and Acting Head Teacher at various schools in the London Boroughs of Barking and Dagenham and Havering. “I am delighted to be part of a forward thinking team whose aim is to work collaboratively to improve the services it offers to its existing and prospective tenants and the wider community. I would like to be actively involved in the journey in making Hornsey Housing Trust ‘more than just housing’. Trust also welcomes new staff We would like to welcome some new colleagues to the team. Sharon Francis, Aniuta Golub and Barbara Flemmings have recently joined us as Support Services Offices, and they bring with them extensive experience of successful work in delivering support to vulnerable and older residents. They will ensure that residents of sheltered schemes and street properties receive support, assistance and encourage them to participate in a range of exciting activities. We wish them every success. And farewell to… Mayasi N’Semi, Dola Adetokunbo and Betty Mosinghi who have all recently left the Trust to pursue new endeavours. We are sure you would like to join everyone at the Trust in thanking them all for their valued contribution and wish them all the very best for the future. NEW HHT STAFF CLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE: Aniuta Golub, Barbara Flemmings, Sharon Francis AN UNEARTHED ARTISTIC TALENT! Interview with Mr Peter Reynolds, a resident of Abyssinia Court Peter Reynolds enjoyed drawing from the age of 6, but as he approached adulthood, this natural talent was put aside, as he felt it wouldn’t take him far in the world and his father told him that he’d ‘never get a real job doing that’. But then a few years ago Peter was hospitalised due to ill health and became homeless when his landlord served him an eviction notice. This left Peter very low, both mentally and physically, but his road to recovery started with a request to Haringey Council for sheltered accommodation. Hornsey Housing Trust’s Barbara Moore assessed his needs and he took up residence at Abyssinia Court. Peter is eternally grateful for another chance at life in a place he can call home, saying: “Barbara was absolutely brilliant once she got on the case!” Peter, now settled, took up drawing again. This helped him to regain his focus and has been a big help in his life. The Haringey Action Group on Alcohol (HAGA) helps him to sell his drawings and Peter has generously agreed to give HAGA part of the proceeds to support people on the road to recovery. When going out, Peter often takes his drawing materials with him and if his arthritis becomes too much, he stops off at a cafe for some drawing whilst gathering strength to continue his journey. I was privileged to see some of Peter’s amazing drawings of the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix (his idol) and Clint Eastwood as the Outlaw Josey Wales. Peter draws from photos which he expands to A4 size and prints from his computer. Peter used to draw directly as he saw it but now, due to failing eye-sight, he draws scales known as ‘grid panels’, in order to get everything in the right place. Peter draws as often as he is able and art is an important part of his recovery. Peter has never drawn animals - only humans - so I couldn’t resist giving him the challenge of drawing my pet Chihuahua, Harvey, to which he replied: “this will be another kick-start for me; I think I’ll enjoy the challenge!” Interview by Timmi Twumasi, Housing Assistant trainee Peter Reyno lds’ drawings Jimi Hendrix of , Clint Eastw ood and Bob Mar ley Residents needed for feedback on Trust services I’d like to invite any interested residents to become more involved in influencing what we do and helping us improve our ser vice. The Trust is working with the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS), an independent national organisation specialising in tenant involvement, to assist us in developing our Tenants’ Scrutiny Panel. The panel meets six times a year, in a friendly environment, to discuss general issues on our services and general performance. We also discuss activities and events for residents. Meetings will be two weeks after Housing Trust Board meetings so you will be able to hear about what was discussed at the meetings. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Tenants Scrutiny Panel, please contact me to discuss it on: 020 8340 6374. Many thanks, Alwyn Lewis Chief Executive, Hornsey Housing Trust Office Based Alwyn Lewis - Chief Executive Jonathan Steinberg - Finance Director l Phil Johnson - Housing Services Manager l Carla Ferrarello - Property Services Manager l Olabisi Durojaiye - Financial Controller l Vishwanee Ramtale - Management Accountant l Serge P. Monboye - Income and Information Support Officer l Barbara Moore/Dennis Meredith Housing Assistant l Prerrna Hulman/Timmii Twamusi Trainee Housing Assistant l l Housing Support Officers Barbara Flemmings - Abyssinia Court Aniuta Golub - Margaret Hill House/ Olive Tree House l Sharon Francis - Palm Tree Court/ Sheba Court l l CONTACTS Hornsey Housing Trust Alwyn Lewis CHRISTMAS OFFICE HOURS Monday 22 December Tuesday 23 December Wednesday 24 December Christmas Eve Thursday 25 December Christmas day Friday 26 December Boxing Day Monday 29 December Tuesday 30 December Wednesday 31 December New Year’s Eve Thursday 1 January New Year’s Day Friday 2 January STAFF AT HORNSEY HOUSING TRUST 9.00am - 5.00pm 9.00am - 5.00pm 9.00am - 5.00pm Closed all day Telephone: 020 8340 6374 Fax: 020 8341 1134 E-mail: [email protected] Useful numbers Emergency repairs number 0208 340 6374 – 17:01 pm until 08:59am, Mon – Fri, 24 hours on Saturday and Sunday Haringey Housing and Council; Tax benefits 0208 489 2800 Closed all day Gas leaks National Grid 0800 111 999 (24hours) 9.00am - 5.00pm 9.00am - 5.00pm 9.00am - 5.00pm Noise nuisance 0208 489 1000 (9:00am – 17:00pm) 0208 348 3148 (17.01pm until 08.59am) Closed all day Crime stoppers 0800 555 111 9.00am - 5.00pm Rubbish and recycling 0208 885 7700 Emergency Contacts Should you have any maintenance emergencies over the Christmas period, please call the following numbers: Emergency repairs (out of office hours) – 020 8347 6374 Gas leaks (Transco) - 0800 111 999 Thames Water - 0800 714 614
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