How Rich a Treasure We Posses matt papa & matt boswell TURNAROUND CHORDS: G Bm Em D/F# - A VERSE: D G A How rich a treasure we posses in Jesus Christ our Lord Bm D/F# G A D His blood our ransom and defense, his glory our reward G Bm D/F# Em The sum of all created things are worthless in compare G Bm G A For our inheritance is Him whose praise angels declare 2nd VERSE (same as above): How free and costly was the love displayed upon the cross While we were dead in untold sin, the Sovereign purchased us The will of God the Father demonstrated through the Son The Spirit seals the greatest work, the work which Christ has done 3rd VERSE (minor start): Bm D/F# G Em How vast and measureless the flood of mercy unrestrained Bm D/F# G A D The penalty was paid in full, the spotless lamb was slain G Bm D/F# Em Salvation! what a priceless gift, received by grace through faith G Bm G A We stand in robes of righteousness, we stand in Jesus name BRIDGE A Bm D/F# G Yours is the Kingdom And the power And the glory Amen Jesus in My Place 85 BPM Intro: G#m E B F#/B VERSE 1: G#m E B F#/B On my worst of days, what can wash away my sin? G#m E B F#/B When I fall again and I hear “condemned,” on this I’ll stand PRE E F# Living the life I could not live E F# Dying the death that I deserved CHORUS: C#m E B F#/A# Jesus in my pla - ce, Jesus in my pla ce C#m G#m – E B This is hope, this is grace, Jesus in my place Mercy on display, powerful to save This is life, this is faith, Jesus in my place VERSE 2: On my best of days, what can wash away my pride? When my greatest deeds fail to make me clean, in this I’ll trust VERSE 3: On that final day, when I stand to face my God Bold and confident, I will say Lord this is all I have You Are Our King [D, 86 bpm] Matt Papa / Lauren Papa Copyright Intro, V1, PC1, C, V2, PC2, C, B, B, PC1, PC2, C, C, Outro You.are.our.King .......G King.of.all .....A Creator D/F#..............G.....................A..D/F# We.have.wandered.from.Your.ways .......G .......A.......D/F# You.took.the.cross .......G.....................A...D/F# .......Bm......................A/C# so.we' .......D/F#.....................A D..............G You.are.our.King ..............Bm. You.are.our.King .......A..........G Only.You,.only.You.Jesus D..............G You're.all.we.need ..............Bm. You're.all.we.need .......A..........G Only.You,.only.You.Jesus . We.have.seen Your.goodness so.we're.crowning.You.with.praise and.we' bridge: Bm...............G ..............D 1 We Bring Our Highest Praise [A, 60 bpm] Copyright V1, V1, C, V2, C, C, B, C, C, V3, Outro Verse.1 .F#m...D..............Esus..E....F#m....................D You,, .F#m....D...........Esus.E...F#m..........D, ...........Bm........A/C#.....D.......................Bm.....A/C#....D..( In.the.darkness.of.the.night, Chorus: ......A.............................D All.blessing.and.honor,.glory.and.power, F#m..................D, ............A........................................D, ......Bm..........A/C#........D...( We.bring.our.highest.praise! ..........................................( Verse.2: You,.You.are.the.One,, Love.hung.on.a.cross,.heaven’s.spotless.Lamb, By.Your.perfect.sacrifice,, Bridge: .....................D...............................F#m You.are.the.One.our.hearts.have.longed.for .......Bm7.................A/C#.E ........D.........................F#m The.One.alone.who’s.worthy ..Bm7.............Esus..E Forever.we.will.sing, Verse.3: You,.You.are.the.Christ,.the.Lamb.upon.the.throne Now.and.for.all.of.time, Outro:..|.A./././././.|././././././.|.D./././././.|././././././.| ............|.F#m./././././.|././././././.|.D./././././.|././././././.|,.Matt.Boswell,.Jonathan.Welch,.Chris.Gaynor ©.2011.Dayspring.Music,.LLC.(BMI);.Doorkeeper.Publishing.(ASCAP) Prepared For Mike Passaro of The Summit Church on 06/05/2012 at 09:48 AM 1 How Rich a Treasure We Possess å = 120 ? bb 4 b4 E! œ œ A! 5 ? b œ bb œ œ œ œ B! œ œ ˙ ˙. glo - ry our re - ward. E! ? b b .. œ . b ? bb ˙ b 17 Lord. cross. strained. E! ? bb ˙ b 21 œ œ J rich free vast B! ward. us. slain. œ Œ Œ C- œ. His While The œ &œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ - œ J œ œ. œ J œ. The sum of all The will of God Sal - va - tion, what œ E !/G œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œJ Cœ - and œ A! œ œ œ in œ ‰ ‰ œ J J de - fense, œ œ œ œ œ ‰ ‰ œ J J cre - a - ted the Fath - er a price - less E !/G B !W œ ?œ œ œ œ How œ A! œ His œ œ B! œ. œ œ our the re - œ J His glo - ry our re the Sov - ereign pur - chased the spot - less lamb was œ ‰ J E !/G œ œ œ œ things are worth - less in com dem - on - strat - ed thru the gift, re - ceived by grace thru Written by Matt Papa and Matt Boswell © 2010 Love Your Enemies Publishing (ASCAP); Dayspring Music, LLC (BMI) trans. [email protected] œ in Je - sus Christ dis - played up - on of mer - cy un - and de - fense, un - told sin, paid in full, œ J œ œ F- we pos - sess E !/G our ran - som pos - sess the love the flood blood our ran - som we were dead in pen - al - ty was A! blood œ œ œ ‰œ J a treas-ure œ œ J Cœ œ œ œ œ we was less œ rich œ. His Matt Papa and Matt Boswell œ. œ œ œ J C- œ œ œ a treas - ure and cost - ly and meas - ure œ Œ Lord. E! œœ œ œ B! ? b œ œ œ. œ bb J 14 œ œ How Je - sus Christ our A! 9 œ œ E! F? b ˙ bb 25 pare. Son. faith. ? bb 29 & 33 ı b bbb A !œ ˙. œ œ A! 41 œ b Yours is the king ? b b .. b 45 Yours Œ œ Cœ œ œ C- we - 49 b is the king A! ? bb Œ b 53 - - Fœ - men. - œ œ - w - w w - For A! œ œ ˙. - ry ˙ ˙ œ ry; E !/G E !/G .. œ œ ˙. and the glo w C- How How Œ and the glo C- B !W B !W œ ?œ œ œ A! œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰J er, de has œ name. er, œ J B !W ˙ E !/G and the pow B !W œ œ E !/G œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰J and the pow men! œ œ œ œ E !/G œ œ Ew! œ J œ. whose praise an - gels the work which Christ œ œ œ œ B !W œ œ E !/G œ œ œ ‰J dom, - œ Je - sus' œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰J œ œ œ œ œ ‰ J A - F- in œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ A œ Him, work, stand C- - œ A! œ ‰ ‰ œ J J œB !.W A! ry, œ œ Last X ? bb œ Aœ! dom, œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Cœ œ œ œ œ ‰ ‰ J J ˙ B! œ J Last X to Coda œ œ right - eous - ness, B! œ œ. J our in - her - i - tance is spir - it seals the great - est stand in robes of &œ œ ? bb œ b œ. For The We œ œ œ œ œ C- ? bb œ clare. done. 37 A! Œ œ ı C- How Rich a Treasure We Possess - 2 - ’ ’ Ó A! | ..
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