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University of Arkansas
University Housing
Information about the
Summer Resident Assistant position
and 2015 Selection Process
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. Retain this page for your records.
If you have any questions throughout the selection process, please contact
[email protected]
To be considered for selection as a Resident Assistant candidates will:
Be in good academic and disciplinary standing with the University.
Have at least 24 hours of academic credit by the end of Spring semester 2015.
Have a GPA of 2.5 when applying and when beginning the Summer RA position.
Have the equivalent of two semesters of community living experience by the end of spring semester 2015.
Must have successfully completed a background check and drug screening
If selected for the Summer Resident Assistant position, RAs will:
Move into their summer school assignment on the morning of May 12, 2015. (This is a tentative date,
subject to change due to summer school schedule)
Attend all of summer training: starting at 6:00pm May 12, 2015 through Summer School Check-in.
Not hold an outside job, assistantship, or internship without prior approval from Summer CRE.
Live on campus in assigned room during the term of the scholarship award, May through August.
The Resident Assistant scholarship includes a room, a meal plan, and a total stipend of $1000 (to be paid in five $200
payments) for the summer session, May through August. Please be aware that the RA scholarship may affect current
scholarships or financial aid, and it is the candidate’s responsibility to check with financial aid prior to accepting a
position, if offered.
Summer Resident Assistant Selection Timeline
Applications Due April 13, 2015 11:59PM via email [email protected].
Make sure your application is complete and on time!
Interview—April 15-17
Candidates will have one interview with professional staff members. Expect interviews to be a maximum of thirty
minutes in length. Dress is professional.
On the last page select a minimum of 4 times that you will be available to meet for your interview. Your interview
date, time, and location will be e-mailed to your University e-mail account the afternoon of April 14th.
Offers—April 22, 2015
Applicants who are offered a Summer Resident Assistant position will be notified on April 22, 2015, via phone
between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM.
The primary means of communication throughout this process will be e-mail. Thus, it is of the utmost importance
that all applicants check their University email account regularly.
Summer Resident Assistant Application 2015
Applications must be completed and submitted electronically to [email protected] by April 13th 11:59PM
U of A ID#:
Local Address:
Permanent Address:
Cell phone:
Alternate Phone:
Current Housing Status: Off Campus
On Campus
Current Classification: FR
If on campus, which hall?
Anticipated Graduation Date:
Is your current cumulative GPA greater than 2.5? Yes
Anticipated number of credit hours taking during Summer 2015
Term 1
Term 2
Anticipated commitments during Summer 2015 (internship, practicum, student teaching, varsity sports, band,
student organizations, etc.)
You must attach a current résumé to this application. If you need help developing a résumé, visit the
Career Development Center in Arkansas Union 607 or contact them at (479) 575-2805.
Essay Question
Please answer the following questions and attach your typed responses to the back of this application
Why are interested in serving as a Summer Resident Assistant?
What kind of challenges do you anticipate facing as a Summer Resident Assistant that may not
be as prevalent during the regular academic year? How will you deal with these challenges?
What does customer service means to you? How will you apply your definition and
interpretation to the Summer Resident Assistant role?
Select a minimum of 4 interview times that you are available. Your actual interview date, time, and location
will be emailed to you the afternoon of April 14th. This will be a formal interview, so please dress professionally
and be prepared for a 30-minute interview.
April 15th 9AM
April 16th 3PM
April 17th 11AM
April 15th 9:30AM
April 16th 3:30PM
April 17th 11:30AM
April 15th 11AM
April 16th 4PM
April 17th 1PM
April 15th 11:30AM
April 16th 4:30PM
April 17th 1:30PM
April 15th 5PM
April 16th 5PM
April 17th 2PM
April 15th 5:30PM
April 17th 9AM
April 17th 2:30PM
April 15th 6PM
April 17th 9:30AM
April 17th 3PM
April 15th 6:30PM
April 17th 10AM
April 17th 3:30PM
April 15th 7PM
April 17th 10:30AM
Application Signature
I have read and understand the position requirements.
I currently have a cumulative GPA at or above a 2.5. I understand if my Spring 2015 grades make
my cumulative GPA lower than a 2.5, the offer of a Resident Assistant position for Summer
2015 will be rescinded.
I am in good academic and disciplinary standing with the University and I give University Housing
permission to check my judicial and academic records.
I understand that the Resident Assistant scholarship award includes a room and a meal plan. I
understand that the award may affect my current scholarships or financial aid and that it is my
responsibility to check with financial aid prior to my accepting the position.
I understand if selected I may not hold an outside job, university assistantship, or internship
without permission from the Coordinator for Residence Education that is supervising the
Summer RAs.
I understand that I must live on campus in my assigned room during the term of my scholarship
I understand that I am required to attend all mandatory training sessions prior to the summer
semester and as assigned throughout my tenure as a Summer RA
I understand that I must have passed a background check and drug screening to be hired as a
Summer RA.
Summer Resident Assistants will NOT be permitted to be involved with ROCK camp.
To the best of my knowledge, the facts put forth in this application are true and complete.