CANATURE SHEETS USA VERSION FEB 2012_Layout 1 12-02-15 3:16 PM Page 13 HTO Series Whole House Water Refining System A Complete Water Refining System For Your Home Rid your water of hardness minerals (calcium and magnesium) plus filter out bad tastes and odor caused by chlorine, chloramines or organic matter. The unique two tank system keeps the two media beds separate, allowing for more carbon contact which greatly improves the removal of chlorine, chloramines and organics. Because the carbon typically needs to be replaced before the softening resin, the two tank system allows for easy cost effective replacement. You get the same benefit as a separate water softener and whole-house carbon filter for a much lower price as the single control valve operates both systems. Now you can enjoy truly refined water Throughout your home: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Soft, Clean Truly Refined Water Great tasting water Odor-free. No chlorine! Soft skin & silky hair Spot free dishes Brighter laundry Easier cleaning Protect plumbing & water using appliances from scale build-up CANATURE SHEETS USA VERSION FEB 2012_Layout 1 12-02-15 3:16 PM Page 14 Features: 3 Two tank carbon system keeps media beds separate, allowing for more carbon contact for improved chlorine, chloramines and organic removal 3 Carbon can be replaced without replacing the resin bed 3 Same benefit as separate systems but with cost of only one control valve 3 Uses up to 65% less salt and 45% less water compared to competitive mechanical metered units 3 Energy efficient. Uses approximately $1.19* in electricity annually 3 Exclusive NSF Certified electronic control valve with seven year warranty featuring proven piston, seal & spacer technology 3 Fully adjustable cycles allow customization to the most efficient settings based on specific water quality requirements 3 A ‘No Touch’ rotating LCD information display continuously displays real time performance data: time/date, capacity, last regeneration date, volume remaining (gallons), current flow rate, peak flow rate, regeneration time 3 NSF Certified fibreglass pressure tank with lifetime warranty 3 High density polyethylene salt tank with lifetime warranty 3 WQA Gold Seal Approved cation exchange resin 3 Brine safety valve for added overflow protection 3 Plastic salt grid prevents salt bridging 3 Unique precision turbine meter is incorporated in system bypass valve – saving space over 4” of floor space 3 Time saving quick connect fittings on brine line, drain line (with 0-ring seal) and power cord for fast and easy installations 3 Attractive condensation jackets No confusing codes or symbols. Brine Tank Included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ased on $0.10069 KW/Hr rate. ™ N O R T H A M E R I C A Canature North America Inc. Canature USA Inc. 80150021 01/12 Your Local Water Professional:
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