District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP No.: Red cross Hamirpur 2015/1 Dated:11th May 2015 TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders superscribed as “TENDER FOR purchase of Elisa Plate Analyser with Washer are invited by the Deputy Commissioner-cum-Chairman, District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP from the original manufacturers or their distributors so as to reach the AC to DCcum- Honorary Secretary, District Red Cross Society ,Hamirpur, HP on or before 11th June 2015 upto 2.00 PM. Thereafter no tender will be entertained. The tenders will be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM in the presence of tenderers or their representatives. If that day happens to be a holiday the tenders will be opened on the next working day at the same time. Firms should be registered with DGS & D Delhi, the Controller of Store H.P., Shimla or as company under company act/Taxation Department. Tenderers should attach photocopies of the Registration letter with the tenders. The tender not quoted according to the laid down standard specification and conditions will be rejected straightway. The tender must be accompanied by earnest money Deposit (EMD) for an amount of Rs 10,000./- (rupees ten thousand only) in the shape of demand draft drawn on any scheduled bank in the name of the Deputy Commissionercum-Chairman, District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP payable at Hamirpur. The tender without Earnest money deposit or short of it or not in the form specified above will be rejected straightway. The earnest money deposit (EMD) of the approved tenderers will be returned after completion of supply as ordered. The Deputy Commissioner-cum-Chairman, District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP reserves the right to reject any or all the offers without assigning any reason. The tender document containing specification of the item alongwith terms and conditions of the supply can be purchased from the office of AC to DC-cum- Honorary Secretary, District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP on any working day between 10.30 AM to 4.00 PM personally on payment of tender fee amounting to Rs. 100./- (rupees one hundred) only by way of demand draft drawn in favour of the Deputy Commissioner-cum-Chairman, District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP payable at Hamirpur . The tender document containing specification of the item alongwith terms and conditions of the supply can be downloaded from the website http://hphamirpur.gov.in/ and demand draft towards tender fee be enclosed with the tender. diction of the District courts Hamirpur, HP. Note: - Technical Bid and Financial Bid should be placed separately in sealed envelopes. - Unsealed tenders/ Technical Bid/Financial Bids will be rejected straight away. - The tendered items should be F.O.R. premises of the District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, District Hamirpur, HP. - Conditional tenders will not be accepted at any cost. AC to DC-cum- Honorary Secretary, Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP Tender For Elisa Plate Analyser with Washer At District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP NIT No.: : Red cross Hamirpur 2015/1 NIT Issue Date :11th May 2015 Last date of submission :11th June 2015 Date of opening of Technical Bid : 11th June 2015 District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP NIT No.: Red cross Hamirpur 2015/1 Dated: 11th May 2015 List and specification of articles to be purchased Ser. No. Name of Article 1. Elisa Plate Analyser with Washer Specification Qty. 1 No. District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP NIT No.:Red cross Hamirpur 2015/1 Dated: 11th May 2015 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Cost of Tender fee. Rs 100- (rupees one hundred) only in the form of a Demand Draft (DD) drawn on any scheduled bank in the name of the Deputy Commissioner-cum-Chairman, District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP payable at Hamirpur. 2. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for an amount of Rs 10,000./- (rupees ten thousand only) in the shape of demand draft drawn on any scheduled bank in the name of the Deputy Commissionercum-Chairman, District Red Cross Society, HP payable at Hamirpur. 3. The Tenders will be submitted in following two parts:(a) Technical Bid: An envelope super-scribed as “Technical Bid” containing Appendix ‘B’ and ‘C’ duly completed alongwith details and documents mentioned therein and signed with seal. (b) Financial Bid: An envelope super-scribed as “Financial Bid” containing Appendix ‘D’ duly completed and signed with seal. Note: In case of difference in figures and words of the amounts/rates offered by the tenderer in the Financial Bid, the amount offered in words will be treated as final Both the above envelopes, that is, Technical Bid and Financial bid alongwith Appendix ‘A’ will be placed in a bigger envelope duly sealed and marked on top as “Tender for Supply of Elisa Plate Analyser with Washer” and submitted to: AC to DC-cum- Honorary Secretary, District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP 4. Only if the Technical Requirements detailed in Appendix ‘B’ and ‘C’ mentioned in item (a) of the condition No. 3, are met to the full satisfaction of the Technical Evaluation Committee, the tender/bid will be processed for further evaluation. After the evaluation of the Technical Bid and the Financial Bid, the District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP (hereinafter referred to as Society) will award contract to the lowest evaluated responsive tenderer. Conditional tender/bid will be treated as unresponsive and will be rejected. 5. Tenders which are late / vague / conditional / incomplete / not confirming to the laid down procedure in any respect will be rejected. 6. Tenders sent by telex / fax and e-mail will not be accepted. 7. The tender documents are not transferable. 8. The tender fee is not refundable under any circumstances. 9. The Society reserves the right to reject any or all of the tenders without assigning any reason for the same. 10. The Society reserves the right to modify the conditions of the tender, at any time, without assigning any reasons for the same. 11. The Society reserves the right to modify the quantity of any or all the items proposed to be procured or delete any item from the tender without procuring the same, without assigning any reasons for the same. 12. The Society reserves the right to award the contract for supply of the items to one or more bidders subject to their fulfilling the laid down terms and conditions. 13. Merely downloading of tender document from the website and / or submission of the same does not automatically qualify the tender. 14. The tenderer should sign and affix the official seal on each page of the tender. 15. Even after approval, if information / facts submitted by a tenderer are found to be misleading / incorrect / false and so on, the Institute reserves the right to disapprove an item / items for the current / future contract or may impose penalties as deemed fit. Non-compliance of any of the terms of tender and future instructions by, the Society will also warrant above penalties. 16. Tenderers are required to mention technical details and specification of all items with supporting documents such as brochures and photos if necessary. 17. Tenderers are required to mention the product name and brand name of each item, wherever applicable. 18. In case of doubt in material, the expenditure on testing of equipment will be borne by the tenderer. 20. The rates quoted should be inclusive of all statutory levis, taxes, packing, forwarding, installation and commissioning charges and for delivery at the premises of District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP. 21. The successful tenderers will have to deposit performance guarantee in the form of fixed deposit receipt (FDR) at the rate of 10% of the total value of order duly pledged in the name of the Deputy Commissioner-cum-Chairman, District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP immediately on receipt of order, and the same will remain with the Society until expiry of warranty period. No interest will be paid by the Society on the deposit. 22. The successful bidders should supply the items strictly as per the quantity, quality and the specifications mentioned in the tenders and order. 23. The successful bidders should provide minimum of one year warranty for the supplied products. 24. The successful bidders should complete the supply, installation, commissioning and testing the ordered item within 45 days from the receipt of the purchase order. 25. In case of delay in supply by the stipulated date, the Society reserves the right of imposing Liquidated Damages (LD) @ 0.5 % per week on the overall value of the balance supply order subject to maximum 10 % of the total cost of supply order. 26. The successful tenderer will give an affidavit certifying that the specifications of goods quoted in the tender fulfill the minimum specifications spelt out in this tender. The affidavit should also clearly state that the tenderer is liable to pay damage out of the Security Deposit in case of any deviation. The Society may impose penalty as deemed fit for any violations in the specifications / deviations and will have the right to make recovery from the security deposit or to make deduction from the bill. 27. Material indented for shall be supplied in full quantity within stipulated time. In case of delay in supply / non supply / short supply / poor quality or any other complaint, the Society reserves the right to adjust additional liabilities from the security deposit or deduction from the bill. the Society also reserves the right to disapprove a brand / all brands or may take any other action as deemed fit. 28. No advance payment will be made under any circumstances. 29. Payment will be released by the Society after installation and acceptance of the goods supplied against the supply order. 30. The manufacturer/supplier should be able to give minimum guarantee of one year for all the items for material manufacturing defects, and undertake to replace defective products at no additional cost within 48 hours of intimation of defect. 31. The order can be cancelled summarily by the Society in whole or in part at any time without assigning any reason, if the supply made by the manufacturer /supplier is not found according to the sample approved or in case supply is not received within stipulated time. 32. The Society reserves the right to either procure/not to procure any item(s) and/or to either increase/decrease the quantity of any item(s). 33. In case of differences arising in the terms and conditions of the tender documents with the firm(s) the decision of the Society shall prevail. 34. The successful tenderer is required to make an agreement within one week from the date of award of this contract for supply of the Elisa Plater Analyser with Washer. The rates of successful tenderers will be valid for 12 months from the date of execution of this contract and no increase on any account will be considered. 35. The districts courts of Hamirpur, HP alone will have the jurisdiction to try any matter, dispute or reference between the parties arising out of this purchase. It is specifically agreed that no court outside and other than the districts courts of Hamirpur, HP shall have jurisdiction in the matter. 36. The Society reserves the right to modify/change/delete/add any further terms and conditions prior to actual signing of the agreement. 37. Arbitration. In the event of any dispute or difference arising under this supply, the Deputy Commissioner-cum-Chairman, District Red Cross Society, HP or his nominee is the sole arbitrator and the decision of the arbitrator will be binding on both parties. CERTIFICATE BY THE BIDDER (OR AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE) I have read and understood all the terms & conditions of the Tender and hereby undertake to abide by the same. Authorized Signatory Name Address of the firm with seal Phone No Appendix ‘A’ To Subject: Deputy Commissioner-cum-Chairman, District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP Tender for the SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, COMMISSIONING AND TESTING OF Elisa Platte Reader with Washer. Sir, 1. Reference your Notice Inviting Tender No …………….. dated ……………... 2. I am / we are offering our competitive prices for supply of Elisa Platet Analyser with Washer. 3. I / We hereby reconfirm and declare that I / we have carefully read and understood the above referred tender document including instructions, terms & conditions, specifications, schedule of quantities and all the contents stated therein . 4. I / We also confirm that the rates quoted by me / us are inclusive of all taxes, duties etc., applicable as on date and are FOR Hamirpur and free delivery, commissioning and installation at District Red Cross Society, Hamirpur, HP. 5. The following DDs, drawn on scheduled bank, in favour of Deputy Commissionercum-Chairman, District Red Cross Society, HP are enclosed herewith towards Earnest Money Deposit and Cost of Tender Documents:Detail of DD Amount (Rs) DD No and Date Bank Name EMD Tender fee 6. The details of enclosures forming part of the tender are as under: (a) Technical Bid: An envelope super-scribed as “Technical Bid” containing Appendix ‘B’ and ‘C’ duly completed alongwith details and documents mentioned therein and signed with seal. (b) Financial Bid: An envelope super-scribed as “Financial Bid” containing Appendix ‘D’ duly completed and signed with seal. Thanking you Yours faithfully, (Signature of the Tenderer) Seal: Appendix ‘B’ NIT No.: Dated: Technical Bid (in separate sealed cover super-scribed as ‘Technical Bid’) Ser No Particulars 1. Name of the Tenderer / Bidder 2. Name of the owner(s)/ Partners/ Director(s) 3. Complete address Telephone No. Office Residence Mobile Fax No Email Id Name of the contact person Contact number of the contact person Website, if any 3. Year of Establishment/ incorporation (Certificate to be attached) 4. Income Tax PAN (attach copy of PAN card) 5. ST/CST/VAT No (Copy of relevant documents to be attached). 6. Registration details (Copy to be attached). Firms should be registered with DGS & D Delhi, the Controller of Stores, H.P., Shimla or as company under company act/Taxation Department. 7. Whether Original Manufacturer or an authorized dealer for the Elisa Pate Analyser with Washer mentioned in the tender. If an authorized dealer, valid attach authorization certificate. 8. Details of atleast three years of existence as supplier of Elisa Plate Analyser with Washer alongwith documentary evidence. 9. Details of successfully supplying Elisa Plate Analyser with Washer to reputed organizations alongwith adequate documentary evidences. 10. Name and address of service centre nearby Hamirpur, HP. 11. Affidavit certifying that the specifications of goods quoted in the tender fulfill the minimum specifications spelt out in this tender as detailed in Sr. No. 26 of the Terms & Conditions of the tender. 12 Technical details of the articles as detailed in Sr. No. 16 & 17 of the Terms & Conditions of the tender: Sr. No. Name of Brand Name, Specification articles wherever applicable Period of Remarks, if warranty any. 1. Date: Place: (Authorized Signatory) Name: Designation: Contact No.: Seal Appendix ‘C’ NIT No.: Dated: CERTIFICATE (to be provided on letter head of the firm) I hereby certify that the above firm has not been ever blacklisted by any Central/State Government/Public Undertaking/Institute on any account. I also certify that the above information is true and correct in any every respect and in any case at a later date it is found that any details provided above are incorrect, any contract given to the above firm may be summarily terminated and the firm blacklisted. Date: Place: (Authorized Signatory) Name: Designation: Contact No.: Seal Appendix ‘E’ NIT No.: Dated: FINANCIAL BID (To be submitted in a separate sealed cover super-scribed as ‘Financial Bid’ on letter head of the firm) Ser. No. 1. Item Unit Description Elisa Plate No. Analyser with Washer Quantity Basic Tax Rate (In Rs.) Rs.) (In Total Rate inclusive of Tax ( In Rs.) In figures In words 1 Signature of the Tenderer) Seal:
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