BY ---"- IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, SHIMLA-l. ~PH: .tJ_~?'l'ICEAFTER ADMISSION. Case Filed on CMPMOlRP/OSA ---------- --------- --- -------------------------------- ---------- Pe ti tio ner( s) . --------------------- ------------ --- - ---------------------------- -Respondent( Notice Lo th\: t,-espondcnt No. s) . ( ActualiTH for ... Defendant! ). Respondent. 'I'uke notice that _ Sh"______________ Advocate, filed the above appeal . __ ( copy already supplied) the behalf of the petitioner, challenging the order d. .ed passed by _ now li:\ecl 10 _____ and the above petition !:('aring before this Hon' ble court on has been admitted _ has on and llu-refore, notice is hereby given to you to appear before this Court on th. .uoresaid date and time, either in person or through Counselor by somCOIH' by law authorized to act for you in this case. In case, no appearance is made.the matter will be heard and decided in your absence. Given under my hand and the seal of the court on this Enclosu res.:.: Section Officer ( Judicial ). " You are tWI't'IJ) infonned that the free legal s.-rvices h m the State Legal Services Authorities, tligh Court Legal Services Committees, District Legal Services Authorities and Tal uka Legal 'vervices Committees, cl~ PC1- eligibility criteria, are available to yo and in case vou "re eligible and desire 10 .ivai] the tree legal services. you may contact any of the above ! ,('gal S('rvicl'~ '\lIlhorities/t:ornl1litt!'e~." By Ur~ent/Out today. IN THE HIGH COt1RT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA SHOW CAUSE NOTICE. NDH: Case RP/OSAlCMPIVIO No. filed on -------------------------- ----------------- -------------- ----- -Appellant( s). Versus. ------- --------- ------------------ -------- -------------------- Respondent( s). Notic~ to _Respondent N~ Ior..__ ( ActuallTH ). ... Respondent. Take notice that Advocates, on behalf of the above petitioner(s) has filed a petition in the above said case, under order and the said petition has been registered as case and is now fixed for hearing by the Court at 10:00 A.M. on the 2012. Therefore, notice is hereby given to you to show cause 111 this Court on the above date and time as to why the prayer made in the rase________ be not admitted. If no appearance is made 011 your behalf either by you or by your pleader or by someone by the IdW authorized to act for you in this case No. it will be heard and decided in "our adsence. (¥iven under my hand and the seal of the Court, on this ,2012. ------------- Enclosures: Copy of petition. Section Officer ( Judicial) High Court of RP Shimla ( .. 'y 011 Me hen-by inf nruu-c] Iligh Cour: I eg,ti wr\<1( t" Illdt the f ree legal services Irnm the Stale Legal Service Authorities, ununittet-x, Di-trict I l'gill Service-, Authorities and Taluka Legal I.,('r\i(('~ ( ununiuer-, . .I, pI" tligihilil) rriu-ria, ell'(' ,;V<lilcliJle 10)0 and in case you are eligible and desire to avail the frel' "'g.d services, YOLI may contact am of the above Legal Services Authorities/Committees." ) I. ( Registered IN THE HIGH CUJ1RT O£ I HML\~UAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA. - SUMMONS TO LEGAL REPRES"_[~TATIVE OF A DECEASED DEFENDANT(S)/RESPONDENT(S) ( Order XXII, rule 3, 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure: CM.P.(M) o. of 201 :2...- Schedule l, Appendix B, Form 6 ) Filed in CMPMO No. of 201 Petitioner/Non-applicant. Versus Respondents/Applicants. To the proposed LR's of ResponLiL'lll No. (deccds~ Respondents whereas, the plainuff(«) through Sh. , Advocate has instituted elll appeal in the COLIn on ...__ against the detendant(s)/respondent(s), Resp. No. (deceased) who has since deceased and whereas the said plainuff'(sj/appellanus) has/have made an application to this COLIn alleging that you are the legal representative of the said __ __ (R.~ deceased and desiring that you be made the cldendant(s)/responclent(s) in hi- <read. You aro hereby summorud to attend in the Court on the !():OOA.M. to ddcI1U the said djilhcll, and, ill default of your appearance "',Iid SUiLappeal wi II be heard LIIlt!dctcrnuncd in your absence. Given under mv hand ellIII the '>cellof the Court, this _____ , 2015 on the day specified, at the , 2015 .. ---J.--=.;,=--=-.:='-'-' Section t)1 fieer ( Judicial) High COlin of HP, Shimla. ~~Ilcl. Copy of CMP(M)_ 2iote:- You are hereby informed that tlu- free legal services from the State Legal Services Authorities High Court Legal Services Committees, District Legal xervices Authorities and Taluka Legal Services Committees, as per eligibility criteria, are available to you and in Cel •..!· \ Oil are eligible and desire to avail 01 the free legal services, you may contact .inv of the above Legal Services Authorities/Committees." Registered IN THE HIGH COURT OF HJMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA. - SUMMONS TO LEGAL REPHESENTATIVE OF A DECEASED DEFENDANT(S)/RESPONDENT(S) ( Order XXII, rule 3, 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure: Schedule l,Appendix B, Form 6 ) of20]5 CM .P.(M) No. Filed in CMPMO/CRIRP/OSAI No. of 201 Peti ti oner/N on-applicant. versu, Respondents/ Applicants. '1o [he proposed LR's 01 RespolH ~Ilt No. , Respondents Whereas, the plaintiff(s) t irough Sh. , Advocate has instituted all appeal ill the Court all against the defendant(s)/respondent(s), Resp. N o. (deceased) _ who has since deceased and whereas the said pldill[ifl(s) appcllanus) has/have 111.1c\ean application to this Court alleging that you are the legal rt'pleSelltdlivc oj the said ------11{.~.Q_:_.t deceased and desiring that you be made the clciL'lldanr(s)/respollcicm(s) ill his <u-ad. You MC hereby summone-d [0 attend ill the Court all the of your appearance absence. ] ():I)O!\.IV1. [(J elclcnci till' sdicl ,111111" II, and, ill default '--.,1,,1 <uu dppcdl \\ ill ill' Iwcmj dllli cil'lcrlll i11eel ill your Civell under Illy hand and [Ile seal at the Court, this , 2015 at on the day specified, the ---'!--'2=--!0"-'1~5~ .. Section Officer ( Judicial) High Call rt of HP, Shimla. I-Il( I. Copy of eM P(M). J'<otl':: You an' hereh\ '-,('n it (!~ (ollllnitt<,e~. inturuu-d th.u tlu- Irce legdl services Diqri{ t 1 <,g,d n Ice~ Authorities ,>, (rI!lTid. <lfL' d\dildlJk to vuu .rnd ill (d~" \ 1/11 dr!' l'ligible ,lIn of the above Lpg,,1 Servin', All thori I it" 'Committees." Irorn the State Legal Services Authorities .md laluka I .egal S(,rvices Committees, and desire to avail of the free legal services, High Court Legal as per eligibility you may contact HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, SHIMLA-171001. No. HHC/JUDL/ Dated Shimla , the 2012. To The Case No. -----'- .... Petitioner'( s). VERSUS ....Respondent(s). hearing on Pending in the High Court and fixed for ( ACTUAL/TH). J am directed to request that you will be good enough to cause the accompanying notice(s) to be served upc., the per-crus) named therein and leaving one copy with him/them to return the other to this court wirh an endorsement that the noticet ',) has/have been duly served. Encl:- Yours faithfully, Section Officer ( Judicial) High Court of HP Shimla. IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL COUHT ATTENDANCE Certified has appeared 011 be-half PRADESH AT SHIMLA CERTIFICATE that , in Case of the CMPMO/ClVRPiOSJ\ cope :- No. Petitionerfs) Titled as -------------- Vs. _________________________________________ ( )\1 (he 10110\\ ing l)drc'-,_- Other dares 11)1' adrrussion ll] _ t ---------- OJ (he Prtiuou lor Final Disposal 011 ~R~es~p~o~n~d~e.!.!.nt!ol.(:,!Js) ----------------- ot the ---------- Pentioi _ Section Officer(Judicial) _ HIGH COURT OF HIIYl1:\CI-181LPRADESH AT SHIMLA-171001. NOTICE REGARDING ELEVATION/APPOINTMENT/DLATHOF {HE ADVOCATE. Case No. CMPMO/CJ~/OSA!RP/C=-(=)=-P-=C,--- _ .... Petitioner. Versus .... Respondents. Notice to for ( ACTULlTH) Take notice that your counsel/advocate Sh. in the above referred case been appointed as Additional District & Sessions Judge. Take further notice that the case will be listed for hearing on the __ ________ at 10:00 A.M. when you are requi-ed to appear either personally or through some duly authorized agent/newly appointed counsel/advocate to t.ik« steps to prosecute the petition, if so desired. Take further notice that in case you fail to appear on the appointed day or do not make any arrangement for engaging an advocate or fail to conduct the case on your behalf, within a period of four weeks of the receipt of this notice, the appeal will be proceeded with and determined in your absence and no further notice i!:1relation thereto shall be given to you. Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this Section Officer ( Judicial ). High Court of HP Shimla. _ IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA CM.P.M No. I':iled in CMPMO/CR/RP/OSA ~f 2QL of 201 Pr-t i ti oner/N on-applicant. versus Respondents/ Applicants. 'I u the proposed LR's of Respo!J(IQI1LNo'--__'--- _ Respondents Take notice that Sh. __-->-i).dvocate Oil behalf of Applicant/Petitioner named above has filed and applicauun on the above mentioned case, under section 5 of Limitation Au and that the apph. .uion has been fixed for hearing on the ,2015 or 011 clny other subsequent date at the same time and the case CI'v1.P. rd. will be laid before the Court 011 that day or any other subsequent day. Notice is hereby given to vou to show cause in this Court on the said date as to why the prayer made ill the application 1)(.' not allowed. If no appearance is made on your behalf by yourself, your pleader, or by some one by law authorized to act tor yeu in this application, it will he heard and decided in your absence, Given I :1(1: tinder my hand ami tile seal of the Court on this. ,2015. Copy of CMP(M) Section Officer (Judicial) High Court of H.P.Shimla. ~..!!te:- You are hereby informed that the tree legal services from the State Legal Services Authorities High Court Legal Services Committees, District Legal Services Authorities and Taluka Legal Services Committees, as per eligibility rriteria, are available to you and in case VOLI are eligible and desire to avail of the free legal services, you may contact anv of the above Legal Services Authorities/Committees." REGISTERED HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, SHIMLA-171 001 PARCEL HHC/JUDLI Dated, Shimla, the _ :\)0 _ From l ;cnerat, lhc Rcgistra: Iligh Court Shimla Himachal (Ii Pradesh, 171 1)01 To Return ot re( ords in Subject: _ Sir, III case noted the ,1I)()\,' the margin 111 noted (dSl'. I lugerlwr tor intunuation III this (:OllIl vide \IiILlI- lettc: am directed to return herewith with a copy of the} lonble and further necessary Court's the records of the judgement, dated .iction. The records were received No. dated Please ackn: ,'\ ledge receipt. Yours faithfully, Lilli Section Officer (Judicial) HIGILGQUBIQI, .eM PMO/CRIRP Subject:- No. 115 liIIVlj~J~tU~L PRADJ1S11.'-SJI1MI"A( Forwarding letter) 171001. Dated:- -_._._------_._-- Copy of order dqtecL Shimla. passed Qy the Hon'ble High Court of HP, Petitioner( s). Vel'SI :\ ----- ..--------------- -------- --- ------------------- ------------------- ------------- Respondent( s) lo Case No. CMPMCJ UVRP No. Sir, III d.ntd information the above nu:n: uncd CclSl' I .rm directed to fOIWdlTI -' passed hv thrs Court in CMPMO/CRIRI' herewith a copy of order No. and nccessarv ac'uon Please acknowledgeFn: Is. As above. receipt. Yours faithfully, Section OIJicer(Judicial) High COlli I of HP, Shimla. lIJJ.~cf.: , for REMINDER · HIGH COURT OF HIlVIACHAL ---------- PRADESH AT SHIMLA-171001.. No.HHC/Judl/ . Dated Shimla, the . From The Registrar General, High COLIrt of Himachal Shimla- 171001. Pradesh, To S LI b j eet:- I~pg(mljll Ll, service of notices In as ............................................... Vs ............... _ Fixed for titled . . Sir, Kindly No. refer . to dated notice (s) was / were '-,l'llt to you for effecting , the service No [wlore vide said Ilotice(s) " I have r ither been directed served . to request or unserved which upon Respondentts) lor. Therdol above letter Registry you to return in this registry on the or , the date fixed in the manner. Section Officer (Judicial) High Court of HP Shimla. fIIGJi COURT OF HIMACLIt\L_YR1\PESliAT ~HIlY1L~..:17LOO1. No. FJHC/JUDL/ No Dated Shimla the From The Registrar Gene-ral, l Iigh Court of Himachal Pradesh, . . Shim!a 171001 To Subject:- Publication as , case, I am directed nonce to forward fixed herewith titled for a copy Respondent tu 2: No. . for , j) in Versus In the above noud of notice of publication h:1\'ing is l rici The on circular case the ion in has been dailv [Ill' newspaper mea fixed concerned, for hearing at 10:00 AM. It is, therefore, well 1Il in advance «quested that the notice of the d;IIC of hearing your bill of publication may please be published and copy of the te-ar sheet along with ch.irges be sent to this Registry for record. Yours faithfully l.nclosurcs: As above. Endst.No.HHC/JUDL/ COPY forwctrllecJ dl1l0UI11 (J/ No H,,, or .. Section Officer( Judicial) I ligh Court of HP Shimla, 10 L1l<' Dated: . S.O. ( Accounts ) with a request to remit the - 10 the publisher (lS publicauon charges. A sum """"'" stands already deposited vide Receipt dated cll R.R. No . Section Officer ( Judicial) High Court of HP Shimla. IN THE HIGH COUFrLO~_HIMACHAL 171001 PRADESH AT SHIMLANOH: . Case No. Filed on . Petitioner (s) Versus Respondent(s) ( Proclamation Proced u re). under order 5 rule 20 of the code of Civil Notice to Respondent below for No. . mentioned . .. ..... Respondent (s). Whereas in the above noted case, it has been proved to the satisfaction of this Court that the above named respondent (s) cannot be served in an ordinary way. Therefore, trus proclamation under order 5 rule 20 of the code of Civil Procedure is hereby issued against him that he should appear in this Court either personally or through some duly authorized agent/pleader on day of ( / / ) at 10:00 A.M. Failing which ex-parte proceedings will be taken against him. this Given under my hand and the seal of the Court on day of , . Section Officer (Judicial) High Court of HP, Shimla.
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