Y. Frishberg. The genetic basis of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Paediatr Croat. 2015; 59 (Supl 1): 44-49 Pregled Review Paediatr Croat. 2015; 59 (Supl 1): 44-49 THE GENETIC BASIS OF STEROID-RESISTANT NEPHROTIC SYNDROME YAACOV FRISHBERG* Nephrotic syndrome (NS) represents disruption of the glomerular filtration barrier which is responsible for plasma ultrafiltration during urine formation. Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) progressing to advanced kidney failure, although representing approximately 15% of all cases of childhood NS, is the common phenotype of most of the hereditary forms of NS whether recessive or dominant. Most gene-products associated with SRNS are expressed predominantly in the podocytes or the slit diaphragm. Currently, the genetic basis of SRNS can be found in less than a third of all families tested. It should therefore be emphasized that a negative result by candidate gene approach does not rule out a hereditary disease. Identifying disease causing mutations would have impact not only on the therapeutic regimen adopted and the ability to predict outcome but also would provide a tool for genetic counseling. This review discusses the scientific background of hereditary NS and explores the indications for routine genetic testing taking into consideration cost-effectiveness as well. It cannot be over-stated that the availability of genetic tools for diagnosis of renal diseases, should not by any means replace the meticulous clinical evaluation of patients with SRNS by their treating physicians. It would have a favorable impact on the likelihood of a genetic test to yield the correct diagnosis. Descriptors: STEROID-RESISTANT NEPHROTIC SYNDROME, CHILDREN, GENES, RECESSIVE, DOMINANT, NEPHRIN, PODOCIN, CANDIDATE GENE, NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCING Introduction Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is characterized by massive proteinuria (over 40 mg/m 2/day) leading to hypoalbuminemia and edema. The prevalence in the general population is estimated to be 16/100,000 children (1). Whereas most children with NS would achieve remission within 4 weeks of daily steroid therapy, 10-20% remain steroid-resistant (SRNS). At least 50% of patients with SRNS, presenting in childhood or adolescence, will progress to end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) within less than a decade of diagnosis, requiring renal replacement therapy (RRT) in the form of dialysis or kidney transplantation. A relatively small group of patients with SRNS may respond to a *Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Shaare Zedek Medical Center and the Hebrew University School of Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel Address: Yaacov Frishberg, MD Director, Division of Pediatric Nephrology Shaare Zedek Medical Center P.O. Box 3235, Jerusalem 91031, ISRAEL E-mail: [email protected] 44 more intensified immunosuppressive regimen and attain a long-term remission. Historically, diagnostic evaluation and prognostic classification of patients with SRNS were based on the histolopathologic changes detected on kidney biopsies. The most frequent histologic feature of SRNS is focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), followed by minimal change disease (MCD) and diffuse mesangial proliferation (DMP). NS represents disruption of the glomerular filtration barrier, which is responsible for plasma ultrafiltration during urine formation and is composed of three layers: the innermost fenestrated endothelial cells followed by the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) and the visceral epithelial cells, better known as podocytes. Since most identified causes point to the podocytes or the slit diaphragms as pathogenetically involved, the various forms of NS are referred to as podocytopathies. Genetic forms of nephrotic syndrome A seminal work by Tryggvason's group detected mutations in NPHS1 encoding nephrin, a central component of the slit diaphragm, to be responsible for the autosomal recessive congenital nephrotic syndrome (CNS) of the Finnish type (CNF) (2). The slit diaphragm joins the podocyte foot processes and assists in maintaining their proper structure and function. Two founder mutations, designated Fin-major and Fin-minor, are responsible for the vast majority of patients with CNF in Finland. Evidently, this was the first example of podcytopathy. It was followed by the identification of mutations in NPHS2, encoding podocin, causing SRNS in children (3). The common phenotype was of SRNS presenting in early childhood with gradual decline in kidney function until ESKD is reached usually during the first or second decade of life. None of the affected patients in the original report experienced recurrence of FSGS following kidney transplantation. Podocin is a stomatin protein family member with a predicted hairpin-like structure localizing to the insertion site of the slit diaphragm of podocytes. In a study by Benzing's group it was demonstrated that wild-type podocin is targeted to the plasma membrane, and forms homo-oligomers involving the carboxyand amino terminal cytoplasmic domains (4). The association of podocin with specialized lipid raft microdomains of the plasma membrane was a prerequisite for recruitment of nephrin into rafts. In contrast, disease-causing mutations of podocin failed to recruit nephrin into rafts either because these mutants were retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (R138Q), or because they failed to associate with rafts (R138X) despite their presence in the plasma membrane. As lipid raft targeting facilitates nephrin signaling, failure of mutant podocin to recruit nephrin into lipid rafts may be essential for the pathogenesis of NPHS2 mutations. Over the ensuing 15 years, mutations in a growing number of genes have been identified in patients with SRNS. The common denominator of these genes is that they are involved in the development, structure or function of components of the glomerular barrier, most often the podocytes. The rare exception is LAMB2 whose gene product is markedly expressed within the GBM (5). To date, mutations in at least 27 genes, inherited in a recessive or dominant fashion have been inflicted in SRNS in children and adults (6). Recessive mutations are usually fully penetrant and therefore represent the etiology of SRNS rather than merely conveying a risk factor for the disease. Identification of a causative recessive mutation would enable the treating team to achieve the following goals: 1.) providing genetic counseling to families at risk, including prenatal and pre-gestational diagnosis. 2.) Establishing genotypephenotype correlation. 3.) Transferring mutations into animal models in order to study precisely the detrimental effect of a given genetic variant. 4.) Stratification of affected individuals according to the specific mutation in a given gene for the development of distinct therapeutic studies. Table 1 Etiology of autosomal recessive nephrotic syndrome Genes Locus Phenotype / comments NPHS1/nephrin 19q13.1 CNF; occasionally FSGS NPHS2/podocin 1q25-q31 SRNS: MCD, DMP, FSGS NPHS3qPLCE1 10q23-q24 DMS, occasionally FSGS SMARCAL1 2q34-q36 Schimke immune-osseous dysplasia LAMB2 3p21 Pierson syndrome (DMS) SCARB2 4q21 NS with C1q deposits; progressive myoclonic epilepsy COQ6 14q24 Syndromic NS (sensorineural deafness, seizures, ataxia) PTPRO/GLEPP1 12p12 FSGS/MCD MYO1E 15q21 FSGS ITGA3 17q21 Syndromic NS: CNS, interstitial lung disease, skin fragility COQ2 4q21.23 SRNS, ESKD, epileptic encephalopathy CUBN 10p.13 Intermittent proteinuria (tubular proteinuria not excluded) ADCK4 19q13.2 SRNS, occasionally infantile ITGB4 17q25.1 Cong. FSGS, epidermolysis bulosa PDSS2 6q21 Risk allele for FSGS; independently, CoQ10 def ARHGDIA 17q25.3 DMS CD2AP 6p12.3 FSGS; also dominant inheritance NEIL1 15q24.2 SRNS MEFV 16p13.3 Familial Mediterranean Fever A list of 20 recessive and 6 dominant genes identified in cases of NS with the corresponding phenotype are depicted in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. It has previously been shown that 85% of patients with CNS, manifesting before the age of 3 months, and 66% of individuals with infantile NS, presenting before one year of age, are expla- ined by causative mutations in one of the following genes: NPHS1, NPHS2, LAMB2 and WT1 (7). Scarce data derived from large cohorts were available for SRNS presenting later in life. Most recently, a large cohort of patients with SRNS were studied to detect the frequency of causative mutations. A strategy of high-throughput, bar-coded exon sequencing using the Fluidigm platform Table 2 Etiology of autosomal dominant nephrotic syndrome Genes Locus Phenotype / comments CD2AP 6p.12.3 FSGS; occasionally recessive inheritance WT1 11p13 Denys-Drash syndrome; Frasier syndrome; DMS; FSGS α-actinin-4 19q13 FSGS TRPC6 11q21-q22 FSGS LMX1B 9q34.1 Nail patella syndrome INF2 14q32 FSGS; also Charcot- Marie-Tooth disease ARHGAP24 4q20 FSGS 45 Y. Frishberg. The genetic basis of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Paediatr Croat. 2015; 59 (Supl 1): 44-49 with consecutive next-generation sequencing was implemented (6). A proof of principle of this approach was confirmed in a small cohort of 96 patients, previously diagnosed by Sanger sequencing of the relevant gene (8). This technique was then implemented in a large international cohort of 2,016 cases from 1,783 families. Disease-causing mutations were found in 526 of 1783 families, representing 29.5%. It should therefore be emphasized that a negative result by candidate gene approach does not rule out a hereditary disease. A total of 27 genes were examined but a single-gene cause of SRNS was found in only 21 of 27 genes. No causative mutation was identified in any of the remaining 6 genes. Of note, 9.93% of the families with proven genetic NS had mutations in NPHS2, 7.34% - in NPHS1, 4.77% - in WT1 and 2.17% - in PLCE1 implying that in 82% of the families who tested positive, pathogenic mutations were detected in 4 out of 27 genes examined. No gender difference in the likelihood of identifying a diseasecausing mutation was noted. There was a negative correlation between the likelihood of identifying a disease-causing mutation and the age of onset of proteinuria: 61.3% of children with infantile NS compared to approximately 10% of children over 12 years were found to have a single-gene mutation in one of the 21 genes. As expected, the detection rate of disease-causing mutations was much higher in highly consanguineous families. Mutations in recessive genes are more likely to cause SRNS in childhood whereas dominant mutations are more prevalent among young adults. The major genetic causes of dominant forms of NS include mutations in inverted formin 2 (INF2), transient receptor potential cation channel protein, type C6 (TRPC6) and actinin-alpha 4 (ACTN4). It has been shown that mutations in INF2 account for approximately 16% of all cases of AD SRNS/FSGS mostly in the adult population (9, 10). Unlike AR forms, dominant variants are less penetrant and as a result affected individuals may even be asymptomatic. The ultimate phenotype possibly results from further gene-gene or gene-environment interactions. 46 Renal histology It has been appreciated that the absence of therapeutic response to steroids is a better prognostic factor in children with nephrotic syndrome than the underlying histology. In fact, patients with bi-allelic mutations in NPHS2 may have a full range of histopathologic findings including minimal change, diffuse mesangial proliferation and FSGS (3, 11). Furthermore, we have occasionally encountered IgM and/or C3 mesangial deposits with otherwise DMP, in these children which may represent non-specific secondary inflammatory events (11). Identifying a single-gene cause of SRNS renders renal biopsy unnecessary as this will have no bearing on the treatment of choice or the long-term prognosis. Furthermore, the histopathological findings cannot distinguish genetic from non-genetic disease etiologies (12). Extra-renal manifestations The vast majority of patients with monogenic causes of SRNS have isolated kidney disease. In 17.3% of patients enrolled in the PodoNet consortium, at least one extra-renal abnormality was reported (12). The most common organ system involved was the central nervous system manifesting with brain structural anomaly, microcephaly and/or psychomotor delay. Other systemic features stem from the pathogenetic mechanisms derived from the specific gene involved. For instance, sexual differentiation defects and Wilms' tumor are prevalent among individuals with the Denys-Drash or Frasier syndromes harboring mutations in WT1. The association of cardiac defects, particularly left ventricular hypertrophy (in the absence of hypertension or kidney failure), pulmonary stenosis (valvar, supravalvar or peripheral) and discrete sub aortic stenosis has been noted in children homozygous for the R138X mutation in NPHS2 (13). This may reflect the expression of NPHS2 mRNA in fetal, but not in adult, heart. Y. Frishberg. The genetic basis of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Paediatr Croat. 2015; 59 (Supl 1): 44-49 Genotype-phenotype correlation The age of onset of NS was significantly earlier for children with splice site mutations in PLCE1 compared to missense mutations or C-terminal truncating mutations (6). Similar correlation could not be drawn between mutation types involving other genes relevant to recessive forms of SRNS. Koziell described a cohort of patients from Malta with a founder truncating mutation in NPHS1 (R1160X) (14). Interestingly, there was a discordant CNF phenotype which may have been influenced by gender. Whereas most boys had the typical phenotype and many succumbed to the disease, girls tended to have a mild phenotype with the extreme being a 19-year-old girl with mild proteinuria, normal serum albumin and normal kidney function. Steroid-Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome (SSNS) Not surprisingly, none of the 185 children with SSNS, who composed a control group in the large international cohort of children with SRNS, was found to carry bi-allelic mutations in any of the 27 genes which were associated with SRNS (6). This supports the notion that patients with single-gene cause of SRNS are unlikely to respond to steroids but may rather suffer from side-effects of this therapeutic modality (11, 15). Most recently, it was shown that heterogeneous genetic variants in sporadic nephrotic syndrome associate with not only resistance to steroids but to other immunosuppressive agents (16). A recent report from Hildebrandt’s group described bi-allelic mutations in EMP2, encoding epithelial membrane protein 2, in 4 individuals from 3 unrelated families with NS (17). Interestingly, in two families from Turkey the disease responded to steroids and in the fourth child of African-American ancestry it was steroid-resistant. The precise pathogenetic mechanism underlying this entity with special emphasis on its varying response to steroids remains unclear. There are anecdotal reports of patients with genetic forms of NS who responded to immunosuppressive regimen. Two patients with bi-allelic mutations in PLCE1 seemed to attain remission following treatment with cyclosporine A (CsA) (18). Whether this represents the non-immunological anti-proteinuric effect of CsA remain to be proven. It has been shown that CsA can stabilize the actin cytoskeleton by blocking the calcineurin-mediated dephosphorylation of synaptopodin (19). Alternatively, this may be an example of the phenotypic variability which can be mutation-specific or even within the context of the same genotype. yet unknown interaction with a modifier gene or an environmental factor. This should be taken more seriously in dominant forms which may involve poorly penetrant alleles resulting in asymptomatic affected individuals. Living-related potential donors would have to be screened for the relevant mutation prior to declaring them suitable for kidney donation. Obviously, living-related donations from family members of individuals with hereditary kidney disease but unknown genetic defects should be discouraged. Non-immunologic modalities that have been shown to slow the progression of proteinuric renal diseases, including angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) or lipid lowering agents should be considered in every child with SRNS regardless of whether they have genetic forms of NS. Is routine genetic testing for NS justified? Post-transplant recurrence of FSGS Recurrence of FSGS was found in 15% of patients undergoing kidney transplantation in the PodoNet consortium (12). It occurs almost exclusively among individuals without a genetic diagnosis which implies that a circulating permeability factor is involved, likely amenable to treatment with immunosuppressants and plasmapheresis. Proteinuria post kidney transplant has been detected in a child with bi-allelic mutations in NPHS2 encoding podocin, although antibodies to podocin could not be identified (20). This is in contrast to children with CNF due to mutations in NPHS1 encoding nephrin who may develop proteinuria after kidney transplantation secondary to acquired circulating anti-nephrin antibodies (21). It is unlikely that living-related asymptomatic kidney donors who are carriers of recessive mutations have additional risk of developing CKD in the future. This has been exemplified by a report of 4 living-related kidney donors, heterozygous for mutations in NPHS2, who remain healthy. Also, none of the corresponding recipients developed proteinuria following kidney transplantation (20). The only reservation would be a Any genetic test ordered should address the following three goals (22): ●● Would the result of this test help establishing the diagnosis? ●● Would the result likely to assist in planning the treatment? ●● Is the result from the proband likely to produce data on the risk of other family members? Given the data presented here, it is reasonable to conclude that genetic testing is justified in the following subgroups of patients with NS: ●● All children with CNS (onset prior to 3 months of age). ●● All children with infantile NS (onset 3-12 months of age). ●● If NS is part of malformations in other organ systems. ●● All patients with a family history of NS and/or chronic kidney disease (CKD). Whether it should be recommended in every child with SRNS, is still questionable. If the treating physician has free access to the high throughput screening platform covering 27 genes that have been associated with SRNS, this should be implemented. Otherwise, a reasonable approach would be to screen those patients for the 4 genes that account for over 80% of children with genetic NS (NPHS1, NPHS2, WT1 and PLCE1). The order of screening may be affected by the age of onset of proteinuria: NPHS1, WT1 and PLCE1 first, in congenital or infantile NS and NPHS2 first in older children. Although it may change in the near foreseeable future with rapid technical advancement in the field, at this point in time, next-generation sequencing should still be reserved for well selected cases performed in research laboratories. The advantage of this approach is that it can screen all of the coding regions or the entire genome in one run and may yield not only causing mutations in known genes but may also discover new genes that have not been associated with NS before. Identifying new genes may shed light on the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying various forms of NS and additionally, may pave the path for the development of specific therapeutic modalities. The amount of data generated by this technique requires a well trained team in the area of bioinformatics in order to wisely analyze all the genetic variants which may bear deleterious effect. This would carry significant ethical dilemmas which should be taken seriously into consideration. The availability of rapid and costeffective genetic tests, should not replace the meticulous clinical evaluation of patients with SRNS by their treating physicians. Furthermore, this would have a favorable impact on the likelihood of a genetic test to yield the correct diagnosis. Availability of genetic testing One of the challenges faced by physicians taking care of children with SRNS is to determine what genetic tests are currently available. The following free resource: www.genetests.org provides updated information on the disease, gene, protein and the laboratory performing the genetic test. Whether this test is covered by the medical insurance company is another challenge and may be country-specific or even insurer-specific. The type of laboratory performing the test (research- versus approved clinical laboratory) may impact on the likelihood that the expenses will be reimbursed. 47 Y. Frishberg. The genetic basis of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Paediatr Croat. 2015; 59 (Supl 1): 44-49 From private mutations to private genes The discovery that mutations in NPHS1 cause CNF had great impact not only on our understanding of the pathogenesis of this clinical entity but also provided the medical community with a tool to diagnose a significant portion of their patients with CNF. CNF is inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion and has a worldwide distribution. It was realized that distinct mutations than those detected in Finland are responsible for CNF in other ethnic groups. It was quite striking to detect three different mutations in NPHS1 in one village near Jerusalem, Israel (23). Most of the inhabitants of this community are descendants of one Muslim family and have maintained their isolation by preference of consanguineous marriages. As more and more genes have been identified as associated in their mutated form with SRNS, it was clear that every "new" gene provides explanation to a very small portion of the patient population. Mutations in 4 genes are responsible for SRNS in 24.2% of the 1,783 families tested, whereas mutations in 17 different genes cause SRNS in only additional 5.3% of the families (6). The genetic basis of SRNS in the remaining 70.5% of the families remains elusive. Also, mutations in EMP2 leading to NS, were identified in a single family from Turkey and subsequent screening of 1,600 individuals from an international cohort of patients with NS yielded two additional cases, implying that this is a rare cause of NS (17). Taken together, there seems to be a shift from "private" mutations in common genes to mutations in "private" genes. This may dictate novel strategies to identify genetic causes of renal diseases which may include searching for genetic variants in non-coding regions or epigenetic alterations. A report of the International Study of Kidney Disease in Children. Kidney Int. 1978; 13: 15965. 2.Kestila M, Lenkkeri U, Mannikko M, et al. Positionally cloned gene for a novel glomerular protein-nephrin-is mutated in congenital nephrotic syndrome. Mol Cell. 1998; 1: 575-82. 3.Boute N, Gribouval O, Roselli S, et al. NPHS2, encoding the glomerular protein podocin, is mutated in autosomal recessive steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. 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Većina genskih produkata povezanih sa SRNS se predominantno pojavljuju u podocitima ili na filtracijskoj membrani. Trenutno genska podloga SRNS može biti pronađena u manje od trećine analiziranih obitelji pa treba naglasiti da negativni rezultati potrage za kandidatnim genom ne isključuje da se radi o nasljednoj bolesti. Identificiranje mutacije koja uzrokuje bolest je važno ne samo za terapijski pristup, ishod liječenja, nego je i osnova za genetsko savjetovanje. U ovom preglednom radu se raspravlja o znanstvenoj podlozi nasljeđivanja NS te indikacijama za rutinsko gensko testiranje uzimajući u obzir i financijsku isplativost. Mogućnost genskog testiranja u svrhu otkrivanja bubrežne bolesti ipak ne može zamijeniti pomnu kliničku evaluaciju bolesnika sa SRNS od strane nadležnog liječnika nego je važan čimbenik da se s većom vjerojatnošću postavi točna dijagnoza. Deskriptori: STEROID-REZISTENTNI NEFROTSKI SINDROM, DJECA, GENI, RECESIVNO, DOMINANTNO, NEFRIN, PODOCIN, KANDIDATNI GENI, NEXT GENERATION SEKVENCIONIRANJE Primljeno/Received: 6. 4. 2015. Prihvaćeno/Accepted: 8. 4. 2015. 19.Ransom RF, Lam NG, Hallett MA, Atkinson SJ, Smoyer WE. Glucocorticoids protect and enhance recovery of cultured murine podocytes via actin filament stabilization. Kidney Int. 2005; 68: 2473-83. 20.Becker-Cohen R, Bruschi M, Rinat C, et al. Recurrent nephrotic syndrome in homozygous truncating NPHS2 mutation is not due to antipodocin antibodies. Am J Transplant. 2007; 7: 256-60. 21.Patrakka J, Ruotsalainen V, Reponen P, et al. recurrence of nephrotic syndrome in kidney grafts of patients with congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type: Role of nephrin. Transplantation. 2002; 73: 394-403. 22.Gbadegesin R, Winn M, Smoyer WE. Genetic testing in nephrotic syndrome: Challenges and opportunities. Nat Rev Nephrol. 2013; 9: 17984. 23.Frishberg Y, Ben-Neriah Z, Suvanto M, et al. Misleading findings of homozygosity mapping resulting from three novel mutations in NPHS1 encoding nephrin in a highly inbred community. Genet Med. 2007; 9: 180-4. 49
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