OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 359 North Leonard Street West Salem, WI 54669 PRESORTED STANDARD U. S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 21 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED DECEMBER 2013 NEWSLETTER OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH WEST SALEM, WISCONSIN DECEMBER 2013 Advent & Christmas Schedules Senior Ministries Staffing Change Sunday School & Confirmation News New Members Mission Endowment Distributions Year End Contributions Mission Statement: To reach toward God and to each other for the sake of the world 1 Our Savior’s Voice Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 359 N. Leonard St. West Salem, WI 54669 www.oursaviorswestsalem.org 608-786-0030 [email protected] DECEMBER 2013 PARSON TO PERSON Thanks, too, to leadership – to members of the Congregation Council who have also been gifts to us – thanks to Corey, Mike, Ruby, Mark, As I write this, Thanksgiving is a way off – the turkey not even yet purchased. As you read this, the turkey is in the oven and the “Black Friday” ads are beckoning. Maybe, therefore, it’s appropriate to put the two together – Thanksgiving and Christmas, that is. Sandi, Dottie, Marjorie, Jim, Vernetta, Pam, and Char for your faithful leadership of this congregation’s ministries. But giftedness also transcends our time here. We offer our thanks to those whose gift of leadership laid the groundwork – thanks to Of course, you will give thanks on Thanksgiving – for turkey and stuffing, family and friends, house and home. But looking ahead, the gifts of Christmas give us even more for which to give thanks. The Baby Jesus tops the list! council members who served in the past years, especially during the pastoral vacancy, and thanks to Pastor Rog and Pastor Dave for their work to make transitions smooth and ministry continue. We are here and in place because Still, as I ponder December and Christmas, and do so with Thanksgiving yet looming, I can’t help but think of the myriad of gifts for which I am thankful. So give me a few moments to lay a few of them out there… you made great handoffs! Still, we can go back even further, to even more gifts of the past – pastors and laypeople from years past may not be here to receive our thanks, but we thank God for all those who have worked in this community of faith, pastors like Ranum and Brauer, to name just two, and lay leaders who taught Sunday School and prepared lutefisk for the Norwegian Dinner. You, too, We’ve been at Our Savior’s for almost a year now. Lots of thanks to share – thanks to all of you for welcoming us, partnering with us, and being patient with us as we have learned names and routines. Pastor Jean and I, time and time have been gifts of a good and gracious God. again, have remarked how fortunate we are to be here, where we feel at home, and where we know God is at work. YOU have been great gifts to us and, as you share in the many ministries of this congregation, great gifts to others as well. And then we thank God, too, for the gift of West Salem. This is a wonderful community. From schools to neighbors, from shops to community servants, we have many gifts of God for which to be thankful! As has our staff – your giftedness is so evident. So, thanks to staff for your work and your support over the course of this past – thanks to But of course, Christmas is still about Jesus. And so as we look ahead to our Christmas celebration, we look ahead to sharing Jesus with you. So many other things get in our way, distract and divert us. Jesus, however, continues to break through the clutter and cacophony of sounds the season brings. Jesus Bonnie, Dana, Kay, Rob, and Pastor Vern. Thanks to Linda, Kathy, Eric, Jill and Lynnette. Great people to work with, with great gifts to share! 2 WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY is the hope we have, and Jesus is the hope we carry to the world around us. We celebrate Jesus, and we give thanks to God for the gift of Jesus! Wednesday morning Bible study is into Christmas! Through December 18, we will look at Christmas themes and stories. A great way to prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus our Lord and Savior! And that brings me to the last gift – and the last thanks to share – shortly, in January we want to begin to take some time to ponder where God is calling us to go as a community of faith. Or, in other words, how in West Salem are we called to proclaim the hope of Jesus and carry it into the world around us. That is an exciting prospect – imagine that God has a role for YOU and for ME in the work God carries out! What a gift to be privileged to share the gift of Jesus! More about that in this issue of Our Savior’s Voice and much more in January. Bible study will NOT meet December 25 or January 1, but will meet again January 8. You are ALWAYS welcome to join us – we meet at 9:30, with a cup of coffee and some time to connect with each other, and then we dive in. No experience or prior knowledge necessary – just bring your Bible and an “enquiring mind.” See Pastor Jon for more information. But for now – thanks to God for the mission we have, and thanks to God for calling us to work together, as partners in the gospel of Jesus! USHERS NEEDED FOR DECEMBER AND THE CHRISTMAS SEASON Pastor Jon Two people to usher for the month of December on Saturday nights at the 6 p.m. service. VACATION Pastor Jon and Pastor Jean will be on vacation December 26 through December31. Contact the office for any pastoral care needs. We thank Cathryn and Allyson Bottem for leading worship on December 28 and 29. One more person to usher on Christmas Eve at the 5:30 p.m. service. COMMUNION SERVERS NEEDED FOR CHRISTMAS EVE December 24 CHRISTMAS EVE 5:30 p.m. __________ __________ __________ CHRISTMAS BIBLE STUDY CONTINUES Get ready for Christmas…just a bit differently…with a Bible in hand! We continue to explore Christmas traditions in light of the message of God’s word in the Bible. We will meet on Tuesdays through December 3, from 78:15 p.m. See Pastor Jon or Pastor Jean for more information. Please call the Church Office, 786-0030, if you can help. 3 FROM THE STAFF AT OUR SAVIOR’S… ADVENT WORSHIP In these days of confusion and uncertainty, in the midst of distractions and diversions, may you know again the life-giving power of the Child of Bethlehem. May God’s gift in Jesus Christ fill your heart with joy, your life with purpose, and your future with hope as the New Year approaches. We are grateful for your support, your partnership, and your presence with us in the community of faith we call Our Savior’s. A blessed Christmas to you and your loved ones! Prepare ye the way! Advent worship will be held on Wednesday, December 4 and December 18, both times at 7 p.m. Pastor Jon, Pastor Jean, Dana, Kay, Linda, Eric, Kathy, Jill, Rob, Lynnette December 18 – come and join an old-fashioned carol sing. Our 7th & 8th graders will have been out caroling in the neighborhood, then joining us for our worship time. We will carol together, hear the words of scripture that prepare us for Christmas, and leave ready to welcome the newborn child of Bethlehem. December 4 – we celebrate the “Hanging of the Greens,” as we “deck the halls” with signs and symbols of the season. Come to prepare for Christmas by discovering the meaning in many of the symbols and traditions that surround our worship. Congregational members are encouraged to bring an ornament to hang on the tree during the Christmas season. HOLY COMMUNION SCHEDULE FOR DECEMBER With the choir cantata on December 15, we will have a different schedule for Holy Communion. Holy Communion will be celebrated on December 7/8 and December 21/22, and NOT on December 14/15. Communion will be on the first weekend of the month as usual, and on Christmas Eve as well. SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGERS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6: 4:00-5:30, 5:30-7:00 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7: 9-10:30, 10:30-12:00, 4:00-5:30, 5:30-6:00 CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATING Ring those bells for the Salvation Army! You can sign up in groups, singles, families, etc. Sign up is located at the Youth and Family board in the Gathering Area. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1 It’s Decoration Time Again: The Social Committee will be putting up Christmas decorations in the sanctuary on December 1 starting at 11:45 a.m. and we would love your help. We need help transporting and decorating a 14foot tree. We will all enjoy pizza, pop, hot chocolate and cookies. So please help with the fun! 4 JOINT BIBLE STUDY AND POTLUCK DINNER Christmas Eve 1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Festive Celebration of Jesus’ birth with candle lighting, special music, and Holy Communion THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 Women’s Bible Study ~ Join us on Thursday, December 12 at 10 a.m. at church. The women’s circles will meet for their annual joint Bible Study and potluck dinner. The profits from the Lutefisk Dinner will be distributed. 10 p.m. Lessons, carols, candle light…Holy Communion…and the newborn Jesus! SENIOR CHOIR CONCERT Christmas Day SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15 The Senior Choir will present "Classic Noels" at both services on Sunday, December 15; please join us! "Classic Noels" blends classical pieces with favorite Christmas carols, creating a unique collection of holiday music. It features compositions by Handel and Bach with carols such as "Joy to the World" and "The First Noel." We look forward to presenting this music at the worship services! 10 a.m. We gather in the morning to welcome the newborn child of Bethlehem and to reflect on the gift of grace God gives us in Jesus. DECEMBER HUNGRY JAR There is wild life in the ELCA Global Barnyard! Think about the sustaining gifts needy people can get from all the money you donate to the Hungry Jar through the month of December. Our Sunday school kids are going to make the decision of what livestock to buy from the ELCA Global Barnyard. With the money totaled, the kids will put their math skills to work and vote on what they want to buy and what they can afford to buy for others. Please keep giving and be ready to ask the Sunday school kids what they decided to buy. LAKEVIEW GIVING TREE Each year Lakeview Health Center provides us with a wooden Christmas tree. On the tree are 27 tags with the Christmas needs of the residents at Lakeview. Some of these residents are far from family or are alone. We help to make their Christmas just a little brighter. When you receive this newsletter, the tags will already be gone. This is a reminder, however that the gifts are due back to the church by December 6. 5 Transportation Ministry to Seniors Senior Ministries … we have several items available for our “senior” population to help you during your worship experience or to help you in your faith journey wherever you may be … If you have time during the day and drive a car … … we have a job for you! Many of our senior members need to get to doctor’s appointments and other appointments – hey, they even need to get to church! – and they are no longer able to drive. We are beginning to compile a list of volunteers who are available to drive our seniors to these appointments and to church. Sometimes a friendly face is enough to help these folks get through the fears, stresses, and challenges of these appointments. If you are willing to have your name shared, or if you would like more information about this ministry of caring, contact Pastor Jean ([email protected]) or call the church office. When you’re at church … feel free to ask an Usher for … a large print bulletin for use during worship – everything is included in the bulletin, no need to fumble with heavy hymnals a hearing assist device available for use during worship For those who can’t get to church … we have large print copies of the daily devotional “Christ In Our Home” that comes out quarterly a DVD is made each week of the Sunday worship service STAFFING CHANGES If you would like to receive either of these, please call the church office and let us know. We are happy to deliver! Pastor Vern Skarstad, our visitation pastor, has asked us to complete his work with us at the end of November. We are deeply grateful for all of the wonderful ministry Pastor Vern has done for us, and we give thanks for his ministry in our midst. The Congregation Council has set Saturday/Sunday, January 18/19 as a time to give thanks to Pastor Vern. More details will be in the January Our Savior’s Voice. Breakfast and Bible Study Monday, December 9th at 9 AM at Salem Terrace NURSING HOME WORSHIP We are starting a Bible Study for our members – and friends … all are welcome – who live at Salem Terrace and Mill Street Manor (or whoever would like to stop by). The kickoff event will begin with breakfast at 9 a.m., followed by Bible Study. If you are interested in attending, it would be helpful if you call the office to let us know. The pastors will be leading worship at Lakeview (10:30 a.m.), Salem Terrace (1 p.m.), and Mulder’s (2:45 p.m.) on Thursday, December 19. Want to give a great Christmas gift? Come and join us as we share in worship with those who are homebound and sometimes very lonely in our community. See Pastor Jon or Pastor Jean for more information. 6 THE LIFE OF AN INTERN PASTOR… It is hard to believe that I have been an Intern Pastor (or “Vicar” as they call me at English Lutheran Church) for three months. I have met so many people and am finally getting good at matching names with faces. They have been very kind, welcoming and encouraging as I learn and try new things. This past weekend I led an 8th grade retreat with Pastor Mark Solyst—I was totally in my comfort zone! The youth were great and it was fun to see them grow in their faith as we rediscovered stories in the Bible, learned about the Seven Faith Practices and experienced a labyrinth together. It was fun to meet the 8th graders since I am teaching 7th grade confirmation this year. I’m loving all the questions that they have about the stories we are learning from the Old Testament. *We thank the Mailing Crew for assembling the Newsletter. The members who helped this past month were Connie Blunck, Bev Bockenhauer, Helen Friell, Saundra Holthaus, Russ and Diane McClintock, Inger Michael, Judy Morzinski, Mary and Rich Storandt and Betty Whitlock. * Thank you to all who worked the Norwegian dinner. We served 528 in the dining room with 108 carryout meals. This is 47 more than last year. It appears that profits will be slightly greater than last year. Complete profit and distribution of the money will be reported in upcoming newsletters. I am preaching once a month, which is a wonderful gift for me. Pastors Solyst and Pupilla have been very gracious about letting me assist in worship the other three weeks each month. One of my projects, as an intern, is to plan the Advent worship services. We will be using the theme “Star of Bethlehem.” Our Director of Worship is building a huge 12’ by 6’ star that will be filled with lights and hang from the center of the sanctuary! Each week we will be learning a little bit about what Bethlehem is like today. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to tie our “Bethlehem Event” that we are hosting this year. I’m personally inviting each of you to come to English Lutheran Church on December 21 or 22 (noon to 5) to experience the town of Bethlehem 2000 years ago— complete with shop keepers, beggars, live animals, and the baby Jesus! Special thanks to our businesses who made donations, Family Tree Floral, Kwik Trip, Linda's Bakery, Hansen's IGA. Also to Ken and Norma Piper for rutabagas and Vicki Olson’s family for potato tubs to be used for years to come. * Thanks to the Crew! Thanks to the hard working cleaning crew for getting us spiffed up for the Norwegian Dinner. Judy Gilbert, Dylan Wiese, Shannon Wiese, Brandon Wiese, Rob Wiese, Ruby Kerkman, Jim Michelson, and Mike Alumbaugh (did we miss anyone?) worked up a sweat on Saturday, October 26. We appreciate your work and your care for our building! I miss the people of Our Savior’s and think of you often. I appreciate the prayers and support that you have given me as I journey through seminary as a daughter of Our Savior’s. Grace and Peace, Bonnie Klos 7 NOMINATING COMMITTEE FALL STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY Our Savior’s Nominating Committee is in the process of securing nominations for Congregation Council, Endowment Committee, Sugar Creek, and Bethany Lutheran Home Corporation. If you have an interest in serving Jesus through the work of Our Savior’s in one of these positions, please let one of the pastors know – we will pass your name along to the committee! All members received a stewardship letter and an Estimate of Giving Card asking for a commitment for our 2014 ministry. Estimate of giving cards are still welcome in the office! Please get your card in soon, as it will help us to assemble our budget for 2014. Lots of things are happening – God is at work, and God is good! SYNOD ASSEMBLY VOTING MEMBERS HUNGRY FOR CHRISTMAS BREAD? With the election of a bishop in the La Crosse Area Synod for 2014, Synod Assembly voting members will need to be selected earlier than in past years. Voting members need to be in place by early February. April Haldeman will be selling Stollen, a braided German sweet bread containing raisins and dates and topped with a butter frosting, on Sunday mornings between services in December. All proceeds will be going to the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. She will be baking and selling until she makes her goal, so get one quick before they are all gone. Synod Assembly for 2014 is June 13-15, at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. If you would like to be considered as a voting member this year, please speak with one of the pastors or Corey Sjoquist. This is a great opportunity to see how the church works together as a synod, as God’s people working together beyond our own congregation. YEAR END CONTRIBUTIONS DUE DECEMBER 29 Members of the congregation are reminded to make their year-end contributions by Sunday, December 29. No credit for contributions given after December 29, 2013 can be credited to your giving statement for 2013. Statements will be mailed to you in January. Thank you for your contributions. 8 SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS Attendance Challenge … Have you been keeping track of your attendance charts lately to see how your class is doing? As of midNovember, the Pre-K class has had the most weeks of perfect (+/- 2) attendance with 7. They are on track for the treats in December. It’s hard to believe we are almost one-third of the way through our Sunday School year. We are using a lectionary-based curriculum from Augsburg Fortress, which means the children are learning about the same stories the congregation is hearing about during worship. Helps to make Children’s Messages more interesting! Anyone want to challenge them? The next most weeks are 4 and there is a tie between the two 2nd grade classes for that. We also have 16 children across the grades with perfect attendance, and 26 more that have only missed 1 week! Way to go! The Sunday School students once again did a great job singing in worship on November 10th! We thank them for their hard work, along with Mr. Larson, Mrs. Vick, Mrs. Pavelko, and Mrs. Berg. They are now focusing their efforts on the upcoming Christmas Pageant. Kids, don’t forget about the practice on Saturday morning, December 14th at 10 AM. Sunday School Christmas Pageant “Silent Night, Holy Night” Saturday, December 14 at 4 PM at the Presbyterian Church Gifts to share … Have you said to yourself lately, how can I share my gifts with our young people? We have just the opportunity for you! Plans are underway to create two classes of third graders as that class has the potential of over 30 students, and we are averaging 20-23 every week – what a gift that is! We are looking for someone to help team-teach the additional 3rd grade class. Please speak with Pastor Jean if you believe God is calling you to share your gifts. (625 W. Franklin) Join us for the Sunday School Christmas Pageant – invite your family and friends! There will be treats and a time for fellowship following the program. We will be collecting a free-will offering for Lutheran Disaster Response in the Philippines and food items for the Care & Share Food Pantry. NO Sunday School classes … … December 1 – for Thanksgiving holiday … December 22 and 29 – for Christmas holiday 9 CONFIRMATION HUMMING ALONG! Parents – we still need you! Confirmation classes continue to move ahead. 6th graders are studying the Bible, working through the Old Testament. 7th and 8th graders are working on their elective courses on December 4 and 11. … if you haven’t signed up yet to help in your child(ren)’s classroom, please stop by and talk with the teacher soon! We are finding it invaluable having our parents’ support and presence in the classroom. Come check it out! On December 18, we head out for caroling. Join us for the afterschool time, followed by a light meal – then out the door by 6 p.m. to walk the neighborhood. When we return at around 7 p.m., we will join the Advent Caroling in the sanctuary. Offerings for Malaria … Goal by May 18th – $1,000 As of November 10th – $184.75 9th graders, meanwhile, will be exploring families and the gifts that God gives through our families. 9th graders and their families will join us in the “Hanging of the Greens” on December 4, and then spend a few minutes talking about the gift of families – and then they will have a project to celebrate that gift. Check out the bulletin board outside of Pastor Jean’s office to see how we’re doing with our offerings for Malaria. So far our 1st grade class has collected $33.25, with the 3rd grade close behind at $29.25. Remember, the class with the most mosquitos at the end of the year will receive a special treat so be sure your offering is clearly marked with your class on it! Parents and grandparents (and congregation members) are more than welcome to assist the children with this project, too! Help us make a difference and reach our goal!! No classes (of course!) on December 25 or January 1 – but all 6-8th graders resume with classes on January 8. SCRIP CARDS FOR CHRISTMAS Stocking stuffers College student favorite EVERYONE can use one! Consider purchasing Kwik Trip cards for your Holiday shopping this year. 10% of all sales go directly to our programs including our mission trip to Puerto Rico. Find our table in the Gathering Area! Sunday School offerings for the 2013-2014 year will be used to purchase mosquito netting for the ELCA Malaria Campaign. A child dies from malaria every 60 seconds. We can be a part of the solution to turn this around. Our gifts to the ELCA Malaria Campaign help provide mosquito netting, insecticides, medication, health care, and education to help eliminate deaths from this disease – for good! Denominations available: $10, $20, $25, $50, $100. 10 OSAP-OUR SAVIOR’S AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM th SOUNDS LIKE LOVE RECAP There are no adequate words to describe my first experience with Sounds Like Love. 300+ students from around the Midwest came together with director John Jacobson to put on an outstanding worship experience. They expressed their love of God and desire to know Him more through incredible singing and dancing. Three of our students obtained speaking parts through auditions. It was a transformational weekend that ignited the fire in the hearts of our youth. For pictures and video clips, visit our youth Facebook page. th 6 -8 Graders come over to the church after school each Wednesday you have confirmation class or elective. Hang out with a ton of things to do: Ping pong, basketball, football, video games, music, homework room, or just hang out! December activities: December 4: Holiday mail for shut-ins - Write letters to members that do not have the option to come and worship with us during the holidays. December 11: Learn to Crochet December 18: Trivia Challenge A HUGE thank you to Linda Berg for working with the students over the past few months. She rehearsed the music every Sunday with them. Also, a thank you to the congregation. Supporting our fundraisers allows us to send students to events like these that have a direct impact on their faith journey. THANK YOU! 8TH GRADERS—YOUTH ENCOUNTER WEEKEND IS WAITING FOR YOU! March 28-30, 2014 Bloomington, MN Students and Leaders Asher Carlson Justin Beckley Aunna Carlson Lydia Sells Molly Hunter Allie Skrentny April Haldeman Rachel Quamme Melissa Haldeman Tracey Beckley Amazing and innovative bands, motivational speaker and hilarious comedian, Wes Halula. A transformational weekend made for you that will make the faith we speak about every week very REAL! Don’t miss your chance to come with us. E-COMMUNICATIONS Registration deadline: December 15. Cost $146. Registration forms and more information at the Youth Board! Did you know that 111 people receive the newsletter by email instead of a paper copy? Interested in helping us save paper and postage? One way we can do that is to send you an email each time we post the newsletter on our website. Give us your email address, let us know you don’t want a paper copy of the newsletter, and we’ll do the rest. You can find the website at www.oursaviorswestsalem.org 11 NEW BOOKS IN THE CHURCH LIBRARY CHILDREN’S: Bemelmans – Madeline Once again, you’re invited to place poinsettias in the church at Christmas. Many people have found it a special way to remember or to honor someone in this season. You may provide your own plant or we will order a plant for you through Family Tree Floral here in West Salem. Red or white poinsettias are available for $15.00. Please let us know how we can acknowledge your poinsettia in the Christmas bulletins. YOUTH: Wilder – Little House in the Big Woods Wilder – Little House on the Prairie FICTION: Brunstetter Brunstetter Brunstetter Brunstetter Brunstetter – – – – – The Silence of Winter The Hope of Spring The Pieces of Summer A Revelation in Autumn A Vow for Always CHECK ONE: NONFICTION: Driver – Driven Kurtz – Hardly a Silent Night Kurtz – Ring the Bell, Count the People _____Please purchase a poinsettia for me. I understand the price is $15.00. _____Red _____White _____I will provide a poinsettia but prefer to purchase my own plant. I will have it at church by December 23. E-MAIL FROM PASTOR JON Pastor Jon will begin sending out occasional emails with announcements about happenings at Our Savior’s, and a weekly reflection on God, life and faith. If you are not already on the e-mail list from Our Savior’s, and would like to be, please send Pastor Jon your e-mail address, or speak with him. We will never sell your e-mail address, and if you want to get off the list, we’ll do that too! IN MEMORY OF __________________________________ IN HONOR OF ____________________________________ GIVEN BY ____________________________________ Please return this slip and $15.00 by December 12 to the church office or put it in an envelope and place it in the offering plate. You may take your poinsettia home after the Christmas Day worship service. 12 REFRESHMENTS A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board outside the kitchen in the Gathering Area. Please sign up for either serving refreshments or baking. DECEMBER SERVING & BAKING SCHEDULE December 1 Serve Bake December 8 Serve Bake December 15 Serve Bake December 22 Serve Bake Melody Schmitz and Jim Michelson Melody Schmitz, Sandi Stavlo, Norma Piper Bridget Peterson’s Old Confirmation Group Confirmation Group ______________ Judy Morzinski, Ilene Pavelko, Sharon Olson _____________________ Shannon Wiese,___________, ________________ December 29 Serve ____________________ Bake _______________, _________, ______________ 13 GUITAR LESSON SUNDAY’S HAVE BEEN A HIT FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY Last month, 13 families completed Financial Peace University. In nine short weeks, they paid off over $27,000 in debt, saved over $19,000 and cut up 26 credit cards. In nine weeks, we learned how to budget, who the nerds and free spirits are, what insurance we do and do not need, how to plan for retirement and college, and most importantly “How to live like no one else so later we can live and give like no one else.” The guitar group hasn’t been writing any hits quite yet, but since October 6th, Dean Olson, Marty Frank and Dan Backhaus have been leading guitar lessons on Sunday nights. There have been 13 beginning guitar players, ranging in ages from grade school students to retirees. The group has been learning how to tune a guitar, play chords and even play a few songs. Marty Frank stated that, “It has been a lot of fun. It has been great to see people take interest in playing the guitar and it has been fun teaching too! The hour goes by very fast.” The group meets at 5 p.m. in the church library and people of all ages and skill sets are welcome. The lessons are free and we’ve been able to accommodate a few of the people that don’t have guitars. The group will continue to meet every Sunday, taking Sunday, December 22 off. Below are some quotes from the last night of class. “In the last nine weeks we have talked about money more than in 26 years of marriage.” “I can now see the end of my school loans.” “This class has helped us put together a plan to get us on track and out of debt.” “I now know where all my money is going.” Interested in taking the class? We will be offering another class-starting mid-January. Looking for the perfect Christmas present for your son or daughter who just graduated or got married? FPU is offered all over the area and country. If you have any questions or are interested in attending, contact Marty, Dan or Dean. If you are interested in taking the class but have questions, see Tim Tiber, Eric Ender or the church office. HOSPITAL REMINDER Being hospitalized is never easy. Our goal is to visit each member during this difficult time. At Gundersen, please be sure to alert the hospital of your church affiliation when they ask and they will then release your room number to us when we call. At Mayo Clinic Health System/Franciscan Healthcare, it is important that you or a family member contact the church office to notify us of your stay. Mayo is no longer able to give out that information. 14 DATE ATTENDANCE OFFERING Nov. 3 Nov. 9 & 10 Nov. 16 & 17 324 414 369 $6,295 $9,184 $6,170 SUNDAY SCHOOL 70 77 84 Wendy Kane Kamryn 620 Lynn Drive West Salem, WI 54669 608-769-3543 Kevin and Becky Murphy Andrew, Katie, Kenzie W4950 County B La Crosse, WI 54601 608-782-4185 WE WELCOMED NEW MEMBERS at our worship on Sunday, November 17. Please introduce yourself to these people and welcome them to the life and mission of Our Savior’s. Clark and Melissa Olson Brielle, Landon W390 County T Mindoro, WI 54644 608-386-4979 Rich and Beth Clements Eva, Sophia, William 140 West Avenue S West Salem, WI 54669 608-498-2125 Velma Schmidt 960 Highway 16 West West Salem, WI 54669 608-786-2338 Kimberly Farr Makensie, Mallory W5289 County B La Crosse, WI 54601 608-781-6967 PASTORAL ACTS Jackie Hartmann N1700 Sunnyslope Drive La Crosse, WI 54601 787-6689 Baptisms Ava Marilyn Jandt, daughter of Greg and Jessica Jandt, was baptized November 3. Her baptismal sponsors are Erik and Nicole Jones, Dana Labus, Lisa Jandt. Derek and Erin Hebrink Kaelyn 128 Scenic Court West Salem, WI 54669 507-421-9230 (Derek) 507-421-3542 (Erin) Emma Ann Jandt, daughter of Greg and Jessica Jandt, was baptized November 3. Her baptismal sponsors are Jill Kukowski, Andrea Hemker, Carrie and Brandon Risch. Joe and Jacki Hickey Jacob, Jessalyn 819 Deerfield St West Salem, WI 54669 608-786-6205 Lauryn Marie Langrehr, daughter of Tom and Sarah Langrehr, was baptized November 10. Her baptismal sponsors are Christi Gronemus and Melissa Schulz. Memorial Service We express our Christian sympathy to the family of Marlin Wehrenberg who died November 9. A Memorial Service was held November 13 with burial in Christ Ev. Lutheran Cemetery. Nicki Kammel Spencer, Reice, Morgan 720 Mark Street West Salem, WI 54669 608-786-3467 15 STEWARDSHIP CORNER ‘Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none…” Being a good steward to your community can be that simple. Coats 4 Kids Bring your gently used, winter coats and put them in the Coats 4 Kids tote in the coat area. There are moms, dads, and kids who will be very grateful. On most mornings, I park my car on State Street and walk into the Coleman building at Western Technical College. My route from the car to the building often will lead me past the Salvation Army on State and 8th Street. As I walk past with a smile and hello, I watch moms who have to put their kids in a cab to go to school. After passing the building, my heart and soul remind me of how grateful I am to have the house, car, job, and family I have. Many of us would say, “I just can’t imagine what that would be like.” Stacy J. Mitchell OUR SAVIOR'S MISSION ENDOWMENT MAKES DISTRIBUTIONS The Endowment Committee is happy to have been able to make the following disbursement of interest from the Endowment Fund for 2013: More recently as the temperatures have dropped, I walk past the Salvation Army and watch families come out after their warm breakfast. Some have a scarf, hat and warm jacket and some people are still wearing what I would call a thin coat with no gloves or hat. As if it is not hard enough being without a home, imagine being without a warm coat when trying to put a life back together by finding a job or home. The one solution Salvation Army has is their Coats 4 Kids drive. Even though the title may have you believe it is just for kids, the coat drive is for anyone of any age and any size. Believe me, they use every coat they get! Last year one of my classes sponsored a Salvation Army Coat Drive, and we collected over 300 coats of all sizes. As a class, we delivered them and about two weeks after delivery, the volunteer coordinator asked if we wanted to keep going. All the coats were already in use. Many of us have closets, totes, or basements that are storing our unused coats, hats, gloves, scarves, or mittens. Now is the time to share these grateful gifts with your community. As Luke 3:11 says, “And he answered them, Category 1 Outreach in Community Synod La Crosse Area Synod ELCA Fund for Leaders Salvation Army Companion Synod (Peru) Lutheran Campus Ministry New Horizons St. Clare Health Mission-La Crosse Sugar Creek (designated scholarships) Total Disbursed Category 1 $500 $1,000 $750 $300 $1,250 $2,000 $200 $6,000 Category 2 Missions of the ELCA Global Barnyard Program Lutheran Disaster Relief Well Project Malaria Campaign Total Disbursed Category 2 $620 $1,400 $275 $525 $2,460 Category 3 Local Capital Improvement Our Savior’s Lutheran for property needs Senior Ministry Outreach Total Disbursed Category 3 $2,240 $500 $2,740 TOTAL DISBURSED FOR 2013 $11,200 Funds are disbursed using the interest earned on the Endowment Fund. 16 CONGREGATION COUNCIL REVIEW The Congregation Council met on Monday, November 11, with Vice President Mike Alumbaugh presiding. At this meeting the council: Heard from Dana Roemhild about our youth ministry program, with Dana leading devotions for the meeting. Received and approved the minutes from October, along with the treasurer’s report for October, and the pastor’s reports for October. Received and accepted Pastor Vern Skarstad’s resignation as of the end of November. Discussed ways to thank Pastor Vern for his service to Our Savior’s, and set the thank you date for January 18/19. Received the Mission Endowment grant for capital improvement needs and establishing a Senior Outreach Ministry. Received a gift from Jim Michelson to match the Endowment Fund gift for senior ministry. Received a proposal to realign some of the funds held by the congregation. Tabled the proposal in order to be able to study and discuss it at a future date. Previewed the new web site. Discussed a number of items including recruiting ushers and readers, annual report assignments, emergency procedures, and synod assembly voting members. Decided to change the budget line from “synod missions” to “Lutheran Campus Ministry” to more accurately reflect the recipient of these gifts. This does not affect our regular synod support. Received the following into membership: Kevin and Becky Murphy (Andrew, Katie, Kenzie), Nicki Kammel (Spencer, Reice, Morgan), Clark and Melissa Olson (Brielle, Landon), Rich and Beth Clements (Eva, Sophia, William), Wendy Kane (Kamryn), and Jackie Hartmann. Designated Pastor Jon and Jill Iliff as authorized persons to work with the Edward Jones accounts. Authorized the purchase and installation of a 60” flat screen TV in the Gathering Area for overflow worship. Authorized the purchase or creation of a new paschal candle stand. Noted that the December council meeting will be at Pastor Jon and Pastor Jean’s home, and include a Christmas party with families. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer. The council meets again on Monday, December 9. See Corey Sjoquist or one of the pastors if you have any questions. DISCERNING GOD’S CALL It’s no secret that we have some challenges…and some HUGE opportunities at Our Savior’s these days. Lots of new families, Sunday School bursting at the seams, and a wee bit of uncertainty as to what we should do. At the same time, however, we have some properties, lots of gifted folk, and most of all – what has been handed down to us by the generations before us – the good news of Jesus! Beginning in January, we will begin a process of discerning God’s call to us as a congregation. We will invite all members and friends of Our Savior’s to a series of conversations about what God is up to in our midst and around us. We will want to hear from you as we share our insights and observations – and most of all, as we share together in prayer and reflection. Pastor Jon has gathered a team to work with him to plan our gatherings. Watch for more details, especially in the January Our Savior’s Voice. For now, keep praying – God is at work and God is working through us! 17 DECEMBER ACOLYTES December ACOLYTES December 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 24 25 29 READERS December READERS December 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 24 25 29 6 p.m. Brent Heilman Anna Jacobson Breana Jones Austin Kennedy 8 a.m. 10/10:30 a.m. Jayden Beckley Carlie Burkhardt McKenzie Fitzpatrick Haley Freybler Molly Hunter Zach Ihle Alex Jeranek Abby Johnson Christmas Eve 1:30 p.m. Kate Nuttleman 3:30 p.m. Sarah Novak 5:30 p.m. ________________ 10:00 p.m. Ted Tiber Christmas Day 10 a.m. Travis Reedich Emily Trautman Mallorie Trautsch 6 p.m. Mary Czajka Carol Wittenberg Kathy Brisson Connie Pinski 8 a.m. 10/10:30 a.m. Ken Spraetz Dana Roemhild Gus Zabel Gary Berg Jeanne Peterson Carla Burkhardt Vernetta Moe Marjorie Anderson Christmas Eve 1:30 p.m. Paul Ranum 3:30 p.m. Candice Stoll 5:30 p.m. Errol Kindschy 10:00 p.m. Jeff Haldeman Christmas Day 10 a.m. Paul Ranum Paul Ranum Jenny Leren 18 SHUT-IN COMMUNION SERVERS December Paul and Marilyn Ranum SATURDAY COMMUNION SERVERS 6 p.m. (Dates in bold are Communion dates) December 7 Judy Gilbert Marty Frank (Offering) 14 Vernetta Moe 21 Lee Fernstaedt Vernetta Moe (Offering) 28 Tim Tiber COMMUNION SERVERS (Dates in bold are Communion dates) 8 a.m. 10/10:30 a.m. December 1 Mike Alumbaugh Vernetta Moe Sharon Olson Jeff Haldeman 8 Mike Alumbaugh Todd Michael Allyson Bottem April Haldeman 15 Dean Olson Corey Sjoquist 22 Dean Olson Corey Sjoquist Cathryn Bottem Eric Iliff December 24 Christmas Eve 1:30 p.m. Denise Jones Dean Olson Carla Burkhardt 3:30 p.m. Erik Peterson Dottie Baumgartner Lee Fernstaedt Sandi Stavlo 5:30 p.m. __________ Norma Piper Tim Tiber 25 29 10:00 p.m. Jeff Haldeman Melissa Haldeman Christmas Day 10 a.m. __________ Ruby Kerkman Pam Gresens ALTAR GUILD Shari Aleckson SATURDAY USHERS 6 p.m. _______________ _______________ 19 USHERS December 8 a.m. Rick Morgan Harlan Oldendorf Ken Spraetz Gus Zabel 10/10:30 a.m. Steve Noffke Mark Johnson Paul Beckley Justin Beckley Advent services at 7 p.m.—Confirmation Groups Christmas Eve—1:30 p.m. Jim Anderson Marjorie Anderson Trygve Anderson Thor Anderson Christmas Eve—3:30 p.m. Ken Spraetz Tim Goodenough Boston Goodenough Keith Goetzinger Christmas Eve—5:30 p.m. Rick Morgan Harlan Oldendorf Tim Tiber Ken Piper Christmas Eve—10 p.m. Monte Wick Jared Haldeman Christmas Day—10 a.m. Eric Ender Bev Bockenhauer OUR SAVIOR’S STAFF Pastor Jonathan Schmidt, Senior Pastor 608-612-0217 Email: [email protected] Pastor Jean Schmidt, Associate Pastor 608-612-0217 Email: [email protected] Kay Niemeier, Parish Secretary Church Office: 786-0030 Fax Number: 786-0951 Email: [email protected] Dana Roemhild, Director of Youth & Family Ministry 608-280-1200 Email: [email protected] Jill Iliff, Treasurer Linda Berg, Organist Eric Sorenson, Senior Choir Director Rob Wiese, Custodian Lynnette Wick, Money Counter Web Site: oursaviorswestsalem.org 20
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